處長酈英傑昨天也啟動了第二次的AIT@40「數位對話」,並邀請台灣大眾就「促進美台及大印太區域更緊密的經濟及商業關係」發表建言。想和AIT分享你對美台經商合作的看法嗎?對處長昨天的演講有什麼回應嗎?現在就到AIT官網參加「數位對話」!參加請按此:https://www.ait.org.tw/z…/ait-at-40-zh/digital-dialogues-zh/ #DigitalDialogue #AITat40 #AITat40Celebraton #USTaiwanRelations #IndoPacific #FreeandOpenIndoPacific #TechnologyandDigitalEconomyMonth
"Taiwan is not alone. It is part of large family committed to the same shared values. Its future remains firmly anchored in a free and open Indo-Pacific,” AIT Director Christensen said at an AIT-TAITRA Forum on Deepening Economic Ties in the Indo-Pacific. AIT Director Christensen yesterday gave a major policy address detailing the U.S. strategy for a free and open Indo-Pacific, why Taiwan is a trusted partner for the world, as well as identified current cooperation and immediate economic priorities between the U.S. and Taiwan. Director Christensen also pointed out that Taiwan’s shining example proves, contrary to assertions by others, that Chinese culture is, in fact, deeply compatible with democracy and an open economy. Read Director Christensen’s remarks here: https://www.ait.org.tw/sp-06182019/
Yesterday Director Christensen also launched the second AIT@40 Digital Dialogue and asked the Taiwan public to tell AIT “what are your ideas for how we can promote closer economic and commercial ties between the United States, Taiwan, and the larger Indo-Pacific?” This is your chance to let AIT know your thoughts, and your responses to what is detailed in Director Christensen’s policy address yesterday. Don’t miss it! To participate: https://www.ait.org.tw/z…/ait-at-40-zh/digital-dialogues-zh/
深化印太地區經濟關係論壇 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 八卦
美國司法部日前發布新聞稿指出,根據芝加哥聯邦法院公開的起訴書,一名曾在芝加哥郊區一家火車頭製造商工作的軟體工程師,竊取公司機密資訊並帶至中國。Xudong Yao或稱為William Yao,目前57歲,面臨9項竊取營業秘密的罪名指控。Yao依然在逃,據信目前人在中國。根據美國司法部,盜竊營業秘密可判處高達10年的有期徒刑。AIT處長酈英傑曾在6月18日的「深化印太地區經濟關係論壇」致詞提到:「美國嚴重關切中國扭曲市場的補貼措施、盜竊智慧財產權行為及缺乏市場導向的作法。」司法部推文: https://twitter.com/TheJusticeDe…/status/1149336735656099840
The U.S. Department of Justice released a press statement stating that a software engineer at a suburban Chicago locomotive manufacturer stole proprietary information from the company and took it to China, according to an indictment unsealed this week in federal court in Chicago. Xudong Yao, also known as “William Yao,” 57, is charged with nine counts of theft of trade secrets. Yao is currently at large and believed to be residing in China. According to MOJ, theft of trade secrets is punishable by a maximum sentence of 10 years in prison. AIT Director Brent Christensen said in a June 18 speech at the Forum on Deepening Economic Ties in the Indo-Pacific that “the United States has serious concerns about China’s market-distorting subsidies, theft of intellectual property, and lack of market-oriented approach.” The tweet of MOJ: https://twitter.com/TheJusticeDe…/status/1149336735656099840
深化印太地區經濟關係論壇 在 外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan) Facebook 八卦
美國在台協會 AIT 酈英傑處長在 #深化印太地區經濟關係論壇 中表示 💬「台灣是堅守 #共享相同價值 大家庭的一員,台灣的未來仍將堅定地與 #自由 且 #開放 的印太區域緊緊相繫。」同時也讚稱台灣是美國在亞太地區 #值得信賴的夥伴 。:.゚ヽ(*´∀`)ノ゚.:。
#勇敢自信 #世界同行 #台美恆久夥伴 🇹🇼🇺🇸
At the recent Forum on Deepening Economic Ties in the Indo-Pacific, the director of the American Institute in Taiwan’s Taipei office, William Brent Christensen, affirmed that Taiwan is part of a large family committed to the same shared values. Its future remains firmly anchored in a #free and #open #IndoPacific.' He also praised Taiwan for serving as a trusted partner to the #US in the region!
Read his speech in English here: https://bit.ly/2ZzZwnk
#TaiwanCanHelp #SharedValues #TRA40 💎
處長酈英傑昨天也啟動了第二次的AIT@40「數位對話」,並邀請台灣大眾就「促進美台及大印太區域更緊密的經濟及商業關係」發表建言。想和AIT分享你對美台經商合作的看法嗎?對處長昨天的演講有什麼回應嗎?現在就到AIT官網參加「數位對話」!參加請按此:https://www.ait.org.tw/z…/ait-at-40-zh/digital-dialogues-zh/ #DigitalDialogue #AITat40 #AITat40Celebraton #USTaiwanRelations #IndoPacific #FreeandOpenIndoPacific #TechnologyandDigitalEconomyMonth
"Taiwan is not alone. It is part of large family committed to the same shared values. Its future remains firmly anchored in a free and open Indo-Pacific,” AIT Director Christensen said at an AIT-TAITRA Forum on Deepening Economic Ties in the Indo-Pacific. AIT Director Christensen yesterday gave a major policy address detailing the U.S. strategy for a free and open Indo-Pacific, why Taiwan is a trusted partner for the world, as well as identified current cooperation and immediate economic priorities between the U.S. and Taiwan. Director Christensen also pointed out that Taiwan’s shining example proves, contrary to assertions by others, that Chinese culture is, in fact, deeply compatible with democracy and an open economy. Read Director Christensen’s remarks here: https://www.ait.org.tw/sp-06182019/
Yesterday Director Christensen also launched the second AIT@40 Digital Dialogue and asked the Taiwan public to tell AIT “what are your ideas for how we can promote closer economic and commercial ties between the United States, Taiwan, and the larger Indo-Pacific?” This is your chance to let AIT know your thoughts, and your responses to what is detailed in Director Christensen’s policy address yesterday. Don’t miss it! To participate: https://www.ait.org.tw/z…/ait-at-40-zh/digital-dialogues-zh/