又係星期一!記得今晚睇 #晚吹 - #有酒今晚吹 第57集 ViuTV 99台 23:30-00:00!
今集嘉賓有啱啱完成演唱會嘅 KOLOR🥳🥃! 噚晚睇完尾場超正!今晚又一齊飲下酒!😆😆仲有我詩詩 #品酒師 同 #強尼 及 #娟姐 一齊約定你! 開定支咩酒一齊睇呀?今晚同大家分享 蘇格蘭 #Speyside #威士忌🥳🥃!仲有配 T8 Japanese Cuisine 嘅日式鐵板燒美食😋😋!#Yummy! 記得支持下呀!#Cheers!
It’s Monday again! It’s the 57th episode of “Night Talk - Chit Chat Drink” on ViuTV Channel 99 tonight! We’ll have local band #KOLOR as the guests! 🥃🎉🥳 Just finished watching their concert last night! Very good show!🎉🎉Let’s continue to drink together! 😆😆U’ll also see me as a wine & spirits specialist together with Johnny Hui & Florica Lin sipping wine & spirits together with our guest! What wine/spirits will you open tonight to watch it together? I will talk about #SpeysideWhisky tonight ! 🥃🥳🎉I’ll be pairing it with #Teppanyaki delicacies from T8 Japanese Cuisine😋😋! please support! Cheers!
靚衫贊助/costume sponsor: Iris & Ink from THE OUTNET.COM
#wine #spirits #talkshow #nighttalk #tvshow #viutv #ccwinevoyage #詩詩酒樂園 #Foodandwine 公啟行 Kung Kai Hong 強尼 @娟姐 Florica Lin #TheGlenrothes The Glenrothes #Aberlour Aberlour Single Malt #TheBalvenie The Balvenie #whiskyambassador Telford Wine and Spirits #T8JapaneseCuisine #IrisandInk #TheOutnet
公啟行 在 詩詩酒樂園 CC Wine Voyage Facebook 八卦
多謝大家支持第20集 「#晚吹 - #有酒今晚吹」!有 #泳兒 做嘉賓!多謝好拍擋 #強尼 同 #娟娟。今集介紹 #波爾多 左岸同右岸紅酒,包括 Château Haut-Bailly (左)、Château Certan de May (右)及 Château Calon Ségur (左),仲有介紹Wine Gadget Coravin取酒器,點樣唔使開酒塞都飲到酒!🥳🍷多謝支持!#Cheers! 🍷😋🥰下星期一23:30 ViuTV見!
Thanks all for your support on my 20th TV episode in “Night Talk - Chit Chat Drink”! Cheers! Thanks my partners Johnny Hui & Florica Lin! Happy to have artist Vincy Chan 泳兒 as the guest. Bordeaux wines from left bank & right bank are being featured in this episode including #ChateauHautBailly (left), #ChateauCertandeMay (right) & #ChateauCalonSegur (left)! I also introduced a wine gadget #Coravin which u can pour a glass of wine without opening the cork! #cheers! 🥰🍷😋See u all on next Monday 23:30 at ViuTV!
#wine #spirits #talkshow #nighttalk #tvshow #viutv #ccwinevoyage #詩詩酒樂園 #BordeauxWine 公啟行 Kung Kai Hong & Co. Sarment #SarmentHK #CoravinHK
公啟行 在 詩詩酒樂園 CC Wine Voyage Facebook 八卦
多謝大家支持第二集 「#晚吹 - #有酒今晚吹」!最緊要邊飲邊睇!#Cheers! 🥰🎉🥂多謝好拍擋 #強尼 同 #娟娟, 仲有嘉賓 #小肥! 分享返今集三款來自 Altaya Wines 嘅白酒同Moscato- Domaine Faiveley Meursault 1er Cru Charmes 2016 、Giant Steps Sexton Chardonnay 2018 及 Pio Cesare Moscato di Asti 2018。另外支黎巴嫩白酒係Chateau Ksara Chardonnay 2016。仲有兩款來自Mirage at Renaissance Harbour View Hotel Hong Kong嘅配白酒小吃-風乾火腿及芝士拼盤及啤酒煮蜆!飲完白酒再食蜆會帶令蜆更鮮甜!多謝Lucaris酒杯!😋🥂🥰下星期一23:30 ViuTV 見!
Thanks all for your support on my 2nd TV episode in “Night Talk - Chit Chat Drink”! Cheers! 🥰🎉🥂Thanks my partner Johnny Hui & Florica Lin! Happy to have #SiuFay as the guest. Gotta share the 2 white wines & 1 Mosacto being featured tonight with u from Altaya Wines - Domaine Faiveley Meursault 1er Cru Charmes 2016 , Giant Steps Sexton Chardonnay 2018 & Pio Cesare Moscato di Asti 2018 . Special thanks to sumptuous appetizers from #MirageHK, including Ham & Cheese Platter and Sautéed Clams! The clams taste more umami when u pair it with white wine.😋🥂🥰 Thanks #Lucaris for glasses! See u all on next Monday at Viu TV!
#wine #whitewine #winepairing #foodandwine #viutv #talkshow #RenHK #AltayaWines #ccwinevoyage #詩詩酒樂園 THE OUTNET.COM #irisandink ViuTV #DomaineFaiveley #GiantSteps Altaya Wines Lucaris Crystal 公啟行 Kung Kai Hong & Co.
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