#葉郎每日讀報 #週日公休版 #為什麼公休要發長文
「Disney 毫無廉恥地錯誤指控 Scarlett Johansson 無視全球疫情變化,試圖讓她看起來跟 Disney 一樣麻木不仁,而我非常確定她並非如是。該公司刻意在聲明中揭露她的片酬數字,藉以將她的個人成功變成一種攻擊武器,就好像這位事業太成功的女性應該要為此感到不好意思一樣。」
《Black Widow 黑寡婦》女主角 Scarlett Johansson 的經紀人 Bryan Lourd 日前在聲明中措詞強烈地批判 Disney。
今天原本是「每日讀報」單元的公休日。然而 Bryan Lourd 這個名字和 Scarlett Johansson 的合約糾紛,正好與過去幾個月好萊塢正在發生的變化交織成一個越來越清楚的圖像。
好萊塢的產業面貌正在被分紅條款重塑,而 Bryan Lourd 就是主導這個改變的關鍵角色之一.......
■ 談判案例:直接向產地買的《鋒迴路轉》
除了跟莉亞公主本人 Carrie Fisher 交往過之外(星戰9中出現的女演員 Billie Lourd 正是兩人的女兒),Bryan Lourd 更重要的身份是他從1995年以來就擔任地球上影響力最大的經紀公司 CAA 的合夥人、董事總經理以及副主席的角色。
作為好萊塢檯面上/檯面下最重要的談判者之一, Bryan Lourd 的經典之作就是在 2007~2008年 WGA 編劇工會大罷工時擔任包含 Bob Iger 所領導的 Disney 等片廠與編劇工會律師團之間的調停人角色。
這兩天剛剛在希臘殺青的《Knives Out 2 鋒迴路轉2》很可能會是 Bryan Lourd 經紀人生涯另一個里程碑等級的談判代表作。
《鋒迴路轉 Knives Out》第一集的編導 Rian Johnson、製片 Ram Bergman 和男主角 Daniel Craig 三人正好都是 Bryan Lourd 的客戶。 身為經紀人,Bryan Lourd 成功地替他們打包了《鋒迴路轉》第一集的製作案,兜售給 Lionsgate ,為這個近年來好萊塢最成功的原創電影寫下精采的序曲。
5個月前 Bryan Lourd 成功以4.65億美元史無前例的天價,將《鋒迴路轉》的兩部續集賣給 Netflix。考量到第1集成本僅只4千萬美元,這坐地起價10倍的2部續集電影光價格就已經寫下歷史。除了給《鋒迴路轉》導演、製片和男主角(前提是必須繼續主演)3人每人各1億美元的鉅額費用之外,Netflix 還在合約中開給了一張好萊塢人人夢寐以求的「空白支票」——導演 Rian Johnson 保有整部電影完整的創意控制權,不必聽出錢的大爺 Netflix 給的任何修剪筆記。
站在買方的角度,Netflix 自從自製節目《House of Cards 紙牌屋》以來就全力想要跳過片廠、直接與創作者交易的 Netflix。然而站在賣方的角度,Bryan Lourd 替他三位客戶創造了屬於自己的《紙牌屋》時刻,讓創作者終於可以完全擺脫片廠、擁創意自重,成為整個工業體系的新運轉核心。
過去在片廠機制失能的產業動盪時刻,經紀公司經常取代片廠扮演起推動整個產業繼續向前的創意發動機發動機角色。這次串流變局中,CAA 的 Bryan Lourd 也毫不猶豫站到浪頭上大展身手。
■ 談判案例:一口價買斷的《大法師》
紐約時報5個月前才以《鋒迴路轉》為例,預測類似的以創作者為中心的交易將會在好萊塢越來越普遍,沒想到 Bryan Lourd 在5個月後立刻再度達陣,幫他的另一個客戶——製片 Jason Blum ——談下了另一個天文數字合約。
Jason Blum 和他的製片公司 Blumhouse Productions 是過去十年恐怖電影類型最重要的原創力來源。《Get Out 逃出絕命鎮》、《The Purge 國定殺戮日》和《Insidious 陰兒房》等系列電影都出自他之手。
上週 Universal Pictures 和同屬 NBCUniversal 的串流平台 Peacock 確定要花費4億買下 Jason Blum 策劃多時的《The Exorcist 大法師》新三部曲電影的發行權。將在2023年由 Universal Pictures 在電影院發行第一集,然後接下來兩集則會在串流平台 Peacock 上獨家上架。
如果和 Jason Blum 去年初大獲好評的《The Invisible Man 隱形人》的700萬製作預算相比,這3部電影共4億美元的合約毫無疑問就是他事業的空前高峰。
《鋒迴路轉》和《大法師》這兩個製作案同時創下驚人天價的理由是他們採用了新的簽約方式。不像 Netflix 偏好用一口價向所有創作參與者(包含明星)買斷所有權利,好萊塢片廠向來支付的是一個比較中庸的價格,並在合約中承諾未來電影下檔之後如果在家庭娛樂、電視、串流等等其他平台得到新的收入,會再以「重播費」的名義分配一定金額給所有創作參與者。有時候到達一定額度的電影院票房也會設有分紅機制給比較有談判力量的明星,比如 Scarlett Johansson。
這種傳統合約的好處是片廠一開始的財務壓力比較小,也等於將電影院以外通路的風險分攤給創作參與者(如果 DVD 沒有大賣,每個人都不會賺到錢)。然而這種合約的缺點就是萬一在其他通路大賣,也必須分配給所有參與者,而且還必須忍受可能持續數十年每天拿著算盤計算要分多少錢給誰的繁瑣行政流程。
Netflix 的《鋒迴路轉》採用了一口價,所以男主角 Daniel Craig 只會得到一筆(雖然高達1億美元)的酬勞。雖然還沒有確切消息,但媒體猜測《大法師》可能是 Universal Pictures 這家傳統好萊塢發行商第一次採用一口價的電影發行合約。
不再設有分紅條款的新式合約難免會繼續堆高片酬。不過在串流大戰的軍備競賽中,片廠為了追上 Netflix 片庫的增加速度,也很難有拒絕的餘地。此時此刻好萊塢的僱傭談判完全是賣方市場。
最近連續發生 《The Walking Dead 陰屍路》原創編劇 Frank Darabont 的分紅訴訟、《黑寡婦》女主角 Scarlett Johansson 的分紅訴訟以及剛剛才發生的《Olympus Has Fallen 全面攻佔:倒數救援》男主角 Gerard Butler 的分紅訴訟,也會使片廠應該非常樂意擺脫持續計算分紅報表以及應付各種分紅爭執的力氣,以便專心打仗。
■ 刪除分紅條款之後好萊塢會變怎樣
經紀公司的努力將使他們旗下的編劇、導演、製片等核心創作者在未來的串流世界中獲得更多談判籌碼。會有更多個 Rian Johnson 或是 Jason Blum 在天價合約中向串流平台賣出自己的點子。除非串流大戰因為有最終勝利者出現而開始降溫,否則編劇、導演、製片和他們的經紀人將繼續在談判桌上扮演強勢主導者。
但對於 Scarlett Johansson 和 Gerard Butler 這樣的明星來說,未來的職場可能會長得不太一樣:
明星替他們的電影大大地增加商業上的成功機會但也帶來巨大的財務風險。多年來好萊塢一直有人想打破明星機制來消滅這種不必要的財務風險。 Jeffery Katzenberg 在擔任Walt Disey Studios 主席期間害他丟掉工作的那封著名的群組信裡頭,就直接點名 Disney 為了複製《Batman蝙蝠俠》的成功而花大錢僱用 Warren Beatty 和 Madonna 拍攝《Dick Tracy 狄克崔西》是完全搞錯方向的投資。詭譎的是 Katzenberg 在過去一年的華麗失敗創業 Quibi 其實也為了確保成功,比競爭對手 Netflix 僱用了更高比例的明星,並最終落入自己的預言:不好好說故事的人注定要失敗。
分紅合約的設計原本就是好萊塢律師用來替片廠降低風險的設計。未來如果人人都學 Netflix 採用一口價簽約而導致明星的一次性費用被提高,好萊塢勢必會被逼得想辦法尋求其他策略來降低風險。
Marvel Studios 就有一個現成的完美策略:Kevin Feige 編織出來的 Marvel 宇宙第幾期故事線,其實就是一個降低單一電影失敗、單一超級英雄失敗或是單一演員失敗的風險控制策略。他們已經在 Terrence Howard 事件中驗證過只要是人就可以取代,也正在小心翼翼地取代 Chadwick Boseman。
而 Scarlett Johansson 所飾演的黑寡婦甚至還是已經結束的故事線。這很可能是他們選擇用強硬態度應對分紅訴訟的其中一個理由。
Netflix 主導的串流產業不是明星演員樂見的未來職場。由於觀眾行為不一樣,串流世界不像院線電影那樣仰賴宣傳素材中明星名字來刺激粉絲在很短的時間內湧入電影院。我們自己的串流使用經驗早就驗證了 Netflix 其實是一個「明星戒斷療程」,因為最後我們收看叫不出名字的演員主演的節目時數早就遠遠超過那些明星主演的內容。
對 Netflix 來說成本很低的網路迷因效應甚至比明星效應有更高的投資效益。花2000萬美元製作一季所有人都打扮成怪物的約會節目,可能會比花2000萬請一個明星然後再花2億製作一部2小時的電影,更有機會讓潛在訂戶按下訂購按鈕。
分紅條款還在不在,好萊塢明星正在面臨衰退的威脅。這會是 Scarlett Johansson 的經紀人兼地球上影響力最大的經紀公司 CAA 的合夥人、董事總經理以及副主席 Bryan Lourd 下一道待解的功課。
同時也有6部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過16萬的網紅La vie et le voyage, cinéma,也在其Youtube影片中提到,在黑暗中說的鬼故事,改編自同名鬼故事選集, 被禁的童書,各種妖魔鬼怪搬上大銀幕, 鬼月就是要來湊熱鬧看恐怖片, 一起看看裡面的劇情到底會有多恐怖呢? 我的FB粉絲專頁: https://www.facebook.com/cinema.vievoyage W看電影_靈異乍現_重雷心得 https:/...
「the house of the dead故事」的推薦目錄:
the house of the dead故事 在 浩爾譯世界 Facebook 八卦
不過這次 Liam Neeson 不像在 Taken 即刻救援那樣要救人了
而是他自己的心靈旅程《下一站托斯卡尼》Made in Italy
The director makes effective, if obviously symbolic, use of the shuttered house that locals refer to as "deserted."
Fittingly, the two men arrive at the tumbledown villa in the thick of night, gradually uncovering the layers of dust and cobwebs, the dead bugs and live varmints that have overtaken the place, not to mention the Harry Potter posters in the bedroom that Jack last used when he was 7.
fittingly 很切合地
tumbledown 搖搖欲墜的
in the thick of night 深夜、夜正濃時
The movie's pointed glances at a locked shed, on the other hand, signal all too plainly the unspoken things between Robert and Jack, culminating in a big confrontation that checks the formula boxes and skimps on emotional impact.
culminate in 疊加直至高峰,常指戲劇高潮
confrontation 衝突
check the box 是在檢查表上打勾,此指符合公式
skimp 馬馬虎虎做事,顯然影評認為此處情感安排太草率,鋪陳不夠
喜歡看電影學英文 看看最好玩的電影英文課 https://bit.ly/2V2dwHp
超好穿襪子 @Underpeace
the house of the dead故事 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 八卦
[翻轉視界 2] New Humans of Australia
原文及圖片授權來自於 New Humans of Australia
My father stepped on a landmine and was brought home to us in pieces in a casket. After that, my mother was left alone, in a hostile environment, with four kids under the age of fifteen.
1. step on a landmine 採到一枚地雷
2. a casket 一副棺材
3. a hostile environment一個艱難的、不友好的環境
4. under the age of 不滿…歲
She was Catholic Croatian and my father was Orthodox Serbian. It was very unusual for people from these two backgrounds to marry, until 1940, when Tito tried to bring the country together as Yugoslavs under communism, and part of that was encouraging mixed marriages.
5. Catholic Croatian 克羅埃西亞天主教徒
6. Orthodox Serbian塞爾維亞東正教徒
7. mixed marriages 異族通婚
As a child, I spent my days looking after goats and sheep in an idyllic environment on the coast. But in 1993, Croatians suddenly decided they wanted to break away from Yugoslavia, and my father, as a minority Serb who lived in Croatia, enlisted in the war to fight against the independence movement. It was an extremely difficult time for my mother, because she was an ethnic Croat living alone in an enclave full of Serbs, at a time when neighbours were killing neighbours. People would loiter in front of her house, sharpening their knives, and she frequently faced death threats. She feared for her life, and started sleeping with an AK-47 beneath her bed.
8. an idyllic environment 恬靜閒適的環境
9. break away from 從...脫離;決裂
10. loiter 遊蕩
11. the independence movement 獨立運動
在我還是孩子時,我在沿海田園詩般的環境中照看羊群。但在1993那年,克羅埃西亞人突然決定要脫離南斯拉夫。我的父親,作為少數居住在克羅埃西亞的塞族人 ,參加了反對獨立運動的戰爭。對我母親而言這是個萬分艱難的時期,因為她是個獨自居住在塞爾維亞人群聚地的克羅埃西亞人,而當時兩個族群卻在互相殘殺。人們會在她屋前遊蕩,磨刀霍霍,她經常面對死亡的威脅。她對自己的生命感到擔憂,便開始將一把AK-47放在床下才能入睡。
It was a difficult time to live. There was little food. We frequently had to run to bomb shelters, and saw dead bodies on the streets. Finally, when I was 8, we, along with over 300,000 ethnic Serbs, were removed from our homes in the biggest movement of people since World War II. Although Serbia took us in, they didn’t want us there, as they saw us as cowards who hadn’t put up enough of a fight.
12. bomb shelter 防空洞
13. along with 與...一起
14. a coward 膽小鬼;懦夫
15. put up a fight 對戰爭進行反抗*
*put up a fight : to show or express a particular type of opposition to something
Then the Kosovo war started. This led to even more running and displacement for us. It was even worse when NATO started bombing because they had planes with bombs that would dig a crater. We fled into the mountains and hid in the dark, because there were no bomb shelters capable of providing sanctuary for so many people.
16. displacement 被迫移居他地
17. flee (尤指因危險或恐懼而)逃跑
18. be capable of 能夠
19. bomb shelter 防空洞
20. provide sanctuary 提供庇護(所)
Finally, we found out we had been accepted to come as refugees to Adelaide, in Australia. Arriving was a healing process for us, but there were also a lot of challenges. The kids at school called us war criminals and accused of being responsible for Serbian massacres that we knew nothing about. They also called us the KGB Twins, and sometimes they would tap us down before going to class to ‘make sure we didn’t have any bombs on us’.
21. a refugee 難民
22. a healing process 一個療癒的過程
23. war criminials 戰爭罪犯
24. Serbian massacres 塞爾維亞大屠殺
tap 擊
最後,我們發現已被接受以難民身份去澳洲的阿得雷德。對於我們抵達是一個療癒的過程,但那兒依舊有許多挑戰。學校裡的孩子們稱我們為戰犯,並指控要為我們一無所知的塞爾維亞大屠殺負責。他們更稱我們為KGB*的雙胞胎,有時會在上課前擊打我們 「確保我們身上沒有炸彈」。
*KGB: 國家安全委員會 (蘇聯)
One time, we were beaten up after school and my twin ended up in hospital with swelling around his brain. It was horrible because after all we had survived, he was on the verge of dying on an Australian playground because of racism. It took a couple of years for us to really find home here, and that was because we ended up changing to a more multicultural school in year 11, where we found other students who were survivors of wars from Somalia, Iraq, Vietnam, South Sudan and Cambodia. And we all bonded together as children of war.
25. racism 種族主義
26. on the verge of… …的邊緣
27. a multicultural school 多元文化的學校
28. bond together 團結、凝聚在一起
29. children of war 戰爭兒童
My eldest brother had always wanted to be an engineer, but as the man of the family, he had to go to work instead. As soon as he arrived, he went to work at Holden in Elizabeth, where he made cars for 18 years, until the day they shut the factory down. Sometimes he would bring home pamphlets from the union, and as a result I became really interested in employment law and industrial relations. So I decided to go to law school, and I’m now a union lawyer for the CFMEU.*
30. the man of family一家之主
31. pamphlet 小冊子
32. employment law and industrial relations 勞工法與勞資關係
33. a union lawyer 工會律師
*CFMEU:Construction, Forestry, Maritime, Mining and Energy Union
I represent factory workers who are low paid and award dependent. It’s a privilege to recover stolen wages and represent these workers when they’ve been unfairly dismissed or discriminated against. I especially love representing non-English speaking migrant workers, as they are prone to exploitation. I see my mother and my older brother in every one of them.
34. low paid 低薪
35. It’s a privilege to… 是一種榮幸…
36. be unfairly dismissed or discriminated 被不當解雇或歧視
37. be prone to... 有...的傾向;容易遭受…
For the last 6 years, I’ve also volunteered for a refugee legal centre, helping asylum seekers to complete their temporary protection visa applications. Out of my siblings, I think I was the most affected by the war, so hearing their stories of trauma isn’t always easy. But I feel it’s important for me to try to help others in need of protection.
38. asylum seeker 尋求庇護者
39. protection visa 保護簽證
40. out of 在...之中
41. stories of trauma 創傷故事
42. in need of… 需要...
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Humans of Taipei: https://bit.ly/2S2Avjz
the house of the dead故事 在 La vie et le voyage, cinéma Youtube 的評價

the house of the dead故事 在 ajin Youtube 的評價
哈囉~我是阿津,歡迎來觀看我的遊戲實況直播影片( ´ω`)
pc steam The Walking Dead: Season 2 陰屍路第二季第一章 動作劇情故事殭屍蘿莉生存
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► 影片清單在此 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEzqZq_wDhpcoJFB7ae5RkgLeI7d5ZmyX
This is a broad overview of the plot. Certain decisions made by the player in both this game, and, if available, from the First Season and the 400 Days add-on content, will alter details of specific events.
Following the events of the first season, Clementine was able to regroup with Omid and Christa, and Christa is now in the late months of the pregnancy that was revealed in Season One. However, while stopping at an abandoned service station to clean up, Omid is killed by a scavenger using Clementine's gun that she set down for a moment, before the scavenger is herself killed by Christa. More than a year later, Christa has apparently lost her child and her relationship with Clementine has become strained. When they are set on by scavengers, Clementine is separated from Christa and falls into a nearby river. After washing ashore, Clementine is surrounded by walkers but saved by a group of survivors staged at a nearby house, which include Luke, Pete, Nick, Alvin, Rebecca, Carlos and Sarah. The group distrusts Clementine at first, believing she might have been bitten, but she proves her health - and her worth - to them.

the house of the dead故事 在 Hey It's Dena Youtube 的評價
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Shouldn't Be Missing 自創曲: https://youtu.be/cT_bJ9oUhvw
How I learned English: https://youtu.be/ZgHqeOrW4_I
Last favorite shows ep 上次的推薦歐美劇: https://youtu.be/7Emplr6JxxU
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giveaway ends on Feb, 17th (UTC +8:00)
picking out FOUR people
抽獎截止日 2/17
*截止了哦! 贏家已經公開在我的Instagram現實上囉!
Netflix and Chill 這個片語呢其實是個流行雙關片語哦!
大家可能都有聽說過它是約炮的意思哈哈哈,算是這個“活動”所創造的天然機會演化出來的!但是其實,它也有單純只有字面上的意思哦! 也就是一起看劇放鬆耍廢!切記!女孩們!如果你在國外被不熟的外國人這樣約就要注意啊!!!非常極有可能會演化成約炮式!但如果你自己也喜歡他他也喜歡你並且約過幾次會了~或是這也是你要的,你就可以自己做決定!還是要記得周遭是要在安全安全安全的環境!!怎麼辦我好像大姊姊在碎碎念...
Netflix and Chill has two different meanings! One is (cough cough) the “activity” that Netflix and chilling ends up in most of the time haha, BUT! It also means the literal meaning! Just chilling!
1. Brooklyn 99 荒唐分局/神煩警探 (闔家觀賞。超級無敵好笑,可以大笑的那種)
2. Atypical 異類 (可愛有趣又可以有機會學會同理不一樣同學與家庭的環境與生活。適合至少高中+)
3. Drop Dead Diva 美女上錯身 (可愛有趣又有知識上增廣見聞。輕鬆版suits。適合國/高中/大學生+)
4. Lovesick (英國小品影集!超好笑!但是是小笑!18禁!)
5. Alias Grace 雙面葛蕾絲 (會有接二連三不斷看下去的魔力...目前第一季只有六集哦!可以直接追完!)
6. Suits 無照律師 (很多法律專有名詞!但是真的知識增長好多啊!劇情也非常精彩!適合大學生+)
7. Black Mirror 黑鏡 (每次看完都心情都灰灰的...但是劇情精彩!是部可以反思的劇!適合大學生+)(我自己沒有到超級喜歡因為不喜歡心理灰灰的感覺)
8. Narcos 毒梟 (有上台灣排行榜!適合高中、大學+)
9. House Of Cards 紙牌屋 (也有上台灣排行榜哦!適合高中、大學+)
* 完整大意心得都在影片中哦!適合觀看年齡是我的想法拉:D 個人認為黑鏡真的不適合太小的人看覺得很emo
eyes: colourpop - you had me at hello
foundation: it cosmetics - color correcting full coverage cream - light
highlight & blush - freshO2 磚屬wall
lashes - loreal lash paradise
lips: nudestix - go girl
earrings: h&m
necklace: kate spade
watch: DW - code "denachang" to get 15% off!
This video is not sponsored! However, thank you Netflix for providing the gifts!
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https://goo.gl/nAhXXu @dena_chang
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▶Business Inquiries/工作洽談
1. [email protected]
新朋友嗎? 嗨我是Dena! 高中開始追求我的音樂之路,畢業於輔仁大學護理系! 畢業後終於有勇氣全程灌注去美國念音樂! 這個頻道是分享著我最真實的故事! 歡迎加入我的大家庭一起陪伴彼此成長! 頻道中提供著Dena留學分享、音樂作品、彩妝、生活實錄Vlog等等! 有時候還會來點英文教學哦!
Welcome to my channel! I'm a singer/songwriter based in Taiwan! This channel is pretty much about my current life, my experiences studying at Berklee College of Music in the states, things that I love(music and makeup!) AND you will be expecting a lot of some REALLY chatty videos... (you are warned)!
♦ KEYWORDS: dena chang 張粹方 2017 生活紀錄 vlog taiwanese 康熙來了 網路 歌手 美國 Berklee School Of Music 英文歌 分享 music favorites favourites faves 小明星大跟班 憲哥 吳宗憲 uptown funk 自彈自唱 化妝 bruno mars how i learned english 輕鬆 學英文 教英文 美國 美式 腔調 留學 英語 教學 自學 education 台北 台灣 補習班 生活 lifestyle video
