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做了IUD避孕所以不要再問姐姐:你幾時生 你他媽的我的cibai是給黑哥用的。你的cibai要生孩子你自己去拿屌然後自己生一囉。不要來煩9姐姐幾時生 我diuniamagahai 誰和我說不痛 我都痛到嚇到了(誰騙我不痛 原來很多人說痛是真的) 姐姐什麼consultation什麼的給了六百塊。不要問我哪裡做。你們自己google自己找因為全部一樣的我也是隨隨便便找婦產科做罷了。政府的macam比較便宜 IUD是什麼 自己去google 什麼淋你都去google 不要問姐姐 我要飛Jb 我很忙 不要訊息姐姐三天姐姐很多東西要做 kamxia你們乖乖 壞蛋的不要逼姐姐拉IUD出來掐死你 😒🚬🚬🚬🚬 Got my IUD done so STOP asking me when i wana have baby coz FUCK YOU i aint gon have NONE. My cibai is for my own use and NOT for having baby so if YOU like baby, go fuck YOURSELF some and have a LORRY of them ok ? Thank You What is IUD : DescriptionAn intrauterine device, also known as intrauterine contraceptive device or coil, is a small, often T-shaped birth control device that is inserted into a woman's uterus to prevent pregnancy. IUDs are one form of long-acting reversible birth control. Where can i do : Go do at any government/maternal clinics or hospital or go GOOGLE. Dont ask ME. I am NOT a doctor.

做了IUD避孕所以不要再問姐姐:你幾時生 你他媽的我的cibai是給黑哥用的。你的cibai要生孩子...