🇺🇸台裔美國人發起 🆔#重新認證台灣人身分 活動 Taiwanese ≠ Chinese
TaiwaneseAmerican ≠ ChineseAmerican
#我是台灣人不是中國人 🆚#我是台灣裔不是中國裔
TAIWANESE ARE NOT CHINESE! [U.S. Census PSA] TAIWANESE REPRESENT ! ! ! Write in Taiwanese! Be Counted! Be Recognized!
Are Taiwanese the same as Chinese? No! Make sure you represent! #Taiwan #Taiwanese #Tâioân #臺灣 #Тайвань #台湾 #대만 #ताइवान #Ταϊβάν #Taïwan #ĐàiLoan #GinaWu
We must realize that if we do not make the distinction between Taiwanese and Chinese, then nobody will do it for us. To take it another step further, if you don't determine your own identity, then it will be imposed upon you, as Taiwan's history has demonstrated time and time again. Our parents and ancestors did not have a choice in determining their identities, and they were beaten, jailed, blacklisted, and killed for trying -\-\ because they wanted to ensure that we would have this choice. Today Taiwanese all over the world have the opportunity for the first time in our tragic history to write our own page. The United States is an important ally in ensuring the safety and security of the people of Taiwan. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights says that "All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights." Our friends and family, brothers and sisters in Taiwan are being denied this dignity and these rights. WE can do something about it. THAT is why it matters." - Kristie Wang
T_ell A_ll I _ndividuals W_e A_re a N_ation
Why Taiwan matters read more
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#臺灣成真 #FreeHugs #免費擁抱 #FreeHugs粉絲團
🆘3種台灣人大概是民主自由日子活膩了不刺激也不耐煩了,要和🇨🇳中國 #統一ing 的🇹🇼ROC中滑米果 ,Taiwan呆玩 ,🇳🇫保持現狀ing 人得先看看下方影片.
#Japan #Япония #Japāna #nihon #Nippon
怎麼中國警察拿曰本 #武士刀 ⚔️對付🇬🇧 #UK 記者 ❓
Source 🇬🇧#BBC 中文網 China is holding its national local elections known as one of the world 's top - ranking elections.
Ταϊβάν 在 台灣共識 台灣成真 Facebook 八卦
淚推 #陳水扁總統 的 #台灣宣言 #四要一沒有
當年陳水扁總統說的,換到今天台灣的國際情勢,更加完全適用 ! ! !
「四要」 - 1.台灣要獨立 2.台灣要正名 3.台灣要新憲 4.台灣要發展
「一沒有」 - 台灣沒有所謂左右的問題,只有統獨的問題。
#台灣共識 #臺灣成真 #FormosaTaiwanUnion #FreeHugs
#周玉蔻粉絲團 #彭文正李晶玉 #轉型正義聯盟 #黃國昌粉絲團
#只要還有一口氣 #都要對得起自己 #WorldCountryTaiwan
🇳🇫#Formosa #福爾摩沙 #Taiwan #台湾 #臺灣 #Tâioân #تايوان #Тайвань #대만 #ताइवान #Ταϊβάν #Taïwan #ĐàiLoan #GinaWu
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Ταϊβάν 在 台灣共識 台灣成真 Facebook 八卦
台灣有多麼強大🇳🇫How Powerful Is Taiwan 🇹🇼 繁體字幕版 #FreeHugs #Taiwan_ing #臺灣成真
🇺🇸美國台裔 TaiwaneseAmerican
美籍記者 #凌志美 #LauraLing 在全球主流媒體 #SeekerDaily 報導台灣,附帶八卦: 凌志美的媽媽是我們台灣 #台南人 喔 ! ! !
簡介 : 凌志美 LauraLing 台裔美國人,美國 # 潮流電視台 記者,與其姐姐凌志慧同為 #國家地理頻道 和 # 有線電視新聞網 的特約通訊員. 2009年3月17日因與另一名記者李承恩從中華人民共和國無簽證入境北韓,原被朝鮮方面拘留並判處12年勞動改造,經美國前總統比爾 #柯林頓 的交涉,得到 #金正日 的特赦,已於2009年8月5日離開平壤返回洛杉磯。
🎙 Laura G. Ling is an American #journalist and writer. She worked for # CurrentTV as a correspondent and vice president of its Vanguard Journalism Unit, which produced the # VanguardTV series. She was the host and reporter on E! Investigates, a documentary series on the E! Network.In November 2014, it was announced that Ling joined #Discovery Digital Networks as its Director of Development. Ling is the sister of Lisa Ling, who is a special correspondent for The #OprahWinfreyShow, #NationalGeographic Explorer, and #CNN. Laura Ling and fellow journalist Euna Lee were detained in #NorthKorea after they illegally crossed into North Korea from the People's Republic of # China without a visa. They were tried and convicted, then subsequently pardoned after former #US President #BillClinton flew to North Korea to meet with Kim Jong-il. #Taiwan # 臺灣 #Tâioân # تايوان # Тайвань #台湾 #대만 # ताइवान #Ταϊβάν #Taïwan # ĐàiLoan #免費擁抱
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Video source #StevenHong
Ταϊβάν 在 Στην Ταϊβάν έφτασε η Νανσι Πελόζι - YouTube 的八卦

Παρά τις απειλές του ΠεκίνουΔΙΑΒΑΣΤΕ ΕΠΙΣΗΣ : https://gr.euronews.com/2022/08/02/stin-taiwan-eftase-i-nancy-pelosiΓίνε συνδρομητής! ... <看更多>
Ταϊβάν 在 Κίνα - Ταϊβάν: Σε θέση μάχης ο στρατός της Ταϊπέι - YouTube 的八卦
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