關於self righteousness的評價,
"Wherever the powerful revelation of “no condemnation” goes, resurrection life flows!" Friend, did ...
"Wherever the powerful revelation of “no condemnation” goes, resurrection life flows!" Friend, did ...
12星座(zodiac sign)的媽,各是什麼樣子呢? 銜接課的孩子,上週學完星座主題以及自己...
“He spoke also this parable to certain people who ...
The True Miracle Blocker “Isn’t this the carpent...
Job had a root of self-righteousness in him. Throu...
(New Sermon Notes) Job was an upright person. In t...
(New Sermon Notes) Reverend Joe Purcell preached t...
俐媽好認真! 立馬錄了銜接課第一堂的part 1給國三升高一的寶貝們, 明天(5/20 四)晚上邀請...
“To be loved but not known is comforting but super...