——Bob Bakish
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1)The Verge將《天能》比做好萊塢的石蕊試紙,每個人都想知道《天能》第一個下水之後測得的市場水溫究竟是冷是熱。Disney執行長Bob Chapek在財報會議上提到對Disney來說幸運的是《Mulan 花木蘭》暑假上映前一週還會有另外一部大片開路,雖然他沒指名道姓但大家都知道他講的是《天能》。ViacomCBS的執行長Bob Bakish話講得比較保守,說他們會密切觀察《天能》到底能不能真的吸引大量觀眾出門,以確保三週內Viacom自己的海綿寶寶電影也可以成功。至於剛剛從WarnerMedia執行長升任母公司AT&T執行長的甲方當事人John Stankey的說法更為謹慎,他告訴產業分析師說千萬不要期待整個產業可以彈指之間就回復榮景。
2)Forbes的報導則不斷暗示《天能》最好的機會應該是立刻宣布延後上映。作者認為對於七月下旬要上映的《天能》和《花木蘭》來說,幾乎可以百分之百肯定延後上映一定會有助於票房提升。《天能》不是既有IP、不歸屬於任何觀眾熟悉的宇宙,而是完全仰賴導演和演員的個人魅力撬動觀眾前往觀賞的電影。也就是說這部電影需要大量、長期的行銷,而時間點應該就是這幾天必須開始。對WarnerMedia來說他們絕對不可能拖到行銷預算通通花下去之後,才在電影上映前踩剎車。如果《天能》現在喊卡,就會拱手把重啟市場的重責大任讓給花女士。所以對於Christopher Nolan和WarnerMedia來說此時此刻正是一個料理東西軍時刻:「賺錢」和「創造歷史」,今晚你要選哪一道?
3)Indiewire似乎掌握了更具體的消息。《天能》太重要,因為《天能》如果死掉,就等於今年整個暑假檔都會死掉。內線消息指出《天能》有可能延後一個月上映,並取代自家人《Wonder Woman 1984 神力女超人1984》的8月14日檔期,這位亞馬遜女英雄則會退讓至年底。該文甚至認為《花木蘭》因為扛了太多週邊商品的責任,也可能延後至更安全的檔期。和Forbes觀點不太一樣的是,本文作者認為《天能》已經是鎂光燈焦點,所以WarnerMedia應該不用急著現在開始投入上映前的行銷活動,並大膽推斷他們還有三週左右的緩衝時間來宣佈《天能》跟7月17日上映日期揮手掰掰的消息。
4)Hollywood Reporter用數學解釋了為什麼《天能》仍然可以在7月17日大有斬獲。雖然7月不一定所有的電影院都可以開,即便開了也可能被政府要求以25%或50%的容量賣票,但數學證明這樣的座位數很可能已經足夠。以史上最賣座電影《Avengers: Endgame 復仇者聯盟:終局之戰》為例第一週全美約4億票房,用9.16美元平均票價來除大約來自4400萬個座位,而實際上美國首輪電影院一個週末就有9000萬個可售座位。大家很容易忽略的是以往即使最賣座的電影也不會像百老匯那樣場場爆滿。而且《天能》會是當下唯一的首輪電影,意味著它很可能會拿下史無前例的銀幕數,即使只有50%容量也會讓《天能》大展身手。
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Disney日前以令人咋舌的7500萬美元買下百老匯音樂劇《Hamilton 漢彌爾頓》的版權,並計畫在明年10月在電影院上映。結果本週突然傳出 Disney改變心意要在7月將該片上架到 Disney+串流平台上,比原訂時間提早超過一整年。
該片並非像《Cats 貓》那樣是用電影手法拍攝的音樂劇,而是直接在劇院現場紀錄演出過程。但該劇過去一票難求的狀況,讓電影院對於上映計畫十分有信心。 Disney出奇不意地上架串流,殺得電影院老闆措手不及。
但LightShed產業分析師Rich Greenfield認為這個奇襲背後透露出的真正重要的資訊並非Disney準備要調整電影發行策略。實際上奇襲是為了緩解讓Disney一個頭兩個大的Disney+內容荒的問題。
電影院產業因此沒有過度反應,經營者告訴Hollywood Reporter說他們很清楚《漢彌爾頓》從頭到尾就是Disney+需要的內容,和 Universal的《Trolls World Tour 魔髮精靈唱遊世界》跳過電影院直接上 VOD並不全然是同一回事。
ViacomCBS和集團旗下的Paramount是少數好萊塢選擇不要傾全力發展串流的片廠。不像Disney、WarnerMedia 和NBCUniversal把大把大把的銀子投入在跟Netflix對幹的串流軍火競賽中, ViacomCBS的策略是盡可能地專心拍更多電影。
至於ViacomCBS自家的串流平台CBS All Access比較像是自家 CBS電視台附屬的裝飾性服務,唯一的招牌節目只有《Star Trek 星際爭霸戰》系列影集(還順便賣給Netflix跟Amazon賺錢)。
ViacomCBS 執行長 Bob Bakish最近發現串流顯然比起電影更是大勢所趨,所以開始調整集團策略,預計在今年夏天將整個CBS All Access服務改頭換面,重新定位成為ViacomCBS 集團的策略重心。「毫無疑問地這場危機驗證了串流的無窮力量,所以我們將會加緊腳步抓住這個重要獲利機會」Bob Bakish說。
因此CBS的Star Trek宇宙開始扮演起類似Star Wars之於Disney集團的地位。而且衍生劇集的速度甚至快過Disney。
CBS前天正式宣佈訂購衍生影集《Star Trek: Strange New Worlds》,將由發現號影集中出現過的經典角色Pike艦長、Spock和 Number One三個角色擔綱,並且將會繼承原本星艦影集的基本風格,以一集一集為單位探索新世界,而非發現號那種比較接近Netflix式電視劇的連續性劇情發展。
五年前誰也不會料到 Paramount的Star Trek宇宙會幾乎陷入停擺,反而是 CBS電視台的《 Star Trek : Discovery星際爭霸戰:發現號》會在串流世界遍地開花。分別持有Star Trek的電視和電影版權的CBS和Paramount兩個集團其實同樣是媒體大亨Sumner Redstone所有,多年前在同樣讓全好萊塢挑眉的經營策略下拆分為兩家,幾個月前才經過複雜的股權交易重新整併為一個集團ViacomCBS。也就是說未來兩條Star Trek故事線說不定有機會交疊在一起。
更值得觀察的是 Star Trek宇宙會不會停止替其他串流品牌打工。過去的《星際爭霸戰:發現號》同步賣給Netflix上架,《Star Trek: Picard 星際爭霸戰:畢凱》賣給 Amazon Prime,可是未來CBS All Access角色轉變成為ViacomCBS策略核心之後,《Star Trek: Strange New Worlds》或是另一個楊紫瓊主演的Georgiou艦長衍生節目會不會變成CBS All Access獨家?
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在好萊塢片廠接二連三把電影直接上架 VOD市場的同時,英國產業智庫Ampere Analysis的專家Ed Border這幾天說提供了讓電影院稍微放心點的分析:
他說 VOD市場在美國、英國、德國、日本和南韓等國家都非常強健,產值可以佔到票房的三到四成。可是包括中國、印度、俄羅斯、巴西和墨西哥等五個國家,加總起來合計佔了全球票三分之一, 而數位零售只佔了他們票房的3.5%。全球最大電影市場中國就是最好的案例:2019年中國市場電影票房92億美元,數位零售只有不到0.9億。
所以他認為疫情過後這些國家的空窗期不僅不會失效,反而會在國家介入下更加嚴格執行。因為電影院票房的市場太大、太重要,而 VOD短期內無法取代。
歐洲方面,法國的CICAE國際藝術電影院聯合會主席Christian Bräuer則認為未來空窗期的辯論一定會更激烈,因為對於電影業和電影院業來說這都已經不是什麼理想主義之辯,而是生存與否之辯。
正在疫情中快速統治全地球的Amazon在印度一口氣買下六部未上映的電影,包含Sony投資的暑假大片:《我和我的冠軍女兒》女主角Sanya Malhotra主演的數學家傳記電影《Shakuntala Devi: Human Computer 》。令印度電影業大為震驚的是, Amzon預備將這六部電影通通跳過電影院上映,直接上架 Amazon Prime串流服務。
上週印度的電影院協會才因為各種謠言不斷,發表聲明希望印度電影業挺下去,千萬不要選擇跳過空窗期。Amazon的大動作等同在印度電影業和電影院業的緊張關係中點燃引信。擁有626家電影院的Inox Cinemas發表措辭強烈的聲明譴責這種行為(但未指名是誰),同時印度製片協會也發表類似的聲明(同樣未指名是誰)。
Hollywood Reporter訪問到 Amazon的印度負責人,回應也同樣強硬:「我無法評論電影院協會對於空窗期的碩法,因為他們並不是真正了解空窗期的專家。」他們早就在印度試驗過不同的空窗期長度,並認為中長期一定會有各種各樣的空窗期模式出現。
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同時也有10000部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過62萬的網紅Bryan Wee,也在其Youtube影片中提到,...
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I say it again. Malaysia Airlines (BURSA : 3786) is a super excellent buy for long term investors. A perfect buy for three year holding period. Note that MAS is now trading at super cheap Price Book of 0.8 and exactly one fifth of its original par value of RM1.00. Its financials now stand with Debt RM11bil, Cash RM4bil and 2013 losses RM1.2bil.
My personal view, regardless of all MH370 Grand Theory (mostly illogical) being bandied around from (1) poor weather (2) pilot error (3) engine failure (4) Xinjiang Separatist aka Chinese 9/11 (5) pilot commit suicide (6) Asian Bermuda Triangle (7) Airasia Ops Telanjang Attacks (8) Anwar Ibrahim Court Diversion, MAS will definitely suffer loss of confidence in the short term which open up a huge buying opportunities for long term investors.
As we know MAS is facing its most severe turbulences that threatens its very survival. Hence, I personally speculate two things may happen to MAS now. Privatisation or Bankruptcy Protection.
While I believe the latter is extremely & highly unlikely (given MAS strong intangible asset), both scenario may reinvent stronger MAS over three years time frame. If there is any case, Japanese Airlines is a good example which rose miraculously from 5 Japanese cents (a day before delisted from Tokyo Stock Exchange in January 2010) to as high as Japanese Yen 3,790 immediately on relisting day in September 2012 (an absolute gain of 75,800% after three years of painful restructuring ie. cutting a third of its workforce, cancelling unprofitable routes and replacing older planes).
Three major reasons why I believe MAS is a fail-proof-long-term-investment (1) Government will not let MAS go under due to its massive strategic role to Malaysian economy (2) MAS has lasting intangible asset namely Best Airline Brand, Best Cabin Crew & Safest Airline Track Record (3) MAS has numerous business sharks ready to pounce on cheap privatisation.
The Most Likely Scenario : Privatisation, White Knight & New Leadership :
With MAS price now standing at dirt cheap of RM0.23, privatisation attempt may be highly viable as the total acquisition cost is a cheap RM4bil (MAS Total Market Cap as at Monday 10th March is RM4.1bil, the lowest in its 50 years business history). Judging from the highest volume transaction spotted yesterday, I expect more bidding sharks to quietly accumulate for control after the last Airasia-led privatisation attempt was aborted in May 2012. Exactly what we see yesterday, MAS fell the most since June 2013 (11% plunge) but made a strong turnaround to 24 sen with volume at 39.96 million shares, the highest single day transaction ever in one year. If this scenario materializes, expect MAS share price to range bound (say RM0.15 to RM0.30) with mysteriously active trade sparked by insider accumulation.
The Unlikely Worst Case Scenario : Bankruptcy Protection
Should operation continue to bleed, MAS may have no choice but to trigger a drastic bankruptcy protocols to break out from the financial doldrums and close it under creditor protection. This is highly unlikely but is still MAS last option to deal with its legacy hurdles namely the demanding union politics, overstaffing and lopsided procurement contracts (from engineering, maintenance to catering). Filing for bankruptcy under Section 176 of the Malaysian Companies Act will give MAS a fresh start and emergency room to resuscitate its operation and do what is necessary to face the cut throat competition (which include selling business units and shed staff as Japanese Airlines did). This scenario however is remote in probabilities given that MAS has strong intangible assets and MAS shareholder, national asset manager Khazanah Nasional has consistently ruled out winding down the airline. If this scenario materialize, expect a Flash Crash on MAS share price with RM0.10 as the most likely downside target for aggressive buy.
As for strategy, expect the following stocks to be the biggest losers from MH370 disaster :
(1) Airport Operator : Malaysia Airports (Bursa : 5014) : SELL
If security concerns are to be blamed, we should expect Malaysia Airports to impose more measures at higher cost. Don’t forget the repercussion may also create flight delay & cancellation, adding to the bottom line of Malaysia Airports.
(2) Tourism Player : Genting Malaysia & Shangrila (Bursa : 4715 & 5517) : SELL
Tourism may plummet in the short term, causing marginal loss with Genting as the most vulnerable targets. Following this, we should expect hotel occupancy to fall as well due to psychological distress and shorter tourist tenure immediately after the event.
(3) MAS Partner : China Southern Airlines (HKEX : 1055) : SELL
MAS operational code-share partner will get the immediate negative impacts from the repercussion as reflected by China Southern Airlines which fell 3.85% on the Hong Kong stock exchange.
(4) Insurance : Willis Group Holding (NYSE : WSH) : SELL
Willis was the broker for Malaysia Airlines liability insurance cover. The size of the potential claims for workers/clients compensation following the disappearance of a Malaysia Airlines jetliner can be in the tens to hundreds of millions depending on the results of the investigation.
The following companies may set to be the biggest winners :
(1) MAS Competitor : Airasia (Bursa : 5099) : STRONG BUY
The missing of MH370 will trigger short term loss of confidence for MAS and results in last minute cancellation of booking with competitors such as Airasia and Malindo to stand the most from the disaster. This is especially true given AirAsia recent foray into the medium-range (five and eight hours flight) to further steal booking of Malaysia Airlines specifically with flights to Japan and Australia.
(2) MAS Supplier : Brahim (Bursa : 9474) : STRONG BUY
Regardless of MAS direction, Brahim stand to win as the contract has been fixed and MAS must pay RM250 mil a year until contract ends in year 2028.
(3) Technology Communication Software & Security Hardware : Willow, Vitrox, iTronic and KESM (Bursa : 0008, 0097, 9393 & 9334) : BUY
The incident may force substantial resources to be put towards improving security, in the areas of communication technology be it hardware or software.
In conclusion, Buy MAS for three year time frame. Buy Airasia & Buy Brahim for one year time frame. Sell MAS for one month time frame
Good luck and all hearts to the victims of MH370.
turnaround strategy 在 恶魔婷婷 哈拉日记 Facebook 八卦
The accelerating pace of digital transformation has raised consumer expectations to unprecedented levels, and is causing every organization to rethink how they engage with their customers. According to a recent survey by IDC¹, 72 percent of businesses reported that improving document processes would increase customer satisfaction, yet 80 percent of those processes still rely on paper. Companies focused on great experiences can no longer afford to be mired in document processes that are slow and inefficient. Their customers need and want a better way.
Adobe (Nasdaq:ADBE) today unveiled the first integration between Adobe Sign and Adobe Marketing Cloud, eliminating the cost and frustration of manual, paper-based process for enrollment, onboarding and servicing across the customer journey. Adobe Sign (formerly Document Cloud eSign services) features an upgraded and modernized mobile app experience, and works seamlessly with Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) Forms - a key part of Adobe Marketing Cloud - helping organizations to go completely digital with anything from credit card applications to government benefit forms or medical forms. And building on widespread adoption in Europe, Adobe is rolling out new data centers and meeting the most stringent legal requirements in the EU, part of a global expansion that will continue through 2016.
Adobe also announced new Document Cloud storage integrations with Box and Microsoft OneDrive, which make it easier to access and work on PDF files from anywhere, as well as new features for Adobe Acrobat DC subscribers, delivering on the promise of ongoing innovation and value through Document Cloud.
“Every company and organization should be laser-focused on delivering the best customer experience possible, and the best experience does not involve paper,” said Bryan Lamkin, executive vice president and general manager, Digital Media at Adobe. “Today we further strengthen the value that Adobe Document Cloud and Adobe Sign bring to our global customers as the only complete solution that transforms paper-based transactions into 100 percent digital workflows.”
“Talking to businesses and partners around Asia Pacific, I see a real sense of urgency around transforming customer experience by making it seamless, pain-free, and accessible across all devices and touchpoints,” said Michael Stoddart, Director of Digital Media, Adobe Asia Pacific. “In its annual predictions for 2016, IDC believes that by the end of the year, 60 percent of the top 1000 enterprises in APAC will have digital transformation (DX) at the center of their corporate strategy, with a majority even creating an independent position to oversee the DX strategy implementation. Adobe is working with businesses across the region to help them create points of differentiation by making their core processes more customer-centric.”
At the heart of Document Cloud is Acrobat DC, the world’s best PDF solution; Adobe Sign, the leading e-signature solution that allows anyone to electronically sign and send documents from any device; and powerful companion mobile apps. More than six billion digital and electronic signature transactions are processed through Document Cloud each year, including global businesses like AmerisourceBergen, The Royal Bank of Scotland and Verizon and businesses in Asia Pacific like Stratton, one of Australia’s largest car and asset finance brokers, which rely on Document Cloud and Adobe Sign for fast, secure and mobile e-signatures.
“At Royal Bank of Scotland, we put our customers’ experience first when rolling out new services to make their lives a little easier,” said Ankit Chhajer, Digital Lead – Customer Experience and Sales Innovation, Royal Bank of Scotland. “Building on our broad adoption of Adobe Marketing Cloud, we are now turning to Adobe Document Cloud and Adobe Sign to create an elegant, hassle free customer experience that rivals none other.”
“Electronic signatures have reduced paperwork turnaround time from days to minutes, helping sales consultants finalize financing quickly,” said Andrew Lawrence, Software Development Manager, stratton. “Technology has always been a way for us to set ourselves apart, and we expect the new integrations in Adobe Sign will offer critical business services that we can use to close deals faster.”
Introducing Powerful New Capabilities with Adobe Sign
Adobe Sign is the fast, easy, secure way to bring trusted e-signatures to every organization and department including HR, sales, IT, legal and procurement, to name a few. New functionality includes:
· Transforming digital experiences – The integration between Adobe Sign and Experience Manager Forms turns complex, form-based processes into simple, engaging, mobile-optimized digital experiences across the entire customer journey. This includes how a person discovers the right form that they need, fills it out easily and successfully on any device, electronically signs it, and gets status updates once it is submitted. Using the integration between Adobe Sign and Adobe Marketing Cloud, organizations can provide responsive, adaptive experiences, enable personalization to continually improve the user experience with Adobe Target, and analyze and optimize performance with Adobe Analytics. Government, financial services and healthcare are just a few of the industries that will benefit from this service.
· Furthering global e-signature and digital signature adoption – Building on widespread adoption in Europe, and as part of a global rollout, new data centers are now live in the EU. With a secure, standards-based approach, Adobe Sign meets the most stringent legal requirements so European organizations can go digital in compliance with eIDAS, the new EU signature regulation set to take effect in July 2016.
· Delivering enhanced mobile signing – Sending, tracking and managing documents on tablets and smartphones is now easier than ever with the Adobe Sign app for iOS and Android (formerly Adobe eSign Manager DC). An updated dashboard and improved send for signature workflow enable users to be even more productive on any device.
Rapidly Expanding Document Cloud Partner Ecosystem
Adobe is focused on enabling people to use Document Cloud with solutions they already use as part of their day-to-day work. Document Cloud already offers integrations with industry leaders like Apttus, Dropbox, Salesforce, Workday, and more. Adobe today is unveiling integrations with best-in-class cloud storage providers Box and Microsoft, along with new and expanded Adobe Sign integrations that span key business solutions and workflows.
· Box – New offerings integrate Acrobat DC, Acrobat Reader and Adobe Sign with Box to simplify document workflows, as well as e-signature processes for enterprises. Whether users start from Box or Adobe, with just a few clicks they will be able to view and edit PDFs without any downloading, and ensure that the latest version is automatically secured in Box. Additionally, users can open Box files directly in Adobe Sign to provide an electronic signature on important contracts and paperwork, centralizing all updates in Box and streamlining the approval process.
· Microsoft OneDrive – New integration with Acrobat DC, Acrobat Reader and Microsoft OneDrive allows organizations to access and work on PDF files stored in OneDrive directly from within the Adobe apps. With a few clicks in Acrobat on the desktop, users can view and work on PDF files stored in OneDrive while ensuring documents always remain synced. In addition, iOS users can access PDFs in OneDrive from the Acrobat Reader mobile app via the universal document picker, enabling them to work with PDF files anywhere.
· Salesforce – The latest release of Adobe Sign significantly improves a user’s experience. Expected to be available in beta in May 2016, the update features the enhanced Salesforce Lightning user experience across any device, plus support for customizing the app with the drag-and-drop interface of Salesforce Lightning Components—while also providing compelling new features like signing groups and hybrid signing order. SteelBrick, recently acquired by Salesforce, also has an existing integration with Adobe Sign for helping speed the Configure Price Quote (CPQ) process.
· Adobe Sign Ecosystem Momentum – Many new and updated integrations significantly expand the Adobe Sign ecosystem across common enterprise solutions—such as business process automation, contract lifecycle management and enterprise resource planning—and include Advanced Software Concepts (ASC), Buildium, McKesson Contract Manager, Namely, Oracle, SciQuest, SpringCM, and ThinkSmart.
Ongoing Innovation with Subscription to Acrobat DC
At the heart of Document Cloud, a subscription to Acrobat DC delivers instant access to new features and enhancements as soon as they’re available. Today, Adobe introduced:
· Updated tools for everyday use – Modernized commenting and annotation tools are now fully updated with an intuitive, touch-friendly interface that makes it easier than ever to give and get fast, clear feedback; a highlighter pen can now mark up scanned documents without the need for optical character recognition (OCR); and paper-to-digital workflows like scanning are now optimized to deliver the best results.
· Unrivaled accessibility – Adobe is adding critical menu and dialog updates to enhance the experience for users with visual impairments who rely on Acrobat DC to work with PDFs. The Home view and Save As options can now be read aloud by screen readers for greater accessibility.
· Streamlined deployment – Adobe team and enterprise customers can now deploy and update Acrobat DC with Creative Cloud apps using the Adobe Creative Cloud packager.
Pricing and Availability
· The new Adobe Sign capabilities are expected to be available to customers in May 2016. Find out more.
· The new Acrobat features will be automatically available to subscribers of Acrobat DC in May 2016. Find out more.
· The ability to add a Box account to Acrobat DC and Acrobat Reader on desktop is expected by the end of May 2016. The ability for Acrobat Reader mobile users on iPhone and iPad to select Box as their preferred cloud service from the iOS document picker is expected by the end of June 2016. Initial access to Acrobat DC and Adobe Sign from the Box website is expected by the end of May 2016, with deeper integration expected by Fall 2016.
· The ability to add a OneDrive account to Acrobat DC and Acrobat Reader on desktop, and the ability for Acrobat Reader mobile users on iPhone and iPad to select OneDrive as their preferred cloud storage provider from the iOS universal document picker, is expected by the end of June 2016.
¹IDC InfoBrief, sponsored by Adobe, Business Transformation Through Smarter Document Workflows, April 2016.
Helpful Links:
· Learn more about Adobe Sign
· Learn more about Adobe Sign and Experience Manager Forms for paperless onboarding
· Hear from Adobe EVP and GM Bryan Lamkin on meeting customer needs with Document Cloud
· Learn more about advancements in Document Cloud from Adobe VP of product management, Jon Perera
· Read the blog on e-signature advancements in Europe by Dan Puterbaugh, director and associate general counsel, Adobe
· Read the guest blog from Box
· Follow us on Adobe SEA Facebook page
About Adobe
Adobe is changing the world through digital experiences. For more information, visit www.adobe.com/sea.
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