當然,Laura也要應景一下,和大家分享除了Merry Christmas and a happy new year! 還可以寫哪些貼心的Christmas greetings祝福好友呢?
1. Happy holidays! 佳節快樂~~ (比較不帶宗教意味。)
2. Wishing you a beautiful holiday season.
3. May the holidays fill your heart with happiness.
4. May you have the best Christmas ever.
5. Seasons, greetings.
給交情比較好的朋友的so sweet版祝福語:
6. The gift of love. The gift of peace. The gift of happiness. May all these be yours at Christmas.
7. Christmas is a time to think of loved ones.
8. From our home to yours, we wish you a joyful Christmas.
9. Have you been naughty or nice this year? 你今年有調皮搗蛋或乖乖嗎?
10. Don't forget to hang up your stocking! 别忘了掛上你的聖誕襪襪唷!
It's really a shame we can't be together at Christmas …You must be jumping for joy!
我們不能在一起過聖誕節真是太可惜了……你一定樂得都跳起来了 ><
「wishing you all the best意味」的推薦目錄:
- 關於wishing you all the best意味 在 AMC 空中美語 Facebook
- 關於wishing you all the best意味 在 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu Facebook
- 關於wishing you all the best意味 在 Hapa Eikaiwa Facebook
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- 關於wishing you all the best意味 在 Wishes for you2023-在Facebook/IG/Youtube上的焦點新聞和 ... 的評價
- 關於wishing you all the best意味 在 2021年最火的英文歌曲+ 歐美流行音樂+ 超好聽中文 ... - YouTube 的評價
- 關於wishing you all the best意味 在 I wish you lots of happiness, love, joy, laughter, and smiles ... 的評價
wishing you all the best意味 在 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu Facebook 八卦
文 / 蔡永文 先生 Written by Mr Justin Chua
2. 貴人:
3. 休息環境或住宅:
玳瑚師父建議,如果我的家人去度假,韓國將是最理想的地方。 (當然,歐洲也可以,但是需要多一點金錢)。他提到,去寒冷的國家旅行對我們會有好處。
4. 車禍:
5. 功德:
謝謝玳瑚師父! 🙏🙏🙏
*Testimonial Part 1 from Justin Chua*
I have the good fortune and privilege to have my Bazi read by Master Dai Hu around End September 2017. I want to thank Ji Qian for linking me up with Master Dai Hu as this session opened up my mind and changed my life.
This is Part 1 of my testimonial because after a span of six months, these are just some of the positive things that have happened. I am certain that in time to come, there will be Part 2 and Part 3 because I will need time to work on Master Dai Hu's suggestions, advice and tips.
Meanwhile, let me illustrate on five key specific areas:
1. "Invisible third party":
There was an invisible third party in my study room. While "he" wasn't malicious, I felt "he" did affect my family in terms of moods and emotions. Master Dai Hu was spot on in his analysis and explain the fundamentals behind this situation and "him".
While "he" is still there, I am at peace and things have become better because I have applied two pieces of advice which Master Dai Hu had suggested. I am now working on the next course of recommendations and I will update this testimonial when it materializes.
2. Benefactors:
One of the memorable aspects of our session was the identification of Benefactors.
Ever since I was young, I know that I do not have a smooth sailing life and hence, I have always reminded myself to be hardworking and put in extra effort in everything I do. Master Dai Hu explained to me on how to identify my benefactors.
After the session, I went back to reflect on the important people who have assisted me, mentored me and gave me strength when I am in need over the years.. and guess what, they fall into these categories of benefactors.
The accuracy is 200%, and this is something that modern science will not be able to explain. For benefactors to appear, I must accumulate more merits, and this is what I also have been doing since end September 2017.
More to be elaborated below.
3. Resting Environment or Residence -
Master Dai Hu suggested that if my family were to go for vacation, Korea will be the most ideal place. (Of course, Europe as well, but subject to our budget). He mentioned that a trip to cold countries will do us good. I also recalled he mentioned that for my Bazi, it is best to find a residence near a water body, or greenery/mountains.
I had a sneak preview of this and during one of our stays in a ski resort, I finally understood why. Our room was located right in front of a mountain. In all the vacations I went with my family, I was usually the last to wake up in the morning and always wanted to sleep more.
But for these three particular mornings, I was the first to wake up, and when I do so, I feel very recharged and energized, like I woke up naturally.
My family was even surprised because I was the last to sleep (there was only one toilet and I made sure all my family members use it first before it was my turn, and also I had to wash milk bottles, and prepare for the next day). And suddenly, Master Dai Hu's recommendations were spot on once again after I realized the significance.
4. Car accident:
Master Dai Hu predicted that 2018 would be a year where I would likely have a serious car accident. I was very worried. In fact, after my session with him, I checked my car tires every day before I move off.
However, for one day, I did not check. If I recalled, it was because I was busy with CNY stuff (it was just after 立春), and I was in a rush. Concurrently, my air con failed on me, blowing hot air. I googled, found some contacts for a reliable air con workshop, and spoke to a few of them.
I finally settled on one which was near my house, but also, the boss seemed to be really honest, upfront and genuine to me during the phone call. Upon reaching the workshop, one of his worker ran a diagnostic test for my air con and suggested that I change a new set. At the same time, he happen to spot a serious flaw in one of my tires. The steel threading have already appeared which means the tire is already bare and worn out.
I was pretty puzzled because I was sure it wasn't like that just one or two days before. I then realized that this workshop could have save my life.. imagine driving along the expressway, the tire could burst and a car crash is certainly deadly.
What if my car hit another car and other passengers or vehicles are affected? I was shocked and counted my blessings.
I had a chat with the boss and thanked him, and then.. I realized he was my benefactor based on Master Dai Hu's guidance. Does it mean that I have made it past this critical stage? I am not sure, but I have a feeling cultivating merits could be important in this incident.
5. Merits -
Master Dai Hu and his articles on Facebook mentioned about cultivating merits. Ever since I met him, I have made it a point to accumulate merits.
Some simple examples: donation to the poor and needy, lending a helping hand to people who requires it at that point of time
Some examples: While at my weekly temple visit, a grandma who has difficulties walking asked me to buy her a cup of Teh O, I did so right away even though I had fell off the stairs and out of hospital not long ago.
Another one: I offered my umbrella to a mother and her toddler while she was waiting in the drizzle for Uber.. simple thoughts to help others, goes a long way.
I also often recite the Rebirth to Pure Land Short Mantra. I find that benefactors appear in my life more often in 2018.
Master Dai Hu is a strict person but he means well to every individual. I remember when he gave me some recommendations, and I share with him some of my challenges in executing it, he looked genuinely concerned and suggested feasible alternatives. If anyone wants to change their lives and make it better, do not expect sweet words and a bed of roses. Most importantly, take the correct action and make a conscious effort.
Thank you Master Dai Hu! 🙏🙏🙏
Wishing you best of health, wealth and all the good things in life! 🙏🙏🙏
wishing you all the best意味 在 Hapa Eikaiwa Facebook 八卦
1) Sincerely,
まずはフォーマルな結び言葉からスタートしましょう。ビジネスメールで最も一般的な結び言葉が Sincerely, です。Sincerelyは「心から」を意味する単語で、メールの結びに使うと「真心を込めて」のような意味合いになり、相手に誠実な印象を与えるフォーマルな結び言葉です。この表現は面識のある人と面識のない人、どちらに対しても使うことができるので、フォーマルなメールを送る時にどの結び言葉を使っていいかわからない時はこの表現を使えば問題ないでしょう。ただ、友達にカジュアルなメールを送る場合はフォーマル過ぎて固いフィーリングがあるので避けたほうがいいでしょう。
より丁寧にしたい場合は Sincerely yours, もしくは Yours sincerely, が使われます。アメリカ人は Sincerely yours, イギリス人は Yours sincerely, を使うと言われています。もちろん Sincerely, の一言だけでも十分丁寧な響きになりますが、目上の人や大切な顧客や取引先に対しては Sincerely yours, または Yours sincerely, を使うといいかもしれません。
2) Regards,
次によく使われる結びの言葉が Regards, です。Regardsは「敬意」を意味する単語なので、メールの最後に使うと「敬意を込めて」といった意味合いになります。 Sincerely, ほどフォーマルではないので、同僚、友達、面識のある顧客や取引先に対して使うといいでしょう。
また、Regards にはいくつかのバリエーションがあります。一般的には Best regards, Kind regards, Warm regards, の3パターンが使われます。Best regards, と Kind regards, は Regards, より丁寧ですが、Sincerely, ほどフォーマルな響きはなく、ビジネスの場ではよく使われる便利な結び言葉です。どちらも同じ意味合いを持ちますが、感覚的には Kind regards, の方が若干フォーマルな響きがあるように思います。Warm regards, は基本的に友人や親戚などに対して使われるので、ビジネスメールを書くときは Best regards, もしくは Kind regards, を使うことをお勧めします。
3) Best,
次は Regards, と同様、ややフォーマルな響きがあり、ビジネスメールでよく使われる Best,について。Best wishes, や Best regards, の略した言い方で、一般的に親しい間柄で使われます。ちなみに、Best wishes は「幸運を祈る」を意味する表現で、相手の幸運や幸福、成功を祈る時に使われ、ビジネスメールとカジュアルメールの両方で使えます。その他「I’m wishing you all the best.」を略した All the best, も似たような意味として使われます。失礼な印象はなく、相手に「全てが上手くいきますように」と幸運を祈ってあげたい時は All the best, もしくは Best wishes, を使うといいでしょう。
4) Thank you,
ビジネスメールでは Thank you, も結び言葉として使うことができます。Thank you は文字通り「ありがとうございます」を意味し、相手に感謝の気持ちを伝えたい時に使われます。シンプルに Thanks, と書くこともでき、その場合は Thank you, よりカジュアルな響きになります。
もし、相手に何かを依頼する時は「前もってお礼を申し上げます」を意味する Thank you in advance, と書くこともできます。しかし、この結び言葉を使うときは、相手がお願い事を受け入れてくれることを前提にしているので、依頼を受け入れてくれるかまだ分からない状態でこの表現を使うと、ちょっと厚かましい印象を与えてしますので使い方には気をつけましょう。
✔See you,
✔See you later,
最近よく見かける結び言葉 Cheers, も使い方に注意が必要です。この結び言葉は元々、イギリスでよく使わていたそうです。どちらかというとビジネスフレンドリーな響きがあり、同僚や仲の良い人に対してであれば使っても問題ありませんが、アメリカではこの結び言葉はフォーマル過ぎず良い響きがあると思う人がいる一方で、ビジネスではカジュアル過ぎるという声もあり賛否両論です。なのでフォーマルなメールでの使用は避けた方が無難でしょう。
続きまして Take care of yourself の略で「体に気をつけてね」の意味としてよく使われるTake care, について。友達や親しい間柄であれば使っても全然問題ありませんが、面識のない人やフォーマルなメールでの使用は控えた方がいいでしょう。
Thx や Rgrds のように省略した結び言葉もカジュアル過ぎるのでビジネスメールでの使用は避けましょう。仲の良い友人とLINEやメッセンジャーなどでやりとりをしているのであれば、このような省略英語を使っても問題ありませんが、ビジネスメールではインフォーマル過ぎるので避けるのがベストでしょう。
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wishing you all the best意味 在 I wish you lots of happiness, love, joy, laughter, and smiles ... 的八卦
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wishing you all the best意味 在 Wishes for you2023-在Facebook/IG/Youtube上的焦點新聞和 ... 的八卦
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