雖然聖誕節要到了,但很不想讓大家再度聽到Last Christmas這首歌了
這是這個月Bark 樂是浮生錄的文字,說的是上個月的感想
也謝謝George Michael
BARK#16五月天 瑪莎專欄時間
Praying for Time
上個月是個風雨耳語交錯轟炸的混亂月份,雖說每次的選舉都是公民發揮功能行使權力的時機,可是要經歷這些選舉招式和比爛的烏賊式攻擊或議題,我想很少人不會感到不耐且厭煩。私以為選舉在民主政治中可貴的部分在候選人可以提出自己的理想性和對於未來的抱負願景,然後選民們用選票決定誰有那樣的能力,可以帶著我們到那個最接近理想的地方。可是沒想到經過了這麼次的選舉,那些政客的招數比從前還要破綻百出,嘴臉比從前還要貪得無厭,攻擊比從前還要火上加油,臉皮比從前還要無堅不摧。一切都像是個虛幻且詭譎的嘉年華,但這嘉年華卻居然要決定我們接下來的未來?!終究自己還是試著關上電視離開網路,試著回到音樂裡找尋一些存在感。然後,我聽見了好久不見的George Michael。
George Michael在單飛之前,是創作男孩團體「Wham」的成員。「Wham」在八零年代有不少膾炙人口的金曲,兩位成員都有創作,歌曲仍多屬於愉快歡樂的泡泡糖舞曲或商業性濃厚的抒情歌曲。但他們的創作能力的確不俗,每首歌皆是當時人人朗朗上口的排行榜佳作。加上兩個人帥氣的外型和成功的包裝,儼然就是市場上吉他鍵盤創作金童雙人組。那是我國小的回憶,只記得學校的園遊會或是拉拉隊會聽見他們的歌,在鬧區的路上逛街也會偶爾聽見他們的作品。1986年「wham」解散了,George Michael單飛。他個人的第一張專輯《Faith》出版,在市場上獲得驚人的成功。除了音樂性本身的豐富和令人驚豔之外,也將原本就好看的George Michael推上了性感偶像的地位。緊身牛仔褲、墨鏡、長鬢角、鬍渣、上了油的頭髮、牛仔外套,還有一把背在身上的木吉他。音樂錄影帶中他扭腰擺臀,儼然就是貓王再世的化身。那是那陣子年輕人最愛的裝扮,除了音樂之外,他也是時尚和潮流的偶像。
1990年,George Michael出版了他的第二張個人專輯《Listen Without Prejudice vol.1》,翻譯過來,意思是撇開偏見聆聽。也許是對於第一張個人專輯《Faith》的成功有所反動,加上想讓聽眾更聚焦於他的音樂作品上,所以這張專輯從封面到內頁,只有一張他自己第一張專輯時期的黑白照片。在那個MTV頻道大行其道甚至是主要唱片宣傳管道的年代,所有的音樂錄影帶也都沒有他的演出。甚至在專輯的主要歌曲〈Freedom 90〉中,他也在歌詞寫到
“Heaven know I was just a young boy, Didn’t know what I wanted to be
I was every little school girls pride and joy and I guess it was enough for me
To win the race? A prettier face?
Brand new clothes and a big fat place on your rock and roll TV
But today I play the game is not the same, No way
Think I’m gonna get me some happy”
這些歌詞在在地透露他心中對自己在大眾心中形象的厭倦和想要的改變,而這首歌後來也多少有了些標誌性意味,因為後來壞小子羅比威廉斯在離開Take That之後的第一首單曲,就是翻唱了George Michael的這首歌。
而在這張唱片其中,一直到今日,每次聆聽都還是讓我深深感動的,是〈Praying For Time〉。專輯版本的編曲有著直接而強硬的節奏和鼓聲,搭配著用力刷擊的木吉他以及襯底的弦樂,間奏的管樂,George Michael用情緒外放甚至帶些憤怒的語氣唱著這首歌。他在2004年的時候重新在因為披頭四而聲名遠播的Abbey Road Studio重新用live的方式錄製了這首歌,沒有實體唱片,只有數位發行。編曲只有簡單的鋼琴,速度也放慢了許多。他的歌聲收起了憤怒,但多了許多的不捨和憐憫。沒有誇張的情緒渲染,只用很單純的情感重新翻唱了這首歌。另外一個和原版本最大的差別是,他在前奏和間奏多了幾句“Do you think we have time?”。這也是我比較喜歡的版本。他在主歌的歌詞中赤裸且毫不留情地描述著這個他眼中的世界,說著人們之間的對立,說著人與人的不相信,說著人們心中的懷疑和恐懼,也說著人們的虛偽和假意。
“The rich declare themselves poor and most of us are not sure”
“These are the years of the empty hand,Oh you hold on to what you can,
And Charity is the coat you wear twice a year”
“So you scream behind your door, say what’s mine is mine is not yours”
雖然是二十幾年前的歌曲了,但歌中所描述的這些,在今天看來似乎從來沒有變過,甚至變本加厲了。我們仍然在電視上看到富人們喊窮,聽見既得利益者說日子不好過。兇手嚷著說自己是受害者,執政者威脅著不讓我執政你們走著瞧。社會不公的現象沒有變得比較好,努力付出所得到的有時候比自私還要糟。在已經不知道接下來還可以相信什麼的時候,連我們原來被教育可以信賴的居然也開始變得混淆。聽著George Michael唱著的時候,新聞片段畫面隨著歌詞像是走馬燈般在腦中淡入淡出。這是我們的世界,即使已經過了這麼多年,可是這首歌所描述的仍然和我的年代如此貼切,沒有一絲違和感。他在副歌寫出了最後的憐憫無奈和一點點希望,他唱:
“It’s hard to love, There’s so much to hate
Hanging on to hope when there is no hope to speak of
And the wounded skies above say it’s much too late
So maybe we should all be praying for time”
現在聽這首歌仍然感動,是因為心裡還有希望和相信。你仍然相信努力可以讓一些事情改變,你仍然相信付出可以獲得一些逆轉。即使笨重的世界像是隻沒有神經的雷龍,用力地敲擊它的尾巴可能要等到天荒地老他才會轉頭,但是只要願意去做,即使只改變一些些,即使等待很久才能開花結果,你都會卯盡全力地想要試試。因為曲中的描述是你看見的世界,因為你經歷過這些失望,所以你更知道不可以未來就這樣定格在這樣的令人沮喪的現狀。最後,2004版本和原來唱片版的另外一個最大的差異,是他在歌曲尾奏唱著“Do you think we have time?”的最後一句,他唱了“Please give us time”。
同時也有9部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過283萬的網紅bubzbeauty,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Aww thank you everyone & xteeener, totally did not expect to get 1st place. Love you alL! hope you all had lots of fun with the entries. Well done eve...
what we wear brand 在 Yao&Alma TW Cosplayer Facebook 八卦
所以之前嘗試過性轉跟一些概念穿搭🌟 嘗試看看有什麼可以玩『跨界』的機會
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In the past 1-2 years, we have been exploring how to combine cosplay with other fields, or what new themes can be cosplayed.
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(Oversea purchase order: please contact with Xovr via their email)
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what we wear brand 在 ลงทุนแมน Facebook 八卦
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น้ำเกลือ ที่เราเห็นเป็นประจำตามร้านขายยามีรายได้กว่า พันล้านบาทต่อปี
...Continue ReadingSalt Water Business is boring but not small income / by investing man
Did you know that..
The Salt water we see regularly according to the pharmacy. Earn over a billion baht per year.
And another closer to us than we thought
So how close is the salt water to us?
Invest, man will tell you about it.
First let's get to know the salt water first..
Many of you may have heard that salt water is used to clean the wound.
But in fact, salt water doesn't have the power to disinfect any..
Basically, the salt water we commonly call is about 0.9 % concentrated.
Such numbers are simply explained that in 100 ml of distilled water, there will be 0.9 grams of sodium chloride salt, aka normal saline solution (NSS).
The dobt of concentration is the same level of concentration as human body fluids to keep the condition of cells from damage.
In this case, a simple example is to give salt water when we are sick.
When our body is exhausted and can't drink the right amount of water
Nurses will give us salt water to balance water and mineral salt in the body and compensate for the energy we lose..
In addition, some types of salt water may have medical ingredients.
Such as increasing the amount of sugar, dextos so that sugar can replace food.
In Case patients don't have the ability to eat by themselves.
Apart from medical use
Salt water can also be used in everyday life.
For example, for example.
When we get wound, use salt water to clean the wound.
It is why the wound is clean without damaging skin cells.
Before using the next Iodine Tincture or alcohol to kill germs..
Apart from cleaning the wound
Salt Water Business also tends to grow according to contact lenses business.
Did you know that..
Global population is more likely to have short-sighted.
The population is short-sighted to global population.
Year 2010 around 28 %
Year 2050 is predicted to increase to 50 %
Or simply say is 1 OF 2 people who walk past me will be short sighted
Which is more consistent with current trend we turn to wear contact lenses.
Normally, when we soak in contact lenses, contact lenses, there are components that can remove protein stains.
If we wear contact lenses immediately, our eyes may have irritation.
At this point, many contact lenses also wash salt water to help reduce such symptoms..
In addition, salt water can also wash nose, wash your eyes, including facial wiping or cleaning some types of makeup.
Did you know that..
Klean & kare is one of the salt water brands we may see according to general pharmacy.
This brand has been produced by cuddle hours of pharmacy factory that has been open since the year. Fri 2498
Later changed the name to a. N. B. Laboratori (cuddle hours of pharmacy)
The company has products from wipes, nose cleaning, Contact Lens Cleanser and salt water.
Year 2558 Income 1,184 million baht. Profit 188 million baht.
Year 2559 Income 1,337 million baht. Profit 212 million baht.
Year 2560 Income 1,340 million baht. Profit 210 million baht.
So the income of every 100 baht of the company is a profit of up to 16 baht..
The Company's income proportion is both domestic and abroad such as Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Ethiopia, Hong Kong, Nepal, Sri Lanka and ye
This company is currently acquired and operates under bdms. The owner of 1 of the 10 most valuable companies in Thailand.
Another interesting player can't escape. Yener cuddle l hospit cuddle favorite cuddle
Medical manufacturers have done business for over 50 years.
Year 2558 Income 871 million baht. Profit 56 million baht.
Year 2559 Income 1,032 million baht. Profit 154 million baht.
Year 2560 Income 1,037 million baht. Profit 157 million baht.
Including Thai osuka company, medical food manufacturers come to invest in salt water business.
With a budget for more than 900 million baht.
Year 2558 Income 2,102 million baht. Profit 223 million baht.
Year 2559 Income 2,399 million baht. Profit 273 million baht.
Year 2560 Income 2,544 million baht. Profit 266 million baht.
All of this shows
Saline business that looks boring and we see it regularly according to the pharmacy.
But this business is bigger than I thought.
Which is what everyone, no matter one day, will use it.
If we think about what business
Try to look like salt water
What looks like boring
But there are a lot of people who use them.
That thing could be a treasure to us..
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Order the book to invest man 10.0 at
Lazada: https://www.lazada.co.th/products/100-i312324208-s559866635.html?mp=3&spm=0.0.productPromotion_13579257.1
Shopee: https://shopee.co.th/ลงทุนแมน-หนังสือ-10.0-i.116732911.2099369914
-BDMS, Annual Report 2018
-DBD Data Warehouse
-A.N.B. Laboratories
what we wear brand 在 bubzbeauty Youtube 的評價
Aww thank you everyone & xteeener, totally did not expect to get 1st place. Love you alL! hope you all had lots of fun with the entries. Well done everyone!
This is a Contest Entry to Xteeeners contest. We are asked to create a makeup commercial to any makeup product. So I created a quick makeup ad with a made up product/brand.
If only this product really exists T_T It was super funny while making the entry but really really fun. Thank you Xteeener for holding such a great contest. I usually dont enter contests but this one seemed so creative and unique that I had to. Plus- it was super super fun.
Thank you girly! I had a right laugh at myself and Im sure you guys will enjoy my silliness too. I didn't make this entry so I can win prizes, I did it because I geniunely thought it was a very unique contest and it challenging. I highly encourage you guys to try too ^_^ Good luck to everyone that entered! ^_^
Ps. Dont forget to stick around for the bloopers. Haha! Different from what you expected eh? Blow driers are painful for your eyes! Only do it if you are krazy. But come on, we all have before ^_^
pps. I purposely didnt wear much makeup and wore white for the commercial to produce a pure and clean type of ad. As if the commercial reflects the skin = clear skin. I am a designer so I am creative so I stress on lighting, music, content, message and composition.
Gah, hair products are now allowed...darn it, I wouldve done a hair ad instead now o_o But still had heaps of fun
Much love,
#1 - Most Discussed (Today) - Howto & Style ?? lol
what we wear brand 在 KAWAII PATEEN Youtube 的評價
Japanese DECORA HAIR STYLE tutorial
by fashion designer Haruka Kurebayashi
- ファッションモデル紅林大空のデコラヘア講座 -
Haruka Kurebayashi is a famous model of the magazine KERA and well known among the fans of Japanese fashion overseas. Since last year she also participates to the popular Harajuku fashion walk with very colorful and eccentric fashions.
She is the designer of the brand 90884 and presents her latest product at the end of the video!
Have fun with Fashion!
Everything kawaii, Street fashion snaps, makeup tutorials and reports on fashion events in TOKYO!!
Also on Facebook with tons of photos :
Official site : http://waoryu.jp
We will make the hair into braids.
A substitute for hair band….these beads.
By clasping the braids, it will become a clip.
Each side will be made into three braids.
First, just take a bunch, divide it into three, and make each into braids.
The braids can be a little loose.
When it is done up to here…
Choose your favorite to clip on.
Just like this.
I will continue to do the rest.
I have the other parts in a clean cut so I don’t have much volume, but if the more braids you can make, the cuter it will get.
I would like to pin my bangs.
For the pin, the small ones are easier to use.
The biggest one is this size.
The reason behind is that, when the hair comes off due to the weight, or as you can see, the reverse side is like this, but when there are many parts to clip on, the round shape of the bangs will disappear and it will not look cute.
Therefore choose one size. The color can be of your choice, but if so many are pink or blue, when all of the hair pins are on, the part would look bulky and destroy the balance of the color. It would be better when you spread it out and use many colors evenly.
On the top part, this type which has a curling pin on the reverse side,
is what we will use.
For the bottom part, this easy to clip-on type will keep on and will not fall off.
Based on such thoughts, I decide how much to keep or buy.
From the top, hold the bottom of this hair and clip it as if letting it go through.
Use this as much as possible, the numbers are up to you, and much as you want.
The easiest to use is probably the ribbon type.
When you use the star, the bangs may split like this, so you should hide the split with your hair a little.
Even with the same motif, there are ones with different colors, shiny ones, made in different colors, etc., so find the balance you like and use what you think will look cute.
The upper part is the curling pin.
For the lower part, I will use a tic tac.
Look at the balance of colors and choose your own color.
The key to today’s fashion coordination is the dress.
This dress is from my brand, 90884 and it has a sticker pattern on it. This pattern comes from my childhood obsession of collecting stickers, and the desire to wear them.
It isl using enamel to make a material mix, so it is given some futuristic impression.
Matching with the style, I am wearing a rainbow socks today.
As the image is “cheerful”, for the bottoms, I am wearing balloon pants.
what we wear brand 在 げんじ/Genji Youtube 的評價
0:00 OP
2:15 トレンドのカラーは?
5:15 どんなセットアップがトレンド?
7:05 他にもこんなトレンドがある!
¥ 3,850 - tax in
身長 175cm
体重 55キロ
体型 痩せ型
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