睇到皮痛肉痛骨都痛 💔💔💔!
[香港黑警暴力] 系列
小弟曾任生存遊戲教練,教導正確氣槍訓練20年 ,絕對知道氣槍不正確使用可以帶來的痛苦。現在警方經常胡亂向示威人士開槍(在毫無警告之下,由天橋高位向下亂射示威人士的頭部 etc.),然後強詞自己使用的槍械不具備大殺傷力 ( less lethal),其實係咪事實?究竟警方使用的所謂「不具大殺傷力」槍械有幾多焦耳 (Joules 火力計算基本量度)?
首先作比較我想大家知道,接近兩焦耳以下(2 Joules) 廣華街有賣的合法氣槍,是可以打穿汽水罐底,近距離打中人的身體肯定爆缸流血,有打過 wargame 的人都知道如果被射中會痛到抽筋。至於警察用的所謂「不具大殺傷力」槍械我在此進行了火力初速研究計算,報告如下:
1. 胡椒彈氣槍-氣體推動 (Pepper Spray Projectile) = 17 Joules
2. 三連發塑膠彈頭 MP-4-R3 - HARD RUBBER BATON PROJECTILE = 81 Joules
3. 布袋彈-火藥推動 (12 Guage Shot Gun Bean Bag) = 150 Joules !
4. 橡膠子彈-火藥推動 (12 Guage Rubber Fin Rocket) = 176 Joules !!
5. 水砲 Water Cannon - 水壓推進 = 271 Joules
6. 催淚彈/海綿彈-火藥推動 (37/38/40mm Chemical Munition CS Tear Gas/Sponge munition) = 322 Joules !!!
7. 0.38 左輪手槍-火藥推動 (0.38 Revolver) = 350 Joules
8. 9 mm 半自動手槍-火藥推動 (9mm Semi-Auto Pistol) = 481 Joules
根據香港法例,所有氣槍超過兩焦耳 (2 Joules) 已經可以當成真槍進行檢控,香港警方過去經常就氣槍超標的情況對市民作出檢控,有時更因為缺乏知識引致胡亂濫捕的情況。當你看到以上槍械火力圖表,你就會知道現在警方所使用的槍械全部超過兩焦耳,橡膠子彈槍械更是兩焦耳的差不多90倍! 催淚彈的火力是兩焦耳的160倍!! 幻想自己被一支槍械火力達打穿汽水罐底160倍的大型子彈(催淚彈)打中頭部 ,後果是多麼不堪設想!難怪有市民被警察開槍打到生命危殆。有實驗報告證明打中一隻羊,牠的骨骼折斷以及內臟嚴重受傷(可憐的羊),打中眼睛會導致失明。千萬不要聽警方誤導以為「海綿彈」好軟會冇事,果粒「海綿彈」好似雞蛋咁大,係實體軟膠製造打中好大鑊。 如果香港法律兩焦耳以上就當真槍的話,結論就是警方其實已經在使用真槍對付市民! 所謂「不具大殺傷力」槍械只不過是語言偽術,市民切勿被這些淡化警方暴力的字眼瞞騙。
現附上計算圖表,只要填上彈藥的重量(grams) 以及它的 feet per second (FPS) 就可以計算出火力 (Joules) ,這些資訊上有關槍械公司就可以輕易找到,如有錯誤歡迎指正。香港人要一起努力譴責香港暴力警察,一定要緝拿那些有份開槍射擊市民的警察把他們帶上法庭,切勿讓壞人得逞,請廣傳,香港加油。
同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過22萬的網紅OhBIGz,也在其Youtube影片中提到,เอาเศษคริสตอลมาสุ่มหาปืนเทพ จะได้หรือไม่.. =========ช่องทางการติดตาม + ติดต่อเน้อ=============== ► FB fanpage : https://www.facebook.com/OhBIGz...
water cannon water gun 在 InkSundae Facebook 八卦
[Map of Events in Anti-Extradition Bill Movement]
From 6.09, protesters tried many ways to tell the government about the 5 demands, but so far, the answer is too little, too late.
The police was getting more violent, so did the protesters.
Yet the protesters are far more weaker because they have no power.
They risked their life in bloodshed.
They risked their future if arrested.
Don’t be numb to the disasters. Remember the pain and tears.
The way is still long. 💪🏻
P.S.1: This map couldn’t cover all events. Here emphasised the participations in various districts and different direction, both peaceful and aggressive.
P.S. 2: Please follow the InkSundae Telegram channel t.me/inksundae, or facebook page, will included full related news links there.
P.S.1: 地圖沒法包括所有事件,主要是選了各區的參與,及包括和理非及勇武兩種抗爭的方式
P.S.2: 請追縱 InkSundae Telegram 頻道 t.me/inksundae ,或看 Facebook 專頁,那邊會包括所有事件的新聞連結
Related News:
#6.09 Victoria Park: 1 Million people marched to protest the bill. Government ignores the request and continue the second reading in LegCo.
6.09: 維多利亞公園: 100萬人參與遊行反對送中條例,政府無視訴求,繼續法案二讀
Hong Kong Free Press HKFP: https://bit.ly/2WsGVb5
Stand News 立場新聞: https://bit.ly/2YRuN9C
#6.12 Admiralty: The bill was planned to have second reading. Protesters gathered around LegCo and police deployed tear gas and beat the protesters.
6.12 金鐘:法案計劃在當日二讀,示威者在立法會附近聚集,警察施放催淚彈及毆打示威者
The New York Times: https://nyti.ms/324byr4
報導者 The Reporter: https://bit.ly/2WMqyLD
#6.15 Pacific Place: A protester died after falling from the rooftop. In the past 3 months, 9 protesters died to express their demand.
6.15 太古廣場:一位示威者由商場天台墮樓不治,在過去三個月,共有9名示威者自殺,表達他們的訴求
HKFP: https://bit.ly/2Rm039Q
立場: https://bit.ly/2XfVxyX
#6.16 Victoria Park: 2 Million + 1 people marched again to protest the bill.
6.16 維多利亞公園: 200萬 + 1人再次遊行反對法案
HKFP: https://bit.ly/2RmbQ87
立場: https://bit.ly/2WJCWMd
#7.01 Legislative Council: Protesters occupied LegCo and announced the 5 demands in the movement.
7.01 立法會:示威者佔領立法會,宣讀運動的五大訴求
HKFP: https://bit.ly/2kAOK1C
立場: https://bit.ly/2Ns1a9E
#7.06 Tuen Mun: Protest against the performers from mainland China which disturbed the community for over 10 years.
7.06 屯門:示威者不滿由中國大陸來的「表演者」在公園滋擾長達十多年,發起遊行
HKFP: https://bit.ly/2lUTWgK
立場: https://bit.ly/2Sgaso0
#7.13 Sheung Shui: Protest against the “parallel traders” from China, which affect the life of local residents for years.
7.13 上水:示威者不滿區內「水貨客」影響該地居民多年,發起遊行
HKFP: https://bit.ly/2lUhRxa
立場: https://bit.ly/2YLTd05
#7.14 Shatin: Police entered shopping mall and closed the train station to arrest protesters, before the legal protest ended.
7.14 沙水:警方在示威完結之前,便進行拘捕,進入商場及封鎖地鐵站,引發衝突
HKFP: https://bit.ly/2kfXwSg
立場: https://bit.ly/32tym3M
#7.19 Tai Po: Posts of Lennon Wall was damaged by pro-government activiists.
7.19 大埔:支持政府人士到大埔連儂隧道破壞
HKFP: https://bit.ly/2mgPold
立場: https://bit.ly/2Odt1uG
#7.21 Yuen Long: Mob dressed in white randomly attacked passengers. Police arrived after the mob left.
7.21 元朗:白衣黑幫在車站無差別襲擊市民,警方在黑幫離開後才到場
HKFP: https://bit.ly/2O9olpD
NYTimes analysis: https://nyti.ms/2YwqU95
立場: https://bit.ly/2Oediv6
#8.03 Wong Tai Sin: Local residents gathered to “expel” the police. They used “plates for steaming” to put out tear gas
8.03 黃大仙:該區居民不滿警方進入社區,引發衝突,他們用「蒸魚碟」撲熄催淚彈
HKFP: https://bit.ly/2kMZIkn
眾新聞: https://bit.ly/2kNAMtd
#8.06 Sham Shui Po: President of student union of HKBU was arrested for purchasing laser pointer for stargazing, which was accused to be offensive weapon.
8.06 深水埗:浸會大學學生會會長被拘捕,因為他購買鐳射筆觀星,被指藏有攻擊性武器
HKFP: https://bit.ly/2MRwsEG
立場: https://bit.ly/2T7QlIM
(FactWire News Agency 傳真社 調查) https://bit.ly/2OMWyeJ
#8.11 Tsim Sha Tsui: First-aider was shot by bean bag bullet. Her eye was severely injured.
8.11 尖沙咀:急救員被布袋彈射中,眼睛嚴重受傷
HKFP: https://bit.ly/2H0Lzbw
立場: https://bit.ly/2MW0XcE
#8.23 All Over HK: “Hong Kong Way”, 220 thousand people formed human chain along three major MTR lines.
8.23 全港:「香港之路」活動只有22萬人參加,在三條主要港鐵線沿路組成人鏈
HKFP: https://bit.ly/2kK9hRd
立場: https://bit.ly/323u56l
#8.24 Kwun Tong: Protest against the “smart lamppost” for surveillance, which is suspected to be collecting facial recognition data.
8.24 觀塘:反對「智慧燈柱」監控,懷疑此燈柱收集人面辨識數據
HKFP: https://bit.ly/2lPG1bY
立場: https://bit.ly/2kMR6dw
#8.25 Tsuen Wan: Police fired the first gun for warning and deployed water cannon to protesters
8.25 荃灣:警察首次開槍示警及向示威者使用水炮車
HKFP: https://bit.ly/2ZgdQG5
立場: https://bit.ly/2zjEKgH
#8.31 Prince Edward: Police attacked passengers randomly, and expel the press and block first-aiders to rescue. The number of injured and where they went are still unknown.
8.31 太子:警察無差別攻擊市民,驅趕記者及救護員離開現場,至今仍不知道真正受傷人數及去向
HKFP: https://bit.ly/2lS4lKf
立場: https://bit.ly/2lWeANu
立場 - 乘客版時序: https://bit.ly/2kaHCbP
有線新聞 i-Cable News - 港鐵版時序: https://bit.ly/2milDk1
#9.01 Airport: Protesters gathered in airport. Government closed the airport and blocked the public traffic. More than 5000 cars helped to rescue the protesters, which is known as “Hong Kong Dunkirk evacuation”
9.01 機場:示威者到機場集會,政府把機場關閉,及停止公共交通,超過5000部車前往機場接被困的示威者,被視為「香港鄧寇克行動」(敦克爾克大撤退)
HKFP: https://bit.ly/2mcrGX7
The News Lens 關鍵評論網: https://bit.ly/2lWMj9B
#9.14 Amoy Garden: Pro-China groups clashed with protesters. Police arrested protesters and passer-by only.
9.14 淘大花園:支持中國之組織與反送中示威者衝突毆鬥,警方只拘捕了示威者與路人
HKFP: https://bit.ly/2kL18Mo
眾新聞: https://bit.ly/2kAOWhm
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