關於supreme court justice的評價,
The Kichwa people’s lawsuit over Ecuador’s biggest oil spill in a decade is headed to the country’s ...
The Kichwa people’s lawsuit over Ecuador’s biggest oil spill in a decade is headed to the country’s ...
感謝在美國香港網友指正。關於賓州的點票最新局勢是這樣的:美國聯邦法院法官艾里托(US Supreme...
在台灣舉辦李前總統追思的同時,美國亦經歷一位重要的歷史指標人物的逝去。大法官 Ruth Bader ...
Greatly saddened to hear of the passing of former...
Greatly saddened to hear of the passing of former ...
0924紐約時報 *【Breonna Taylor抗議事件現場更新】 路易斯維爾又發生抗議事件,兩...
Justice Chao Hick Tin retired this week after a d...
Sangat menyentap kata kata ini He is Chief Justice...
#耶魯歧視白人及亞裔 這宗可能是近年最有影響的教育公平判決,打兩年官司美國司法部終於有結果了:耶魯涉...