銅鑼灣新開一間以🇭🇰香港懷舊風做主題既火鍋店, 每個角落、餐具都充滿港式味道, 火鍋配料款式多兼真材實料, 值得一試!😉
湯底超過二十款, 我就揀左最平既【懷舊濃沙爹湯】HK$78
沙爹味特濃, 濃到有少少鹹, 加湯後亦唔會太影響濃度
【西班牙豬肉】HK$82 (回味指數: ★★★★★)
🐽豬肉呈粉紅色, 質地鮮嫩, 食落唔會起渣
【鮮蝦雲吞】HK$75 (回味指數: ★★★★★)
表面冇水氣, 餡料很足, 入面有豬肉+原隻鮮甜爽口蝦🦐, 推介必試!😍😍👍🏻
【鮮牛肉粒】HK$128 (回味指數: ★★★★☆)
每粒牛肉粒牛脂分佈平均, 表面冇雪氣, 色澤鮮紅, 質地鮮嫩夠林
【五寶丸】HK$82 (回味指數: ★★★★☆)
包括有牛筋丸、墨魚丸、梅菜豬肉、蝦丸、鯪魚丸; 丸類都幾彈牙, 特別係墨魚丸同埋蝦丸, 鮮甜得黎入面分別混入左墨魚同埋蝦粒增加口感~
【脆鯇魚腩】HK$92 (回味指數: ★★★★☆)
魚腩札實爽口, 新鮮冇雪味
環境富有香港特色🇭🇰, 座位都幾闊落, 食物質素有驚喜, 值得推介既打卡火鍋店!👍🏻
醬料: HK$15/位; 前菜HK$20/碟
星期一至日: 18:00 - 02:30
同區搵食: #keresa_銅鑼灣
菜式類別: #keresa_火鍋
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@ 樓下火鍋飯店
同時也有112部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過67萬的網紅Fred吃上癮,也在其Youtube影片中提到,有道是:[瑞典出肉丸,瑞德出肉球。] 瑞德的肉球有三絕 好吃-豐富的美味會在你的口中爆開! 新奇-表面的黑色顆粒竟然不是黑胡椒? 好玩-舒適的手感讓你一捏再捏! 只有真正的高手 才能做出的肉丸 訂閱廚佛:youtube.com/c/ChefgodFred 更多神奇料理:https://ez2o...
豬肉蝦丸 在 Fred吃上癮 Youtube 的評價
Dj Quads - Fun Time (Non-Copyrighted Music)
豬肉蝦丸 在 邱奕榮愛釣魚 Youtube 的評價
#釣魚 #夜市 #超好吃
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邱奕榮愛釣魚 粉絲專頁 https://www.facebook.com/taiwan.love.fishing/
邱奕榮臉書FB 歡迎各位老板找我們拍攝節目歐
豬肉蝦丸 在 {{越煮越好}}Very Good Youtube 的評價
⬇️⬇️English recipe follows⬇️⬇️
1. 冬菇,滾水浸,放微波爐焗15秒。
2. 蝦,清水解凍。
3. 瑤柱仔,清水沖洗乾淨,放碗中,加入滾水,浸至軟身,保留碗中水分。
4. 冬菇已焗好,清水沖洗乾淨。再加入滾水,浸至軟身,保留碗中水分,再放微波爐焗2分鐘。
5. 找一個容器可以打直放好冬瓜。
6. 冬瓜,清水洗乾淨表皮。
7. 用小刀去冬瓜芯,刮乾淨冬瓜籽,每邊留有冬瓜肉1厘米。
8. 用小刀沿冬瓜邊起出冬瓜肉。
9. 冬瓜肉,放水喉下,一邊洗乾淨,一邊洗走籽。
10. 冬瓜肉,切粒,放碗中。
11. 薑,去皮,切片。
12. 冬菇仔,1開4。
13. 蝦、帶子及蜆肉已解凍,清水沖洗乾淨,擎乾水。
14. 在蒸架上綁3條繩,以便蒸好時容易取出冬瓜盅。
15. 大火煲滾1煲水,放冬瓜,冚蓋,大火蒸15分鐘。
16. 帶子、蝦及蜆,已擎乾水10分鐘,已乾身,放入碗中。加入調味料:
a. 胡椒粉少許
b. 鮑魚汁半茶匙
1. 冬瓜肉,放入煲。
2. 冬菇,連同碗中的水分,放入煲。
3. 薑片,放入煲。
4. 瑤柱,連同碗中的水分,放入煲。
5. 加入清水100毫升入煲。
6. 大火煲滾以上材料。
7. 免治豬肉,做成肉丸放碟上。
8. 冬瓜湯已滾了15分鐘,加入豬肉丸,冚蓋,滾5分鐘。
9. 已滾了5分鐘,轉慢火,加入帶子、蝦及蜆肉,冚蓋。
10. 冬瓜已蒸好,小心從煲中取出,倒去冬瓜內的水分。
11. 冬瓜湯已滾好,轉大火,試一試味。
12. 加入糖1茶匙,或可以不加糖。
13. 熄火,滾好的冬瓜湯加入冬瓜內。
14. 完成,可享用。
Winter melon soup
Winter melon 2 catty
Frozen shrimps 150g
Frozen scallops 8 Nos.
Clams 3 tbsp
Mushrooms (small) 10 Nos.
Dried scallops (small) 3 tbsp
Ginger (small) 1 No.
Minced pork meat 200g
1. Mushrooms, soak in boiled~up water. Microwave it for 15 seconds.
2. Shrimps, defrost with tap water.
Scallops, defrost with tap water.
Clams, defrost with tap water.
3. Scallops, rinse with tap water. Put in a bowl. Add boiled~up water. Soak until they are soft. Retain the water in the bowl as well.
4. Mushrooms have been microwaved, rinse with tap water. Pour boiled~up water into mushrooms until they have softly soaked. Retain the water in the bowl. Microwave for 2 minutes more.
5. Find a container which can fit winter melon to be put vertically.
6. Winter melon, rinse its skin with tap water.
7. Use a small knife to remove the seeds in the middle of winter melon. Flesh of winter melon to be retained 1cm from each side of the winter melon.
8. Use a small knife to get the flesh in the middle of winter melon.
9. Flesh of winter melon, put under a tap. Get it rinsed, removing the seeds at the same time.
10. Flesh of winter melon, get it diced. Put in a bowl.
11. Ginger, get it peeled. Slice it.
12. Mushrooms, each one is to be divided into 4 shares.
13. Shrimps, scallops and clams have been defrosted. Rinse thoroughly and hang dry.
14. Tie 3 strings on steaming rack, in order to help easy to get the winter melon from pot after steaming well.
15. Heat up a pot of water at high flame. Put winter melon. Cover up the pot. Steam at high flame for 15 minutes.
16. Scallops, shrimps and clams have been hung dry for 10 minutes. Put in a bowl. Add seasoning:
a. Pepper little
b. Abalone sauce 0.5 tsp
Mix well.
1. Flesh of winter melon, put into pot.
2. Mushrooms, with water in bowl, put into pot.
3. Ginger slices, put into pot.
4. Scallops, with water in bowl, put into pot.
5. Add water 100ml into pot.
6. Heat up all the ingredients at high flame.
7. Minced pork, make as meatballs. Put on plate.
8. Winter melon soup has been cooked for 15 minutes, put meatballs. Cover up the pot, and cook for 5 minutes.
9. Have already cooked for 5 minutes, turn to low flame, put scallops, shrimps and clams. Cover up the pot.
10. Winter melon has been steamed well. Take it out from pot carefully. Pour away water in it.
11. Winter melon soup has been steamed well. Turn to high flame. Taste it.
12. Add sugar 1 tsp. It is OK or if you do not do so.
13. Turn off fire, pour the cooked soup inside the winter melon.
14. Complete. Serve.
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豬肉蝦丸 在 鲜虾猪肉丸| 简单零失败的小丸子,没有味精,靠它也能提鲜 的八卦
鲜虾 猪肉 丸| 简单零失败的小丸子,没有味精,靠它也能提鲜. 10K views · 4 years ago ...more. 诗铭Cimie. 2.73K. Subscribe. 2.73K subscribers. 58. ... <看更多>
豬肉蝦丸 在 Q彈鮮蝦肉丸| Shrimp Meatballs | Chinese Food - YouTube 的八卦
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豬肉蝦丸 在 學起來!!超快速清燉蘿蔔湯~豬肉蝦丸DIY! 家常丸子混搭蘿蔔 的八卦
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