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【首爾*美食】LOCO LOCO蒸海鮮專門店@DULL
【 釜山*美食篇】五大最好食餐廳
#滑水梯 #GOtrip韓國遊 #全城跣一鑊
同時也有11部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過9萬的網紅Hak Me,也在其Youtube影片中提到,之前有朋友通知我我用開既PeterThomasRoth青瓜面膜減價,做成折做到5月1號,所以我走咗去萬寧回購咗4粒,再買少少其他野!另外兩年前買既Samsonite旅行喼用左幾次有個位爛咗,所以我地想拎去整,但係銅鑼灣時代廣場嗰間唔收Repair,所以遲少少先再整,反而我地去鼎泰豐食小籠包就算,都好...
好食餐廳 在 曾玄玄 Sena Facebook 八卦
好食餐廳 在 倫敦人妻先生手記 Facebook 八卦
話說呢幾日飲食界的熱話,一定要數「飲食陀地」Eat Sleep Recycle出鱔稿話餐廳阿元來了完勝另一間餐廳程班長。
其實出鱔稿無問題,但大家各有各讚、賣花讚花香咪算囉,好似早排教大家去泥頭山上面燒烤的著名Food Beggar Hello Pinkey周圍食咁,寫間間餐廳都好食,餐廳開心、啲讀者又開心咁去中伏,幾好?
結果被食評界前輩「猛烈南瓜在飯桌」出手K.O.了,其實面對呢啲自稱紅人的飲食陀地,應付方法好簡單:Check fan base,查完後發現佢個專頁九千人入面,有一大堆粉絲都係埃及人,嗯,原來埃及人都好鍾意香港美食呢!
但最大的問題是,他們吸取了餐廳的盈利後,餐廳為了生存,自然會從其他地方節省成本,你幻想一下被劣食教母Hello Pinkey吸一下,輕則唔見幾千、重則唔見一兩萬蚊「拍條片」,一間餐廳仔有幾多個一兩萬可以被他們壓榨?結果必然是用更劣質的食材、用廉價聘請伙記,出來的食物又怎會好食?
最後,這個Eat Sleep Recycle,如同一眾MK陀地,被炮轟後出一篇文講自己不會刪post,但數小時後,連page也刪了,嗯,這是典型的一路鬧、一路退後,傳說中的_著走佬。
好食餐廳 在 Hak Me Youtube 的評價
Hope you enjoy this #hakmevlogs so far and be sure to stayed tuned for more! I do two videos a week on Tuesday and Thursday at 9.00am (Hong Kong Time). Do subscribe as I'd love to see you again! Xoxo.
Information Featured:
Fancl 4件護膚品用後感分享 [玫瑰痤瘡適用] | 黑咪
Review: https://youtu.be/y7hTKzrzRvE
Open Rice Details: https://tinyurl.com/ybo7ytp2
What Am I Wearing:-
Foundation: Nars Natural Radiant Longwear Foundation from http://bit.ly/2HjkYUU
Top: Balmain Studded Logo T Shirt from http://bit.ly/2K5G8I9
Accessories: Dinh Van Bracelet + Cartier Love Bracelet SM (Blog: http://tinyurl.com/mgs7o2c) + DPT Endless Diamonds Bracelet (Link: http://bit.ly/2BQz11h)
♡黑咪店地址: https://www.hakmebeauty.com/store-locations/
♡黑咪店Online: https://shop.hakmebeauty.com
♡黑咪店Instagram: @hakmebeauty
Where To Find Me:-
♥ Blog: www.hakmebeauty.com
♥ Facebook: www.facebook.com/hakmebeauty
♥ Instagram: @iamhakme
♥ Snapchat: iamhakme
♥ Shop My Collection at Carousell: @iamhakme
♥ Twitter: twitter.com/iamhakme
♥ Weibo: www.weibo.com/iamhakme
Disclaimer: This video is created and edited by me. All the content are my own thoughts. As always, all opinions are based on my experience and honest. Products are either purchased by me or for those which are sent by PR are marked with an “*”. For any collaboration with brands which involves monetary payment, “#Ad” will be in the video so that you are aware of the collaboration. Some of the links used above might be affiliate links and please be aware that I will earn a % of commission if you decide to buy through the affiliate links.
好食餐廳 在 Hak Me Youtube 的評價
之前有好多朋友問我會唔會有淘寶開箱片,啱啱入手左少量文具,同大家做個迷你開箱分享一下。另一日就比較多采多姿少少(對我黎講啦),先係同店長去一個Chanel Event睇手袋,當晚就一齊同管家去中環IFC Glasshouse食生日飯,環境唔錯,但係就嘈少少,講野都要大聲啲,野就好食! 大家都可以去試下! 我哋又下一個vlog見啦!
Hope you enjoy this #hakmevlogs so far and be sure to stayed tuned for more! I do two videos a week on Tuesday and Thursday at 9.00am (Hong Kong Time). Do subscribe as I'd love to see you again! Xoxo.
Information Featured:
Mango Tree Cafe
Open Rice Details: https://tinyurl.com/y8hbl54l
+ 德国灯塔Leuchtturm 1917 绘图本绘画本素描本水彩本厚
Shop: https://tinyurl.com/yc2y2468
+ 韩国盒装贴纸手账 自填日期框相册装饰日付贴纸封口贴diy手帐本
Shop: https://tinyurl.com/yab889c9
+ JR 韩国文具可爱甜美小图案日记装饰贴纸PVC卡通指甲贴画单张
Shop: https://tinyurl.com/ybdh9bgm
+ 日本Stalogy办公学习文具索引标签贴纸便利贴便签贴N次贴可书写
Shop: https://tinyurl.com/yctzbdc4
+ 日本文具Kanmido 半透明可书写便签贴抽取式波点条纹标签贴索引贴
Shop: https://tinyurl.com/ycaeuc4h
Open Rice Details: https://tinyurl.com/ya2c2cl8
What Am I Wearing:-
Foundation: Nars Natural Radiant Longwear Foundation
Top: Victoria, Victoria Beckham - The Victoria Cotton-jersey T-Shirt - White from http://bit.ly/2u3iIiD + Jacket from Zara
Accessories: Dinh Van Bracelet + Cartier Love Bracelet SM (Blog: http://tinyurl.com/mgs7o2c) + DPT Endless Diamonds Bracelet (Link: http://bit.ly/2BQz11h)
♡黑咪店地址: https://www.hakmebeauty.com/store-locations/
♡黑咪店Online: https://shop.hakmebeauty.com
♡黑咪店Instagram: @hakmebeauty
Where To Find Me:-
♥ Blog: www.hakmebeauty.com
♥ Facebook: www.facebook.com/hakmebeauty
♥ Instagram: @iamhakme
♥ Snapchat: iamhakme
♥ Shop My Collection at Carousell: @iamhakme
♥ Twitter: twitter.com/iamhakme
♥ Weibo: www.weibo.com/iamhakme
Disclaimer: This video is created and edited by me. All the content are my own thoughts. As always, all opinions are based on my experience and honest. Products are either purchased by me or for those which are sent by PR are marked with an “*”. For any collaboration with brands which involves monetary payment, “#Ad” will be in the video so that you are aware of the collaboration. Some of the links used above might be affiliate links and please be aware that I will earn a % of commission if you decide to buy through the affiliate links.
好食餐廳 在 Hak Me Youtube 的評價
啱啱Sigma有新化妝掃返到黑咪店,我同大家講解一下。 另外,店長同大家分享一下佢囡囡既好笑事,我聽到都笑咗好耐! 另一日,我就同Mr Honey去食譚仔,之後想去shopping,不過行黎行去都無咩啱,所以兩手空空返屋企! 有時真係好邪,想買野既日子係買唔到,無預會買野既日子又會買到! 哈哈~~
Hope you enjoy this #hakmevlogs so far and be sure to stayed tuned for more! I do two videos a week on Tuesday and Thursday at 9.00am (Hong Kong Time). Do subscribe as I'd love to see you again! Xoxo.
Information Featured:
Sigma Most-Wanted Brush Set HK$584
Shop: https://tinyurl.com/y98xbrcx
Sigma It Girl Brush Set HK$400
Shop: https://tinyurl.com/y7zcpv33
Sigma Sheer Cover Brush Set HK$448
Shop: https://tinyurl.com/y7eoslhk
Sigma F42 Stobing Fan Brush HK$144
Shop: https://tinyurl.com/y95eqlwo
Beauty Blender
Shop: https://shop.hakmebeauty.com/collections/beautyblender
What Am I Wearing:-
Foundation: Nars Natural Radiant Longwear Foundation from http://bit.ly/2HjkYUU
Top: Acne Studios Taline T-shirt in Black from http://bit.ly/2pD8sYO
Accessories: Dinh Van Bracelet + Cartier Love Bracelet SM (Blog: http://tinyurl.com/mgs7o2c) + DPT Endless Diamonds Bracelet (Link: http://bit.ly/2BQz11h)
♡黑咪店地址: https://www.hakmebeauty.com/store-locations/
♡黑咪店Online: https://shop.hakmebeauty.com
♡黑咪店Instagram: @hakmebeauty
Where To Find Me:-
♥ Blog: www.hakmebeauty.com
♥ Facebook: www.facebook.com/hakmebeauty
♥ Instagram: @iamhakme
♥ Snapchat: iamhakme
♥ Shop My Collection at Carousell: @iamhakme
♥ Twitter: twitter.com/iamhakme
♥ Weibo: www.weibo.com/iamhakme
Disclaimer: This video is created and edited by me. All the content are my own thoughts. As always, all opinions are based on my experience and honest. Products are either purchased by me or for those which are sent by PR are marked with an “*”. For any collaboration with brands which involves monetary payment, “#Ad” will be in the video so that you are aware of the collaboration. Some of the links used above might be affiliate links and please be aware that I will earn a % of commission if you decide to buy through the affiliate links.
好食餐廳 在 開箱《免費商店、共食餐廳》太好康了吧!裡面的東西隨你拿 的八卦
商店的東西都可以免費拿取,裡頭的東西全是民眾捐贈的,有點「以物易物」、「烏托邦」的味道!商店位在:新竹縣峨眉鄉十二寮十二鄰6-5號旁(十二寮湖 ... ... <看更多>
好食餐廳 在 嘉義美食餐廳|來道好食雞|外帶套餐現折20 - Mobile01 的八卦
餐具採自助方式,也有提供白開水,外面日頭超烈日,一進門冷氣直衝,再來補個水分好點菜,真爽快。 嘉義美食餐廳|來道好食雞|外帶套餐現折20| 吃完採 ... ... <看更多>