【#香港研究推介】香港的移民研究,不少集中分析大陸移民在港情況,較少觸及非華裔移民。Bob McKercher和Aaron Yankholmes剛在學術期刊《Tourism Management》發表研究,罕有調查了過千名在港澳的「西方移民」,發現他們多活在Expatriate Community的「平行時空」,未有融入本地社會。這是認識香港(和澳門)作為全球城巿的有趣角度。
Most existing studies on Hong Kong migrants focused on Mainland migrants with little attention paid to non-Chinese migrants. In their recent paper in “Tourism Management”, Prof. Bob McKercher and Dr. Aaron Yankholmes uniquely interviewed over a thousand “Western migrants” in Hong Kong/Macau. They found that these migrants generally live in a parallel expatriate community and are far from being immersed into the local culture. This is an interesting perspective to understand Hong Kong as a global city.
《Travel as learned behaviour: Western migrants in Hong Kong and Macau》
This paper examines travel by western migrants who have moved to the Hong Kong or Macau Special Administrative Regions of China. Previous research suggests travel patterns are a form of learned behaviour. New migrants initially exhibit patterns learned from their home countries, but over time their patterns change and reflect more those of residents of their new countries as they learn and adopt new behaviours. This situation was not observed among western migrants. Instead, they exhibited patterns that were internally consistent, regardless of the migrant's origin, but different from those of the local Chinese populace. The paper argues that western migrants, who generally live in a parallel expatriate bubble to those host community, have learned travel patterns from others who also live in that bubble.
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