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肺炎疫情第二波... 《三位天使的故事》 我全家傾力演出,為香港人打氣! 我細女第一次有獨白,可惜眼神唔定😅 七歲算係咁啦 .... but still,大家加油! 聯絡李根興 Edwin (+852) 90361143 錄影日期: 2020年3月17日星期二 。。。。。。。。。。。。 我新書《李根興的生意哲學》 將於2020年第二季出版。內容包括 (1) 我至愛的創業勵志故事,(2) 生意理論,(3) 商舖知識,(4) 創業隨筆。三百多頁,定價HK$198。現接受預訂,可以whatsapp我(+852) 90361143。 按收到order次序交書。新書有我親筆簽名及封面message (特別封面版 - 數量有限)。 。。。。。。。。。。。 內容全文: The Story of 3 Angels 《三位天使的故事》 從前有一家四口,佢哋雖然喺心入面好愛錫大家,但係就經常嘈吵,有日阿媽出門口見到三位天使 (There was once a family whose members were always arguing. One day, Mom saw three angels at the door.) Angel 1「我叫財富, 只要我入你間屋,你哋就會遍地黃金。」 (I'm Wealth. I will bring you wealth.) Angel 2「我叫榮譽,只要我入你間屋,你哋全家人個名必定揚威全國, 流芳百世。」(I'm Glory. I will make sure your family will become famous.) Angel 3「我叫愛,只要我入你間屋,你全家人必定更加互相珍惜、體諒、同寬 恕。」(I'm Love. If you invite me to your home, your family will be blessed with a kind, loving and forgiving heart. ) 阿媽於事就請晒三位天使入屋。(Mom invited all three angels to her home.) 「我哋各有任務,唔能夠三個同時入屋。」(We each have our own duties and responsibilities. We can't all come in.) 「你只能夠係我哋三個入面選其中一個入嚟。」(You can only choose one of us.) 「咁妳想揀我哋邊一個呀?」(So who would you choose?) 阿媽返返入屋同家人相量。大家開始議論紛紛。阿爸係商人,話要財富。阿仔係運動員,就話要榮譽。阿女仲未拍拖,梗係要愛啦。大家都係為咗自己嘅利益爭拗不斷, 又開始嘈起嚟。(Dad wants wealth, but the son wants glory, and the daughter wants love. The family members started arguing with one another again.) 天使等咗陣,決定走啦。離開之際,阿媽就衝出來求其拉住一個入屋。(The three angels decided to leave. Mom grabbed one of them just in time.) 估唔到,另外兩位天使都慢慢跟埋入屋,點解呀? (Does anyone know why the two angels followed after the angel who left with the mother?) Angle 1「我係財富,來也匆匆,去也匆匆。係啱啱最先走嗰個。」(I'm Wealth. I am transient. I like to come and go swiftly.) Angel 2「我係榮譽。老實說,出名又點, 失去嘅愛,搵唔返,傷咗嘅心,永遠有條疤痕。」(I'm Glory, but I wonder what happens if I have glory but lost love.) Angel 3「我係愛,多謝你啱啱拉我入嚟。」(I'm Love, thank you for picking me.) 「一個家庭只要有愛,互相珍惜、體諒、同寬恕... 」(As long as there is Love in a family ...) 「同一條心,團結就係力量,財富,榮譽,跟住就會嚟。」(Wealth and Glory will come afterwards.) Angel 1&2「所以我哋永遠都係跟住愛後面一齊走。」(That's why we always follow after Love, wherever she goes.) 故事帶出什麼理念? (Morale of the story?) 我李根興好幸運,我係佢老婆 Rita,我哋真係有三位天使陪伴著我哋。 無論香港變成點,我哋最需要嘅都先係....「愛」。(We are Edwin and Rita. We are fortunate to have 3 angels with us.) 大家都係「香港人」。Believe me,believe us,有咗「愛」,所有其他嘢都會嚟。一定嚟。(Believe me,believe us, as long as we have Love, everything else will come.) ...................................... 李根興創業之友 https://www.facebook.com/EdwinNetwork/ 李根興商舖之友 https://www.facebook.com/edwinprimeshop/ 李根興 youtube 商舖創業及投資分享商舖創業及投資分享https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEN66AnLghXESgCDIsz-3Nw

肺炎疫情第二波... 《三位天使的故事》 我全家傾力演出,為香港人打氣! 我細女第一次有獨白,可...