點解我睇 #大叔的愛 睇得咁投入?
過去咁多年,大家都見識過TVB點樣喺電視劇入面present LGBT群組架啦。Gay一定係乸型嘅,trans一定係變態殺手,同性關係一定係「有問題」無好下場,角色一定係古明華演蘇基之類嘅騎呢image,等等,所有最負面最古舊嘅stereotype無限放大。各下網上search “TVB同志角色” 會搵到好詳盡嘅資料。
終於,2021年,ViuTV上映呢套 #大叔的愛,唔單止有LGBT representation,仲有田一雄呢一種sexually fluid嘅 representation。有兩男kiss scene,有兩男求婚,有兩男同居,而一切都present得自然舒服,感覺就是跟異性戀愛無異。阿牧阿田可以係兩個乾淨健康嘅鄰家男孩,KK可以係一個事業有成嘅成熟大隻靚佬,Gay唔一定係標奇立異,係肉酸,係不務正業,we can be decent just like everyone else,呢一種方式嘅presentation,係我呢一輩嘅人等咗好耐先等到嘅奇蹟。
最欣慰嘅係,你上ViuTV個fb睇,係完全無嗰啲「嘔心」「該煨」「道德淪亡」「希望佢哋鍾意返女人」等old school homophobic comments, 反而大家係叫阿牧追番阿田,阿田氹番阿牧,KK好有型好可愛等等。好似坊間忽然間好開放好接受同性戀咁添!係咪真架?當然,睇戲還睇戲,現實世界可能係另一回事。但我諗呢套如果係TVB劇,唔好講多,早5年播,我唔相信接受程度會係咁。
所以,我好感動,某程度 #大叔的愛 係幫助緊normalize LGBT community。你睇劇入面,田牧KK嘅同事朋友,除左頭一陣嘅驚訝,之後大家都完全無嘢,唔會大驚小怪。某程度,你身邊嘅人都可以因為睇左 #大叔的愛 而變得咁chill。當一班睇開TVB嘅媽媽,都會同仔女一齊追一齊笑,都會覺得田牧好登對好靚仔,會覺得KK好man好有型,你諗係幾大進步。上一輩嘅可能睇咗呢套劇,而令一個想同屋企come out嘅年青人將會have a much better time coming out,因為佢哋對LGBT社群有咗一個新嘅reference point,唔再係TVB古明華同變態人妖殺手,而係賞心悅目嘅Edan、Anson Lo同黃德斌,Mirror咁紅、德斌又咁有資歷,都肯演同志,其實同志,又真係無咩嘢啫!
對LGBT culture陌生嘅直人,睇完呢套劇亦會洞悉到gay relationship真係more than兩個基佬「玩菊花食香腸」,而係可以好純粹好有愛,會互相照顧互相陪伴just like any other relationship because that's really just the way it is。
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過27萬的網紅Snow E,也在其Youtube影片中提到,拍條片姐 使唔使玩到咁大先? 大佬呀個內心真係勁驚 但係媽咪教我遇到任何事情 都一定要冷靜處理 寧願之後先匿埋喊? 知道Echo冇事嗰一刻 真係情緒崩潰? . 另外如果有睇過我IG Live 我都有同大家講過 我一直都有食開天然鈣片 其實坊間好多嘅鈣片都係化學合成鈣片 食完之後好容易便秘皮膚唔好兼好...
唔想似be 在 Goodbye HK, Hello UK Facebook 八卦
Hong Kong: Sometimes you have to fight for freedom
We in the West have no right to condemn the violence of protesters facing tyranny
《The Times》泰晤士報今日11月28號刊登亞洲編輯Richard Lloyd Parry用咁爆嘅標題「暴走」式癲咗咁去評論香港示威,要留意唔係專欄作家、評論員或者嘉賓投稿呀。內容直情係英文版嘅「和勇合一」,「不割蓆、不篤灰、不指責」,加埋「不完美,可接受」超級專業版國際文宣。真係忍唔住當學英文,節錄幾段亂咁譯同大家「勁文同賞」。
(帶番套Full Gear講明先,係佢「宣揚暴力」同「美化暴徒行為」,本Page只係英文翻譯學術交流流,本人熱愛和平,討厭政治,最憎對抗暴政好似華盛頓同孫中山之類嘅暴徒!但係點解會覺得感動呢?)
//We like our moral heroes to be cuddly, as well as brave, and for the first few months the democracy protesters of Hong Kong met both of these requirements...A million Davids stood up against the Goliath of the Chinese state and people around the world cheered — until, in the past few weeks, it all started to turn nasty.//
然後講述磚頭、汽油彈、投石器同「鶳」出現嘅情況唔重覆,佢話中國政府形容呢班係「暴徒」("thugs")一啲都唔意外,不過覺得好驚訝某啲西方傳媒,特別係嗰啲澳洲報紙用「賊匪」同「蒙面恐怖份子」(“bandits” and “masked terrorists”)做形容詞。
//Let there be no doubt, there is no excuse for beating up people who disagree with you, or who arouse your suspicion because they are speaking mainland Chinese. But these crimes are nothing compared with the institutionalised violence bearing down on the protesters from all sides.//
//Hong Kong is deceptive, at least on superficial acquaintance...But the freedom has iron limits.//
//Despite limited autonomy, they are part of China, a one-party dictatorship with a history of murderously oppressing those who challenge its authority.//
//For all the visible trappings of civilisation, this is not London, New York or Tokyo. The protesters throwing firebombs at the police at the Polytechnic University are not to be compared to anti-war protesters or climate change demonstrators, or any of the activists on the streets of western cities. People in those places have no cause to resort to violence. Whether or not they get what they want, they have multiple means of articulating their grievances in print, on television, via the internet, as well as at the ballot box. In Hong Kong, unlike mainland China, people can express themselves freely but have no means to choose leaders who reflect the popular will.//
//All of us of the right-thinking persuasion pride ourselves on “deploring violence”. But very few of us are true pacifists. In extreme circumstances, faced with a direct threat to the physical wellbeing of ourselves or our loved ones, many of us would raise a fist or something worse. Most people agree that against a threat like that posed by Nazi Germany, for example, even war can be a dreadful necessity.//
//Many of us too would compromise our habitual respect for the authority of police and government if it were wielded in an oppressive and undemocratic way. Imagine some fantasy version of Britain, without genuinely elected leaders, in which a one-party state was encroaching on already limited freedoms. Faced with such a reality, thrown bricks would be the least of it.//
//We are lucky that we will never have to face such oppression. We should not be quick to judge those in Hong Kong who do. Far from condemning them as thugs, we should support them in their struggle, recognise their courage and salute them for their continuing and remarkable restraint.//
Richard Lloyd Parry癲到咁,真係呼籲大家去佢個Twitter教訓下佢:
Photo Source: The Times Capture
唔想似be 在 Goodbye HK, Hello UK Facebook 八卦
Hong Kong: Sometimes you have to fight for freedom
We in the West have no right to condemn the violence of protesters facing tyranny
《The Times》泰晤士報今日11月28號刊登亞洲編輯Richard Lloyd Parry用咁爆嘅標題「暴走」式癲咗咁去評論香港示威,要留意唔係專欄作家、評論員或者嘉賓投稿呀。內容直情係英文版嘅「和勇合一」,「不割蓆、不篤灰、不指責」,加埋「不完美,可接受」超級專業版國際文宣。真係忍唔住當學英文,節錄幾段亂咁譯同大家「勁文同賞」。
(帶番套Full Gear講明先,係佢「宣揚暴力」同「美化暴徒行為」,本Page只係英文翻譯學術交流流,本人熱愛和平,討厭政治,最憎對抗暴政好似華盛頓同孫中山之類嘅暴徒!但係點解會覺得感動呢?)
//We like our moral heroes to be cuddly, as well as brave, and for the first few months the democracy protesters of Hong Kong met both of these requirements...A million Davids stood up against the Goliath of the Chinese state and people around the world cheered — until, in the past few weeks, it all started to turn nasty.//
然後講述磚頭、汽油彈、投石器同「鶳」出現嘅情況唔重覆,佢話中國政府形容呢班係「暴徒」("thugs")一啲都唔意外,不過覺得好驚訝某啲西方傳媒,特別係嗰啲澳洲報紙用「賊匪」同「蒙面恐怖份子」(“bandits” and “masked terrorists”)做形容詞。
//Let there be no doubt, there is no excuse for beating up people who disagree with you, or who arouse your suspicion because they are speaking mainland Chinese. But these crimes are nothing compared with the institutionalised violence bearing down on the protesters from all sides.//
//Hong Kong is deceptive, at least on superficial acquaintance...But the freedom has iron limits.//
//Despite limited autonomy, they are part of China, a one-party dictatorship with a history of murderously oppressing those who challenge its authority.//
//For all the visible trappings of civilisation, this is not London, New York or Tokyo. The protesters throwing firebombs at the police at the Polytechnic University are not to be compared to anti-war protesters or climate change demonstrators, or any of the activists on the streets of western cities. People in those places have no cause to resort to violence. Whether or not they get what they want, they have multiple means of articulating their grievances in print, on television, via the internet, as well as at the ballot box. In Hong Kong, unlike mainland China, people can express themselves freely but have no means to choose leaders who reflect the popular will.//
//All of us of the right-thinking persuasion pride ourselves on “deploring violence”. But very few of us are true pacifists. In extreme circumstances, faced with a direct threat to the physical wellbeing of ourselves or our loved ones, many of us would raise a fist or something worse. Most people agree that against a threat like that posed by Nazi Germany, for example, even war can be a dreadful necessity.//
//Many of us too would compromise our habitual respect for the authority of police and government if it were wielded in an oppressive and undemocratic way. Imagine some fantasy version of Britain, without genuinely elected leaders, in which a one-party state was encroaching on already limited freedoms. Faced with such a reality, thrown bricks would be the least of it.//
//We are lucky that we will never have to face such oppression. We should not be quick to judge those in Hong Kong who do. Far from condemning them as thugs, we should support them in their struggle, recognise their courage and salute them for their continuing and remarkable restraint.//
Richard Lloyd Parry癲到咁,真係呼籲大家去佢個Twitter教訓下佢:
Photo Source: The Times Capture
唔想似be 在 Snow E Youtube 的評價
另外如果有睇過我IG Live
https://bit.ly/3pdI9pO 購買產品
記得要用我嘅promotion code
Anyway 希望大家都鍾意呢一類
Love you all and see you in the next video?
FB / IG: iamsnowwhitewhite
YouTube: Snow E
唔想似be 在 李尚福都被人搞掂唔似係純粹因為貪腐咁簡單解放軍邊個唔貪連 ... 的八卦
習近平#李尚福#青山00:00 李尚福都被人搞掂唔似係純粹因為貪腐咁簡單解放軍邊個唔貪01:00 習近平身邊啲人全部拉清光07:01 解放軍 唔想 打台海係合理而 ... ... <看更多>