主持【發現農民力】節目,我見證台灣畜牧業的高水準,由中華民國養鹿協會嚴選台灣本土鹿茸,農委會輔導掛保證,醫藥工業技術發展中心科學精萃研發的 【 #茸益飲 】 優質品牌,品質保障,通過ISO22000及HACCP驗證,使用國產鹿茸的保健產品。
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鹿茸血酒功效 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 八卦
⭐ 高血壓沒有症狀往往到出現併發症才得知
⭐ 記得定期測量血壓
西芹 — 性涼,有清熱平肝、利水、健胃、降血壓、降血脂的功效。西芹屬性偏涼,脾胃虛寒者不宜進食。
通菜 — 性寒,具有解熱防暑、清熱涼血、降血壓、通便秘的作用。通菜性寒,胃寒胃痛者及脾胃虛寒腹瀉者不宜食用。
海帶 — 性寒,具有化痰軟堅、清熱利水、降血壓作用。海帶性寒,胃寒胃痛者及孕婦勿吃。
洋蔥 — 性溫,有祛風發汗、降血壓、降血脂、降血糖功效。素患眼疾者不宜。
蒜頭 — 性溫,有暖脾胃、行滯氣、降血壓、降血脂及殺菌的功效。素患眼疾者不宜。
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Ingredients to lower blood pressure
Blood pressure is the pressure exerted on the walls of blood vessels as the heart pumps. Normal blood pressure allows blood through the body so that oxygen and nutrients can reach each part of the body. Urbanties tend to eat more meat and less vegetables, too many thick sauced foods, have a stressful life, not exercise enough, have frequent work related dinner, sleep late. All of these can lead to high blood pressure, which is an "invisible killer". As high blood pressure can easily induce coronary heart disease, heart disease, stroke and other serious illnesses, adults should check their blood pressure regularly. If they find that the blood pressure is high, they should adjust their diet and eat ingredients with blood pressure lowering effects, such as celery, water spinach, kelp, onion, and garlic. Have a diet with more vegetables and less meat and lightly seasoned. They need to choose food that are less oily, avoid thick sauce and stimulating foods. Quit smoking and alcohol, and do not eat too much tonic foods, such as ginseng, angelica root, pilose antler. Regularly exercising can relieve stress and maintain blood pressure stability. If you have any questions about blood pressure, you should consult a professional healthcare professional.
Celery- cool in nature, can clear heat and calm the liver, strengthen the stomach and promote diuresis. Celery lowers blood pressure and blood lipids. As it is cool in nature, it is not suitable for those with asthenic spleen and stomach.
Water spinach- cold in nature, can clear summer heat, cool blood, lower the blood pressure and relieve constipation. As it is cold in nature, it is not suitable for those with cold stomach, stomachache or asthenic weak spleen and stomach.
Kelp – cold in nature, can clear phlegm and soften hard mass, clear heat and promote diuresis, and lower blood pressure. As it is cold in nature, it is not suitable for those with cold stomach, stomachache and pregnant women.
Onion - warm in nature, can dispel wind and promote perspiration, lower blood pressure, blood Iipids and blood sugar. It is not suitable for those with eye diseases.
Garlic - warm in nature, can warm the spleen and stomach, promote qi, lower blood pressure and blood Iipids, and anti-bacterial. It is not suitable for those with eye diseases.
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鹿茸血酒功效 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 八卦
說起坐月,「雞」好像是食療中的主角,滴雞精有如坐月必備補品。進補要看體質,尤其平素生活忙碌、容易心煩氣躁、晚睡、嗜重口味食物都會令體質偏向熱性。擁有此類體質的媽媽如果產後過分進補— 每天飲用鹿茸、高麗蔘、雞湯、紅棗、雞酒等熱性食療,不但會令心情更煩躁、潮熱盜汗、便秘、生口瘡等,產後哺乳者,更會把其「溫熱」傳給嬰兒,導致嬰兒出現睡不安寧、哭鬧不停、便秘、出汗疹等症狀。假如想以雞進補,又怕太溫補,可以選擇烏雞,烏雞屬性平和,有滋陰的功效,可補氣血養陰,對產後復元皆有幫助。話雖如此,但依然要適可而止,兩星期1-2次都足夠了。
During confinement month, chicken is one of the healing ingredients often used. Chicken essence is one of the most common stocked foods during this period. But it's important to eat tonic foods according to your body constitution. Those who are usually very busy, irritable, have frequent late nights, and prefer stronger flavored foods may have heat-related body types. For these mommies, over eating tonic foods such as pilose antler, panax ginseng, chicken soup, and Chinese dates and fried rice water after labor will worsen the symptoms and even lead to excessive sweating, constipation and canker sores. Mommies who breastfeed can pass these symptoms to their newborn too causing the baby to have poor sleep, become irritable, be constipated, and develop eczema. For those who want to use chicken to replenish their bodies but are worried about the heat symptoms, black chicken is a good alternative. Black chicken is mild in nature, can nourish yin, replenish qi and blood, and is suitable for postpartum recovery. It is however still important to take in moderation, have it 1-2 times per week.
Chicken- warm in nature, can replenish qi and blood, and warm the stomach. Not suitable for those with a flu or those with damp heat and phlegm and dampness body constitution. Suitable for those with asthenic body types and those who recovered from chronic illness.
Black chicken- mild in nature, can replenish yin, clean heat, nourish lungs and kidneys. Suitable for those with yin deficiency body constitution.
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怎么样辨别鹿茸血和鹿血,两者外观上很相似,但是功效区别很大. ... <看更多>