關於english to french translation的評價, 李怡
Haishenwai and Hong Kong (Lee Yee) July 1, on the day of the 23rd anniversary of the Handover of Ho...
Haishenwai and Hong Kong (Lee Yee) July 1, on the day of the 23rd anniversary of the Handover of Ho...
Haishenwai and Hong Kong (Lee Yee) July 1, on the day of the 23rd anniversary of the Handover of Ho...
Haishenwai and Hong Kong (Lee Yee) July 1, on the day of the 23rd anniversary of the Handover of Ho...
這是第一次在這邊貼了與政治有關的議題。 因為我還可以有這麼這點民主的力量在! Please s...
請幫忙轉貼 Please support Taiwan!! Scroll down for C...
如果你是台灣人,不要躲起來,今天你不說話,明天你將會失去自由。 不要淪為下一個香港,請大家能去支...
臺灣發生大事了 怎麼都選在3/19呀?? 全民上街頭拯救自我吧~ 請大家將以下這段話複製下來...
占領立法院那群為台灣年輕人未來擔憂的大家 實在是值得我脫帽致敬 Please suppor...
[Voluntary activities]_Please help to share and ta...
This weeks global meditation will be on Thursday ...