Q&A Session for Michael's Live in M'sia 2015
When is the concert?
【A1】演唱会确定在2015年4月18日于雪隆区的武吉加里尔布特拉室内体育馆举 行。马来文全名是 Bukit Jalil Putra Indoor Stadium。
The concert is going to be held on 18.04.2015 at Putra Indoor Stadium, Bukit Jalil.
How about the concert time?
The organiser decides to start the concert at 7pm SHARP in order to allow the audiences to enjoy themselves fully at the show by listening more songs. Please be punctual on the actual day.
【Q3】那门票已经开卖了吗?Has the selling of tickets started?
The concert tickets are officially launched through 【Online Pre-sale】 and 【Ticket Launching & Autograph Session】. Online Pre-sale starts on 10.12.2014. Please refer below for ticket purchasing methods:
10th Dec 2014 (Wed) 12:00AM 【Global Online Pre-sale】
》》 www.ticketcharge.com.my 抢先开票
12th Dec 2014 (Fri) 05:00PM 【Ticket Launching in Petaling Jaya】
》》 Paradigm Mall Boulevard
13th Dec 2014 (Sat) 05:0PM 【Ticket Launching in Melaka】
》》 Mahkota Parade 底层大厅 (Concourse Area)
14th Dec 2014 (Sun) 05:00PM 【Ticket Launching in Penang】
》》 Gurney Paragon 六楼 (6th Floor), Penang on 6
【Q4】为什么海报上的【签售会】是7pm的呢?Why the time stated on the poster was 7PM?
【A4】您看到海报上的7pm是光良抵达【签售会】现场和歌迷互动和进行签名会的时间,而售票柜台一律在5pm开始售票。欲想购得门票就记得提早到现场排队咯!!That is the time Michael arrives at the ticket launching venue for autograph session. Ticket counters are opened for purchasing at 5PM. Do reach earlier to purchase your tickets.
【Q5】新闻说演唱会全馆RM99是正确的吗?The news stated that the concert ticket is only RM99 for all zones, is it true?
【A5】是的,您的消息正确。为了回馈歌迷朋友们给予光良这20年来的支持,所以唱片公司兼演唱会的主办单位28Stage突破传统的多种票价模式,豪气的告诉大家4月18日的 演唱会确定全馆仅有一个价钱,一律RM99.00,势必让大家回忆久久。Definitely YES. It is only RM99 for all zones for each ticket.
【Q6】RM99 的座位是有号码排位还是自由入座的呢?Is it number seated or free seating?
【A6】确定是凭号入座的,而消费者在选购门票时能选择自己喜欢的区域,但无法指定座位, 因为座位是由电脑自动划位,先买先划位。呼吁大家亲临【签售会】前务必先了解欲想购买的座位区域,以便现场工作人员更快捷的为你处理购票手续。
It is ALL number seated. The consumer could select their preferred zone when purchasing the tickets but not the seating number. This is because the seats are computerized, on first-come-first-serve basis. Please consider your preferable zone before you proceed with the purchasing step at ticket launching venue.
【Q7】那 RM99 还需要再另加其他任何费用吗?Do we need to pay any extra fee besides RM99?
【A7】确定票价RM99.00已包含规定的RM3.00手续费。但【签售会】和【网络预售】的购 买价钱则有不同。若您于【签售会】现场购买确定每张一律RM99.00交易;若透过www.ticketcharge.com.my 网购,每张门票则需另加RM1.50的网络手续费用。
The fixed RM3 processing fee is already included in RM99. However, there are two different prices for 【Online Pre-sale】 and 【Ticket Launching & Autograph Session】. There are RM99 nett for every ticket being purchased at 【Ticket Launching & Autograph Session】 while there are an extra charges of RM1.50 each ticket for those who purchase online through www.ticketcharge.com.my.
【Q8】那意思网购的价钱会比现场购买来的贵对吗?Does that mean the ticket price bought online is more expensive?
【A8】是的。加了网络手续费用后,透过网购的门票每张价格正确为RM100.50。另外提醒,根据规定,网购的每笔转账交易一律需缴交RM10.00的手续费。每笔转账交易仅限10 张门票的购买。 Yes. The total price of the ticket will be RM100.50 each after adding the handling fee. Besides this, there will be a Handling Fee of RM10.00 for each ticket transaction. Customers are allowed to purchase up to a maximum of 10 tickets in EACH transaction.
【Q9】海外朋友也可以在www.ticketcharge.com.my 网购吗?Can I purchase the concert ticket through the web oversea?
【A9】马来西亚国内和国外的朋友都可以透过这次的门票代理即www.ticketcharge.com.my 网购有关门票,但国外的仅接收visa和master的信用卡付费。国内朋友除了信用卡(credit card)转帐,也可以选择国内银行的个人储蓄卡(debit card)付费。You can purchase the ticket through the appointed ticket agent website (www.ticketcharge.com.my) gloabally. For those purchase oversea, only Visa and Master credit card are accepted for purchasing transaction while for the locals, you can either paid with your credit cards or debit cards.
【Q10】在www.ticketcharge.com.my网购要如何拿取到门票?How do I redeem my ticket if I purchased it online?
The ticket agent provides three way for the consumers to redeem their tickets, please find the info below:
(1)方式(一):【现场领票】 Redeem the tickets on Concert day
》》消费者可以在2015年4月18日的7pm前于演唱会体育馆的售票柜台领取预订的门票。The consumer can redeem their tickets before 7PM on 18th April 2015 at Putra Indoor Stadium, Bukit Jalil .
(2)方式(二):【上门领票】Redeem the tickets at Ticketcharge HQ
》》消费者可以亲临Ticketcharge的吉隆坡总部和槟城分部领取预订的门票。有关地址如下:The consumer can reddem their tickets at Ticketcharge HQ in KL.& Penang Office. Both Address as following :
**【KL HQ 】No.42A-1,Jalan Metro Pudu,Fraser Business Park, Off Jalan Yew, 55100 K.L. / Hotline:+603-9222 8811
**【Penang Office】No L2-02, SPICE Arena,108, Jalan Tun Dr Awang,11900 Relau, Penang./ Hotline :+604 645 9811
(3)方式(三):【邮寄方式】Ticket delivery
》》国内外的朋友可以要求邮寄方式拿取门票,但有关邮寄费用一概由消费者自行付费。更多详情可以参阅 【http://www.ticketcharge.com.my/en/conditions-of-sales/ticket-collection 】。Kindly note that TicketCharge requires ten (10) working days for ticket(s) delivery. No courier service will be available for online booking made below:
**【Within Malaysia】 less than ten (10) days before the date of Event
**【Overseas】 less than fourteen (14) days before the date of Event
For more information, please log on to 【http://www.ticketcharge.com.my/en/conditions-of-sales/ticket-collection 】
【Q11】我若透过【网络预售】买票是否可以到【签售会】上给光良签名吗?Can I get Michael's autograph if I purchase the ticket online?
【A11】首先透过网络购票的朋友们肯定比在签售会上购票的朋友们抢先获得座位的划位。而【网络预售】的主要开放是想让无法亲临【签售会】的朋友可以共襄盛举一起获得优惠。若12月10日至12月14日期间网购的朋友想凭票参与签售会的唯一方式就是亲自到Ticketcharge的吉隆坡总部和槟城分部领取门票。因【签售会】现场需要凭票换取【限量献礼】后才能上台给光良签名。First of all, for those who purchase the ticket online will able to get a better seat than those who purchase at ticket launching. For those who purchase the ticket online between 10th Dec to 14th Dec you can still grab the chance to get Michael's autograph by redeem you tickets ONLY at Ticketcharge HQ in KL and Penang. You can redeem the limited merchandise with your concert tickets at the ticket launching in PJ, Melaka & Penang and let Michael to sign on it.
【Q12】【限量献礼】是什么?What is【Limited Merchandise】?
【A12】那是特别献给亲临【签售会】现场购票朋友们的一个小礼物。而这礼物即是2015 年 的月历卡,月历卡的插画为光良家乡的童玩主题。届时光良的签名活动一律只签在月 历卡上。一票一份,先到先得,换完为止。It is small gift specially designed for those who purchase the concert tickets at the ticket launching & autograph session. It is actually a 2015 calendar with the theme of illustrating Michael Wong with Childhood toys.Michael will only sign on the calender during the autograph session. One calender per each ticket, while stock last.
【Q13】小朋友是否需要买票?Is it a necessary for children to purchase tickets?
【A13】为了安全起见,三岁以下的孩童不允许进场。三岁或以上的儿童需一概凭票进场。For safety purpose, children below 3 years old are not allowed to enter the concert venue. It is a necessary for children who are 3 years old and above to enter the venue with ticket.
【Q14】为什么12月12日至12月14日的【签售会】现场不能凭【网络单据】换取月历卡?Why I can't redeem the 【Limited Merchandise】at the ticket launching with my 【Transaction Confirmation】?
【A14】凡在【签售会】换取月历卡都务必向柜台显示实体门票,而换取了月历卡后实体门票都会被盖章做证明记录。It is because the redemption counter is only accept the actual concert ticket for merchandise redemption, after the redemption, a significant chop will be placed on the ticket for recording purpose.
【Q15】TicketCharge 的KL 总部和Penang分部大概几点开门?What time is Ticketcharge HQ in KL and office in Penang opening?
【A15】星期一至星期五的9:00AM至6:00PM和星期六的12:00PM至6:00PM开门营业,而星期天和工作假期则休息。Opened weekdays (Mon-Fri): 9AM to 6PM, Saturday: 12PM to 6PM, Closed on Sunday ad Public Holidays
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