【聯合國維和部隊工作體驗】 #維護世界和平
「聯合國維和部隊」(UN Peacekeeping Mission, 又稱維和任務),其成立目的顧名思義就是要「維護世界和平」,負責在世界上最動盪的地區,擔負起維持穩定與協助當地經濟、社會發展的任務。
在過去的 72 年間,共有來自 125 個國家超過 1 百萬名的軍人、UN 警察與文職人員,先後被分派到全球 71 個任務。除了負責基本的「維護和平」工作之外,也要與不同的單位、NGO 團體合作,支援各類專案,諸如扶貧、教育、性別平權、經濟發展、發送賑災物資與疫苗等。
▍《直擊 2020 選後美國》入手季刊 >> bit.ly/3oquNWv
▍一年四本季刊雜誌這裡訂 >> bit.ly/31Hs7uA
un peacekeeping 在 新‧二七部隊 軍事雜談 Facebook 八卦
一份來自「小型武力調查」(Small Arms Survey)指出,聯合國維和部隊(俗稱藍頭盔部隊)在北非撒哈拉地區失去足以自衛與地方維和功能的武器,彈藥和槍枝流失情形最為嚴重,其中馬利、剛果、索馬利亞、蘇丹、蒲隆地、獅子山、象牙海岸和中非共和國,另外中東地區的以色列戈蘭高地邊境、海地和柬埔寨也有類似的情形
聯合國維和部隊(United Nations Peacekeeping Force)是由安理會核准部署授權武力所組成的和平部隊,維和部隊的武裝人員會戴有聯合國徽章的藍色貝雷帽或戰鬥盔,車輛和建築物等則漆成白色,並標上「UN」字樣,通常又被稱為「藍頭盔部隊」,但由於聯合國組織的成效問題,讓部隊只能單純配發簡易自衛武器維持秩序,在國際新聞上發生被游擊隊襲擊身亡或被俘虜的問題層出不窮,加上各國派出組成的維和部隊部分紀律不佳導致發生犯罪問題,維和部隊對於維持當地的和平成果讓世人充滿疑慮和不安
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【please spread out】
To people all around the world,
We, Hongkongers just experienced a terrorist attack planned and executed by the Hong Kong Police Force. At about 10pm today (31 Aug 2019), HK police force rushed into our railway system in Prince Edward station, got in to the carriage and indifferently beat up all the people in it regardless they are protesters or simply passengers. They ignored the weapon guidelines and fired tear gas indoor in the carriage which is in fact lethal. Also, they beat up innocent people causing them seriously wounded. Some passengers kneeled before them asking them to stop but the response they got were beaten ever harder. Meanwhile, the police haven’t arrested the passengers after they got beaten up, showing that the only purpose of their brutality was to sort their anger to violence but not dispersing the crowd.
We, Hongkongers are experiencing a humanitarian crisis and we hope that people all over the world can help us in anyways you can think of. Such as UN peacekeeping forces. Thank you and we will stay strong.
un peacekeeping 在 United Nations peacekeeping - Wikipedia 的相關結果
Peacekeeping by the United Nations is a role held by the Department of Peace Operations as "a unique and dynamic ... ... <看更多>
un peacekeeping 在 UN Peacekeeping (@UNPeacekeeping) / Twitter 的相關結果
UN Peacekeeping. @UNPeacekeeping. @UN. Department of Peace Operations. Supporting peace around the world. Also follow our Head, Under-Secretary-General. ... <看更多>
un peacekeeping 在 United Nations Peacekeeping - the United Nations 的相關結果
UN Peacekeeping helps countries navigate the difficult path from conflict to peace. We have unique strengths, including legitimacy, burden sharing, ... ... <看更多>