#早過SMAP解散嘅一字馬 #一船一網 #多謝sell #多謝nell #多謝hell #星哥去洗頭
多謝nell 在 詩詩酒樂園 CC Wine Voyage Facebook 八卦
多謝大家支持第63集 「#晚吹 - #有酒今晚吹」!呢集嘉賓係有《#山旮旯實習生》嘅 周𧘲君、Ran爺、阿神同Yoshi🥳!🥂🍷🥳多謝好拍擋 #強尼 同 #娟姐!🥳🥂🍷今集分享 #LoireValleyWine,試咗3款包括Domaine Maison Crémant de Loire 、Domaine de Terres Blanches Sancerre Bellechaume 2014及Clau De Nell Anjou Cabernet Franc 2012 年!🥰🥳 🎉多謝支持!分享咗LucAle嘅意大利美食Burrata & Tomato及Rangers Valley OP Rib 配Loire Valley wine!好好味呀!#Cheers! 🥳😋!下星期一23:30 ViuTV 見!
Thanks all for your support on my 63rd TV episode in 「Night Talk - Chit Chat Drink」! Thanks my partners Johnny Hui & Florica Lin! Happy to have the hosts of “The Village Shops” - Aaron Chow, Ranya Lee, Janzen Tsang & Yoshi Yu as the guests. #LoireValleyWines are being featured in this episode, including Domaine Maison Crémant de Loire 、Domaine de Terres Blanches Sancerre Bellechaume 2014及Clau De Nell Anjou Cabernet Franc 2012 ! 🥳🥂🍷🎉I’ve paired Loire Valley wine with Burrata & Tomato及Rangers Valley OP Rib from #LucAleHK! #Yummy! 😋😋 #cheers! 🥳 See u all on next Monday 23:30 at #ViuTV!
靚衫贊助/costume sponsor: Iris & Ink from THE OUTNET.COM
#wine #spirits #talkshow #nighttalk #tvshow #viutv #ccwinevoyage #詩詩酒樂園 #soju #Foodandwine 公啟行 Kung Kai Hong 強尼@Florica Lin 娟姐 #discoverhongkong #IrisandInk #TheOutnet Enoteca Wine Shop Hong Kong Watson's Wine #DomaineMaison #DomainedeTerresBlanches #ClauDeNell
多謝nell 在 《海琪的天空》 陳海琪 Facebook 八卦
#早過SMAP解散嘅一字馬 #一船一網 #多謝sell #多謝nell #多謝hell #星哥去洗頭