黃明志 Namewee【老人癡愛Alzheimer’s Love】@洗腦K歌製作大揭秘 Let's make a Hit Song
【老人癡愛 Alzheimer's Love】Youtube高清版:https://bit.ly/3comOWz
數位音樂下載 Online Music Download【老人癡愛 Alzheimer's Love】:https://lnk.to/AlzheimersLove
Lyric Version【老人癡愛 Alzheimer’s Love】動態歌詞版 Youtube高清版 : https://youtu.be/QKr6wHftGxM
【單身狗 Single Dog】Youtube高清版:https://bit.ly/3rNP6ye
數位音樂下載 Online Music Download【單身狗 Single Dog】:https://lnk.to/SingleDog
Lyric Version【單身狗 Single Dog】動態歌詞版 Youtube高清版 : https://youtu.be/SsxlDOpkkhQ
【洗腦K歌製作大揭秘 Let's Make A Hit Song - 第一集 Ep.1】https://youtu.be/hLwG2qkSA3o
【洗腦K歌製作大揭秘 Let's Make A Hit Song - 第二集 Ep.2】https://youtu.be/g0lNLAwprGk
【洗腦K歌製作大揭秘 Let's Make A Hit Song - 第三集 Ep.3】https://youtu.be/94BIA7e5fsQ
【洗腦K歌製作大揭秘 Let's Make A Hit Song - 第四集 Ep.4】https://youtu.be/4BBa-oBQr9k
【洗腦K歌製作大揭秘 Let's Make A Hit Song - 第五集 Ep.5】https://youtu.be/FJRNvPPQSPY
【洗腦K歌製作大揭秘 Let's Make A Hit Song - 第六集 Ep.6】https://youtu.be/OEXphGI6mxE
We both met in a noodle place someday
細雨飄下 一瞬間 記憶空一片
My mind blanked out as it drizzled
I can't even recall the date
You were there with me at every station
去到終站 待原地 汽車都熄火
We stopped at the terminal as the car stalled
People are telling me that I was alone
誰知道 妳在何方
I wonder where you are
Slowly, I chose to forget
I'm worried that my health gets poorer as I age
I might have vision problems
and the illusion is the only thing left
I can't touch it at all
無奈童話中角色 只得我
It's a shame that I'm the only character in the fairy tale
為何在翻看舊頁 才知錯
Why do I only learn my mistakes when I flip through the old pages?
I'm sobbing in front of the screen
Only I know how it's like
錯的因 種出果 原是我
The root of the mistake is me all along
as I drifted along
I'll admit that I am infatuated
Namewee 黃明志 Official Facebook Fan Page: https://www.facebook.com/namewee/
Namewee YouTube Channel Link: http://www.youtube.com/user/namewee
#Namewee #黃明志 #洗腦K歌 #letsmakeahitsong #老人癡愛
同時也有120部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過7萬的網紅渡辺レベッカ ☆ Rebecca Butler Watanabe,也在其Youtube影片中提到,今日は映画『君の名は。』の主題歌であるRADWIMPSの「前前前世」を英語でお届けします♪ 映画はまだ見ていませんが、SFが好きなので見ようと思います!見た方は感想を教えてください! Enjoy (^O^) 10月10日LIVE情報:http://bit.ly/h-lastlive Englis...
through it all歌詞 在 Namewee 黃明志 Facebook 八卦
這首歌十年了... 厲害,我還沒死。
【歌詞版 高清YouTube】:https://bit.ly/2NVDibR
【我還是我I AM WHO I AM 高清版YouTube】: https://bit.ly/2ZIgYb0
I am Who I am
我的名字 叫明志 這個自我介紹方式
My name is Namewee this is how I introduce myself
從小老師 就認為我是想要惹事
My teachers always thought I was looking for trouble
我熱愛文字 我討厭公式 我不想面對考試
I love literature but I hate the school system and all its exams
I get annoyed when people comment on my hair style
我的思考方式 沒有人能夠抑制
I was born with a mind that is beyond the control of others
大人都固執的怪我固執 不懂事
Adult always blamed me for being stubborn & naive
我明白 待人處事都有 它的模式
I realized our society has its way of life
但不代表 全部人都要變成孔子
But that doesn’t mean all of us must become Confucius
十五歲 那年初我染上音樂的毒
Age of 15 I discovered the joy of music
我透過音符 來降低我內心的無助
Through its notes I find ways to express my thoughts
我學習美術 但依然無法省悟
I tried picking up art but it could not hold my inner feelings
是孤獨創造梵谷 還是梵谷創造孤獨
Was loneliness created Van Gogh or Van Gogh created loneliness?
中學畢業後 華人得自求多福
Upon finishing high school Chinese must find ways to further their studies
揮揮衣袖 我決定要到台灣留宿
Faced with challenges I decided to pursue my education in Taiwan
爸爸媽媽不要擔心 我不會辜負
Don’t worry mom and dad I promise not to fail you
等我讀完書 一定會回到歸屬
I will return to my beloved home when I graduate
我會好好過 我必須好好過
I will be fine I must stay strong
想家的時候 我就打開電腦拼命創作
When I lone for home I turn on my PC and started writing
牆壁上的大馬國旗 是我的寄託
My Malaysian flag on the wall keeping my spirit alive
床頭的那張全家福 總是讓我振作
My family portrait beside my bed keeping my strong
一個人 在外國 要獨立生活
As a foreigner living in a strange country I learn to become independent
我做過很多工作 我面對很多數落
I took up many jobs to pay my bills and tuition fees
無論再辛苦 還有音樂陪著我
When times were tough at least I still had my music with me
我理想沒有變 因為我 還是我
My dream did not change, I am still who I am
我有我自己的夢 自己會走
I have my own dream I will keep going
Even it’s a lonely path
請原諒我的衝動 我會好好過
Please forgive me for being impulsive, I will be fine
Believe me I am still who I am
我不怕暴雨狂風 將我淹沒
I’m not afraid the obstacles cos it will not drown me
I will keep moving forward
就算旅途再癲頗 我不能回頭
Even if it is a journey of no return I will not give up
Believe me I am still who I am
2007 年 那是個遲來的夏天
Summer came late in the year 2007
改編國歌事件 讓我人生從此改變
My life was forever changed with my national anthem song
透過網際網絡 我闖了禍
I got into trouble through the cyber space
但我堅持沒有犯錯 有人 說我叛國
I was misunderstood and got accused of betraying my country
有人 想幹掉我 有人 說不讓我回國
My life was threaten and I even was told I cannot come home
要我磕頭認錯 政客趁機出頭
I was pushed into the limelight by influential people trying to gain fame
媒體還配合炒作 世界 各地的記者call我
Media got into the action and suddenly international reporters started calling me
I had to learn to stay calm
謠言越來越多 讓人陷入惶恐
Rumours started flowing and my heart started pounding
甚至 還有人把偷渡路線圖 send給我
I even received maps with international escape routes
爸爸媽媽 對不起 不要難過
Sorry mom and dad please don’t be sad
牆壁上的國旗 我從來沒有拆過
I have not taken down the flag hanging in my bedroom
我破了千萬點閱 也上了各大版面
My youtube video broke records and my face made newspaper covers
I got cheered and got booed I must learn to face the music now
我的故事 被文學家 寫進了書
My story was documented into a book
我的臉 還被人畫成了 卡通人物
My face even got drawn into cartoon characters
再多褒與貶 都已經事過境遷
I wished that all the fame and criticism would die down some day
畢業後的我 決定勇敢面對誤解
Upon graduation I decided to return to my beloved country
我用陸路 交通跨越六個國度
With only land routes I walked across 6 countries to come home
拍攝紀錄 沿途上的驚險 和領悟
I even shot a documentary on my challenging journey
一步步 很艱苦 終於回到大馬領土
Thought every step was tought I finally came home to Malaysia
被拍照 被訪問 還被叫到警察總部
I got called to police station and faced many media interviews
雖然 你們都把我 當成公眾人物
Even though most think of me as public personality
但我必須穩住 要保持個人創作元素
But I stayed true to myself to retain my creative art
有人說 我的作品荼毒青年思想
People criticized my songs for poisoning the younger generation
有人說 我的頭腦都在胡思亂想
Some said my mind is full of dirty thoughts
說我亂講 說我是社會毒瘤發癢
That I have bad morel in the civil society
還怪我 變成他兒子的偶像
Some just blamed me for becoming his son’s idol
面對攻擊 我早就已經習慣
I am used to faced difficult situations
保持沉默微笑 是我最好的答案
Keeping silent is my best defense and response
裝模作樣 從來就 不是我的強項
Putting a fake face is never an option for me
但我出門逛逛 卻要偽偽裝裝
I can no longer be myself when I go out
我的email 每天都有人來 訴苦
People write to me pleading for help everyday
但我愛莫能助因為我不是 政府
I just cannot do much because I am not the government
你們來我facebook 鼓勵我 詆毀我
Some come to my Facebook supporting and slandering me
I didn’t delete because it is their freedom of speech
我想要讓你聽見 讓你看見
I want you to listen and I want you to see
我想說的話 我的電影 和我的音樂
The messages I convey through my voice, my film and my music
徘徊尺度邊緣 自由自在的暢所欲言
Walking the fine line in freedom of speech
那是主流媒體 永遠看不到的世界
Which is something the mainstream media can never understand
我站在不 同的的角度我不會停下腳步
I stand from a different point and I will not stop
這條思路 是老天送給我的禮物
This path is a gift from god
你說我糊塗 你甚至想要把我說服
You claimed that I am lost and want to brainwash me
對不起我 還是我那就是我的態度
Sorry, I am still who I am, and this is my attitude
在Kuala Lumpur 開始了新的生活
I am starting new life in Kuala Lumpur
這裡人潮洶湧 馬路坑坑洞洞
It is crowded here and the roads are full of potholes
一不小心 我可能會在這裡失控
If I’m not careful things may just get out of control
這條路 很難走 但我已經 沒有回頭
The path is not easy but I do not have a choice anymore
(我還是我 我還是我)
Because I am still who I am
『數位音樂服務 Digital Music Services』
KKBOX: http://bit.ly/2HGk1tT
Spotify: https://spoti.fi/2CQHzbk
iTunes & Apple Music: https://apple.co/2uGZInt
Amazon: https://amzn.to/2FOENE4
MyMusic: http://bit.ly/2UnHq9p
虾米音乐: http://bit.ly/2WIf4nA
网易云音乐: http://bit.ly/2FONeiC
JOOX: http://bit.ly/2VdVHTj
Namewee 黃明志 Official Facebook Fan Page:
Namewee YouTube Channel Link:
#Namewee #黃明志
through it all歌詞 在 Facebook 八卦
黃明志搶救70祖屋紀錄片Namewee’s 70-Year Old House Renovation Documentary: https://youtu.be/LwELfcfdmpw
紀錄片主題曲《我成長的地方 MY OLD HOUSE》Youtube 高清版MV:https://bit.ly/3hwIGSn
《我成長的地方 My Old House》數位音樂下載 Online Music Download:https://lnk.to/MyOldHouse
Lyric Version《我成長的地方 My Old House》動態歌詞版 Youtube高清版 : https://youtu.be/zul4q1VIUB8
這是我的家鄉 出生的地方
This is my hometown, the place where I was born
It's at a harbour beside the sea
It isn't as bustling as the busy cities
There isn't any skyscraper as well
這是我的老家 歷經了滄桑
This is my old house that has gone through all the vicissitudes
It became old and dilapidated
格局沒有很大 卻裝滿了歡笑
It's not luxurious, yet filled with laughters
and the light of dawn
Our days were plain and simple
Never noticing the changes in the world
Returning to my hometown after many years
There are things that have disappeared
and we couldn't find it back
Why can't time pause?
Pausing at the most beautiful time
一家人的晚餐 一如往常
Dinner with my family, just like the usual
Enjoying the ordinary happiness
I've beckoned with all I have
But you've gone far away
有太多遺憾 來不及對你講
Too many words left unsaid, yet you won't be able to hear them
我成長的地方 龜裂的磚牆
The walls of the place I grew up are full with cracks
while the aroma of familiar food seeping through them
Termites and rats have infested the beams
and they are just like my family members
陳舊的陋巷 鄰居都漸漸搬走
Many of my neighbours moving away from the old alley
Bringing with them the past liveliness
下雨天會淹水 風把屋頂掀開
It floods high when it rains, the roof was torn open when wind blows
and electric always breakdown, what to do?
Every words my grandparents had said
they were never forgotten
My family is my largest support
People have joys and sorrows, the moon waxes and wanes
We can't do anything about it
這是我的老家 伴隨著我們成長
This is my old house, the place where I grew up
The past is covered by dusts
I will try my best to restore my house
With every brick and tile
I put the pieces of memories and stories together
欲網購黃明志最新實體專輯《亞洲通才》及歷年專輯和周邊商品請到。Purchase Namewee Latest 《Asian Polymath》 , Others Music Albums & Merchandises Please log in to https://namewee4896.com/
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Namewee 黃明志 Official Facebook Fan Page:
Namewee YouTube Channel Link:
Namewee Twitter Channel:
#Namewee #黃明志 #我成長的地方 #MyOldHouse
through it all歌詞 在 渡辺レベッカ ☆ Rebecca Butler Watanabe Youtube 的評價
今日は映画『君の名は。』の主題歌であるRADWIMPSの「前前前世」を英語でお届けします♪ 映画はまだ見ていませんが、SFが好きなので見ようと思います!見た方は感想を教えてください! Enjoy (^O^)
English cover of "Zen-zen-zense" (Past-Past-Past Life) by RADWIMPS, the theme song for the animated film "Your name." I haven't seen the movie yet, but I like sci-fi and it sounds interesting, so I want to go see it! Let me know what you thought if you saw it, and enjoy the English cover! :)
Next Live Performance: Oct. 10 (Higashimurayama, Tokyo)
Details: http://bit.ly/h-lastlive
RADWIMPS / Zen-zen-zense (Past-Past-Past Life)
Album: "Your name." Soundtrack (2016)
Music/Lyrics: Yojiro Noda
English Lyrics: Rebecca Butler Watanabe
■Official MV (Movie ver.)
リンク / LINKS
■HP⇒ http://BlueEyedUtaUtai.jimdo.com
■Facebook⇒ http://facebook.com/blueeyedutautai
■Twitter⇒ @BlueEyedUtaUtai
So finally you’ve opened your eyes
So, now, tell me why you’re too afraid
To even look me straight in mine
You angrily tell me that I’m late
Well, that may be so, but, baby,
I came running at my fastest pace
Yeah, my heart outran my body
As it flew to find you in this place
Seeing your hair flowing and your bright eyes glowing
Cuts me to the very core
After all the days we spent inside the same dream
I don’t want to let you go
Now that I am finally faced with
The voice I’ve known for so long
I don’t know what the words should be
The very first I say to you
Back in your past-past-past life I set out in search of you
And I’ve been looking every day
I followed the sound of your floundering laughter
And I let it lead me in the right way
Even if all-all-all of you disappeared
And pieces scattered everywhere
No, I wouldn’t waver, I would start back at one
And look for you all over again
Or maybe instead we’ll take the whole universe
Right back to zero where we begin
Where should I begin the story?
Wanna tell you everything that happened
While you were fast asleep
I flew through dozens of skies
To tell you of hundreds of millions
Of light years’ worth of prior lives
But now that I’m here and finally
See you reflected in my eyes
I just want to know you, play around and show you
Who it is that you can be
I just want to love you, every fragment of you
Right down to the pain you feel
Now that we have finally met
At many galaxies’ end
I don’t know how to hold your hand
So that I don’t break it
Back in your past-past-past life I set out in search of you
And I’ve been looking every day
Oh, I let the sound of your unfettered voice
And the shedding of tears lead me this way
So tell me, who’s gonna stop the two of us
On this the eve of our revolution
No more hesitation, I will put up a flag
To stake my claim on your heart tonight
‘Cause you took away from me the will to give up
My resignation to lose the fight
zen-zen-zense kara boku wa
kimi wo sagashi-hajimeta yo
sono bukiccho na waraikata wo megakete
yatte kita n' da yo
kimi ga zenzen zenbu naku natte
chiri-jiri ni nattatte
mou mayowanai
mata ichi kara sagashi-hajimeru sa
nankounen demo
kono uta wo kuchizusami-nagara
through it all歌詞 在 CH Music Channel Youtube 的評價
《春はゆく/ marie》
Run Riot
翻譯:澄野(CH Music Channel)
意譯:CH(CH Music Channel)
English Translation : CH
Copyright Info:
Be aware this channel is for promotion purpose only without any illegal profit. All music's ownership belongs to the original creators.
Please support the original creator.
If you like my videos, please click like and subscribe! Thx :)
Check my Facebook page for more information!
背景 / Background - 偽装 - Hiten :
中文翻譯 / Chinese Translation :
日文歌詞 / Japanese Lyrics :
呼吸を 分け合ううちに 眩暈を覚えた この世界で
約束した未来 壊れない そう信じられた 幸せの記憶
離れそうになる度に 繋がるそれは命綱のように強くて
ただこの手をすり抜けて 舞い昇ってく風船みたいだ 空に溶けてく
はらはらと 朽ちるまで 咲き乱れ
引き止める残響を 風よ連れ去って
孤独の香り 祝福してる そうさ迷わない
いま錆び付いた時を 解いて
築いた 帰る場所に 不変を求めた いつかの夢
失うものなど 無いだろう 次の何かを 得るための衝動
手放せなかったはずの 鎖が千切れた結末 虚しくて
ただ去りゆく人の背を 見送らずに歩き出すんだ だけど刹那
ひらひらと 立ち込める 面影が
拭えない焦燥を 夜に斷ち切って
野生の息吹 響く鳴き声
辿り損ねた愛をもう悔やまないで 駆け出して
花びら 燦々と 包まれて 目を閉じた 夢から醒めますように
声が響いてる 愛しい 誰かの声が響いてる
はらはらと 朽ちるまで 咲き乱れ
引き止める残響を 風よ連れ去って
孤独の香り 祝福してる いいよ迷わない
ひらひらと 舞い踊れ 褪せるまで
拭えない焦燥を 夜に斷ち切って
永遠の淵 覗いてみよう
辿り損ねた愛をもう悔やまないで 笑って
中文歌詞 / Chinese Lyrics :
每當接近別離之時, 又以鋼索般的強硬苟延殘喘地牽繫彼此的羈絆
英文歌詞 / English Lyrics :
Sharing my breath with others,
then I discovered how dizzy the world is.
"Promised future can't be broken",
I once believed in such memories full of happiness.
Connect every time you're about to leave.
It's as strong as a lifeline.
Just slip through this hand.
It’s like a balloon, melting into the sky.
Fluttering down, flowers blooms until it rots.
The reverberation that keeps me down, just let the wind takes it away.
The fragrance of loneliness is sending its blessing,
I'll hesitate no more.
Right now just unravel the rusty time we once had.
I once built a place where I belong.
"Please do not ever change" That was my dream then.
There're already nothing to lose for me,
as long as I have the impulse to obtain whatever I get next.
I hadn't been able to loosen the chains twining on my hands,
but they eventually shattered in the end, fruitlessly.
I couldn't see you off with your back because I had already step forward,
however that was just an instant.
Fluttering down, the look of your face suffuses my memories.
I can't obliterate this fret which ended the calm evening.
As if wild breaths and echoes of several sounds.
There's no need regretting for the love that cannot be together, just move forward.
Enclosed by brilliant petals, I chose to close my eyes in order to wake up from this dream.
There's a voice echoing, the voice of someone I once loved echoes.
Fluttering down, flowers blooms until it rots.
The reverberation that keeps me down, just let the wind takes it away.
The fragrance of loneliness is sending its blessing, it's okay, I won't hesitate anymore.
As if there's a courage emerging in my heart.
Fluttering down, flowers will keep dancing until they fade.
I can't obliterate this fret which ended the calm evening.
Let us face the eternal abyss we had together.
There's no need regretting for the love that cannot be together, just smile away.
through it all歌詞 在 CH Music Channel Youtube 的評價
蝶々結び / Chouchou Musubi / 蝴蝶結 / A Butterfly Bow
作詞 / Lyricist:野田洋次郎(RADWIMPS)
作曲 / Composer:野田洋次郎(RADWIMPS)
編曲 / Arranger:野田洋次郎(RADWIMPS)
吉他&和聲 / Guitar & Chorus:ハナレグミ
歌 / Singer:Aimer
翻譯:澄野(CH Music Channel)
意譯:CH(CH Music Channel)
English Translation:Toria
背景 / Background - この蒼くて広い世界に - てる :
Copyright Info:
Be aware this channel is for promotion purposes only without any illegal profit. All music's ownership belongs to the original creators.
Please support the original creator.
If you like my videos, please click like and subscribe! Thx :)
Check my Facebook page for more information!
中文翻譯 / Chinese Translation :
英文翻譯 / English Translation :
日文歌詞 / Japanese Lyrics :
片っぽで丸を作って しっかり持ってて
もう片っぽでその丸の後ろを ぐるっと回って
間にできたポッケに入って 出て来るの待ってて
出てきたところを迎えにきて 「せーの」で引っぱって
はじめはなんとも 情けない形だとしても
羽根は大きく 結び目は固く
なるようにきつく 結んでいてほしいの
腕はここに 想い出は遠くに
置いておいてほしい ほしいの
片っぽでも引っ張っちゃえば ほどけちゃうけど
作ったもの壊すのは 遥かに 簡単だけど
だけどほどく時も そう、ちゃんと 同じようにね
分かってるよ でもできたらね 「せーの」で引っ張って
ほどけやしないように と願って力込めては
広げすぎた羽根に 戸惑う
羽根は大きく 結び目は固く
なるようにきつく 結んでいてほしいの
夢はここに 想い出は遠くに
黙って引っ張ったりしないでよ 不格好な蝶にしないでよ
結んだつもりがほどいていたり 緩めたつもりが締めていたり
この蒼くて広い世界に 無数に 散らばった中から
別々に二人選んだ糸を お互いたぐり寄せ合ったんだ
結ばれたんじゃなく結んだんだ 二人で「せーの」で引っ張ったんだ
大きくも 小さくも なりすぎないように 力を込めたんだ
この蒼くて広い世界に 無数に 散らばった中から
別々に二人選んだ糸を お互いたぐり寄せ合ったんだ
結ばれたんじゃなく結んだんだ 二人で「せーの」で引っ張ったんだ
大きくも 小さくも なりすぎないように 力を込めたんだ
中文歌詞 / Chinese Lyrics :
英文歌詞 / English Lyrics :
Take one end, and make a circle—now hold it tight
Take the other end and wrap it around behind the circle
Pass it through the pocket formed in the middle, and wait for it to come back out
Go out to meet it—And with a one, two, pull the strings tight
At the beginning, it came out so pathetically
But even still, I put the same strength into it
I want to tie it tight
So that the loops would be big, and the knot would be tight
I want you, I want you
To put your arm here, and your memories far away
Even though if you pull on only one end, it’ll come untied
It’s so, so very easy to break what someone’s made
Yet that’s how it is when you untie it, it’s exactly the same
I know that’s how it goes, but once I finish it—With a one, two, I’ll pull the strings
Praying that it wouldn’t come untied, I put some strength into it
And became transfixed by the loops that I had pulled too far out
I want to tie it tight
So that the loops would be big, and the knot would be tight
So that your dreams are here, and your memories far away
If you realize it, I’m fine with you just being there
Just shut up, don’t pull on them; don’t make the strings into a lopsided butterfly
I meant to tie them, but they’re becoming loose; I meant to loosen them, but they’re becoming tight
From all the countless and scattered contents of this blue, wide world
The two of us chose the same thread independently and reeled each other in
We weren’t tied to each other, we tied ourselves to each other—With a one, two, we pulled the strings
So that they wouldn’t be too loose, or too tight, we put our strength into it
through it all歌詞 在 Through It All 歌詞Charlie Puth ※ Mojim.com - 魔鏡歌詞網 的相關結果
Through It All You could say I lived a crazy life for a man so young The kind of made me question my faith Now I'm looking back just wondering where the ... ... <看更多>
through it all歌詞 在 Through It All-歌詞- Charlie Puth - KKBOX 的相關結果
Through It All -歌詞- You could say I lived a crazy life for a man so young The kind that made me question my faith Now I'm looking back just w. ... <看更多>
through it all歌詞 在 Charlie Puth - Through It All 查理·普茲我曾走過歌詞翻譯 的相關結果
CP查理釋出新專輯所有的歌啦! 選擇了一首聽起來最有感覺的一首歌, 再看一下歌詞就決定是翻這首了XDD 曾經聽過這麼一句話: 「自己選擇的路, ... ... <看更多>