關於twice fb的評價, Jordan Yeoh
Looking back at these photos, here I would like to share with you some of my life changing experien...
Looking back at these photos, here I would like to share with you some of my life changing experien...
子瑜上禮拜有回台灣跟家人一起過中秋呢~~~ 還到了媽媽開的首璽咖啡Leader coffee ...
Looking back at these photos... here I would like...
整個被打臉~抗韓8年卻愛用韓貨? XDD 嗯..記者一定是嘎嫂二伯的粉絲!!!! 哈哈~ 【嘎嫂二...
官方推特更新 ONCE & TWICE will be always with you, TZU...
TWICE子瑜秀長腿小蠻腰 跳GEE致敬少女時代 #拍厝編:子瑜萌萌噠*^0^* #請分享:融合韓國...
SNL8要來啦!!!8:15準時收看🤗 直播網址: http://tv.idol001.com...
子瑜小朋友最可愛♥ 小編好餓 要去買雞排珍奶當宵夜惹 大家有空快去投MAMA啦 GOGOGO~...
第一次上Show Champion就拿一位 恭喜TWICE得到回歸的第二個一位~~~ 好喜歡今...
子瑜~~~~~~ <3 各位乖 快去投MAMA 【MAMA投票】 TWICE已經確定12月...