Cheers! Our movie ‘Babi’ has been shortlisted by the Around International Film Festival and Thai Film Festival! Kop kun krap!🙏🙏🙏
To be frank, I have completed 2 films last year, one was ‘Nasi Lemak 1.0’ which was filmed above board and another film was ‘BABI’ which was filmed secretly. We never talked openly about this project because it is a banned film (Well, it’s pretty obvious even from the film title…) and we don’t want to get into unnecessary attention…
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the release date of ‘Nasi Lemak 1.0’ has been delayed indefinitely and it has caused quite a big deal to us… While we were amidst of the dark clouds, we found our silver linings! ‘BABI’ was selected in 2 internationally famed film festivals, the ARFF Berlin (Around International Film Festival Berlin) and the International Thai Film Festival! We were really really happy about it!
‘BABI’ is a film based on a real-life event, the movie sheds light on a massive school racial riot which took place in year 2000 in a small town somewhere Southern in Malaysia. During that time Malaysia was still under the authoritarian rule of one-dominant party, abuse of power and corruption were frequent, media and news were being stringently controlled and filtered. Thus, the incident was being ‘compromised’ by relevant authority, most of Malaysians doesn’t know about this incident.
The script was actually written 7 years ago, the main reason that the film was not in production that time was because nobody would ever consider to invest on a zero-profit, must-be banned film. The second reason was I had no idea whom should I ask for help, I believed after hearing the film title, everyone would be scared off... Yet in the end, I’m still managed to finish this film with a very very very tight budget. I want to thank all the people who have contributed greatly to the movie, especially the producer Joko Toh
We decided to put the 7-year-old script in production is to tell the truth behind the story but most importantly sending a message to all Malaysians that we must be more unified disregard of our ethnicity and race. In short, we shall always lend a helping hand to each others and communicate with our hearts and souls, therefore we won’t be exploited by politicians who incite racial sentiment to reach their end goal. Otherwise, more tragic like this will happens…
The idea of be able to screen this film in Malaysia has never crossed my mind before, that’s why we never tried to register the film after the production. Rightly next, I hope that this film can be seen elsewhere other than at Thailand’s or Germany’s film festival, I wish there are better methods in exposing the film and to reach out to everyone. Currently, we are still on our lofty quest but please do cheer for us! Happy Merdeka Day in advance! Malaysia Boleh!
*Versi BM*
Tahniah! Filem kami [BABI] telah dipilih dalam Around International Film Festival dan Thai Film Festival ! Kop Kun Krap! 🙏🙏🙏
Sebenarnya pada tahun lepas kami telahpun menghasilkan dua buah filem. Yang pertama adalah filem [Nasi Lemak 1.0] yang penggambarannya dijalankan dengan berani dan terang, satu lagi adalah filem [BABI] dimana proses penggambaran dijalankan dalam keadaan yang sulit dan rahsia. Kami tidak pernah membuat apa-apa pengumuman mengenai perkara ini, kerana khuathir filem ini akan menimbulkan kontroversi (lihat sajalah nama filemnya...) Kami tidak mahu memburukkan keadaan.
Disebabkan isu pandemik Covid-19, filem [Nasi Lemak 1.0] tidak dapat ditayangkan di pawagam dan telah membawa kerugian yang teruk pada kami. Walaubagaimanapun kami menerima berita baik berkenaan pemilihan filem [BABI] dalam dua festival filem antarabangsa yang berprestij iaitu ARFF Berlin (Around International Film Festival Berlin) serta International Thai Film Festival! Kami berasa amat gembira!
Filem [BABI] adalah lakonan semula sebuah rusuhan perkauman yang berlaku di sebuah sekolah menengah yang terletak di bahagian selatan Malaysia pada tahun 2000. Pada ketika itu Malaysia masih berada di bawah kepemimpinan parti yang dominan. Pemimpin-pemimpin menyalahgunakan kuasa dan pihak media dikawal sepenuhnya oleh kerajaan. Oleh yang demikian, tragedi ini akhirnya telah 'diselesaikan' oleh pihak tertentu dan rakyat Malaysia telah 'disekat' dari peristiwa tersebut.
Skrip asal untuk filem [BABI] telah saya tulis sejak 7 tahun yang lalu. Namun antara sebab utama saya tidak dapat menghasilkan filem ini adalah kerana isu modal, kerana tiada yang sudi mengeluarkan modal untuk sebuah filem yang mungkin akan diharamkan dan tidak akan ditayangkan di pawagam. Sebab kedua adalah kerana saya tidak tahu siapa yang akan sudi menghasilkan filem ini bersama saya kerana saya pasti, hanya dengan mendengar namanya saja sudah tentu tiada yang akan ingin mengambil bahagian. Namun dengan segala daya usaha dari semua pihak yang sudi membantu dan menerusi modal yang teramat-amat rendah, kami akhirnya berjaya menghabiskan filem ini. Saya dengan ikhlas ingin berterima kasih pada semua krew, petugas, pelakon dan kakitangan belakang tabir yang terlibat dalam menjayakan filem ini, terutamanya penerbit Joko Toh
Tujuan utama kami merealisasikan skrip yang ditulis sejak 7 tahun yang lalu adalah untuk membongkar perkara sebenar seluruh peristiwa ini. Juga menerusi filem ini, kami ingin menyampaikan mesej betapa pentingnya perpaduan dan keharmonian diantara kaum supaya dielak dari dipergunakan oleh ahli politik demi untuk mencapai matlamat dan motif masing-masing. Jika tidak, kami percaya pasti pasti lebih banyak tragedi ngeri bakal berlalu...
Tak pernah terlintas dalam fikiran kami untuk menayangkan filem ini di Malaysia. Oleh yang demikian, kami tak pernah mohon dari mana-mana pihak berkenaan permohonan penayangan. Kami berharap selepas ini, filem ini bukan saja akan ditayangkan di festival filem Berlin dan Thailand, kami mahu supaya filem [BABI] dapat ditonton oleh lebih ramai penonton di seluruh dunia. Kami akan tetap berusaha, silalah berdoa dan sokong usaha kami! Selamat Hari Kemerdekaan untuk Malaysia! Malaysia Boleh!
恭喜恭喜! 我們的電影【BABI/你是豬】入選了【ARFF環球國際電影節(柏林)】還有【泰國國際電影節】! Kop kun krap! 🙏🙏🙏
【辣死你媽-續集】因為疫情的緣故沒辦法上映,造成了嚴重的虧損... 當我們在愁雲慘霧之際,卻收到了天大的好消息! 就是【BABI/你是豬】入圍了國際上著名的兩大影展 【ARFF環球國際電影節(柏林)】和【泰國國際電影節】! 真的很開心!
其實這是我七年前寫的劇本,我沒拍出來的第一個原因,當然是因為沒有人會願意把錢丟進一部即將被禁,賺不回本的電影裡。第二個原因則是我當時不知道要找誰幫我拍,相信聽到這個戲名,大家應該都怕了吧... 但最後我還是以很低很低成本的方式,拜託了很多人幫忙,才完成了這部電影。真的要謝謝參與電影拍攝的每一個台前幕後的人,尤其監製 Joko Toh。
我從來都沒有想過這部電影能夠在馬來西亞上映,所以我們拍完了之後從來都沒有拿去申請過。接下來,希望這部電影不止在泰國和德國的影展能看到,期待以後能夠以更光明正大的方式讓所有人都能看到。我們還在努力中,請為我們加油吧!預祝馬來西亞獨立日快樂! Malaysia Boleh!
FINAS Malaysia Kementerian Dalam Negeri (KDN) Polis Diraja Malaysia ( Royal Malaysia Police ) #LPF Lembaga Penapisan Filem
同時也有67部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過38萬的網紅CH Music Channel,也在其Youtube影片中提到,《SSSS.GRIDMAN》 UNION 作詞:大石昌良 作曲:大石昌良 編曲:Tom-H@ck 歌:OxT 翻譯:CH 版權聲明: 本頻道不握有任何音樂所有權,亦無任何營利,一切僅為推廣用途。音樂所有權歸原始創作者所有。請支持正版。 Copyright Info: Be aware this ...
well being中文 在 李昆霖 Facebook 八卦
「John, 我女兒Tiffany現在大一,能不能暑假到你們公司實習?她現在因為疫情的關係無法回去美國讀書」
但是看在她是Savi跟Anna的學姐的份上,以及她媽媽平常真的是很熱於助人的家長會長,我也欣然答應, 只是沒有料到自己當初出於好心的善念,竟然會在接下來的一個月對公司出現了很大的影響力。
我沒有想到,一個禮拜後,她竟然會交出一份讓人眼晴為之一亮的報告。 簡報的內容,從排版,字體的一致性,以及堅持簡約的賈伯斯風格,重點是她不只分析出新型態的保養品牌趨勢,連他們各自的成功之道都分析的很透徹。從頭到尾沒有冷場。
我好奇的問了Tiffany: 「你這份簡報準備了多久啊?」
「KAS prepares you well for the college, 因為我們在高中要常做報告,所以反而到了美國的大學就相對輕鬆」她這樣回答
過了六天,我請Tiffany寄給我看她寫的開發信內容以及她的開發成績,我看了之後,眼晴為之一亮(again), 做了一些紀錄,決定明天跟同仁們分享一些好東西。
我不吝嗇的在大家面前誇奬她,因為她才十九歲,又是實習生,其他同事不會把她當作是眼中釘。 重點是我想把好的,新的,更有效率的做事方式導入到我們的系統。
隔週,我們的其他同仁也開始採取像Tiffany這樣先用心研究對方品牌的方式再引導對方來跟我們的殿堂合作,果然真的有效,開發信的命中率竟然提高了到了60%, 這可是很誇張的進步, 你們要知道,以前我們寄公版的開發信給300個客戶,有時連一封信都得不到回覆。
JOLA INTERNATIONAL CO., LTD. is a Taiwan based company established in 2012 that focuses on manufacturing and selling skincare products. It is founded and led by CEO John Lee, who graduated from Ohio University with a Ph. D. in Chemical Engineering. Under his leadership, the company has grown to staff 120 employees in Taiwan and France.
佐見啦生技有限公司是2012年在台灣成立的公司,專注在製造跟銷售保養品。創辦人是李昆霖化工博士,畢業於俄亥俄大學。 在他的領導之下,這間公司已經成長到在台灣跟法國有120位員工。
JOLA INTERNATIONAL currently owns two brand: Timeless Truth Mask (TTM) and Jolab.
Timeless Truth Mask is a brand created out of love for skincare and
ambition to change conventional views of facial sheet masks. Starting off as an e-commerce mask brand in 2012, they soon decided to take upon a challenge and launch their products in one of the top countries for cosmetics — France. Their main goal is to debunk the belief that facial sheet masks are cheap and cannot be of the utmost quality. By doing so, TTM strives to change the overall attitude of consumers towards sheet
masks. Their journey to success relies heavily on the belief in improvement. Their core brand values can be defined in 3H’s — Humanity, Humbleness, and Humor. Their belief in building meaningful relationships with their consumers, never being complacent with their accomplishments, and learning to have fun in the meantime, is what led to TTM’s growing loyal fanbase and accreditation from globally recognized beauty organizations. In just 8 years, their face masks have been nominated 21 times by beauty awards in Europe, and further winning 15 awards — with their Anti-Aging Bio-Cellulose Mask being the
Gold Award Winner. Such accomplishments are only achievable because of their dedication and determination to always better themselves.
提提研的成功旅程有很大部份依賴於他們對於不斷進步的信念。他們的品牌核心價值可以被3個H所定義-Humanity(人性),Humbleness(謙遜),以及(Humor)幽默. 他們相信跟消費者建立起有意義的情感連結,永遠對自己的成就感到不滿足,並且學習活在當下,享受過程。這一切是提提研之所以會有不斷成長的忠誠粉絲並且獲得國際美妝組織的認證。在過去八年,他們的面膜在歐洲的美妝大獎入圍21次,並且贏得十五次-而且他們的抗老生物纖維面膜獲得了最佳抗老的金奬。只有靠著不斷進步的堅持跟奉獻才能有辦法獲得這樣的成就。
Whether it’d be working with researchers to meticulously select the best materials and ingredients for their masks, or holding a higher standard to their products and undergoing efficacy tests, TTM strives to always improve the quality of their products in terms of increasing trust, comfort, and that “wow” factor. To truly understand more about skincare and ways they can continuously improve, JOLA INTERNATIONAL launched a new brand: Jolab.
無論是跟研發人員挑惕的選出最好的材質跟配方,又或是堅持升級讓產品通過功效性檢驗,提提研不斷的在升級他們產品的品質讓消費者體驗到安心感,舒適感,以及驚艷感(我們中文稱為三感共構的開發理念)。為了讓他們自己更了解更多關於保養品以及持續進步, 於是佐見啦生技推出了新品牌:佐研院
On a basic level, Jolab can be defined as a research and development laboratory specializing in high-quality skincare products. However, it is more than just a laboratory or manufacturing facility, it is a brand. JOLA INTERNATIONAL wants to redefine conventional notions of factories by incorporating elements of a brand: emphasis on aesthetics and attention to detail. By
merging manufacturing, research and development (R&D), efficacy center, and branding aesthetics, Jolab is a brand that also doubles as a laboratory.
在基本層面上,佐研院可以被定位為專注在高品質保養品的研發單位。但是,它並不只是實驗室或是生產基地,它是個品牌。 佐見啦生技想要把工廠加入品牌的原素:對美學的強調以及對細節的重視,來重新改寫對工廠的傳統觀念。 藉由融合研發,生產,功效性檢驗以及品牌美學,佐研院是一個品牌同時也是實驗室雙重身份。
Jolab is created out of the desire to explore, improve, and break boundaries. They envision themselves as the leading player in Taiwanese skincare development and have already made progress to reach their goal. Jolab established Taiwan’s first Efficacy Test Center that also satisfies European safety assessments — a testament to Jolab’s promises to safety and effectiveness. As part of their determination to improve, Jolab upholds high standards against its products and its manufacturing process. Jolab works internationally on research projects with a renowned Swiss laboratory to develop exclusive ingredients. Jolab has over 30 available PIF (Product Information File) formulations available, which are a qualification for launching in theEuropean skincare market. Furthermore, all of the water used in the products are purified to the standard which qualifies for pharmaceutical manufacturing through the PIC/S standard water purification system. Through such dedication, Jolab aims to do more than just fulfill European PIF standards, further proving their determination to achieve standards above the top standards.
佐研院是為了探索,進化以及打破疆界而被創生的。 他們視自己為台灣探索保養品牌的先驅並且已經達到了許多成就。佐研院建立了台灣第一座功效室檢驗中心並且通過了歐盟的安全性測試- 來保證產品不只是安全,而且一定要有效。佐研院的高標準生產製程,以及在國際上跟瑞士知名實驗室開發出專利配方,都是他們對於不斷進步的堅持與承諾。 佐研院目前有超過三十多項產品的是通過歐盟標準PIF配方,並且全部用於製造的水都是通過藥廠等級的PIC/S淨水系統. 透過這樣的投入與奉獻,佐研院不只是達到了歐盟的PIF標準,而且還更升級達到了超越了最高標準的水平。(註1)
Through TTM and Jolab, JOLA INTERNATIONAL’s determination to constantly find ways for improvement ultimately creates impact both locally and globally. In Taiwan, TTM and Jolab are brands that stand out. Unlike traditional cosmetic brands in Taiwan, TTM started off as an e-commerce brand and aimed to market in France first. Moreover, TTM went through the hardship of acquiring PIF qualifications, despite it not being a requirement for Taiwanese cosmetic products. By creating products that fulfill more than just the bare minimum, TTM can overall increase the product quality in Taiwan by initiating a positive form of competition that benefits both companies and consumers. Moreover, by exposing Taiwanese cosmetic brands to the knowledge of international product requirements that are relatively more rigorous, it can speed up the pace of improvement. Similarly, Jolab not only improves individually but also helps to improve the entire cosmetic OEM industry by bringing and utilizing new, cutting-edge technologies that other manufacturing companies can learn from. At the same time, such improvements can change how companies and brands from abroad perceive Taiwanese companies as a whole. It may show international companies that Taiwanese companies are starting to shift from traditional business strategies and beginning to improve their product quality. More importantly, it could improve the overall national reputation of Taiwan.
透過提提研跟佐研院,佐見啦生技對於進步的執念在國際上以及地方上產生了影響。在台灣,提提研跟佐研院是突出的品牌。 不同於一般的傳統品牌,從電商開始的提提研直接攻打最難的法國市場。既便台灣法規並沒有要求歐盟的PIF規範,但提提研還是致力於達到了最難的標準。透過製造超過標準的產品,提提研提升了台灣整體保養品業界的產品品質。同時讓台灣的保養品牌同業們接觸更嚴謹的國際標準規範的知識,可以加速進步的改革。 同樣的,佐研院不只是達到了個體的進步,也藉由引進最新的技術,讓其他的代工廠可以學習,而幫助了整體代工業界的進步
如此一來,這樣的思維整體進步可以改變海外的公司跟國際品牌如何看待台灣公司。 這可以讓國際公司知道台灣的公司已經開始改變傳統便宜行事的思維以及開始提升品質。這可以提升整體的台灣國際名望。
JOLA INTERNATIONAL’s strive for improvement and impact does not end there. It has future plans to further better themselves, especially in the area of sustainability. Beginning with using biodegradable materials, JOLA INTERNATIONAL has and will continuously make more environmentally friendly decisions. JOLA INTERNATIONAL hopes to make greater progress and commitment toward sustainability and clean power.
我對父母提案是: 我會讓她直接可以跟美國廣告的最高執行長做報告,等到她可以回去加洲時,她就可以直接去那家知名的廣告公司上班,那可是加洲數一數二知名的廣告公司呢。
她媽媽聽到以後很開心, 但還是說要尊重她女兒的想法,畢竟那是她的人生,但她會引導她女兒說這是很難得的實習機會。
註1: 最高標準的歐盟的保養品法規並沒有要求製程一定要用製藥等級的淨水器,但我們就是想要做到更好,引進了藥廠等級的淨水系統,於是超越了最高等級的歐盟法規
p.s.2 Tiffany現在才進公司第四個禮拜,已經開始直接做簡報跟美國的合作夥伴concall對談,我刻意給她舞台,讓她可以跟廣告公司的最高執行長以及營運長對談,這對她以後的職業生涯會有很好的幫助
well being中文 在 護台胖犬 劉仕傑 Facebook 八卦
【 小英的哥大演講 】
前兩天蔡英文 Tsai Ing-wen 總統在哥倫比亞大學Columbia University in the City of New York 的演講感動了許多人,我也一直想要跟大家好好分享對這篇講稿的心得。想歸想,但卻沒時間動筆。
一直到昨天,BBC 中文網(繁體) 有篇談這場演講的報導(後面有一小段引用了對我的訪問),然後發達資本主義時代的打油詩人 跟我在臉書上聊這件事。我們兩個雖然都很想談談這篇講稿,但週末都忙著同一件事:帶小孩(他帶他的、我帶我的)。但再不寫大概就沒人想談了,所以只好趁現在小孩睡覺後開始寫。
前天我曾經在臉書上請大家好好讀這篇講稿,中文英文都要看。有關中文的部分,朱宥勳 已經有很精彩的寫作技巧分析,大家可以去看看。
很多人都知道小英總統是英國倫敦政經學院的博士(好吧,有些人到現在還在懷疑),小英講英文時也有很雋永的英國腔,但大家比較容易忽略的是,紐約(美國)才是她第一個異鄉求學的地方。她當時就讀康乃爾大學Cornell University ,位於紐約州的漂亮小城Ithaca。
小英在紐約的公開演講曾說:「這是她第一次以中華民國總統的身份造訪紐約」。從這個背景來看小英的英文講稿,不難發現,前四段事實上是給紐約客(New Yorker)的溫暖起手式:
✍️Receiving an invitation to speak here from such a vanguard of free speech and diversity is actually quite an honor.
✍️ I graduated from Cornell Law School in 1980, and I have to say, being back on a New York campus brings back many memories. Though I’m sure many of you would say that any campus outside of New York City is not really part of New York.
🐶這一段是insider joke,非紐約人可能看不懂,紐約人聽到應該笑呵呵。為什麼?前面已經說了,Cornell位於紐約州的Ithaca,但不是位於紐約市內,所以這個笑話是小英的自嘲:我知道我念的學校沒有位於紐約市(New York City)內,你們一定覺得那不能算是「紐約校園」。說白了,這有點像是天龍國笑話或是「天母是天龍中的天龍」之類的。
講到這,看看哥大的臉書名稱:Columbia University in the City of New York (位於紐約市的哥倫比亞大學),不覺得很幽默嗎?這是在開其他沒有位於紐約市(也許位於紐約州)大學的玩笑。(你能想像台大的臉書名稱說「位於台北的台大」嗎?)
✍️However, I actually lived in the city in the summer of 1979, when I was doing research work for a professor at the East Asia Institute of Columbia University. Later on, I passed the New York Bar examination here, and visited the city from time to time, sometimes on my way to Washington DC for trade negotiations.
✍️Life in New York in the 1980s was eye opening for a young law student from not quite democratized Taiwan. Diversity and different perspectives were the norm, and looking out across the lecture hall today, I am glad to see that has not changed.
所以好的幕僚真的很重要,也真的能讓你上天堂。幕僚寫稿的功力也在這裡,帶出個人情感(personal touch),讓老闆掌握演講節奏,這是需要專業訓練的。
✍️In the early days of our political transition, some said democracy could not survive in China’s shadow. And Taiwan is now home to a thriving democratic society and political system.
🐶我喜歡survive in China's shadow這個詞的用法,這可以提醒聽眾,今日許多國家,甚至包括美國,都還在擔憂中國的銳實力(sharp power)。西方國家對於要不要禁用華為爭論不休,也可以視為一種中國的陰影。
✍️Some said a resource-poor island of only 23 million people could not become a major economic player. Yet we are now the United States’ 11th largest trade partner.
✍️Some said progressive values could not take root in East Asian society. Yet I stand here before you as Taiwan’s first woman president, and this year we became the first country in Asia to legalize same-sex marriage.
✍️In short, Taiwan’s story is one of seemingly improbable success. Many call Taiwan a “democratic miracle,” but I don’t believe in miracles. I believe in the will of the people, and their vision for a better world.
🐶「奇蹟的信徒」在中文是個華麗的修辭,但英文用的是大家國中都學過的文法:believe 是相信,believe in 是信仰。有沒有 in 差很多。
✍️We are seeing this threat in action right now in Hong Kong. Faced with no channel to make their voices heard, young people are taking to the streets to fight for their democratic freedoms. And the people of Taiwan stand with them.
Hong Kong’s experience under “one country, two systems” has shown the world once and for all that authoritarianism and democracy cannot coexist.
✍️You begin to censor your own speech, your own thoughts. You no longer discuss current events with your friends, for fear of being overheard. You spend more time looking over your shoulder than you spend looking towards the future.
🐶我喜歡這一段的節奏。也因為這一段,我猜測這篇講稿應該是「以英文寫成,再翻譯成中文」,而非「以中文寫成,再翻譯成英文」。為什麼?因為You spend more time looking over your shoulder than you spend looking towards the future. 用了前面跟後面的修辭。
✍️Our story is one of perseverance, of a commitment to democracy against all odds.
Ours is a story of why values do still matter. The cultural and political differences across the Taiwan Strait only grow wider by the day; and each day that Taiwan chooses freedom of speech, human rights, the rule of law, is a day that we drift farther from the influences of authoritarianism.
🐶Against all odds 強調台灣民主及經濟發展難能可貴。
A story of why values do still matter. 強調台灣跟中國最大的差異:價值。
✍️Authoritarian governments seek to exploit press freedoms unique to democratic societies to sow dissent among us. They hope to make us question our political systems and lose faith in democracy.
Taiwan has been on the frontlines of this battle for years, and we have a great deal of experiences to offer to the world.
✍️But democracy faces other challenges as well, especially in the form of economic enticements with hidden strings attached.
🐶這在講什麼?包括中國對台灣的統戰,也包括中國對其他國家的一帶一路及所帶來的債權陷阱(debt trap)。
✍️So to all the people who ask me how to make the choice between democracy and economic growth, I say the choice is clear: the two are inseparable.
History tells us that democracies are strongest when united, and weakest when divided.
🐶這邊改寫了英文寫作常用的名言錦句:United we stand, divided we fall。寫得很漂亮,沒話說。
我只挑了一些段落跟大家分享,希望大家喜歡,也算是完成發達資本主義時代的打油詩人 交代給我的任務。
忘了說,哥大的黎安友(Andrew Nathan)教授是小英這次訪紐約的靈魂人物,他是友台派中國通的祖師爺級人物,台灣許多教授及政治人物都上過他的課。我在清大就讀中國研究碩士時,Andy(我們都這麼稱呼他)也來清大上過短期講座,現在回想起來,當時能在新竹上他的課真的太幸福了(畢竟清大不在紐約市,學費也不能跟長春藤盟校相比😂)。
Ps. 本篇文章謝謝打油詩人給我一些靈感,但如果有寫錯的地方,文責當然自負。
護台胖犬 劉仕傑
Instagram: old_dog_chasing_ball (老狗追球)
well being中文 在 CH Music Channel Youtube 的評價
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背景 / Background :
翻譯連結 / Referenced Translation :
日文歌詞 / Japanese Lyrics :
目を醒ませ 僕らの世界が何者かに侵略されてるぞ
見慣れた空 同じ景色に今日が流れてく
目を醒ませ 僕らの世界が何者かに侵略されてるぞ
これは訓練でも リハーサルでもない
覆われた日常というべールを 勢いよく剥がしたら
悟ったフリ 見て見ぬフリで傷を隠してく
繰り返す日常というルールに 騙されそうになったら
A wish, wish come true 夜の星に願いを
目を醒ませ 僕らの世界が何者かに侵略されてるぞ
これは訓練でも リハーサルでもない
覆われた日常というべールを 勢いよく剥がしたら
中文歌詞 / Chinese Lyrics :
英文歌詞 / English Lyrics :
Open your eyes! Our world is being invaded by something!
On these fabricated-like days,
Our S.O.S signals are being sent rapidly
Knowing that there is something different
About the familiar sky...the usual scenery...the passing day.
What was the promise that day?
What did you talk about in the classroom?
As it is, that promise will end up disappear!
Open your eyes! Our world is being invaded by something!
This is neither a training nor a rehearsal!
Peeling off the "everyday" cover
And the bell that signals the fight rings!
Well then, for now, let us become one alliance!
I have come to save you from "boredom"
To those fake-like memories,
"Things were better in the past" - pointing out with your finger
Knowing how vain my action is,
I still pretend to not see those scars you hide behind the facade.
I did not want to be a hero,
The protagonist should have been someone else!
Don't just unknowingly give up!
Within our views, are our world that cannot be replaced by anything.
It doesn't matter if you are a child or an adult,
Don't be deceived by that day-repeating rule!
Let's raise the flag of resistance!
Now, we shalll make a revolution!
A wish, wish come true, upon praying to a star at night.
To connect with you, the dream of UNION.
Open your eyes! Our world is being invaded by something!
This is neither a training nor a rehearsal!
Peeling off the "everyday" cover
And the bell that signals the fight rings!
Just like back then, let us become one alliance!
I have come to save you from "boredom"
well being中文 在 Terrence Teo IFBB Pro Youtube 的評價
立刻註冊以享受特惠價: (Chinese) Sign up NOW for a SPECIAL RATE: (English)
該計劃提供中文和英文兩種語言 | The program is available in both Chinese and English language. Let's achieve an amazing physique together in 2020!
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燃燒脂肪但不會掉肌肉的有氧運動 | CARDIO to Burn Fat, Not Muscles | Terrence Teo
我叫张国华,在这里我会分享我朝向 Olympia 的脚步,分享我个人健身的方式,饮食、烹饪?、supplements 以及等等。
我是一位IFBB PRO 健体运动员。我健身已经超过15年了,在2013年已经开始了我的比职业赛的生涯,我在世界各地的比赛已经超过17次了,就如美国??,波多黎各?? 印尼??,新加坡??,泰国??,香港??,马来西亚??,中国??,日本??,菲利宾?? ,越南??,韩国??等等。我的最高荣誉就是在美国的Musclemania 获得8次冠军。
I'm an IFBB Pro Men's Physique athlete. I started training 15 years ago and began competing at a professional level from 2013. Since then I've competed in over 14 bodybuilding competitions worldwide from U.S.A. to Japan, China, Philippines, Puerto Rico,Vietnam, korea, Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand, Hong Kong and Malaysia.
Some of my highlights include holding the title as a 8x World Physique Champion under the Muslemania Universe and Musclemania America as well as being the 1st Runner Up at the IFBB Japan Pro 2018.
燃燒脂肪但不會掉肌肉的有氧運動 | CARDIO to Burn Fat, Not Muscles | Terrence Teo
well being中文 在 馮韋元Francois Devatine Youtube 的評價
我一直在問自己:爲什麽法國的政治的人,新聞,科學家都不在講到台灣??台灣疫情管理世界上最成功!我們法國的媒體都在講國内的事情而已,偶爾在講鄰居的事情 (都是疫情管理不太成功的國家)。
IG: @yuanyuanintaiwan
France is already under the second lockdown to deal with the coronavirus.
In parallel, I have been living in Taiwan, which is in the top countries of the world for their handling of the epidemic. Actually a lot of media recognize Taiwan as being THE most successful country dealing with the epidemic.
For example this news from the Brookings institute saying that Taiwan is the first country in the world in term of success fighting the covid19 based on number of deaths X GDP growth in this period:
I keep questioning myself: Why are the French media, politicians and scientists not actively talking and studying about the different measures that Taiwan has taken to deal with the epidemic?
In France, we have a very self-centered media that only looks at our own struggle, or sometimes the neighbors, Spain, UK, etc, which don't do very well either.
Why aren't we constantly talking about how Taiwan is dealing with the epidemics? Why aren't we trying to learn something from Taiwan?
In this video, I will not give any particular advice on how to deal with the epidemics, because it is not my area of expertise. I just want to emphasize the fact that Taiwan has been doing extremely well, and I wish France would look into this seriously from now on.
Please subscribe to my channel!
IG: @yuanyuanintaiwan
well being中文 在 well-being - Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果 的相關結果
well -being · 康樂,安康;福利[U] ; well-being · 康樂 ; well-being. 安寧,福利 ; be well off · 富有 ; be better off · 境況較佳, (對於做某事來說)是較為明智的 ... ... <看更多>
well being中文 在 "well-being"是什么意思-" - 查单词- 可可英语 的相關結果
网络释义 ; well-being 幸福, 福利; 幸福; 福祉; 幸福感; ; economic well-being 生活水平; 經濟福祉; 贫富; ; psychological well-being 心理幸福感; 心理幸福; 心 ; subject ... ... <看更多>
well being中文 在 well-being中文(繁體)翻譯:劍橋詞典 的相關結果
well -being 在英語-中文(繁體)詞典中的翻譯 ... People doing yoga benefit from an increased feeling of well-being. 練瑜伽的人內心的幸福感會不斷增強 ... ... <看更多>