

amniotic fluid的相關標籤

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Video - Detailed Scan at 25 Weeks We only did detailed Scan with Adam & Noah as they are considered high risk pregnancy . Also since Dr Halina has now reached the elderly age of pregnancy - Haha No pun intended . The purpose ? - To detect if there’s any anomalies . The heart , stomach , fingers , toes , cleft lip / palate , kidneys , umbilical vessels , amniotic fluid , etc can be seen clearly by a feto-maternal specialist . It’s best done from 16 weeks of pregnancy if you are considered high risk . Alhamdulillah - the Twins are doing well in the tummy . They are 25 weeks now and are 800 gm each . The size of a Papaya . InsyaAllah - semoga dipermudahkan . Amiinn ... Salam Jumaat Everyone Love As Always PS - Even the babies faces can be seen clearly . The Doctor said both have hidung mancung - 😂

Video - Detailed Scan at 25 Weeks We only did de...