From SARS to Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) - English version is in the second half
新冠肺炎,Novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) 新型冠状病毒肺炎,疫情越來越嚴重,被證實可以人傳人,也在武漢以外的許多地方發現病例,造成世界各國及世界衛生組織(WHO)高度關切,當然也讓很多住在中國大陸及附近區域的華人非常緊張,就好像當年的非典肺炎疫情即將再一次大爆發一樣。
怎麼治療?在沒有直接治療武漢肺炎病人的情況下,我們也只能根據有限的資訊來推論,不過,以前大量的流感肺炎治療病例,可以讓我們比較有信心的面對新冠肺炎。當病人已經出現明顯新冠肺炎症狀時,大多已經入裡化熱,嚴重的肺痿肺癰。這個時候,得用大劑量的石膏清肺熱、加強肺津液運作。也得靠葶藶、大戟等把肺下方濃稠的痰飲及胸腔可能的積液去掉,痰飲積液不去,是無法修復肺家津液運作的。同時,肺氣不宣,就好像吸管上頭堵住了,吸管內的水無法上下,我們還得使用麻黃等宣肺、發陽的中藥來配合。另外,肺已經受損了,除了大動作急救外,比較穩定後,還得靠一些潤肺的藥來收尾,讓肺完全恢復。如果我們列一個可能加入的中藥單,大致有石膏、葶藶子、大戟、生半夏、麻黃、射干、紫菀 、款冬花、 生薑、炙甘草、紅棗、麥門冬、杏仁等等。當然,如前面所言,用藥的時機、劑量、藥材比例非常重要,每一個病人的差異也很大,嚴格考驗中醫師的功力與膽識,一旦判斷錯誤,不但沒有效果,反而可能會加重病情。
From SARS to Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Written in Chinese by Dr. Andy Lee, January 21, 2020
Translated to English by Dr. James Yeh and Dr. Andy Lee, March 28, 2020
The epidemic from Novel Coronavirus is becoming much more serious. Transmissivity among people has been proven. (Note: It's now named COVID–19. The term “Coronavirus” will be used here.) Cases were found in areas beyond Wuhan. It has caused serious attentions from the WHO (World Health Organization) and many countries around the world. The residents in China and the surrounding regions are quite worried and wonder whether it will break out like SARS (2003). (Note: The article was written on January 21, 2020, before Coronavirus became a global pandemic.)
So far, the modern medical field has not found a cure for Coronavirus, but resorts to treating patients’ symptoms only. Any vaccine to treat Coronavirus is still no way in the sight. What do we do? Every time such a situation happens, the topic of using Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is raised (at least among the Chinese communities). There is no exception this time. Many articles related to using TCM on Coronavirus have been popping up on the web. However, unless some TCM doctors who have actually treated many Coronavirus cases, all the discussion would be hypotheses or assumptions. Some hypotheses are worth considering while many others could be quite misleading.
Personally I have not treated patients cases related to Coronavirus. (Note: Shortly after this writing, the author has directly and indirectly participated in treating patients of Coronavirus successfully, and has published other later blogs which included his involvement in treating those patients. Please refer to his medical blog http://www.DrLee.us.) However, I did treat and cure patients inflicted by other viruses in the past, such as the Bird Flu, Swine Flu, and other influenza. A good amount of those patients were diagnosed as severe pneumonia by large hospitals and were required for isolation or self-quarantine. Hence many of patients and online medical forums online are asking for my opinions about Coronavirus.
As we discussed before, all these viruses from the outbreaks are either newly found or mutated from previous strands. The strand can be different every year. Therefore, people always ask how one can say that the TCM knowledge developed in East Han Dynasty (25-220 AD) would be any useful for treating the modern diseases, let alone the severe ones.
It turns out that TCM does not recognize any virus and does not deal with the concept of which type of virus is microscopically at work. TCM looks at how human bodies would become out-of-balance and react to external stimuli. Once the body is out of balance, what symptoms will exhibit and what reactions will be to adjust the body conditions to regain the balance, hence to reduce the damage to the body to the minimum. Let me take an example to illustrate: when there is a gunfight between the police and bandits, we want to see which direction the shots are coming from, causing casualties of the police force, so that we are able to adjust or reinforce the police power. We have no time to think about which brand of the guns or bullets the bandits use.
Over thousands of years, the external viruses have changed and evolved quite a bit, but the evolution of human beings was quite limited. The human body function, no matter how it was damaged, the symptoms due to the damage of the function, the reactions, and the following progression of the disease still follow certain paths. For this very reason, TCM’s focus on the balance of the human body often surpasses the effectiveness of Western medicine, which focuses more on external treats and the microscopic aspect of how human body’s cells are impacted by the external treats.
From the accumulation of many years of clinical treatment and observations, no matter it is Bird Flu, Swine Flu or other influenza, the bodily ‘damage’ and its progression by the viral attack still follow the description of the classic TCM literature “Treatise on Cold Damage on Miscellaneous Disease” (傷寒雜病論). In short summary, the disease usually starts with “Exterior Deficiency or Weakness” (表虛) or “External Coldness” (表寒), for which is matched to one of the several syndromes named with the corresponding herbal remedies such as “Gui Zhi Tang” (桂枝湯) and “Ge Geng Tang” (葛根湯). Then, the disease moves onto the next stage “Interior Coldness” (裡寒) or “Lung Coldness” (肺寒), which shows the syndromes named as “Xiao Qing Long Tang” (小青龍湯), etc. When the respiratory system is “affected by the coldness”, the body fluid function of the respiratory system gets affected. The circulation function of the lung becomes “Dry and Overheated” (燥热). This would lead to a more serious stage “Heated Interior” (入裡化熱) and would often be matched to its herbal remedy “Da Qing Long Tang” (大青龍湯). Or, even worse, it becomes so-called “mixed coldness and heat” (寒熱夾雜) in the lung. Such a complex situation was extensively discussed in Chapter 7 of the classic literature “Synopsis of Prescriptions of the Golden Chamber” (金匮要略肺痿肺癰咳嗽上氣病脈證治第七篇). At this complex stage, the illness development varies significantly among patients of different preconditions and other variants. It is no longer the situation that a simple herbal remedy can be applied to all the situations. The TCM theory illustrates various treatments by those herbal remedies such as “She Gan Ma Hung Tang” (射干麻黃湯), “Ting Li Da Zao Xie Fei Tang” (葶藶大棗瀉肺湯), ”Ze Qi Tang” (澤漆湯), “Xiao Qing Long Jia Shi Gao Tang” (小青龍加石膏湯), and others.
However, even the disease progressions are similar, the more serious viral attacks like Coronavirus can and often do progress much faster with more severe consequences than the common flu. As described in the previous paragraph, normally the disease progression of the “External Coldness” stage to the more serious “Heated Interior” stage usually takes one to two weeks. It is also often due to the ignorance of the patient or misdiagnosis and treatment of the doctor, which prevents the patient from recovering from this “catching a cold”. In the recent several years though, the time period between the time that the patient did not feel well and the time that the patient is in a serious and complex situation can be as short as 3 to 4 days. We also see the trend that this period gets shorter and shorter. In other words, the disease progression is getting much faster. This phenomenon poses a much higher demand on TCM doctors’ ability to make a quick and proper judgment and sensitivity to the subject matter. TCM doctors must intercept the disease progression before it reaches to a more serious stage, even without obvious symptoms of the next stage. TCM doctors have to timely prescribe the proper herbal remedy in terms of the type of herbs and relative dosages of herbs. Too weak a dosage could not stop the progression while too strong a dosage could worsen the condition also. A misjudgment would not be able the turn the conditions around, but hurt the patient more.
The above can be illustrated by a simple example. A patient caught flu and has symptoms such as heavy coughing, lots of sputum, and difficulty in breathing. From the TCM dialectics, with observations of white tongue coating, clear urine, and feeling chilly, etc., it is clearly caused by “Coldness”. Such a patient typically should be prescribed with “She Gan Ma Hung Tang” (射干麻黃湯) or its variations. However, due to the fast progression of the modern flu, the TCM doctor would need to pay attention to much subtle details such as the dryness of the tongue although it still shows the white coating. In this case, Sheng Shi Gao (Gypsum, 生石膏) might need to be added to the herbal remedy to make sure that the lung would not suffer dryness. Given that Sheng Shi Gao (Gypsum, 生石膏) itself is an ingredicient that is “very cold” in nature, the dosage could not be too strong to make the lung too chilly. At the opposite end of the spectrum, if the sound of the coughing is very ‘deep’, like dense sputum coming from the bottom of the lung, the herbal remedy might need to add Ting Li (Sisymbrium indicum, 葶藶) to clear up the lung to avoid too much mucus in the lung. And again, the dosage of葶藶 could not be too much to weaken the lung. (Note: Handling the proper timing and proper remedy can be a real test to the ability and experience of the TCM doctor.)
Let’s go back to the discussion on Coronavirus. From the limited information available so far, we know that there are about two weeks of incubation period after the infection. There are little symptoms during this period and the patient may just feel more tired than usual. More obvious symptoms will start like those of common flu with fever, fatigue but not too serious. Upper respiratory symptoms like running nose are less common. Some patients may not even exhibit fever. About half of the patients infected will recover over a week or so. The other half of the patients will experience difficulty in breathing, or rapid progression to acute respiratory distress syndrome, septic shock, metabolic acidosis, coagulopathy, etc. Some patients had died due to these severe conditions.
From the above description, this Coronavirus, in the beginning, is very much like the common flu and will stay in stages of “Exterior Deficiency or Weakness” (表虛) or “External Coldness” (表寒). Half of the patients infected will recover by themselves as in common cold. The other half of the patients may exhibit situations of rapid penetration into inner organs and excess ‘heat’, which causes loss of fluidity of respiratory system and accumulation of dense sputum at the lower part of the lung. In the TCM theory, the lung serves as the initial “gating factor” of body fluids. When the lung fails to serve the proper function, other organs like the kidney will be adversely affected also. In other words, Coronavirus can turn a light “External Coldness” to extremely severe “Lung Atrophy” (肺痿) and “Lung Abscess” (肺癰), which in turn will impair the function of other organs.
How to treat? Without direct experience of treating Coronavirus patients, we can only postulate from our limited information available in hand. (Note: Shortly after this writing, the author has directly and indirectly participated in treating patients of Coronavirus successfully. The treatments were exactly as outlined in this article.) From the ample experience of dealing pneumonia cases caused by flu, we are confident that we can also treat Coronavirus successfully. When patients are showing the obvious Coronavirus symptoms, most of them would have entered the stage of “Heated Interior” (入裡化熱) with “Lung Atrophy” (肺痿) or “Lung Abscess” (肺癰) to a certain degree. At this stage, we will need large dosages of Sheng Shi Gao (Gypsum, 生石膏) to clear the heat to ensure the proper fluidity function of the lung. Also, we will rely on Ting Li (Sisymbrium indicum, 葶藶), Da Ji (Euphorbia pekinensis Rupr., 大戟), etc. to clear up the dense mucus at the lower part of the lung and to remove the edema of the chest chamber. Without getting rid of the excess mucus and fluid, the lung cannot properly function. We need to use Ma Huang (Ephedra sinica Stapf., 麻黃), etc. to enhance the lung function (宣肺、發陽) and restore proper breathing. When the lung is damaged as in fibrosis, after the conditions stabilize, we need to “moisturize” the lung (润肺) to help the lung to recover fully. In other words, we will most likely use the herbal ingredients such as Sheng Shi Gao (Gypsum, 生石膏), Ting Li (Sisymbrium indicum, 葶藶), Da Ji (Euphorbia pekinensis Rupr., 大戟), Sheng Ban Xia (Pinellia ternate, 生半夏), Ma Huang (Ephedra sinica Stapf., 麻黃), She Gan (Belamcanda chinensis, 射干), Zi Wan (Aster tataricus, 紫菀), Kuan Dong Hua (Tussilago farfara flower, 款冬花), Sheng Jiang (Ginger, 生薑), Zhi Gan Cao (processed Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch., 炙甘草), Hong Zao (Ziziphus jujube, 紅棗), Mai Men Dong (Ophiopogon japonicas, 麥門冬), Xing Ren (Prunus armeniaca, 杏仁), and others. As we discussed in previous paragraphs, the timing, dosage, the relative ratios of different herbal ingredients are very critical. Given that there are quite some variations in patient conditions, the challenges on TCM doctors’ comprehensive knowledge, judgment and courage are unprecedented.
In those articles online, some TCM doctors claimed that Coronavirus can be cured by Ban Lan Gen (Isatis tinctoria root, 板藍根), which is believed to have natural antibiotic chemicals to “clear up the heat and toxics”. Some TCM doctors suggested using a simple mild herbal remedy “Mai Men Dong Tang” (麥門冬湯), which mainly relies on the ingredient Mai Men Dong (Ophiopogon japonicas, 麥門冬). Some people even suggested that having the green bean soup could prevent Coronavirus. In fact, those TCM doctors who have good experience of treating Bird Flu, Swine Flu, and pneumonia caused by other influenza would know that the people making those claims never had the real experience of treating severe pneumonia. They at most helped in a minor way the patients under Western medicine treatments. Under such conditions, it is not a surprise that the China government has not used TCM as the primary method of treating Coronavirus, despite its big promotion of TCM in the recent years. (Note: After this writing, Coronavirus epidemic became so severe in China that the China government changed its strategy and started to use TCM extensively in treating many mild Coronaviurs cases.)
Medicine is the science based on real treatment results. Without a good amount of successful cases in clinical treatments, it is useless to promote any fancy idea of treating patients. If we would like TCM to be respected in the mainstream medicine and to be meaningfully used in a severe epidemic like Coronavirus, it is critical to focus on the most fundamental. That’s the clinical results. Like the martial arts, unless you can fight off the bad guys, it’s just a show of fancy movements.
同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過9萬的網紅Smart Travel,也在其Youtube影片中提到,#關西機場 #臨空港2019 #關西機場交通 今次為大家介紹是大阪關西機場附近臨空港, Rinku Town Premium Outlet, 我極力推薦大家, 將這個地方安排你下次來大阪的行程, 因為這裏真是平靚正的典範, 片尾會港交通安排 , 平日我的影片會推薦十大必買, 但今次會講十大必...
usually句尾 在 Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文 Facebook 八卦
【美國橋水基金創辦人Ray Dalio:別再用一個英文「形容詞」描述人了】
▍文章 Highlight:「抗壓性好」,可以說 I stay calm under pressure. 或 I don't get stressed out easily. 幾乎沒有母語人士會用一個形容詞 I + am + adj. 來講這句話。
管理高達 9 兆資產的美國「橋水基金」(Bridgewater) 對沖基金創辦人 Ray Dalio,日前與世界頂尖的心理學家、商學院教授們推出了一版目前世界上最完整的 personality assessment(之一), 也是唯一一個在測試階段就讓像 Elon Musk、Bill Gates 般的企業家做過的評量。
以學習英文的語塊視角來看,在學習形容的時候,過去我們都只學「單點」的形容詞,像是 outstanding, extroverted (外向的)、considerate (體貼的),其實是不夠的。
「抗壓性好」,可以說 I stay calm under pressure. 或 I don't get stressed out easily. 幾乎沒有母語人士會用一個形容詞 I + am + adj. 來講這句話。
在 assessment 當中,他們想出了這樣的表達(舉例參考):
1️⃣ I stay calm under pressure. (我在壓力下能保持冷靜)
2️⃣ I am able to recover quickly from most setbacks. (遇到挫敗我通常能很快地站起來)
3️⃣ I adapt easily to new situations. (我能很快適應新的狀況、環境)
4️⃣ I usually go with my gut rather than spending a lot of time analyzing decisions. (我通常喜歡照直覺走,而不是花費很多時間分析決定)
5️⃣ I like to keep to a strict schedule instead of winging things. (比起見機行事,我更喜歡按照一個固定的時程走)
6️⃣ Others seek me out for advice on personal problems. (對於一些個人 / 私人的問題,別人喜歡向我尋求建議)
7️⃣ I am often the life of the party. (我常常是團體中的靈魂人物)
8️⃣ I always follow through on my commitments. (我是個不會虎頭蛇尾的人)
我將整個測驗中的英文用法,全部使用 #notion 和 #3D筆記術 整理起來給大家,會當作 #3D英文筆記術 5月份的 #補充講義(6 月初會發送)。
3D 英文筆記術目前已經額外發送 2 份學習補充講義,日後 #每一個月都會有一份,這是一個長程陪你學習英文,CP 質無限的線上課程。
因應疫情,我們跟課程平台 #hahow好學校 另外申請了一些 #8折折扣碼,只能用到週五 (5/21) 23:59,數量有限,有興趣加入課程的同學,儘速私訊我拿折扣碼喔!
《3D 英文筆記術》課程連結:https://hahow.in/cr/ntealex-3dnotetaking
usually句尾 在 君子馬蘭頭 - Ivan Li 李聲揚 Facebook 八卦
1. 係喎,都話早兩三年先講緊four comma club,race to 1 tillion market cap(美金啦).在呢個世紀疫情呀中美關係冷封呀過兩日核戰呀之中,蘋果就成為人類史上第一間 2 tillion market cap嘅公司。所以optimism is the only answer.悲觀嘅基因會在進化中淘汰。
2. 當然你可以質疑,而家升你梗係咁講。但你自己爬舊文鞭屍,我3月一樣叫你買。仲有人串(真係咩人都有),挑,升又叫買跌又叫買,使撚你講咩。係喎,就係咁簡單。偏偏咁簡單都有人唔知,就係要撚我講
3. 關於蘋果寫過多次,月頭先寫過一次—蘋果咬一口(https://fbook.cc/3EHQ)
4. 蘋果市值2萬億有乜啟示?其實冇乜啟示,預咗。只係時間問題。唔知教主泉下有知開唔開心,不過佢都唔係為錢嘅人—因為佢已經相當有錢。而早排吾友廖博士講開,科技公司嘅嘢,唔好賣咁多畀人。都啱。
5. 但其實都冇所謂,真係講成熟嘅corporate governance (人人都講ESG,你估真係人人都要ESG咩),應該創辦人呀大股東呀全部收皮,專業管理人,CEO係打工仔。添曲咪就係打工仔—不過蘋果都造就到佢變咗billionaire ,美金啦頂。10億美金咯,當然同小朱呀Elon Musk呀1000億冇得比,但,3 comma club喎,全世界應該得兩三千個(https://bit.ly/3kSTIRo)
6. 咁會又有人話馬後炮乜乜乜。但你可以睇返,3月風聲鶴淚個個又話未有疫苗呀仲日日有人死呀經濟有排都好唔返呀而家買貨傻的嗎。但我一直都叫大家唔好沽。冇錢/唔敢買,都千萬唔好人睬人打靶。
7. 仲有,都話工作關係唔買得個股,但,至少我個股票倉位(唔係噸位),由3月低位計,都升咗近6成了。咁當然啦,只計股票,層樓呢半年當然冇乜點升(好似仲要跌),仲有百幾萬在台灣嘛,養草中,呢個一早公開。點解唔買埋台股?不要再說了。開唔到戶口。咁所以只係現水養草收可恥嘅利息,仲要交稅(係!台灣連利息都要抽稅)。
8. 咁你可以話,扯,咪仲要跑輸Nasdaq(係喎,納指升6成幾),扯,我買隻乜乜乜升得仲多啦。係架,要講大把嘢可以講。但至少我已經好過好多人,同埋我好滿意。你要比幾時都有得比,扯,我買中Tesla一年十倍添。
9. 教訓?都係老生常談,但最簡單嘅嘢反而最難。首先,Stay Invested。第二,股市幾時都同實體經濟脫節(況且實體經濟亦都大反彈)。
10. 多少少嘅?就真係,Don’t fight the Fed。既然個個都識講美元霸權(事實),咁點解聯儲局印錢你夠膽估唔work?有話this rally is driven by liquidity, not fundamental. 君在夢中啦。記住。Liquidity is fundamental。好玄?咁簡單啲,你讀CFA Level I,或者任何Finance 101(*)課程都會教,所有證券(股票債券都係)(甚至你份工,或者鐵礦,或者一個專利都係),都係一連串未來嘅income stream,你將佢discount 返今日,咪就係價錢。利息低,你個分子(下面嗰個叫分子)咪自然細,除出嚟條數咪大。
11. 仲唔明?再簡單啲,如果利息高,10厘息一年,你十年後還100蚊畀我,今日呢張借據可能只值70蚊—反正我拎去存款都得。但如果息好低?十年後你還100蚊畀你,呢張借據今日應該值90蚊。
12. 所以,聯儲局壓低晒啲利息,買美債得0.7%回報,人人焗買股票,利好股市。有幾難明?咁大個因素都唔理嘅,就怪你基本功差,只係想問冧把發達,同埋貪心諗埋啲一年升廿倍冇風險嘅嘢。
13. 係喎,都仲要講,蘋果早排先又再集資!(https://bit.ly/2E5sMxa),咁梗係發債唔係批股啦。cost of debt低過cost of equity咁低。用人話講?5年債0.55厘息咋!唔集就笨!用嚟做乜?蘋果等錢使?當然唔等。就係回構嘛!
14. 亦都所以,就算醒少少嘅,拎個net profit 出嚟講,蘋果盈利冇增長。唏,但上市公司,CEO任務係乜呀?唔係profit maximization,而係係shareholder wealth maximization呀!拿,早兩日咪講過咯(https://fbook.cc/3EHR)。咪怪你平日唔睇文。唔好咁功利諗住睇一篇必勝文賺錢嘛,功力係慢慢儲返的。咁點解profit 唔升但shareholder wealth可以升?咪就係回購,股數少咗,每股盈利咪多咗咯!
15. 仲有咩教訓?記住,真係記住。人生如踢波,Ignore the boos. They usually come from the cheap seats。你要記住,如果你聽到嘅聲音,一定係質疑嘅多,所謂「口水put」嘅一定最多。原因好簡單:因為多數人都係冇乜資產的。咁佢當然唔想見到股票升,當然覺得一切係假。況且,佢地錯咗亦冇任何成本。一樣可以大條道理串你:挑,升得嗰六成,買Tesla升十倍啦。挑,得嗰幾億身家(我當然冇,精子就可能有),Jeff Bezos嗰啲先叫有錢咯。You can never win.
16. 事實亦見到如此,唔好又講3月啦,你可以睇下過去十年,幾多人恥笑過蘋果冇創意不思進取食老本?車嚟嚟去去只係靠一招(而家其實兩招)。車,closed system control freak(部份tech 撚鍾意講—但記住,唔好用你自己嘅口味去睇股票)
17. 但我鍾意信報郝承林嘅一句,投資唔係跳水比賽,你唔使向内翻腾3周半轉體抱膝,冇難度分的。使Q有創意?你啲網友就最撚有創意。但人地賺到錢,吹咩。2萬億市值嘅公司,都仲要畀你質疑冇創意唔識run,「畀我就點點點」.當然係你啲網友最撚醒。不過懷才不遇嘛,明嘅。
18. 拿,放到最尾先賣廣告呀,學好基本功,隔日幫你補腦。記住訂本人Patreon。再長遠啲,等我全職寫作為生(你睇死唔得?咁你十年前又估唔估到蘋果有2萬億市值?)
Ivan Patreon 狼耳街華人,一個星期至少三篇,一個月一舊水唔使,一星期已近400人訂,仲有兩篇免費試睇:https://bit.ly/31QmYj7
報完名交咗錢,呢度log in:https://bit.ly/3gYXu9e
本星期內特惠售價: $80
客服whatsapp: 63832145
usually句尾 在 Smart Travel Youtube 的評價
#關西機場 #臨空港2019 #關西機場交通
今次為大家介紹是大阪關西機場附近臨空港, Rinku Town Premium Outlet, 我極力推薦大家, 將這個地方安排你下次來大阪的行程, 因為這裏真是平靚正的典範, 片尾會港交通安排 , 平日我的影片會推薦十大必買, 但今次會講十大必買品牌, 因為 250多間店舖, 實在不止十件貨品值得推薦, 在這裏你會見到日本本土品牌、外國名牌、運動服飾用品 , 成人小童時尚服飾皮鞋波鞋、廚房用品、電器、家居雜貨, 還有兩個food court, 應有盡有, 臨上機之前, 來這裏shopping, 簡直是將大阪的行程, 畫上一個完美的句號, 事不宜遲, 快來看看今日的十大必買品牌, are you ready?
フィルムの右下隅の4Kシンバルを調整してください 。
Hello, everyone, I am Tsar. This time I will introduce a spot near Kansai Airport in Osaka.Highly recommend to u Rinku Town Premium Outlet. Add this place in your journey for your next visit to Osaka. Because this is really cool travel spot for cheap shopping. Transportation will be mentioned at the end of the video.. Usually I will have top 10 best buy items, but this time I will talk about the top ten best buy brands.
Because there are more than 250 stores, there are really more than ten items worth recommending.Here you will see Japanese local brands, foreign brands, sportswear fashion.Adult n children's fashion shoes sport shoes, kitchen supplies, electrical appliances n household groceries.There are also two food courts. U can buy almost everything before the back to the airport.Come here for shopping, its a trip to Osaka that Draw a happy ending. Let's take a quick look. Come and see today's top 10 best-buy brands. Are you ready?
usually句尾 在 暗網仔出街 Youtube 的評價
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dw_kid12/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/deepwebkid/?modal=admin_todo_tour
訂閱: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKC6E5s6CMT5sVBInKBbPDQ?sub_confirmation=1
暗網? 陰謀論?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W5RVLpFkAKQ&list=PLGzW5EwcApFuqKoowMHS9v8W34vIPyrtk
鬼故事: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H4rmkFI1ik0&list=PLglqLngY6gv5BCwaoP-q6DOwUmw1lIusF
我的100K成長故事: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kdhtp6A6YJE
破解Kate yup事件是假的! 不是綁架! 不要被騙! (Facebook上的證據): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2NJVt56ORWo&t=2s
曼德拉效應: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OMutzRIE_uE&list=PLglqLngY6gv5BCwaoP-q6DOwUmw1lIusF&index=17&t=5s
深刻個人經歷: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Roa6Vs1qWc&list=PLglqLngY6gv4mm_doLUUJx4zq5KvLJ2VE
在外國試驗恐怖Randonautica App能碰到什麼?
你相信世界有巧合嗎? 你在街上一日chait身而過的人有數百個, 是什麼能讓我們uw yue, ying sik, kauw gun?
旅遊恐怖app ‘Randonautica’ 令到douyin那班leng jai在公園揭發一douy死人wuy tuy,
Randonaut會信是宇宙萬物中的量子yun ling他們到那個地方.
Randonautica跟Pokémon GO相似: 在現實世界進行探索任務. 唯一分別是你探索緊的那樣東西由你念力出發. 他們腦子又是想什麼的呢? 根據量子物理學, 電話app會吸收你腦粒子加上靈性學你用個app時的intention=你去到的最終目的地.
‘Randonautica’ 拿了你地址後會有3種不同分bo模式.
‘Attractor’ 模式: 會到量子點很擠迫的地方.
‘void’ 模式: 量子點極少的地方.
‘anomaly’ 模式, 如果你心裡面有強烈信念, 一些答案就會找到.
網上有Randonaut用了這個app去到自己爺爺的fun mo. 而暗網仔今天要出街希望找到人生的意義.
現在你聽到的聲音 , 6個ging點我已經去過. 當中lui ching不jook yi改變我一生, 但神奇地也有不可思議的地方.
(Say Maslows hierarchy of needs love and belonging is #3. Quarantine has been hard and friendship has been difficult to maintain... finding friendship.)
全名:暗網仔. 年齡: 27身高: 181cm. 職業: Youtuber.
這是啊暗第一個被yun ling到的地點: 43.599747, -79.595291.
所以啊暗食了一條蕉( 還放上IG!!!) 照了照鏡子make sure自己有Indiana jones的氣質就出門口.
Yik情的關係令我想 ‘朋友’ 這個koy nim好多. 朋友’ 定義是: 要天天boon cheuy你身邊一定做不到, 所以只好在你生日時pooy你fung kwong一晚就是 ‘朋友’? 啊暗猜不到命運第一達帶他去的地方會是一dung 大ha. Google map確切的位置是大ha pong been的一po植物. 其實啊暗知道app指ling他發現的是一位拿著高爾夫球裝備, 剛剛做完運動的大約50多歲的白人男子. 他面dai笑yung, 好奇望著啊暗在sow yiw那po jik mut..
那位大sook好快就上了友人的車離去. 啊暗回到車後承認自己不夠勇敢, 沒有真實地dap出第一步. 有時d friend可能就要你call一call佢
(-found a guy playing golf. Smiled at me but was a bit hostile. I was too afraid to go make contact. Maybe that’s what life is like, friendships you have to reach out.)
*use attractor.
“It was my first time randonauting. So I just manifested seeing something red and the coordinates led me here...”
(Physiological needs)
*use void
(Sex: the place is an isolated location, or a void. Their was a sign on the door of the place called ‘just shoot it!’ -a hockey club. Maybe the place is a good one to take a date for sex?)
啊暗在想著性被帶到一些工廠背後一達地方. 調查後發現tit門上有 ‘just shoot it!’ 3個英文字. 可能這個地方不是尋找性的一個地方. 也許是帶人來 “just shoot it” 的一個地方.
下一個神奇地啊暗想著食物後, 就帶了他去到平時喜歡食的Five guys burger的那一個soing cheung. 不是確切地點, 但啊暗實在太肚餓.
iPhone等Apple產品有都市傳聞說會偷聽用戶的對話. 我第一個地點是有講過 ‘找朋友’ 這句說話, 之後也有講過 “找東西吃” 這句說話, 但我整程車根本沒有講過’five guys burger’ 這個地方名字. Randonautica會不會kuy用你部iPhone的Google map偷看我平時到開車到達最多的chan teng呢? 電話整天都跟身, 10足10跟jung器.
Ping goh隱私權政策有提到 “we may collect and store details, including search queries. This information may be used to improve the relevancy of results provided by our searches”
(Food was just food. Went to five guys and got some food. Even though it wasn’t directly at the place. It’s usually where I buy my food anyways.)
(Safety needs)
這裡, 這裡, 這裡...公園內的一大peen空地是啊暗要找 ‘工作’ 的地方. Randonautica能這麼短時間受歡迎起來因為他破壞城市人一般的jit juw帶你到平日不會去的地方.
*use attractor
(Park )
(Video of girl witnessing someone getting shot)
[破解] 影片中的女生發現一個恐怖案法現場然後bung kwooy. 但為什麼這不是一件好事呢? 有分sik Randonautica的網友用Despair-meme法juk段定Randonautica的最後結果. 如果在經歷跟自己日常生活變化時, 對世界多一份敏感是好事. 但如果整天看負面新聞, hoi怕改變, 可能就會好像這個女生, manifest 生活以外一些悲劇的發生.
(Esteem needs) (say this is something you truly want and you crave for. Extremely important to you.)
*use anomaly
(Someone’s house. So disappointing)
這個是啊暗好想要的. 失望地只是一間屋的門口. 又是不敢去看看. 啊暗的想法是: 我相念不夠keung嗎?
Randonautica創辦人表示app根據Fatum project去geen jo. Fatum project原本的用意研究我們每一個人以外有可能jook poong到的reality. 根據我們每一個人的lo chup, jap gwan, 人生ging lik, 條件及外在因素我們在生ming會到達的地方永遠ley不開那幾個.
Sierpinski三角形是最好representation. 無論你在三角型任何一個點開始chong jo三角形, 也到不了一些blindspot. (好像我由細到大都經過的那座大樓) 那個行為由如到達另一個星球一樣.
唯一是kauw randonautica ley hoi ‘static’s field’ 甚至影響你自己生命道路的那一條線.
(Self actualization)
*use anomaly
(Someone’s house again)
人生的意義最終也是人家的屋子. 雖然我最後也是um yeen ley hoi但可能...這就是人生的意義. 有些事你是suey yiw dap出第一步的. 即使你不是玩這個game的時候人生才會不停有duk po. 可能我就是要be reminded of 這個道理. 有不可思議的地方, 學到了新東西, 流了一些hon: a good summer day well spent.
(Need to take the first step to change your life and change your pattern. So I will be trying new things. First is to wake up earlier.)
(Last story: I used the app with a friend the next day...we ended up at a house with a pool. She said that although her intent was buying a present, in reality she wanted to swim. So we were suppose to knock on the door and ask the family if we could swim with them?)
之後一天跟朋友再玩. 原本這位朋友想找一份生日禮物, 但我們到了一個wing chi. 因為原本他心底想著是yuw水. 而最尾...
usually句尾 在 Kofgym Youtube 的評價
健美傳奇介紹:Tom Platz 不敗鬥志 中文字幕
Tom Platz
花名:The Quad Father,The Golden Eagle,Quadzilla
“When you promise yourself something, make a commitment, you can’t give up. Because, when you’re in the gym, you have to fulfill the promise you made to yourself. The people who can self motivate – in any field – are usually the ones who win. Regardless of talent.”
話語出處 : http://www.greatestphysiques.com/tom-platz/
Tom Platz於9歲時因為睇到健身雜志中健美名人的圖片被激發決定要以健美成為其終身事業,於是由其父親協助於家中地路開始健身,15歲時移居到堪薩斯城,於一間European Health Spa成為一名健身教練(當時未到合法工作年齡),直到佢17歲,期間佢終於開始練腳,原因係因為有好多認真的健身人士建議同教佢點練,但出奇地,Tom Platz年青時是討厭練腳的,因為曾經聽朋友說,練腳會大臀不好看,但最終亦因為練腳而救左佢,因為Tom Platz出生時伴隨住脊柱併發症,練腳就彌補左身體的不足
亦造就了腿王的誕生,佢於1973年開始比賽,於1978年贏得World Amateur Championships中量級別冠軍,隨後膽粗粗帶住50蚊移居加洲,報名參加奧林匹克先生大賽,漫長的比賽生涯中佢都保持住頭十的名次,是高峰一次是第三位
1987 IFBB Detroit Pro 6th
1986 IFBB Olympia 11th
1985 IFBB Olympia 7th
1984 IFBB Olympia 9th
1982 IFBB Olympia 6th
1981 IFBB Olympia 3rd
1980 IFBB Olympia 9th
1980 IFBB Night Of The Champions 12th
1980 IFBB Grand Prix Pennsylvania 10th
1980 IFBB World Pro 2nd
1979 IFBB Olympia 8th
1978 IFBB USA World Qualifier 1st
1978 IFBB World Amateur Championships 1st
原Youtube link:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zVDVkXxmzsw
MAKAVELI*MOTIVATION youtube channel:https://www.youtube.com/user/Machiavelli929
Kofgym Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/burgerkofgym
Disclaimer: The translated video posted in this page is for individual interest and entertainment only, not for the purposes of selling or other profit-making activities.