Toyzeroplus X Scotty.W.Toys
Ushioni Samurai arrived......
Among the "Demon Craft" storyline, the first villain character - Ushioni Samurai, will be first announce during the Nu-De Toy Salon exclusively. Collaborated by Scotty Wang and TOY0+, Ushioni Samurai has 4 movable arms with a removable mask on its head. The character design is based on the battle between Demon Craft and Ushioni Samurai.
TOY0 + will arrange 2 pieces of "Ushioni Samurai" for one-off lottery on 9th Dec 2Pm at Nu-De 2, please see details below:
For the 2 fans who has luckily picked in the lottery, there will be a short answer question based on Demon Craft story, prepared by Scotty Wang, Fans will need to answer it before purchasing the items. Wanna get the first "Ushioni Samurai" sofubi from us? Visit Scotty.W.Toys Facebook Page and make sure you follow the story of Demon Craft!
「匠鬼」のライバル「牛鬼武者」はNu-De Toy Salonで初めてファンの方々にお会いになります。Scotty WangとTOY0+ 精一杯出来ましたのコラボ作品として、武者牛鬼は手首、肩、頭部の可動部分が合計9箇所。着脱式のお面と合わせて、物語の中のシーンも再現できます!
2体の「牛鬼武者」は12月9日NU-DE 2で午後2時に、one-offとして先行販売します。詳しくの販売方法はこちら:
在「匠鬼」的故事當中岀場的反派角色 - 牛鬼武士,將於Nu-De Toy Salon首次和各位粉絲見面。由設計師Scotty Wang聯乘TOY0+傾心打造,牛鬼武士共有4隻可動手臂,移動頭配上可隨意脱下的面罩,可還原故事中與匠鬼打鬥的緊張情節!
TOY0+將安排2隻「牛鬼武士」於12月9號的Nu-De 2下午2時,以one-off形式首次發售,購買方式如下:
#nudetoysalon #nudetoysalon2017 #nudesignertoysalon2017 #toyzeroplus #toyzeroplusartist #demoncraft #ushioni #ushionisamurai #匠鬼 #牛鬼武士 #scottywtoys #sofubi #designertoy #softvinyltoy #arttoy Scotty.W.Toys
ushioni 在 玩老玩具 Playtoysforever Facebook 八卦
🔥Demon Craft on FIRE🔥
After the battle with Ushioni Samurai, injured Demon Craft lost his left arm...he escaped from the hell and hidden in a mountain cave. While he was on the verge of death, he felt his body suddenly breeding with fire, and that sort of flame had given power to reborn a muscular arm, finally...he recovered and formed “Demon Craft.FLAME”!!!
Collaborated with 玩老玩具 Playtoysforever, Scotty Wang Scotty.W.Toys is given fans a “reborn” Demon Craft, with a new sculpted muscular left arm. “Demon Craft.Flame” set also included 3 special accessories: A original broken arm for exchange/ flamed cloak / devil shotgun. “Demon Craft.FLAME” will be available at Thailand Toy Expo 2018 (TTE)!
*Thailand Toy Expo 2018*
Booth: EDEN1 A19
Date: 3th-6th May 2018
Venue: Central World, Bangkok
與玩老玩具合作,設計師Scotty Wang為匠鬼注入新元素,重新塑造強勁手臂,更為這個版本附上3個特別配件:原型可替換斷臂、火炎披風以及惡魔重炮,「匠鬼.炎」將於Thailand Toy Expo 2018(TTE)現場發售!
*Thailand Toy Expo 2018*
展位:EDEN1 A19
展覽地點:曼谷Central World
#thailandtoyexpo #thailandtoyexpo2018 #tte #tte2018 #toyzeroplus #toyzeroplusartist #scottywang #playtoysforever #玩老玩具 #demoncraft #demoncraftflame #匠鬼 #匠鬼炎 #sofubi #designertoy #softvinyltoy #arttoy
ushioni 在 Monster Taipei Facebook 八卦
展覽時間:2018年12月28日(五) ~ 2019年1月6日(日)
開幕酒會暨拍賣會:2018年12月28日 (五) 晚上7:00
展覽地點:Monster Taipei 台北市大安路一段51巷46號1樓
開放時間:12:30 ~ 21:00
The “Weapon Bag - GID version” is definitely a highlight that you should not miss at “TENGU TEMPLE” Exhibition!
4 different types of weapons will be randomly packed for sale at “TENGU TEMPLE - Demon Craft X Ryusuke Muto Exhibition”, grab the chance to get a weapon for your Demon Craft and Ushioni Samurai!
Exhibition Name: TENGU TEMPLE - Demon Craft X Ryusuke Muto Exhibition
Date: 28th DEC, 2018 ~ 6th JAN, 2019
VIP and Auction: 28th DEC, 2018 (7:00 pm)
Opening Hours: 12:30 ~ 21:00
#tengutemple #scottywang #ryusukemuto #demoncraft #匠鬼 #ushionisamurai #牛鬼武士 #tengu #天狗 #weaponpack #武器包 #ukiyoe #浮世繪 #monstertaipei #toyzeroplus #exhibition #sofubi #art #paintings #arttoy #softvinyltoy #designertoy Scotty.W.Toys むとう りゅうすけ
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