Cheers! Our movie ‘Babi’ has been shortlisted by the Around International Film Festival and Thai Film Festival! Kop kun krap!🙏🙏🙏
To be frank, I have completed 2 films last year, one was ‘Nasi Lemak 1.0’ which was filmed above board and another film was ‘BABI’ which was filmed secretly. We never talked openly about this project because it is a banned film (Well, it’s pretty obvious even from the film title…) and we don’t want to get into unnecessary attention…
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the release date of ‘Nasi Lemak 1.0’ has been delayed indefinitely and it has caused quite a big deal to us… While we were amidst of the dark clouds, we found our silver linings! ‘BABI’ was selected in 2 internationally famed film festivals, the ARFF Berlin (Around International Film Festival Berlin) and the International Thai Film Festival! We were really really happy about it!
‘BABI’ is a film based on a real-life event, the movie sheds light on a massive school racial riot which took place in year 2000 in a small town somewhere Southern in Malaysia. During that time Malaysia was still under the authoritarian rule of one-dominant party, abuse of power and corruption were frequent, media and news were being stringently controlled and filtered. Thus, the incident was being ‘compromised’ by relevant authority, most of Malaysians doesn’t know about this incident.
The script was actually written 7 years ago, the main reason that the film was not in production that time was because nobody would ever consider to invest on a zero-profit, must-be banned film. The second reason was I had no idea whom should I ask for help, I believed after hearing the film title, everyone would be scared off... Yet in the end, I’m still managed to finish this film with a very very very tight budget. I want to thank all the people who have contributed greatly to the movie, especially the producer Joko Toh
We decided to put the 7-year-old script in production is to tell the truth behind the story but most importantly sending a message to all Malaysians that we must be more unified disregard of our ethnicity and race. In short, we shall always lend a helping hand to each others and communicate with our hearts and souls, therefore we won’t be exploited by politicians who incite racial sentiment to reach their end goal. Otherwise, more tragic like this will happens…
The idea of be able to screen this film in Malaysia has never crossed my mind before, that’s why we never tried to register the film after the production. Rightly next, I hope that this film can be seen elsewhere other than at Thailand’s or Germany’s film festival, I wish there are better methods in exposing the film and to reach out to everyone. Currently, we are still on our lofty quest but please do cheer for us! Happy Merdeka Day in advance! Malaysia Boleh!
*Versi BM*
Tahniah! Filem kami [BABI] telah dipilih dalam Around International Film Festival dan Thai Film Festival ! Kop Kun Krap! 🙏🙏🙏
Sebenarnya pada tahun lepas kami telahpun menghasilkan dua buah filem. Yang pertama adalah filem [Nasi Lemak 1.0] yang penggambarannya dijalankan dengan berani dan terang, satu lagi adalah filem [BABI] dimana proses penggambaran dijalankan dalam keadaan yang sulit dan rahsia. Kami tidak pernah membuat apa-apa pengumuman mengenai perkara ini, kerana khuathir filem ini akan menimbulkan kontroversi (lihat sajalah nama filemnya...) Kami tidak mahu memburukkan keadaan.
Disebabkan isu pandemik Covid-19, filem [Nasi Lemak 1.0] tidak dapat ditayangkan di pawagam dan telah membawa kerugian yang teruk pada kami. Walaubagaimanapun kami menerima berita baik berkenaan pemilihan filem [BABI] dalam dua festival filem antarabangsa yang berprestij iaitu ARFF Berlin (Around International Film Festival Berlin) serta International Thai Film Festival! Kami berasa amat gembira!
Filem [BABI] adalah lakonan semula sebuah rusuhan perkauman yang berlaku di sebuah sekolah menengah yang terletak di bahagian selatan Malaysia pada tahun 2000. Pada ketika itu Malaysia masih berada di bawah kepemimpinan parti yang dominan. Pemimpin-pemimpin menyalahgunakan kuasa dan pihak media dikawal sepenuhnya oleh kerajaan. Oleh yang demikian, tragedi ini akhirnya telah 'diselesaikan' oleh pihak tertentu dan rakyat Malaysia telah 'disekat' dari peristiwa tersebut.
Skrip asal untuk filem [BABI] telah saya tulis sejak 7 tahun yang lalu. Namun antara sebab utama saya tidak dapat menghasilkan filem ini adalah kerana isu modal, kerana tiada yang sudi mengeluarkan modal untuk sebuah filem yang mungkin akan diharamkan dan tidak akan ditayangkan di pawagam. Sebab kedua adalah kerana saya tidak tahu siapa yang akan sudi menghasilkan filem ini bersama saya kerana saya pasti, hanya dengan mendengar namanya saja sudah tentu tiada yang akan ingin mengambil bahagian. Namun dengan segala daya usaha dari semua pihak yang sudi membantu dan menerusi modal yang teramat-amat rendah, kami akhirnya berjaya menghabiskan filem ini. Saya dengan ikhlas ingin berterima kasih pada semua krew, petugas, pelakon dan kakitangan belakang tabir yang terlibat dalam menjayakan filem ini, terutamanya penerbit Joko Toh
Tujuan utama kami merealisasikan skrip yang ditulis sejak 7 tahun yang lalu adalah untuk membongkar perkara sebenar seluruh peristiwa ini. Juga menerusi filem ini, kami ingin menyampaikan mesej betapa pentingnya perpaduan dan keharmonian diantara kaum supaya dielak dari dipergunakan oleh ahli politik demi untuk mencapai matlamat dan motif masing-masing. Jika tidak, kami percaya pasti pasti lebih banyak tragedi ngeri bakal berlalu...
Tak pernah terlintas dalam fikiran kami untuk menayangkan filem ini di Malaysia. Oleh yang demikian, kami tak pernah mohon dari mana-mana pihak berkenaan permohonan penayangan. Kami berharap selepas ini, filem ini bukan saja akan ditayangkan di festival filem Berlin dan Thailand, kami mahu supaya filem [BABI] dapat ditonton oleh lebih ramai penonton di seluruh dunia. Kami akan tetap berusaha, silalah berdoa dan sokong usaha kami! Selamat Hari Kemerdekaan untuk Malaysia! Malaysia Boleh!
恭喜恭喜! 我們的電影【BABI/你是豬】入選了【ARFF環球國際電影節(柏林)】還有【泰國國際電影節】! Kop kun krap! 🙏🙏🙏
【辣死你媽-續集】因為疫情的緣故沒辦法上映,造成了嚴重的虧損... 當我們在愁雲慘霧之際,卻收到了天大的好消息! 就是【BABI/你是豬】入圍了國際上著名的兩大影展 【ARFF環球國際電影節(柏林)】和【泰國國際電影節】! 真的很開心!
其實這是我七年前寫的劇本,我沒拍出來的第一個原因,當然是因為沒有人會願意把錢丟進一部即將被禁,賺不回本的電影裡。第二個原因則是我當時不知道要找誰幫我拍,相信聽到這個戲名,大家應該都怕了吧... 但最後我還是以很低很低成本的方式,拜託了很多人幫忙,才完成了這部電影。真的要謝謝參與電影拍攝的每一個台前幕後的人,尤其監製 Joko Toh。
我從來都沒有想過這部電影能夠在馬來西亞上映,所以我們拍完了之後從來都沒有拿去申請過。接下來,希望這部電影不止在泰國和德國的影展能看到,期待以後能夠以更光明正大的方式讓所有人都能看到。我們還在努力中,請為我們加油吧!預祝馬來西亞獨立日快樂! Malaysia Boleh!
FINAS Malaysia Kementerian Dalam Negeri (KDN) Polis Diraja Malaysia ( Royal Malaysia Police ) #LPF Lembaga Penapisan Filem
同時也有10000部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過62萬的網紅Bryan Wee,也在其Youtube影片中提到,...
「well being中文翻譯」的推薦目錄:
- 關於well being中文翻譯 在 Namewee 黃明志 Facebook
- 關於well being中文翻譯 在 酒類專家 王 鵬 Facebook
- 關於well being中文翻譯 在 麗麗(lele) Facebook
- 關於well being中文翻譯 在 Bryan Wee Youtube
- 關於well being中文翻譯 在 Travel Thirsty Youtube
- 關於well being中文翻譯 在 スキマスイッチ - 「全力少年」Music Video : SUKIMASWITCH / ZENRYOKU SHOUNEN Music Video Youtube
- 關於well being中文翻譯 在 沒關係我們可以再做一次[Ninomae Inanis][vtuber/hololive中文] 的評價
well being中文翻譯 在 酒類專家 王 鵬 Facebook 八卦
布魯塞爾世界酒類競賽烈酒評選(Spirits Selection by Concours Mondial de Bruxelles),是全球最富盛名的烈酒賽事之一。台灣今年在此大賽中,再次獲得佳績,所獲獎牌數量為參賽前五強。第一名是法國(本土44面,海外屬地53面),其次是中國(47面)、墨西哥(27面)、義大利(25面)與台灣(22面)。
台灣雙金獎1面(金車噶瑪蘭 Kavalan Solist Fino Sherry Single Cask Strength)、金獎11面(得獎者包括金門酒廠、信義鄉農會、台灣菸酒公司、國立高雄餐旅大學)、銀獎10面(得獎者包括金門酒廠、台灣菸酒公司、優米企業、金車噶瑪蘭、國立高雄餐旅大學、霧峰農會酒莊)
布魯塞爾世界酒類競賽烈酒評選,巡迴世界各地,今年邁入第17屆,在智利拉塞雷納(La Serena)舉辦。
評審團每六人一桌,每桌由大會指派一名評審團主席(俗稱桌長),來自台灣的陳千浩與王鵬,都是本屆的評審團成員,並雙雙兼任評審團主席。此外,王鵬也擔任大會《烈酒風味評判準則》(Spirits Sensory Guidelienes)編纂計劃總召集人及主編,這項計畫從兩年前萌芽,一年前正式開始籌備,並於本屆順利推出,成為本屆賽事亮點之一。
1. Rhum Blanc Agricole Karukera Canne Bleue by Marquisat de Sainte-Marie Sas, Guadeloupe
2. Château du Tariquet Bas Armagnac Folle Blanche 12 years, France
3. Mezcal Don Aurelio Reposado by Don Aurelio Lamas, Mexico.
4. Ekiss Vodka 2012 by Domaines Francis Abecassis, France.
今年烈酒大賽的評審日程為期三日,在8月22日大會開幕典禮上,將正式發表這部《烈酒風味評判準則》(Spirits Sensory Guidelines),目前這部作品以英文發行。
一個賽事的評審團,通常必須拆分成不同桌次,每個桌次可視為一個獨立的評審團。評審桌長,就是這個獨立評審團的主席,通常我們私下都稱為table captain(桌長),但是正式的說法是president of jury(評審團主席)——位階聽起來威風凜凜,但其實就是桌長。身為桌長,任務內容簡單許多,基本上只要確保該桌工作進度沒有落後,文件資料填寫齊全。但是我擔任桌長時,也希望同行專家都能透過討論,從彼此身上學到一些東西,並確保評選結果符合應有水準素質。
〈智利國家電視台TVN Canal 24 Horas〉Comenzó concurso mundial de destilados…/comenzo-concurso-mundial-de-destila…
〈智利電視台Ahora Noticias Central MEGA〉2017年8月24日
王鵬主導編纂的《烈酒評判準則》(Spirits Sensory Guidelines)正式推出,是本屆賽事的亮點之一 。以下是王鵬在8月22日大賽開幕典禮上的英文致詞全文,以及中文翻譯。
* * * * * * * * * * * *
My dear fellow judges,
As a judge, we never stop learning. I believe you feel the same way. There are so much to explore in the world of spirits. The diversity of our drinks and cultural richness behind them are fascinating; yet, its complexity can be frustrating sometimes. No one is a perfect judge. However, we try to do our best and fulfill our mission.
And we are lucky being in this family of Spirits Selection, because fellow judges always share thoughts and knowledge at the judging table. I was inspired to collect valuable comments, and compile them into Guidelines, so that such information become available for each member in the team, rather than limited within one single jury at a given table.
Hopefully, these guidelines will help you in the challenging task as spirits judge, particularly when you are faced with certain categories that you are less familiar with. We recommend you spend some time on the “Users’ Guide.” You can find it in the beginning of your booklet. Appropriate use of these guidelines will be helpful in your judging, and will ensure our mission in promoting great culture of fine spirits.
Let’s imagine that each bottle or each sample is a person, and it tries to express itself in its own language. To better communicate, we have to learn its language. The diversity of spirits can be compared to diverse languages, and we managed to bridge over that gap, by revealing the secret of “how to speak its own language,” in other words, how to evaluate the spirits from their unique cultural backgrounds. This is what these guidelines are for.
In these Guidelines, we aimed at pointing out common features and frequent faults within each category, and these are often useful tips for judges. We believe, your expertise paired with this powerful tool of Guidelines, will enhance your performance as a judge. I hope you enjoy using these Guidelines before or during judging. Discussions are encouraged, since guidelines themselves are a compilation of these useful comments. When you find them, write them down and send them to us. They are much wanted and desired.
This document is designed to evolve over time, based on your remarks and suggestions. Some pieces are still missing, but I believe they are about to come, thanks to your feedback. Please capture any thought that arises during judging, and let’s share with the whole team in the next edition. Ever-improving guidelines will help reproduce quality judging, which is of utmost importance for the reputation of the renowned Spirits Selection, where we are united as a family and whose reputation is also ours.
I feel so proud and happy being part of the project. Although it was me who took initiative in the creation of these guidelines, were it not for the support of competition organizers and help from fellow judges, the project would not have been carried out with success. We would like to thank all those who have devoted their time and expertise to producing this first version. My special thanks go to Mr. Thierry Heins, who supported this project with great knowledge on spirits and particularly on human resources. He knows his people very well, and always have good contacts. Those fellow judges who contributed to the Guidelines, provided insights and advices, are listed in the Acknowledgements. I believe, in the next edition, this list will definitely grow longer because of your participation.
Thanks for your attention and support. Enjoy your tasting. Let’s get prepared for work!
well being中文翻譯 在 麗麗(lele) Facebook 八卦
// 今日令我感到震驚的一幕 //
翻譯William Lu文章
中文翻譯來自 黃翊
Today I got very angry and upset for the first time in public in front of a crowd.
What started out as a nice day, I thought it would only get better by attending the street performance artist's exam in Taipei. Everything seemed nice when I saw the performers were all prepared in their provided locations around the Sun Yat Sen Memorial Hall. But after I saw the head of the judge panel treated the street performers while performing, I couldn't keep my mouth shut.
Let me explained: each performer had to pay to register for the license exam. They were given 3 minutes to present their work(s) hoping they'd get a lisence so they can earn some sort of living from their passion. This one particular judge (pictured) leading the group seems impatiently listen and watch the street performers. It barely hit the one minute mark, he aggressively cut into the song of a singer and told the performer "many singers sing in different languages like English etc, sing in another language!"(I paraphrased with my bad Chinese translation). Then the singer started singing in Taiwanese language. But barely two sentences, he talked to another judge barely paying attention to the performer this head judge basically just left and gestured to the rest of the group to follow him.
The singer sang barely a minute and a half (they were promised 3 mins and they kept being interrupted by this judge). Bare in mind, this judge is earning a wage while these hopeful performers were paying him to be there. He basically did the same thing over and over again disregarding the artist's intent and hard work. Not a single word of appreciation. He just acted as he was a big boss looking down on these petty performers. He chatted as he wished and walked away without saying a "thank you" or a gesture of acknowledgement. A percussionist kept being interrupted asking him to do something different. Then he just left after the third time. The rest of the judges just followed.
So, i approached him politely asking for his name and his business card. I told him I wanted to talk to him one on one in the future. Degradingly he asked me who I was. I could see in his eyes that he saw a young man who looked like a student to him. But I was not and am not. I am a 40 year old dance artist, filmmaker and educator that have taught around the globe and in many prestigious colleges and festivals.
He didn't want to give me his business card. He seemed annoyed and surprised that someone spoke up. So I said I can give him my contact info but we needed to talk on how the exam went.
The way Taipei city exams the performers today was both disrespectful and insulting to the arts community in general. I didn't want to say this all out. But he left me with no choice.
I told him, for one, the way he treated the performers was disrespectful. As an educator I could not be quiet when I see something like that. Second, the process of the exam is not doing the art community any justice. If he cannot see the artists as a human being first, then what does it say about his view on the Arts. I could see him pissed off. But again he left me with no choice. He was very degrading towards these performers. As an artist myself and an art advocate I had to do something.
The organizer apologized to me said the process needed to go on. I told him I wasn't trying to stop them. I merely want to know how I could get in touch with them to discuss this. If you know me well enough, you should know my temperament. I am a happy go lucky person. I almost never get angry in the public. But it was genuinely insulting and degrading to every artists based on what I saw today.
This arrogant judge didn't care of my opinion. I could see it in his eyes. He was basically the superior in his world and his way was the right way. That's how he had always done it. All the young staffers there were afraid of him. Today he was disrespectful, rude, and arrogant. I really want to know why he does what he does.
After the incident, a few people came up and thanked me for speaking up. They felt the same way but they didn't have the courage to say it to this judge or the organization that issues these licenses. One organizer from the New Taipei City said even she felt bad seeing how the performers being treated.
I don't understand why people don't stand up for each other. The Taipei City has failed their community and even more so to their arts community.
For an organization that is supposed to advocate for the arts, culture and authenticity, they did miserably today. It is like giving an exam to a dog, a cat, a bird and a monkey then telling them that their exam is climbing a tree. It's absolutely ridiculous.
I left them my contact information. They said they will contact me. If they don't, this could be an interesting subject for my next film project. A documentary on how these hopeful, aspiring performers being treated.
I am mad and I am angry. I really hope they will change their shallow way of seeing Arts.
P.S. Share or repost in Chinese. They need to change. Thanks.
台北國際藝術村-寶藏巖 Taipei Artist Village-Treasure Hill
Taipei National University of the Arts
臺北表演藝術中心 Taipei Performing Arts Center
National Theater and Concert Hall, Taipei
中正紀念堂 Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall
National Taiwan University of Arts
well being中文翻譯 在 スキマスイッチ - 「全力少年」Music Video : SUKIMASWITCH / ZENRYOKU SHOUNEN Music Video Youtube 的評價
well being中文翻譯 在 沒關係我們可以再做一次[Ninomae Inanis][vtuber/hololive中文] 的八卦
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