/ 假期後症候群 病徵五:日間渴睡 晚上失眠 /
1. 所有材料洗淨,舞茸菇泡水約半日,紅蘿蔔去皮切塊。
2. 鍋中加入約2500毫升水,放入全部材料,武火煮至水滾,調文火煮約1.5小時,最後下鹽調味即可。
Vegetarian soup for quality sleep
Post holiday symptom 5: tired during the day, sleepless at night
What was your sleeping pattern during the holidays? Your sleep schedule might be all messed up due to staying up until wee hours and sleep throughout the day just in time for dinner. As work starts back up, your body may have a hard time adjusting and you are tired during the then sleepless at night. Poor sleep can lead to poor concentration and memory and even irritability.
You can try taking naps during lunch and commute time to relieve the sleep deprivation discomfort. Try this soup to nourish yin and calm the mind to improve sleep quality.
Tips for soups to calm the mind and improve sleep:
Add in appropriate ingredients such as lotus root, poria with hostwood, Chinese red dates, and seed of oriental arborvitae
Maitake mushroom soup with carrot and seed of oriental arborvitae
Effects: nourishes yin and calms the mind, improves sleep quality and night sweats
Ingredients: 2 maitake mushrooms, 2 carrots, 15g seed of oriental arborvitae, 20g lotus seeds, 20g lily bulbs, 10 dried longan meat, 4 Chinese red dates
1. Rinse all ingredients thoroughly. Soak maitake mushrooms for half a day. Peel carrots and cut into pieces.
2. Combine all ingredients with 2500ml of water and cook on high heat until boiling. Turn to low heat and simmer for 1.5 hour. Add salt to taste.
Note: not suitable for those recovering from cold or flu or those with heat related symptoms
#男 #女 #我煩躁 #我枯燥 #失眠
喝碗安神湯水助好眠 在 失眠有5種原因按按穴位、3碗湯飲助深眠| 多夢| 心火旺 的相關結果
平時也可以自己按摩穴位助眠、降心火。 ... 無論是用手按、貼耳豆或用原子筆鈍的一端去壓,效果都很好。 ... 安神定志、降火補氣3碗湯飲助入眠. ... <看更多>
喝碗安神湯水助好眠 在 安神助眠!睡不著,喝一碗阿膠雞蛋湯 - 健康 的相關結果
推薦:廣東省中醫院臨床營養科主要功效:滋陰、養血、安神。 推薦理由:陰虛血少而出現失眠、心悸、心胸煩熱不適、舌紅少苔的人。 ... <看更多>
喝碗安神湯水助好眠 在 【 好睡又好醒妙招大公開】1碗湯護心助眠又能幫先生帶來好運 ... 的相關結果
【 好睡又好醒妙招大公開】1碗湯護心助眠又能幫先生帶來好運,先生喝了心平氣和, ... 百合蛋花湯可以清心安神,還可以滋陰養血,這一道湯 ... <看更多>