【#咖啡故我在 募資計畫外掛抽獎 🎁】
或許... 正是台灣友邦 #瓜地馬拉 🇬🇹 呦!
快來聽聽瓜國駐台 #葛梅茲大使 的誠意解說
特有的 #火山咖啡 🌋 更是咖啡控此生必喝❗️
豆體飽滿、帶有上等酸味和果香 ☕️
喝下這頂級風味的 #台瓜友好
還可以幫助當地 #馬雅 原住民和小農婦女呢~
快響應計畫直接買起來 👉🏻 https://reurl.cc/9XmXOj
還在觀望的朋友 🤔
小編先送上精美好物讓你好好考慮一下 👇🏻
#咖啡濾掛包禮盒 #瓜國風情袖套 #國合會束口袋
以上品項限量各 3 個
想要得到的就來抽吧 👊🏻
12/20 台北時間 23:59 前
完成以下步驟直接 get 抽獎資格
🔺公開 #分享 這篇貼文
🔺下方留言 #標註3位朋友 並 #回答以下問題 (答案就在影片中) :
1️⃣ 瓜地馬拉境內有幾座火山?
2️⃣ 咖啡採收期間,瓜地馬拉全國大約會投入多少生產人力?
3️⃣ 瓜地馬拉有幾大咖啡產區?
4️⃣ 瓜地馬拉以何種原住民文化著名?
5️⃣ 您認為該如何提升小農婦女的權益呢?
#TaiwanCanHelp #TaiwanIsHelping
Embajada de Guatemala en Taiwán
There’s nothing quite like a warm mug of #coffee on a #WinterMorning to set you up for the day ahead. But wouldn’t it be nice if you knew that you were supporting indigenous, women-led and sustainable #SMEs at the same time? The TaiwanICDF財團法人國際合作發展基金會 Twilight crowdfunding initiative, which we previously posted about, is still live and can help you do just that! For a limited time only hand-woven Guatemalan bags are available on the site!
You can also show your support for the scheme by entering our prize draw, with prizes including 3 drip coffee bag sets, 3 pairs of Guatemalan style arm warmers, and 3 ICDF drawstring bags.
All you need to do before 23:59 on December 20 is:
1) Share this post publicly
2) Tag three friends in the comments section along with the answers to the following questions:
Q1: How many volcanoes does the Ambassador tell us are in Guatemala?
Q2: Around how many people does the Ambassador say are directly or indirectly involved in the production of coffee in any given harvest in Guatemala?
Q3: How many coffee-growing regions are there in Guatemala according to the Ambassador?
Q4: What famous indigenous culture is Guatemala at the center of according to the Ambassador?
Q5: How do you think the rights of small-scale female coffee producers can be safeguarded?
If you still need convincing, Ambassador Willy Alberto Gómez Tirado’s description of the coffee and the cause are worth a listen!
More info here: https://bit.ly/3lAS7Pc
#SDG1 #NoPoverty #SDG5 #GenderEquality #SDG8 #DecentWorkAndEconomicGrowth #SDG10 #ReduceInequalities #SDG12 #ResponsibleConsumptionAndProduction
#TaiwanCanHelp #TaiwanIsHelping
葛梅茲大使 在 Rare 絕無僅有- Selena Gomez 席琳娜葛梅茲中英歌詞中文字幕 的八卦

睽違樂壇將近五年之後這一次她把生活的點點滴滴都誠實的寫進歌曲要突破所有心房讓全球樂迷聽見最真誠的Selena GomezRare 絕無僅有已經在各大數位串流 ... ... <看更多>
葛梅茲大使 在 Selena Gomez 席琳娜葛梅茲中英歌詞中文字幕| Liya Music Land 的八卦

睽違樂壇將近五年之後這一次她把生活的點點滴滴都誠實的寫進歌曲要突破所有心房讓全球樂迷聽見最真誠的Selena GomezRare 絕無僅有已經在各大數位串流 ... ... <看更多>
葛梅茲大使 在 賽琳娜·瑪麗·葛梅茲 - 求真百科 的八卦
賽琳娜·瑪麗·葛梅茲(英語:Selena Marie Gomez,/səˈliːnə məˈriː ˈɡoʊmɛz/ ... 席琳娜也參與了許多慈善活動,她在17歲時就成了聯合國兒童基金會大使。 ... <看更多>