Was deeply honoured to welcome Joseph Isaac Schooling and his parents, May and Colin Schooling to Parliament House today, where we formally congratulated him on his gold medal and expressed support for Team Singapore in #Rio2016.
Joseph’s win signifies much more than Singapore’s first Olympic gold medal. He sweated and sacrificed. With determination and fire in the belly, he has shown a new generation of aspiring athletes that dreams are worth striving for.
Achievements, too, are more than medals. Many of our athletes have come away from the Olympics with new personal bests, and valuable experience going up against the world’s best. Swimmer Quah Zheng Wen set two new personal bests in the pool. Rower Saiyidah Aisyah (Aisyah Rower) reached the quarterfinals, finishing as 3rd best Asian competitor. Sprinter Timothee Yap and shuttler Derek Wong went up against Usain Bolt and Lee Chong Wei respectively - both the best in the world. They have worked hard, and they all deserve recognition for their efforts.
The Games are still ongoing and our athletes are still competing in their respective events. I hope you’ll join me in cheering on our women’s table tennis team in their semifinal match taking place right now! - LHL
(If you would like to see the 360° photo we took in Parliament, check out my Instagram account: http://bit.ly/2aVIyMR :) / PMO Video by Alex Qiu and Chiez How)
同時也有64部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過13萬的網紅遊戲皮卡嚕 PikaLu,也在其Youtube影片中提到,《三國志・戰略版》 👉🏻立即下載光榮革新大作,與林書豪一同加入最真實的三國古戰場! https://s3gtw.onelink.me/LXSC?pid=KOL&c=KOL-pikalu 👉🏻有膽有謀有兄弟,角逐最強同盟,贏1000萬獎金! https://www.facebook.com/event...
world games events 在 Facebook 八卦
Saya ingin mengucapkan selamat maju jaya kepada para atlet kebangsaan yang akan bertanding di Sukan Olimpik Tokyo 2020 dari 23 Julai hingga 8 Ogos nanti. Seramai 30 orang atlet negara bakal bertanding dalam 27 acara yang melibatkan 10 jenis sukan.
Saya yakin atlet-atlet kita mampu berdaya saing dengan para atlet negara lain di persada dunia untuk mencapai kecemerlangan. Tahniah juga saya ucapkan kepada YB Dato’ Sri Reezal Merican bin Naina Merican, Menteri Belia dan Sukan atas usaha beliau dalam memastikan kontinjen negara dapat pergi ke Olimpik Tokyo kali ini walaupun berdepan cabaran pandemik Covid-19 yang masih berterusan.
Bersama-sama kita doakan kecemerlangan untuk atlet-atlet kebangsaan kita di Tokyo. Give it your best and make us proud!
DYAM Mejar Jeneral Tunku Ismail Ibni Sultan Ibrahim, Tunku Mahkota Johor
I would like to wish all the best to all national athletes competing at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games from July 23 to August 8. 30 national athletes will compete in 27 events of 10 different sports.
I am confident that our athletes will be able to compete with athletes of other countries on the world stage to achieve excellence. I would also like to congratulate Minister of Youth and Sports YB Dato’ Sri Reezal Merican bin Naina Merican for his efforts in ensuring the national contingent were able to go for the Tokyo Olympics despite facing challenges of the ongoing Covid-19.
Let's all pray for the success of our national athletes in Tokyo. Give it your best and make us proud!
HRH Major General Tunku Ismail Ibni Sultan Ibrahim, Crown Prince of Johor
world games events 在 Cherprang BNK48 Facebook 八卦
สรุปการดีเบต แจ็ก หม่า vs อีลอน มัสก์ ในงานประชุม World AI / โดย ลงทุนแมน
มีการคุยกันระหว่างแจ็ก หม่า กับ อีลอน มัสก์
โดยหัวข้อเรื่องคือความคิดเห็นต่อ AI ในด้านต่างๆ
เริ่มจาก อีลอน มัสก์ กล่าวว่า ตอนนี้ทุกคนกำลังประเมิน AI ต่ำไป
ให้นึกถึงว่าตอนนี้ลิงชิมแปนซีเข้าใจมนุษย์ไหม (ทำไมมนุษย์ต้องมีรถยนต์ ทำไมมนุษย์ต้องสร้างตึก)
เรากำลังเป็นอย่างนั้น ในอนาคตเราอาจไม่เข้าใจเหตุผลที่ AI ทำในเรื่องต่างๆ
คำตอบคือ ถ้าเราไม่สามารถชนะมันได้ ก็ร่วมมือกับมัน ซึ่ง Neuralink (โครงการของ อีลอน มัสก์) ตอบโจทย์นี้ได้
สิ่งที่ Neuralink ทำก็คือ การสร้างช่องทางการสื่อสารขนาดใหญ่ (High Bandwidth) เชื่อมต่อเข้าสมอง
สิ่งนี้เหมือนกับเป็นไซบอร์ก แต่จริงๆ ตอนนี้เราก็เป็นไซบอร์กไปแล้ว
ทุกวันนี้เราใช้คอมพิวเตอร์ โทรศัพท์เป็นเครื่องมือขยายความสามารถ จากร่างกายของเรา
ถ้าเราขาดโทรศัพท์ ความสามารถของเราจะลดลง
แต่ bandwidth ที่เราใช้กันอยู่นั้นต่ำมาก
โดยเฉพาะ การส่งข้อมูลเข้าเครื่อง (input)
จริงๆ แล้ว input ต่ำลงจากคอมพิวเตอร์สมัยก่อนด้วยซ้ำ
เพราะเราต้องพิมพ์ด้วยนิ้วโป้งสองนิ้ว แทนที่จะเป็นสิบนิ้ว
เมื่ออีลอน มัสก์ พูดจบ
แจ็ก หม่า ก็กล่าวว่า เขาไม่ได้เชี่ยวชาญด้านเทคโนโลยี
สิ่งที่เขาคิดเกี่ยวกับชีวิต (Life)
AI กำลังเปิดศักราชใหม่ของสังคม ให้เราเข้าใจตัวเราเองดีขึ้น
และเขาคิดว่า AI เป็นสิ่งที่ดี ไม่ได้เป็นสิ่งที่มาคุกคาม หรือเป็นสิ่งที่เลวร้าย
อีลอน มัสก์ แย้งว่า AI น่ากลัวกว่าที่ทุกคนคิด
ยกตัวอย่างเช่น วิดีโอเกม เมื่อก่อน มีแค่บล็อกๆ ไว้เล่น ตอนนี้วิดีโอเกมทำภาพให้สมจริงได้
โลกนี้เกิดขึ้นมาแล้ว 4,000 ล้านปี
อารยธรรมมนุษย์เพิ่งเกิดขึ้น 70,000 ปี
มีเหตุการณ์ผันผวนมากมายในช่วง 70,000 ปีนี้
สิ่งที่เกิดขึ้นในตอนนี้ที่มีเทคโนโลยีมากมายเป็นแค่จุดเล็กๆ ของทั้งหมด
แจ็ก หม่า เปลี่ยนเรื่องบอกว่า เรามาคุยเรื่องสนุกกันดีกว่า
อีลอน มัสก์ ตอบว่า
ผมคิดว่าดาวอังคาร สามารถทำให้ความนึกคิด (consciousness) ของเรายังคงอยู่ต่อไปในอนาคตได้ ทั้งนี้ก็เพื่อให้ยืดเวลาให้เราสามารถเข้าใจจักรวาลนี้ได้ดีขึ้น
การมีชีวิตอยู่บนดาวหลายดวง (Multi planet species) จะทำให้อารยธรรมของเราไม่ถูกทำลาย
และนี่เป็นครั้งแรกในรอบ 4,000 ล้านปี ที่มีหน้าต่างเปิดให้เราพอที่จะสามารถทำอะไรแบบนี้ได้
คำถามคือหน้าต่างบานนี้จะเปิดไปอีกนานแค่ไหน ก่อนที่มันจะปิดอีกครั้ง ถ้าเราไม่รีบทำอะไรตั้งแต่วันนี้
แจ็ก หม่า แย้งว่า
การทำให้โลกของเราที่มีคนอยู่ 7,000 ล้านคน ดีขึ้น ยั่งยืนขึ้น น่าจะเป็นสิ่งที่ดีกว่า
ไม่เกี่ยวอะไรกับว่า อารยธรรมเราจะผ่านมานานแค่ไหน
แต่พวกเรามีชีวิตได้อย่างมากก็ 100 ปี
สิ่งที่เราควรทำคือ การรับผิดชอบต่อโลกในตอนนี้
ถ้าเรารู้ตัวเราเองดีขึ้น เราสามารถทำให้โลกนี้ดีขึ้นได้
มันดีที่มีฮีโร่แบบคุณ อีลอน มัสก์ ที่จะพามนุษย์ไปนอกโลก
ฮีโร่ที่ทำงานหนักบนโลก และพัฒนาเรื่องต่างๆ ทุกวันให้โลกนี้ดีขึ้น
อีลอน มัสก์ แย้งว่า
การไปนอกโลก ใช้ทรัพยากรน้อยมาก น้อยกว่า 1% ของการใช้ทั้งหมดในเรื่องต่างๆ บนโลกนี้ ไม่ว่าจะเป็นการผลิตเครื่องสำอาง การผลิตของอื่นๆ ที่จำเป็นน้อยกว่า
สำหรับหัวข้อต่อไปที่คุยก็คือ AI จะเข้ามาแย่งงานหรือไม่?
แจ็ก หม่าตอบ
ทุกครั้งที่มีปฏิวัติทางเทคโนโลยี ทุกคนจะกังวล
เมื่อ 200 ปีก่อนที่มีการปฏิวัติอุตสาหกรรม ทุกคนกังวล แต่สุดท้ายมีงานเกิดใหม่มากมาย
และจริงๆ แล้ว เราไม่จำเป็นต้องมีงานเยอะ เราอาจจะทำงาน 3 วันหยุด 4 วันก็ได้
ปู่ของผมมีโอกาสได้ไป 3 เมืองในโลกนี้
พ่อของผมมีโอกาสได้ไป 30 เมือง
ส่วนตัวผมได้ไปมาแล้ว 300 เมือง
สิ่งที่สำคัญคือเราต้องเตรียมพร้อมกับยุคที่เราใช้ชีวิตได้นานขึ้น ซึ่งอาจจะนานถึง 120 ปี เราจะใช้ชีวิตอย่างไร ถ้าเราอยู่ได้นานขนาดนั้น
สำหรับหัวข้อนี้ อีลอน มัสก์ ตอบสั้นๆ ว่า ในอนาคต AI อาจจะมาแทนที่มนุษย์ทั้งหมด มนุษย์เป็นเพียงแค่คนเขียนโปรแกรมให้ AI
หัวข้อต่อไปคือ การศึกษาในยุคนี้ควรสอนเด็กอย่างไร?
แจ็ก หม่า ตอบว่าหลักสูตรการศึกษาในปัจจุบัน เหมาะสมสำหรับเด็กในยุคอุตสาหกรรม
แต่ตอนนี้เราไม่จำเป็นต้องจำ เพราะหุ่นยนต์จำได้ดีกว่า
สิ่งที่เราควรสอนคือ จะทำอย่างไรให้เด็ก สนุกกับชีวิตของเขา
อีลอน มัสก์ ตอบเรื่องการศึกษาว่า ควรให้เด็กเรียนรู้ให้มากที่สุด มากพอที่จะสามารถคาดการณ์อนาคตได้ โดยผิดพลาดน้อยที่สุด นอกจากคาดการณ์แล้วก็ต้องสร้างอนาคตด้วย
ต่อไป Neuralink จะทำให้มนุษย์สามารถอัปโหลดทักษะเข้าไปในสมองโดยตรง
การศึกษาในปัจจุบันยังถือว่ามีประสิทธิภาพต่ำมาก (Low Bandwidth)
แจ็ก หม่า ตอบว่าเขาไม่กลัวความผิดพลาด เกิดความผิดพลาดแล้วต้องแก้ไขเป็นเรื่องปกติ
และเขาคิดว่า หายนะทางด้าน AI ในอนาคตก็ไม่ได้เกิดจาก AI แต่เกิดจากความผิดพลาดของมนุษย์เอง
สิ่งสำคัญคือ เราจะสอนเด็กอย่างไรให้สมองสามารถสร้างสรรค์ได้มากกว่าเดิม
อีลอน มัสก์ แย้งเรื่องนี้ว่า เราสามารถสร้างสิ่งที่ฉลาดกว่าเราได้
แต่ตอนนี้เรามีสิ่งอำนวยความสะดวกต่างๆ มากมาย
แจ็ก หม่า ท้าให้ อีลอน มัสก์ ยกตัวอย่างสัตว์ที่ฉลาดกว่ามนุษย์บนโลกนี้ที่มนุษย์เคยสร้างมา
อีลอน มัสก์ ตอบว่า ตอนนี้หุ่นยนต์ได้ฉลาดกว่ามนุษย์ในบางเรื่องไปแล้ว
ทั้งหมากรุก ทั้งการแข่งโกะ มนุษย์แพ้การแข่งโกะให้ Alpha Go และ Alpha Go ก็แพ้ให้ Alpha Zero ในที่สุดแล้วหุ่นยนต์จะนำเราไปไกลมาก
แจ็ก หม่า แย้งว่า คำว่า หุ่นยนต์สามารถฉลาดกว่าได้ (Clever)
แต่มนุษย์จะยัง Smart กว่า เพราะมนุษย์มีประสบการณ์
เราสร้างคอมพิวเตอร์ได้ แต่คอมพิวเตอร์ไม่สามารถสร้างคนได้
โกะสร้างเพื่อที่ มนุษย์จะเล่นกับมนุษย์
มนุษย์มีหน้าที่สร้างเครื่องมือต่างๆ ที่จะทำให้ฉลาดขึ้น
แต่ AI ไม่สามารถสร้างเครื่องมือเหล่านั้นได้ด้วยตนเอง
อีลอน มัสก์ กล่าวตอบว่าเรื่องนี้เกี่ยวกับ ระดับความเป็นอิสระ (Degree of freedom)
เริ่มจาก หมากรุก ต่อไปเป็น โกะ ที่ซับซ้อนขึ้น และอนาคตหุ่นยนต์จะทำอะไรที่ซับซ้อนได้มากขึ้น
และอีลอน มัสก์ ยังกังวลว่าสิ่งหนึ่งที่เป็นอันตรายต่อมนุษยชาติ ก็คือ “อัตราการเกิด”
อีก 20 ปี ประชากรเราจะหายไปอย่างที่ทุกคนคิดไม่ถึง
แจ็ก หม่า เห็นด้วยกับเรื่องนี้ และเสริมว่า ในอีก 20 ปี ประชากรจะเจอปัญหานี้
และอัตราการเกิดจะลดลงเป็นอัตราเร่ง (Accelerate)
สิ่งสำคัญคือ ประชากรจีนที่เกิดมา 18 ล้านคนในแต่ละปี เราต้องใช้เวลากับเด็กพวกนี้ให้ดีที่สุด
ถ้าเป็นเรื่องการทำตามขั้นตอน แบบซ้ำๆ ที่เป็นตรรกะ AI จะทำได้ดีกว่า
แต่ถ้าเป็นเรื่องที่ไม่ใช่ตรรกะ เช่นความรัก คนจะทำได้ดีกว่า เพราะมันไม่มีเหตุผล
ในอนาคต มนุษย์จะไม่จำเป็นต้องมี IQ หรือ EQ แต่เป็น LQ หรือ Q of Love
หัวข้อคำถามสุดท้ายก็คือ มนุษย์จะมีชีวิตยืนยาวในโลก แบบยั่งยืนได้อย่างไร
อีลอน มัสก์ กล่าวว่าถ้า Neuralink สำเร็จ ก็จะทำให้เราสามารถบันทึกสถานะของสมองได้ (save state) เหมือนเซฟวิดีโอเกม
หรือสิ่งที่จะยืดอายุได้ก็คือการเปลี่ยนแปลง DNA เหมือน หยุดนาฬิกาของ DNA แต่คำถามก็คือมนุษย์จะยินยอมไหมในการทำเรื่องนี้
สำหรับแจ็ก หม่า ตอบเรื่องความยั่งยืนว่า
ในอนาคต AI จะทำให้เราเข้าใจตัวเราเองดีขึ้น
คนฉลาด รู้ว่าเราต้องการอะไร
คนฉลาดกว่า จะรู้ว่าเขาไม่ต้องการอะไร
แจ็ก หม่า กล่าวปิดท้ายว่า
การที่เราจะเอาขยะออกจากมหาสมุทร ยังยากกว่าการไปดาวอังคาร
ไม่ใช่แค่อายุยืน แต่ใช้ชีวิตอยู่อย่างไรให้มีสุขภาพดี
ไม่ใช่แค่ใช้ชีวิตที่มีสุขภาพดี แต่ใช้ชีวิตอย่างไรให้มีความสุข
สุดท้าย มนุษย์ต้องโฟกัสที่คุณค่า มนุษย์ต้องมีความฝัน
ไม่ใช่เทคโนโลยีที่จะเปลี่ยนโลก แต่เป็นความฝันที่อยู่เบื้องหลังเทคโนโลยีที่จะเปลี่ยนโลก
เราต้องเชื่อในตัวเราเอง เราต้องเชื่อในความเป็นมนุษย์ เราต้องเชื่อในมนุษย์รุ่นต่อไป
เราควรรับผิดชอบสิ่งที่เป็นอยู่ในปัจจุบัน มากกว่าการอยากแก้ปัญหาทั้งหมดของโลกในวันพรุ่งนี้
และ มันเป็นเรื่องดีที่มนุษย์จะตาย
ปิดท้ายด้วยคำพูดของ อีลอน มัสก์ ที่กล่าวปิด หลังแจ็ก หม่า พูดจบ
“Fight for the life of consciousness”
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Summary of Debet Jack Ma vs Elon Musk in World AI / By Investing Man
Investing man is the most interesting thing these days.
A few hours ago.
There was a conversation between Jack Ma and Elon Musk.
The topic is opinion of AI in various aspects.
How interesting is this story?
Investing man will summarize it.
Starting with Elon Musk said now everyone is underestimating AI
I think that Chimpanzee monkey understands humans. (Why do humans have cars, why do humans have buildings?)
We are being like that in the future. We may not understand the reason AI does things.
So what do we do with this situation
The answer is, if we can't win it, cooperate with it. Neuralink (ELON Musk's project) meets this problem.
What Neuralink does is create a large communication channel (High Bandwidth) connecting to the brain.
This is like a cyborg, but we're actually a cyborg now.
Nowadays, we use computer, phone as a tool to expand our body's ability.
If we lack a phone, our ability will decrease.
But the bandwidth we are using is low.
Specifically, sending information to the engine (input)
Input was actually low from computer in the past.
Because we have to type with two thumbs instead of ten fingers.
When Elon Musk finishes talking
Jack Ma also said he's not tech-savvy.
What he thinks about life (Life)
AI is opening a new era of society for us to understand ourselves better.
And he thinks AI is good. Not a threat or a bad thing.
Elon Musk argues that AI is scarier than anyone thinks.
For example, video games were just blogged to play. Now video games can make realistic images.
This world has happened for 4,000 million years.
Human civilization just happened 70,000 years
Lots of volatile events during these 70,000 years.
What's happening now with so much technology is just a small point of all.
What can happen? Let us start again.
Jack Ma changed the story. Let's talk about fun.
You want to go to Mars
What will happen to life on Mars
But I'm more interested in what happens on earth.
Elon Musk replied
I think Mars can make our thoughts (consciousness) continue in the future, so that we can understand the universe better.
Living on many stars (Multi planet species) will unbroken our civilization.
And this is the first time in 4,000 million years that there is a window open for us to be able to do something like this.
The question is how long will this window open before it closes again if we don't do anything from today
Jack Ma argues that
We don't need to think about them.
Making our world 7,000 million people better, standing up would be a better one.
Nothing to do with how long our civilization has passed.
But we have lived so much 100 years
We don't have to solve all the future problems by ourselves alone.
All we should do is take responsibility for the world now.
If we know ourselves better, we can make this world better.
It's good to have a hero like Mr. Elon Musk to take humans outside the world.
But we need more heroes like us
A hero who works hard on earth and develops everyday things to make the world better.
Elon Musk argues that
Going out of the world uses less resources than 1 % of the total use of things on this planet, cosmetic production, production of other things that are less necessary.
For the next topic discussed, will AI come to steal the job?
Jack Ma answered.
Every time there is a technological revolution, everyone worries.
200 years ago there was an industrial revolution, everyone worried, but at the end there were many emerging events.
And we actually don't need a lot of work. We might work 3 days off 4 days.
Future humans will have time to enjoy living more humanity.
My grandfather had a chance to go to 3 cities in the world.
My dad had a chance to go to 30 cities.
Personally, I have visited 300 cities.
What matters is that we must be prepared for the age we live longer, which may be 120 years. How can we live if we live that long?
For this topic, Elon Musk briefly said that in the future, AI might replace all human beings. Human beings are just programmers for AI.
The next topic is how should education in this generation teach kids?
Jack Ma answered that current education course is suitable for children in industrial age.
Teaching you to memorize.
But now we don't have to remember because robots remember better.
What we should teach is how to make a child enjoy his life.
Elon Musk answers education that children should learn as much as possible to predict the future at least. In addition to prediction, we have to build a future.
Next Neuralink will allow humans to upload skills directly into the brain.
Current studies are still considered very low performance (Low Bandwidth)
Jack Ma said he wasn't afraid of mistakes, mistakes, mistakes, then fixing is normal.
Human beings have been wrong, always been right.
And he thinks the future AI disaster is not due to AI, but by human error.
He also believes that humans have a process that can fix that situation.
The important thing is how we teach kids to be more creative.
Humans can't create animals or other things that are smart as humans.
Elon Musk argues that we can create something smarter than us.
For example, humans in the beginning of the era. We just eat in the forest.
But now we have many amenities.
We are much smarter than before
And now we ain't the smartest
Human future will be smarter than this.
Jack Ma challenged Elon Musk for an example of an animal that is smarter than human beings on this planet ever created.
Elon Musk replied that robots are now smarter than humans in some things.
Both chess and human race lost. Alpha Go and Alpha Go and Alpha Go lose to Alpha Zero. Finally, robots will take us very far.
Jack Ma argues that the word robot can be smarter (Clever)
But humans are more smart because humans experience it.
We can build computers but computers can't build people.
About the racing.
Ko made for humans to play with humans.
Stupid human to compete with a computer in Ko.
It's no different that a human would run a car race.
There's something designed for robots to do better than humans.
Humans don't need to compete with robots in those specific things.
Human beings have a duty to create tools to make smarter.
But AI can't build those tools by itself.
Elon Musk says this is about level of freedom (Degree of freedom)
Starting from chess, next to a more complex and future robots will do more complicated things.
And Elon Musk is concerned that one thing that harms humanity is ′′ birth rate
In another 20 years, our population will be gone as everyone cannot think about it.
Jack Ma agrees with this and reinforces that in 20 years, the population will face this problem.
And the birth rate is reduced to accelerate (Accelerate)
The important thing is that the Chinese population born is 18 million each year. We need to spend the best time with these kids.
If it's a logical recurring process, AI will do better.
But if it's not logical, like love, people will do better because it doesn't make sense
In the future, humans will not need cảpĕn t̂xng or EQ but LQ or Q of Love.
The topic of the last question is how can humans live in a sustainable world?
Elon Musk said if Neuralink succeeded, it would allow us to record the state of brain (save state) like a video game save.
Or what it takes to age is DNA change like DNA stop a DNA clock. But the question is, will humans agree to this?
For Jack Ma to answer about sustainability
In the future, AI will make us understand ourselves better.
Wise people know what we want
A wise man knows what he doesn't want.
And will make this world a better place eventually
Jack Ma said the end
He wants to focus on the world.
It's harder to take garbage out of the ocean than going to Mars.
It's not just a longevity, but how to live healthy.
Not just living a healthy life but how to live a happy life
Finally, humans must focus on values. Human must have dreams.
It's not technology that will change the world, but it's the dream behind technology that will
We must believe in ourselves. We must believe in humanity. We must believe in the next generation of humans.
We should be responsible for what is present, rather than wanting to solve all the problems of the world tomorrow.
It's a good thing humans can go wrong.
It's good that humans learn from mistakes.
And it's a good thing that humans will die.
Ending with the words of Elon Musk that shuts down after Jack Ma's finish.
“Fight for the life of consciousness”
Fight to keep your thoughts alive in this universe..
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world games events 在 pennyccw Youtube 的評價
Video of the latest Hook-Up featuring Allen Iverson with rappers Malice and Pusha T. ESPN The Magazine
One of the most controversial Basketball players of all time, Allen Iverson is one of the most loved and hated figures in Basketball. Born Allen Ezail Iverson in Hampton, Virginia, he grew up very poor to a struggling mother and a father who deserted him. Growing up, he was very athletic, playing football and basketball throughout most of his education prior to college. Iverson began focusing on basketball at his mother's insistence, despite wanting to be a football player. He proved to be a talented basketball player. At Bethel High School in Newport News, he began his high school basketball career. He developed a reputation of talking a lot and being uncoachable. To say he had a rough childhood is quite an understatement. On one of his places of residence, he walked through knee-deep sewage daily. During one summer, he witnessed the death of almost ten of his closest friends. Iverson first came to the national spotlight in 1993 in a controversial incident surrounding violent events at a bowling alley in Newport News. While the events that happened there will never be fully known, the generally accepted story is that some white students got into an argument with Iverson and his friends. The first question surrounding the event is whether he started it or if the white kids started it. Also, the question surrounded whether or not he assaulted a white woman by hitting her over the head with a chair. The prosecution insisted that surveillance tapes undoubtedly showed Iverson was the culprit, but in reality the tapes showed nothing conclusive. Two factors did him in at his hearing; first of all, two white people said they saw him assault the girl. Secondly, the judge was from the very conservative southeast Virginia establishment and did not have any sympathy for Iverson, his background or his talent. Seeing that Iverson requested a bench trial, this was crucial to his case. To add fuel to the fire, Allen Iverson flew in for the weekend from a tournament to be in Virginia for his trial. This played into the prosecution's hands and also upset the judge, both of whom saw this as evidence that Iverson did not respect the law. He was sentenced to a 5 -year jail term. This case sparked a tremendous amount of national attention. The case caught the interest of Bill Cosby and Spike Lee, who would be a fan and advocate of Iverson for many years. People all around the Newport News area started a movement to free Allen Iverson. He spent only four months in jail. Governor Douglas Wilder pardoned him. This move all but ended his political career and sparked another controversy. Wilder was also black, and white voters in Virginia viewed this move in a very racist light. Iverson was viewed now in much of white America as essentially a convicted felon who was out of prison only because a black man was governor of his state. Iverson got out conditionally, however. He had to adhere to a curfew and could not play basketball until he got his high school diploma. He could not accept a scholarship to the University of Kentucky but did get a scholarship once he completed his high school education in a learning center. During this time, he received his nickname, the answer. He was called such because his friends said he was the answer to basketball's conformity so to speak, people that conformed to this family friendly image, such as Charles Barkley, Isiah Thomas and most importantly, Michael Jordan, who was a childhood hero of his. He accepted a scholarship to Georgetown where John Thompson coached him. Thompson became somewhat of a father figure to him, but he was hard to manage, and the two had a workable but very turbulent relationship. Iverson completed only two years of his education where he became the top NBA draft pick in 1996. He was drafted by the ailing Philadelphia 76ers in 1996. Iverson is immersed in hip-hop culture. This made him an incredibly controversial figure in basketball. His clothing looked more like a gangster rappers than it did Michael Jordan's. On the court he seemed to embody the gangster rapper's image. He had an arm covering on one arm when he played, and also was one of the first players to have cornrows; a hairstyle up until that time was popular in prison. To make matters worse, he had an incredibly "in your face" style, which did not sit well with older players like Charles Barkley, Michael Jordan, Scottie Pippen and others. Jordan said of him when Jordan's Bulls played Iverson's 76ers, that he had no respect for the game. Despite this, no one denied Iverson's talent. He could hustle the ball, could get around even the tallest players. He became known for his fast drives to the baskets and his ability to fake the ball in a move called the crossover. Spike Lee lost respect for him when he turned down his invitation to star in the film He Got Game (1998). As a very pointed move, Lee cast former collegiate rival Ray Allen in the part. The Sixers found themselves suddenly a respectable team. They acquired a new coach, the unusual Larry Brown. As a player in the ABA almost twenty years ago, Brown was also a young outsider fighting the system. Larry Brown now was a button-down-suit-and-tie coach. The two did not get along well at first; in fact, their relationship at best was serviceable. Brown was always unhappy with Iverson for not showing up to practice. Iverson insisted his game was pure inspiration, and he had little need for practice. The two rarely saw eye to eye. He received a tremendous number of awards in his short career. He was named rookie of the year in 1997, and on more than one occasion, he was an All NBA First Team, NBA All Star, was an All Star MVP, and received perhaps what was his crowning achievement to date when he was NBA MVP in 2001. That year, Iverson led his team to the NBA finals, but had a rough ride against Kobe Bryant and 'Shaquille ONeal's Lakers. They lost the championship in game five of the series. It was still quite an achievement because the Sixers had not been to the finals since Dr. J (Julius Erving) and Moses Malone led them to victory over the Lakers in 1983 in a 4-0 sweep. Iverson has over 20 tattoos. Each tattoo is a symbol of his life. One denotes the name of his group of friends he has known since childhood, Cru Thik, another who says the answer, another who is dedicated to his mom who is a strong presence as Sixers games, and many others. He married his high school sweetheart Tawanna Turner and they have two children.
Won the gold medal at World University Games with the US Team in 1995.
Named Big East Rookie of the Year 1995
Named Big East Defensive Player of the Year 1995, 1996.
1st pick in NBA Draft 1996
Was named MVP of the 2000-01 NBA season.
Attended Georgetown University from 1994 to 1996 where he was coached by the legendary John Thompson.
Drafted first overall by the Philadelphia 76ers in 96.
Rookie of the Year 1997.
NBA Rookie 1st Team 1997.
Rookie All-star game MVP in 1997.
NBA All Star 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007.
All Star Game MVP 2001, 2005.
NBA MVP 2001.(Shortest MVP in MVP history)
All NBA First Team 1999, 2000, 2001, 2005.
In 2001, Led the 76ers to their first NBA Finals appearance since 1983 (lost to the LA Lakers in 5 games).
Played for Georgetown University.
Played Quarterback in HS and led his school to state titles in football and basketball his senior year.
Under lifetime contract with Reebok.
Daughter Tiaura (b. 1995), son Allen II, or "Deuce" (b. 1998).
Led the Bethel High School Bruins (Hampton, Virginia) to the 1993 basketball and football state championship; the then-16 year old played point guard and quarterback.
Released a rap album, Slow Motion, with appearances by his friends Ma$e, Jermaine Dupri, Da Brat and Kool-G-Rap.
Georgetown University's all-time leading scorer.
Named after his father, Allen Broughton, who left the family and never married Iverson's mother.
Since 1998, he has hosted the Allen Iverson Celebrity Classic to benefit the Boys & Girls Club of Greater Hampton Roads, Virginia.
Lives on the same street as M. Night Shyamalan.
Wife Tawanna, gave birth to their 3rd child, Isaiah Rahsaan Iverson, the baby weighted 7 lbs. and was born at 9:30 A.M. on August 8, 2003.
He founded the Crossover Foundation.
Allen's third child, son Isaiah Rahsaan, was named for Isiah Thomas and the late Rahsaan Langford, Allen Iverson's close friend who was shot to death in October 2001.
Olympic Bronze Medalist (2004 - Basketball).
He and wife Tawanna welcomed their fourth child, daughter Messiah Lauren Iverson on August 16, 2005 at 11:47 AM, weighing 6 lbs, 12 ounces.
Currently playing for the Denver Nuggets

world games events 在 pennyccw Youtube 的評價
Video shows the Interview and Highlight of AI in 2004 NBA season about his relationship with coach.
One of the most controversial Basketball players of all time, Allen Iverson is one of the most loved and hated figures in Basketball. Born Allen Ezail Iverson in Hampton, Virginia, he grew up very poor to a struggling mother and a father who deserted him. Growing up, he was very athletic, playing football and basketball throughout most of his education prior to college. Iverson began focusing on basketball at his mother's insistence, despite wanting to be a football player. He proved to be a talented basketball player. At Bethel High School in Newport News, he began his high school basketball career. He developed a reputation of talking a lot and being uncoachable. To say he had a rough childhood is quite an understatement. On one of his places of residence, he walked through knee-deep sewage daily. During one summer, he witnessed the death of almost ten of his closest friends. Iverson first came to the national spotlight in 1993 in a controversial incident surrounding violent events at a bowling alley in Newport News. While the events that happened there will never be fully known, the generally accepted story is that some white students got into an argument with Iverson and his friends. The first question surrounding the event is whether he started it or if the white kids started it. Also, the question surrounded whether or not he assaulted a white woman by hitting her over the head with a chair. The prosecution insisted that surveillance tapes undoubtedly showed Iverson was the culprit, but in reality the tapes showed nothing conclusive. Two factors did him in at his hearing; first of all, two white people said they saw him assault the girl. Secondly, the judge was from the very conservative southeast Virginia establishment and did not have any sympathy for Iverson, his background or his talent. Seeing that Iverson requested a bench trial, this was crucial to his case. To add fuel to the fire, Allen Iverson flew in for the weekend from a tournament to be in Virginia for his trial. This played into the prosecution's hands and also upset the judge, both of whom saw this as evidence that Iverson did not respect the law. He was sentenced to a 5 -year jail term. This case sparked a tremendous amount of national attention. The case caught the interest of Bill Cosby and Spike Lee, who would be a fan and advocate of Iverson for many years. People all around the Newport News area started a movement to free Allen Iverson. He spent only four months in jail. Governor Douglas Wilder pardoned him. This move all but ended his political career and sparked another controversy. Wilder was also black, and white voters in Virginia viewed this move in a very racist light. Iverson was viewed now in much of white America as essentially a convicted felon who was out of prison only because a black man was governor of his state. Iverson got out conditionally, however. He had to adhere to a curfew and could not play basketball until he got his high school diploma. He could not accept a scholarship to the University of Kentucky but did get a scholarship once he completed his high school education in a learning center. During this time, he received his nickname, the answer. He was called such because his friends said he was the answer to basketball's conformity so to speak, people that conformed to this family friendly image, such as Charles Barkley, Isiah Thomas and most importantly, Michael Jordan, who was a childhood hero of his. He accepted a scholarship to Georgetown where John Thompson coached him. Thompson became somewhat of a father figure to him, but he was hard to manage, and the two had a workable but very turbulent relationship. Iverson completed only two years of his education where he became the top NBA draft pick in 1996. He was drafted by the ailing Philadelphia 76ers in 1996. Iverson is immersed in hip-hop culture. This made him an incredibly controversial figure in basketball. His clothing looked more like a gangster rappers than it did Michael Jordan's. On the court he seemed to embody the gangster rapper's image. He had an arm covering on one arm when he played, and also was one of the first players to have cornrows; a hairstyle up until that time was popular in prison. To make matters worse, he had an incredibly "in your face" style, which did not sit well with older players like Charles Barkley, Michael Jordan, Scottie Pippen and others. Jordan said of him when Jordan's Bulls played Iverson's 76ers, that he had no respect for the game. Despite this, no one denied Iverson's talent. He could hustle the ball, could get around even the tallest players. He became known for his fast drives to the baskets and his ability to fake the ball in a move called the crossover. Spike Lee lost respect for him when he turned down his invitation to star in the film He Got Game (1998). As a very pointed move, Lee cast former collegiate rival Ray Allen in the part. The Sixers found themselves suddenly a respectable team. They acquired a new coach, the unusual Larry Brown. As a player in the ABA almost twenty years ago, Brown was also a young outsider fighting the system. Larry Brown now was a button-down-suit-and-tie coach. The two did not get along well at first; in fact, their relationship at best was serviceable. Brown was always unhappy with Iverson for not showing up to practice. Iverson insisted his game was pure inspiration, and he had little need for practice. The two rarely saw eye to eye. He received a tremendous number of awards in his short career. He was named rookie of the year in 1997, and on more than one occasion, he was an All NBA First Team, NBA All Star, was an All Star MVP, and received perhaps what was his crowning achievement to date when he was NBA MVP in 2001. That year, Iverson led his team to the NBA finals, but had a rough ride against Kobe Bryant and 'Shaquille ONeal's Lakers. They lost the championship in game five of the series. It was still quite an achievement because the Sixers had not been to the finals since Dr. J (Julius Erving) and Moses Malone led them to victory over the Lakers in 1983 in a 4-0 sweep. Iverson has over 20 tattoos. Each tattoo is a symbol of his life. One denotes the name of his group of friends he has known since childhood, Cru Thik, another who says the answer, another who is dedicated to his mom who is a strong presence as Sixers games, and many others. He married his high school sweetheart Tawanna Turner and they have two children.
Won the gold medal at World University Games with the US Team in 1995.
Named Big East Rookie of the Year 1995
Named Big East Defensive Player of the Year 1995, 1996.
1st pick in NBA Draft 1996
Was named MVP of the 2000-01 NBA season.
Attended Georgetown University from 1994 to 1996 where he was coached by the legendary John Thompson.
Drafted first overall by the Philadelphia 76ers in 96.
Rookie of the Year 1997.
NBA Rookie 1st Team 1997.
Rookie All-star game MVP in 1997.
NBA All Star 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007.
All Star Game MVP 2001, 2005.
NBA MVP 2001.(Shortest MVP in MVP history)
All NBA First Team 1999, 2000, 2001, 2005.
In 2001, Led the 76ers to their first NBA Finals appearance since 1983 (lost to the LA Lakers in 5 games).
Played for Georgetown University.
Played Quarterback in HS and led his school to state titles in football and basketball his senior year.
Under lifetime contract with Reebok.
Daughter Tiaura (b. 1995), son Allen II, or "Deuce" (b. 1998).
Led the Bethel High School Bruins (Hampton, Virginia) to the 1993 basketball and football state championship; the then-16 year old played point guard and quarterback.
Released a rap album, Slow Motion, with appearances by his friends Ma$e, Jermaine Dupri, Da Brat and Kool-G-Rap.
Georgetown University's all-time leading scorer.
Named after his father, Allen Broughton, who left the family and never married Iverson's mother.
Since 1998, he has hosted the Allen Iverson Celebrity Classic to benefit the Boys & Girls Club of Greater Hampton Roads, Virginia.
Lives on the same street as M. Night Shyamalan.
Wife Tawanna, gave birth to their 3rd child, Isaiah Rahsaan Iverson, the baby weighted 7 lbs. and was born at 9:30 A.M. on August 8, 2003.
He founded the Crossover Foundation.
Allen's third child, son Isaiah Rahsaan, was named for Isiah Thomas and the late Rahsaan Langford, Allen Iverson's close friend who was shot to death in October 2001.
Olympic Bronze Medalist (2004 - Basketball).
He and wife Tawanna welcomed their fourth child, daughter Messiah Lauren Iverson on August 16, 2005 at 11:47 AM, weighing 6 lbs, 12 ounces.
Currently playing for the Denver Nuggets
