關於performances中文的評價, Jessie Chung锺潔希
好戏不断,精彩再续😍星音符剧团28/08/2020为您温馨首演——《没有泪的天空》💦💧 More shows to come! Excitement unending! On August 28, 2...
好戏不断,精彩再续😍星音符剧团28/08/2020为您温馨首演——《没有泪的天空》💦💧 More shows to come! Excitement unending! On August 28, 2...
【台北當代藝博會進入倒數,典藏ARTouch出品APP #臺灣藝術指南 #TWArtGuide】 今年1月台灣再次迎來國際專業境外藝博團隊打造的台北當代藝博會Taipei Dangdai,同時間還...
Thank you Boston Lyric Opera for inviting me to be part of your performance for frontline workers at...
My thanks to Rani Singam, Jeremy Monteiro, and all...
Happy birthday, Singapore! 🇸🇬 This year’s belated...
Well done to Malaysia! Forget about the Gold Meda...
Thank you to those who stayed up to watch my indiv...
Thank you for Td~ I had so much fun. hope you enjo...
31 years ago. I had no mortarboard. No robe. No fl...
Happy birthday to the incomparable Audrey Hepburn...