

devoted to chili的相關標籤

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關於mac devoted to chili的評價, Goris' Sky

早!!!這真的一抹溫柔還超撫唇紋有夠好看快筆記!!! 沒在跟你誇張的高清試色照片自己會說話!MAC這2年最傳奇的唇膏變身天鵝絨唇釉啦!!! MAC將2018年10月上市至今仍然超級無敵夯跟總是缺貨的絲...

關於devoted to chili的評價, Goris' Sky

早!!!這真的一抹溫柔還超撫唇紋有夠好看快筆記!!! 沒在跟你誇張的高清試色照片自己會說話!MAC這2年最傳奇的唇膏變身天鵝絨唇釉啦!!! MAC將2018年10月上市至今仍然超級無敵夯跟總是缺貨的絲...

關於devoted to chili mac的評價, Goris' Sky

早!!!這真的一抹溫柔還超撫唇紋有夠好看快筆記!!! 沒在跟你誇張的高清試色照片自己會說話!MAC這2年最傳奇的唇膏變身天鵝絨唇釉啦!!! MAC將2018年10月上市至今仍然超級無敵夯跟總是缺貨的絲...

The modern woman has multiple roles- I’m an actress, wifey, and new mummy! It ain’t always easy, but it’s definitely a fun and fulfilling ride! I want to give a special shoutout to @maccosmeticshk for embracing every side of me in this video and keeping it real. With this new #霧鏡氣墊 , it’s even easier to bring my fav foundation for and instant fix on the go , no matter what I’m doing!😉 #霧鏡粉底 #霧鏡氣墊 #真我 #MAC超級妝迷 #MACHONGKONG @maccosmeticshk All looks using Studio Fix Complete Coverage Cushion SPF50/PA++++ in N28 Actress: Eyes - #MACGirls Palette #MACMischiefMinx - Dare Black Dual Dare All Day Waterproof Liner Lips- #MACPowderkiss Lipstick #922 Werk Werk Werk Young Mom: Eyes - #MACGirls Palette #MACMischiefMinx - Dare Black Dual Dare All Day Waterproof Liner Cheek - #MACMineralize Blush in WarmSoul Lips- #MACLoveMe Lipstick #407 As If I Care Happy Wifey: Eyes - #MACGirls Palette #MACMischiefMinx - Dare Black Dual Dare All Day Waterproof Liner Cheek - #MACMineralize Blush in Dainty Lips- #MACPowderKiss Lipstick #316 Devoted To Chili

The modern woman has multiple roles- I’m an actres...