Roy 和 Silo 是一對同性伴侶,他們在一起已經六年了。他們一起散步、一起游泳、一起唱歌,無論 Roy 去哪裡,Silo 都跟著。在旁人看來,他們就是一個尋常不過的家庭。
唯一不同的,只是他們沒有下一代。當管理員意識到他們都是男生時,便打算將一顆蛋送給他們。後來蛋順利孵化,成為一隻被命名為 Tango 的雌性企鵝 ⋯⋯
和 Tango 一樣,Roy 和 Silo 都是企鵝 —— 兩隻雄性企鵝,於是 Roy、Silo and Tango Makes Three,三隻企鵝組成了温馨的三口之家。
以上,是發生在紐約中央公園動物園的真實事件。2005 年,Roy、Silo 和 Tango 的故事被改編為兒童繪本《一家三口》(And Tango Makes Three),但在 2014 年,新加坡政府卻以「違背傳統家庭觀念」為由,決定銷毁公共圖書館中所有《一家三口》 ,引起民間大量反對聲音。
「這一本很 Sweet 的書 ,它讓讀者知道,就算他們是 Queer 的企鵝,動物園的大家都很愛他們。」她是香港插畫師 Kaitlin Chan ,同時也是「QUEER READS LIBRARY 流動閱酷」(簡稱 QRL)創辦人之一。「當地政府只因為這本書提到 Gay 就要銷毀它,明明這本書有機會拯救某人的生命。」
當初,因為在香港圖書館很難找到 Queer 書籍,Kaitlin 便和幾位朋友合辦 QRL,從世界各地收集圖書館中找不到的 Queer 書本,並將藏品帶到不同地方展覽。
「不像新加坡,香港沒有明刀明槍銷毀這本書。」Kaitlin 提到,2018 年有團體指責公共圖書館收藏包含《一家三口》在內等十本童書,圖書館受壓後,便將有關書籍藏起,雖然沒有銷毀,但讀者要向館員查詢才能借閱。
後來,在一位匿名者幫助下,QRL 從國外購入一批《一家三口》 回港,最後共有 60 間本地學校的圖書館願意將這本書納入館藏。
Kaitlin 雖然在香港長大,但她的粵語識聽唔識講,雖然能講一點點,但複雜的想法還是要用英文表達。無論語言還是身份,她似乎一直處於 Inbetween 的狀態,而她亦有種自覺,一直抵抗所謂的既有印象和標籤。
「我媽媽是澳洲華僑,從小都在講英文的家庭成長,自然英文比較流利。我從來不會因為自己中文不好而覺得自己 Incomplete,香港本來就有很多人只懂得講英文。講英文和講粵語沒有甚麼高低之分,就好像英文有不同口音一樣,但很多人初次見面就會標籤我:『噢,你講英文,你是 ABC 。』但我可能只認識對方五分鐘。」談到這一點,Kaitlin 有點無奈。「香港人有種排外主義,會刻意區分香港人和非香港人。」
「我覺得,在香港生活這件事本身好有趣。」Kaitlin 個人畫作大多與日常生活有關,她會描繪日常對話、人與人之間的交流,「甚至只是買魚蛋這樣一件小事。」對她而言,藝術家的工作某程度上是拍紀錄片。
現在,她記掛的都是一些日常畫面,例如銅鑼灣打小人、街上情侶親吻,還有餐廳職員休息時躲在後巷抽煙,「很多我們 Take for granted 的東西,隨時可以消失。」
「我亦很掛念去戲院看電影。」Kaitlin 最喜歡台灣黃金時代的電影,侯孝賢《尼羅河女兒》所刻畫的青年迷失和狂野,最讓她印象深刻。
「以前不會想太多關於自己的事,現在有機會回望過去。」近來,Kaitlin 多了時間反思,「那是一件沒有甚麼香港人有時間做的事。 」她會思考自己如何能變得更有用,還有「如何能在香港生活下去」——「我問自己:是不是真的喜歡自己的生活?平常大家總裝作自己過得很好。」
Kaitlin 自問自己的成長背景已比很多香港人佔優,但她仍然感到很壓抑,於是開始想,其他情況比她更壞的年輕人又會怎樣?
「It’s okay to be sad。香港人太壓抑,但我們又習慣忽視創傷,但正視失去了的東西是一種創傷管理。 大家竟然在恐懼自己的人生,我只希望年輕人可以不用再那麼害怕。」
Kaitlin 一直想和人溝通,因為藝術的重點在於連繫。「我希望 Queer 的人知道,你們不是孤單的。」Kaitlin 說。
在世界各地很多地方,LGBT 仍是禁忌,無數人因性取向而被壓逼,甚至失去生命。藝術雖然無法改變法律和政策,但終有一天能改變人心,同時,也能給那些正被壓抑的人一鼓繼續走下去的力量。
就像《一家三口》這本看似普通的童書,在世界某地某時能拯救某位讀者的生命,Kaitlin 的作品,也擁有一種給人力量的共鳴。
Illustrator and Storyteller:Kaitlin Chan @chen_jiaxian
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同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過10萬的網紅BETHNI Y,也在其Youtube影片中提到,2017真係發生許多事,籌備同舉行婚禮,去歐洲影結婚相,成功懷孕及到安全地到達懷孕後期 真的很多事值得感恩。但最感恩的事 就是有大家一直的陪伴,支持,鼓勵...謝謝你們陪我經歷2017 的高與低。雖然懷孕期間 可能荷爾蒙影響 情緒的確比較低落 但你們沒有放棄我,更非常體諒我 就算不出片或影片比以前劣...
take for granted中文 在 Brett 林熙老師 Facebook 八卦
(打英文還是輕鬆+快多了😉 中文版下面有連結)
Why taking the SAT or ACT when you’re not ready is a terrible mistake.
For several years now, I’ve noticed that many of my students who study at international schools tend to take an SAT test just to “test the waters.”
This is such a bad move it’s not funny!
What’s so bad about it?
American admissions officers dislike students who only focus on tests. So, even if you manage to get a high score after you’ve taken the SAT too many times, you might be rejected anyway.
Your SAT score is so important! Please do not waste any opportunity to get a high score!
I read the following quote on Dartmouth’s website:
“We don't recommend excessive testing. Making the most out of your high school opportunities is more important than repeatedly taking standardized tests."
Is it only Dartmouth?
Actually, this kind of statement isn’t unique to Dartmouth - it’s pretty standard. Most of the top universities say exactly the same thing. This causes many people to believe that colleges don’t really care much about your SAT score.
Nothing could be further from the truth!
All you have to do is to look at the average SAT/ACT scores that enrolling students receive. As an example, successful applicants to Dartmouth average around 1500 (out of 1600). That’s pretty high! What do they mean then?
They mean that students need to focus on non-academic pursuits AS WELL AS getting a very high score on their SATs.
So, you definitely need a high SAT score, but you can’t look like you care that much. If you take a test before you’re ready, there will be a record of your lower-than-ideal score. You’ll naturally need to retake the exam a second, third, and, possibly, fourth, time.
Let’s say that you do achieve your ideal score on the fourth or fifth attempt. How will the admissions officer view you when you have exactly the same score as another applicant who only took the test twice or three times? Who will they select?
Naturally, they will not choose you because you look like a testing machine.
In the US, everybody knows that it’s foolish to take the SAT or ACT more than three times. That means that you should NEVER waste an attempt. You should be ready before you ever take the test.
So, what should you do?
First, “test the waters” in a safe environment: your home.
You can do some practice questions on Khan Academy to get a feel for the test. Then, when you feel ready to tackle the whole test, do one of the Official Tests found on Khan or CollegeBoard:
Make sure you download the test, print it out and do it on paper. If you do it on the computer, you will NOT be simulating the real test.
Presently, there are a total of 9 released tests. CollegeBoard and Khan have released 8, and there is one more floating about on the internet. (As an aside, I actually use this test in my classes. I purposely avoid the other released tests because most schools use them and so do many students. I hate it when students say, “I’ve done that test before!”)
Simply using these tests will give you a good idea of what score you would get if you took the real test. And you can do this without risking being labelled a testing machine.
Also, as there are only 9 official tests out there, don’t waste them. Granted, there are other “official” tests online or in some schools, but these are usually riddled with errors or are incomplete. (I personally hate doing a test and not knowing which questions are faulty before doing it. Most of the time, students spend a lot of time trying to figure out the answers to questions that do not even have answers. It can be very frustrating.)
Another thing: of the nine, only 5 of them are previously administered tests. The first four “official tests” were designed before CollegeBoard switched from the old SAT to the new one in 2016. These four tests are quite easy compared to what is being tested now, so are not a great indicator of your future score. They are great for practicing question types - just understand that if you get a really high score on them it doesn’t mean that you will do just as well on test day.
Only tests 5-9 (also easier than the current tests) are the closest thing we have to the current SAT tests. Still, these are easier than the current test, especially in the reading section, so be aware that the reading will most probably be even tougher than what is in all of the officially released tests.
If you have any other questions related to how to prep for your SATs, feel free to leave a message below or PM me.
Enjoy your SAT studies!
#SAT寒密班 (適合11年級 & 3月和5月的考生) https://goo.gl/17Uz1e
#SAT週六衝刺班 (針對3月和5月的考生)
#SAT暑密班 (適合10年級 & 10月和12月的考生) https://goo.gl/6Ypwsi
take for granted中文 在 Princessarah 美國南加州生活記事 Facebook 八卦
昨天跟媽咪朋友mommy’s lunch date,同時獲得了朋友回日本娘家的時候買的喔米亞給🎁🎁
東京Disney sea的東西就特別可愛?😍😍
我今天去Wholefood 就看到了 gardenia 山茶花的盆栽
總之⋯真的覺得好好過日子其實是一件很幸福的事情!💋💋Don’t take it for granted. 💪🏻💪🏻
take for granted中文 在 BETHNI Y Youtube 的評價
2017真係發生許多事,籌備同舉行婚禮,去歐洲影結婚相,成功懷孕及到安全地到達懷孕後期 真的很多事值得感恩。但最感恩的事 就是有大家一直的陪伴,支持,鼓勵...謝謝你們陪我經歷2017 的高與低。雖然懷孕期間 可能荷爾蒙影響 情緒的確比較低落 但你們沒有放棄我,更非常體諒我 就算不出片或影片比以前劣質 你們都很鼓勵我,我真的很幸運 有你們這麼愛錫我的觀眾, i will never take you guys for granted.
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take for granted中文 在 "Take for granted" 是甚麼意思? 的相關結果
當我們說一個人“Take [something/someone] for granted” 就是說這個人覺得[某人/事/物]是理所當然的,不會珍惜或感恩[這人/事/物]。 ... <看更多>
take for granted中文 在 take it for granted-翻译为中文-例句英语 的相關結果
使用Reverso Context: we take it for granted that they would consent.,在英语-中文情境中翻译"take it for granted" ... <看更多>
take for granted中文 在 take (something) for granted (【片語】認為某事理所當然, 認為 ... 的相關結果
"take (something) for granted" 例句. You should not take your life for granted. ... <看更多>