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入住 @lagunaredang 總統套房。兩個私人陽台, 四張陽台椅子和休閒籐椅, 兩個曬衣服毛巾架子,一個私人客廳,兩個大沙發,兩個超級大電視機,私人音響系統, 四間廁所 分為 兩個wc 一個沖涼...

Video - Boys will be Boys ... Since we started the Twins on Soccer Classes every Sunday , Adam & Noah have started showing interest in the game . They been kicking the ball everywhere in the house . If you noticed , our house is totally a baby- proof environment ... no sharp-edges table , low sofas , no staircase , windows are tight locked etc . Hence they are free to roam the entire house without us parents worrying ... Good Morning Everyone . Love As Always ... PS - When I watched these two , how I wish I’m a kid again - just play , play and play with nothing to worry about . Haha

Video - Boys will be Boys ... Since we started the...