Starman: "人當然是希望回報越高越好,然而投資的關鍵不是在於「希望」回報多少,而是「如何」去實現自己的預期回報。投資回報=資本x回報率x時間,在沒有好的投資方式的情況下,將預期回報定得過高,便是以風險換取回報。問問自己,你是依靠「回報率」還是「時間」來累積財富?"
Like = 每年30%或以上
Love = 每年20%至少於30%
Haha = 每年10%至少於20%
Wa = 每年5%至少於10%
Cry = 每年少於5%
Angry = 冇話預期幾多,唔蝕就得
動用辛苦儲起嘅血汗錢作投資,點可以求求其其!趁住今個「2017世界投資者週(WIW)」,學好投資前準備功夫同仔細籌劃投資組合,就更有效創造更大財富!Click入 https://goo.gl/Qmjjv5 睇睇,分享埋畀你嘅朋友啦!
先求知,再投資。即上錢家有道「投資頻道」( https://goo.gl/Qmjjv5 ) 睇下啦!
What is your expected return on investment? Let’s vote!
Like = Annual return of 30% or more
Love = Annual return of 20% to 30%
Haha = Annual return of 10% to 20%
Wa = Annual return of 5% to 10%
Cry = Annual return of less than 5%
Angry = No specific expectation, as long as it does not make a loss
Be a smart investor now! Let’s join the World Investor Week 2017 (WIW) and visit The Chin Family Investor Portal to learn more ( https://goo.gl/GHPj7X )! Don’t forget to share it with your friends!
Get the facts before you invest. Visit The Chin Family Investor Portal ( https://goo.gl/GHPj7X ) now!
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