【超松软蓬松的鸡蛋糕😱!!! 无处不在的『阿嬷老字号』,原味和起司口味鸡蛋糕让人欲罢不能😭💞!!!】
前几天,小编到了最近爆红的阿嬷老字号品尝他们的鸡蛋糕,真的是超级号吃啊😍😍!!! 价廉物美,现烤现卖,最重点还是够蓬松,够好吃啊😁!!! 灵感原自于台湾淡水闻名的古早味鸡蛋糕,阿嬷老字号将原品引进再以本地化的口味和元素加以改良😋。
阿嬷老字号在短短3个月里面因爆红而在各地竟然有了25家分行!!! 可想而知受欢迎的程度是多么地高😱!!! 它们主打的鸡蛋糕有『原味口味鸡蛋糕』和『起司口味鸡蛋糕』,在不同的季节也会推出不同的款式,而小编最中意的还是离不开Cheseeee口味啦😍😍!!! 浓浓的起司味🧀,浓得来又衬托得上蛋糕的淡甜味,成分拿捏得非常精准!!! 而且蛋糕又蓬松,咬下去又柔软,还有起司带来的惊喜的味道!!!! 😋真的是太好吃了啦,而且价钱也不会昂贵哦❌💰!!!
他们的现烤鸡蛋糕都是以古早的方式制作;以纯牛奶、鸡蛋和上等面粉,无添加水、无防腐剂、无色素,再摆入烘陪机内烘陪90分钟变完成啦😁!!! 开炉的那一瞬间香味四溢,简直就连路人都招架不住了啦🤣🤣盆友们一定要试试看哦,可能在你们的地区就会有一间了!!!
寶業小食茶餐館 Restaurant Poh Yap, Kota Kemuning
Address: No 1, Jalan Anggerik Vanilla N31 N, Kota Kemuning, Seksyen 31, 40460 Shah Alam, Selangor Darul Ehsan.
Tel: 017-315 9545 (Azizan)
Business hour: 7.30am-4pm daily
Bread & Co., DA MEN Mall, Subang Jaya
Address: LG-51 & 52A, LG Floor, DA MEN Mall, No 1, Persiaran Kewajipan, USJ 1, 47600 Subang Jaya, Selangor.
Tel: 03-8011 1926
Business hour: 10am-10pm daily
Empire Shopping Gallery, Subang Jaya
Address: LK 03A, Lower Ground Floor, Empire Shopping Gallery, Jalan SS 16/1, 47500 Subang Jaya, Selangor.
Tel: 03-5613 6330
Business hour: 10am-10pm daily
Mahkota Cheras, Cheras
Address: 27, Jalan Temenggung 19/9, Bandar Mahkota Cheras, 43200 Cheras, Selangor.
Business hour: 9am
Tel: 016-985 1520
GTower, Kuala Lumpur
Address: LG 02-04, Gtower, 199 Jalan Tun Razak, 50400 Kuala Lumpur.
Tel: 019-688 8739
Business hour: 9am-9pm daily
棟源 Tong Guan Kopitiam, Johor Bahru City Square
Address: Lot MF-22 (Inner City), Lvl 3, Johor Bahru City Square, 106-108, Jalan Wong Ah Fook, Bandar Johor Bahru, 80000 Johor Bahru, Johor.
Tel: 07-2070 354
Business hour: 10am-10pm daily
Sri Petaling, Kuala Lumpur
Address: 8, Jalan Radin Anum 1, Sri Petaling, 57000 Kuala Lumpur.
Business hour: 10am-8pm daily
Tel: 03-9054 9058
大家美食中心 Restoran Big Family
Address: 59, Jalan TSB 10A, Sungai Buloh Industrial Park, 47000 Sungai Buloh, Selangor.
Business hour: 7.30am-4.30pm daily
Tel: 017-315 9545
Sunway Giza Mall, Kota Damansara
Address: No. 2, Jalan PJU 5/14, Kota Damansara, 47810 Petaling Jaya, Selangor.
Business hour: 10am-10pm daily
Tel: 03-7620 1477
KK 118 美食中心 Restaurant 118 KK Food Court
Address: Galeria Alam Damai, Jalan 4/142, Taman Connaught, 56000 Cheras, Kuala Lumpur.
Business hour: 3pm-10pm daily
Tel: 013-890 3183
Centrepoint Bandar Utama
Address: Lot G24, Ground Floor, Centrepoint, No. 3 Lebuh Bandar Utama,Bandar Utama, 47800 Petaling Jaya.
Business hour: 10am-9pm daily
Tel: 03-7496 7570
鑫景茶室 Xin Jing Restaurant
Address: No. 1, Jalan Kenari 2, Bandar Puchong Jaya, 47100 Puchong, Selangor.
Business hour: 8am-4pm daily
Tel: 012-5277 991
Restaurant BoBo
Address: 22, Jalan 3/50c, Taman Setapak Indah Jaya, 53000 Kuala Lumpur.
Business hour: 7am-4pm daily
Tel: 011-2306 5250
新旺记茶餐室 Restaurant Sin Ong Kee
Address: No 63, Jalan SJ 17, Taman Selayang Jaya, 68100 Batu Caves, Selangor.
Business hour: 8am-6pm daily
Tel: 018-395 9755
Landon Coffee & Cookies
Address: No 1, Jalan ChengKeh, Taman Cheras, 56100 Kuala Lumpur.
Business hour: 8am-4.30pm daily
Tel: 016-960 2000 / 012-920 6262
Medan Selera, Johor Bahru
Address: No 69, Jalan Mutiara Emas 5/1, Taman Mount Austin, 81100 Johor Bahru, Johor.
圓味果汁 O'Juice, Ipoh
Address: 40, Jalan Mustapa Al-bakri, Taman Jubilee, 30300 Ipoh, Perak.
Business hour: 10am-10pm daily
Tel: 018-6612 558
Fresh Food Court, Bukit Mertajam Penang
Address: Lot 698, MK 11, Seberang Perai Tengah, 14000 Bukit Mertajam, Penang.
Business hour: 10am-10pm daily
Tel: 017-496 2649
JW's Corner, Kota Kinabalu
Address: Lot No. 9, Block B, Ground Floor, Damai Plaza IV, Luyang, 88300 Kota Kinabalu.
Business hour: 8am-4pm daily
Tel: 011-1118 1161
家和茶餐室 Restorant Ka Ho
Address: No 2, Jalan Setia Indah Y U13/Y, Seksyen U13, Setia Alam, 40170, Shah Alam, Selangor.
Business hour: 7am-4pm daily
Tel: 016-9633 300 / 017-9633 571
珍珠坊美食阁 Crystal Pearl Restaurant
Address: 2, Jalan Indah 8/15, Taman Bukit Indah, 81200 Johor Bahru, Johor.
Business hour: 8am-5pm daily
Tel: 010-666 5064
五福城广场 Sutera Mall Johor Bahru
Address: Lot no. L3-615c & L3-616c, No 1, Jalan Sutera Tanjung 8/4, Taman Sutera Utama, 81300 Skudai, Johor.
Business hour: 10.30am-10.30pm daily
Tel: 018-238 4228
海景美食坊 Sea View Kopitiam
Address: No. 106, Jalan Kurau, Chai Leng Park, 13700 Perai, Penang.
Business hour: 12pm-10pm daily
Tel: 017-4962649
古仔美食中心 Kuchai Lama Food Court
Address: Jalan Klang Lama, Taman Oug Square, 58200 Kuala Lumpur.
Business hour: 3pm-12am daily
Tel: 016-249 0860
🔎Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kayleewck/
🔎Facebook Page: https://m.facebook.com/leteatgomy/
🔎YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJEloXblEnLaTTGwj0V6ArA
同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過43萬的網紅Shawn Lee,也在其Youtube影片中提到,8 JUNE 2017 TOYOTA MEET AND GREET 10 JUNE DISTINCTIVE MODEL, SUNGAI BULOH 11am-12pm https://goo.gl/maps/uQ3D68rWVRA2 PANGLIMA MOTOR CITY, KUALA LANGAT...
sungai buloh city 在 XiaoMa 小马 Facebook 八卦
1. 沙地阿拉伯宣布清真寺将不开放给穆斯林进行每天5次的祈祷,也会暂停斋戒月特别祈祷。
2. 中国一日新增108确诊,98例是境外输入,10例本土感染。境外输入总人数867例。
3. 从国外返马在酒店隔离者中目前没有人被检验出染病毒。
4. 旧巴生路SCOTT GARDEN毒派对,6本地男子,4泰籍女子被捕。
5. 死亡病例研究委员会主席李国忠医生指出,新加坡的外劳群体或成为我国的一个盲点,鉴于政府打算第3阶段行管期间开放部分商业活动,当局需要更好的监督外劳。
6. KWSP允许雇主将3月份的缴纳金延迟到4月24日。
7. 新加坡12日新增确诊233例,累积确诊2532例,并新增7个感染群。
8. 印尼发现无政府组织正在策划大规模骚乱行动,计划在18日对爪哇岛进行破坏。
9. 印尼一名3岁童手拿消毒液瓶子靠近焚烧垃圾的货源时引火烧伤。
10. 一位马来西亚籍摊主在新加坡卖经济饭,因受到疫情影响,决定结束营业,免费请所有人吃饭,清空剩下的菜,然后回马来西亚与家人团聚。
11. 英国首相病情好转获准出院居家疗养。
12. 持有新加坡工作证的男子因违反 “断路器”禁令而遭取消工作证,永久禁止在新加坡工作。
13. 我国第69名病患遗体完成道教火化仪式。卫生部官员陪同至火化仪式结束,棺木包裹保鲜膜,全程喷上消毒药水。
14. 一PETALING JAYA警长在路障截查2名蒙古女郎,因两人共乘电召车而被带到警局对面的精品酒店禁锢并强奸女郎。该色警长已经被逮捕,并否认强奸,称是你情我愿去开房。
15. 两名贪财军人自制印有警队和军警徽章的口罩在网上及线下售卖而被逮捕。
16. PETALING JAYA ICON CITY TOWER 3一确诊患者在行管令期间不曾离开家里,仅是有接触到外卖送餐员。
17. 吉隆坡市政局与移民局联手将第3批约500人来自吉隆坡批发公市的外劳送检。第1批77人都呈阴性。在等待结果出炉前,所有人都必须自我隔离,不能营业。
18. 被封锁的SUNGAI LUI甘榜有23名外籍人士和1本地人确诊,已经送往SUNGAI BULOH医院治疗。
19. 沙白安南一家6口逛超市,被截查罚6千。
20. 俄罗斯一周新增6500人确诊,达到15770人。大部分都在莫斯科市。总统普汀日前穿防护服巡视病房,陪同接待的医生确诊,目前普汀未再出面,并将抗疫工作交给总理。
21. 由于俄罗斯病例激增,导致黑龙江省边境口岸防控不堪负荷,许多中国人纷纷回国。该省将郊区办公大楼改成医院,共600床位,并施行入境14天隔离,之后再居家14天隔离,共28天。
22. 英国尸袋短缺,有死者仅用床单包裹搬运。英国单日新增死亡917人,累积9875例。
23. 我国12康复者捐献血浆,卫生部尚在研究血浆抗体是否充足,是否真的对患者起治疗作用。中国临床显示患者症状会有所改变,没有不良反应。
24. 一位外卖送餐员一时技痒,看到钢琴就弹起来。据他表示自己没有专业训练,都是YOUTUBE自学的。
Credit to : Foo Say Seng
sungai buloh city 在 Sarimah Ibrahim Facebook 八卦
Someone sent this to me. I agree. We cant keep using lockdowns to handle this situation. Poverty is on the rise.💙😌
-“ A CMCO on KL and Selangor is overkill. What happened to targeted lockdowns? We cannot be lurching from one lockdown to the next, especially for Klang Valley. Do mass testing with antigen RTK to quickly identify and isolate positive cases. (https://codeblue.galencentre.org/2020/10/12/klang-valley-lockdown-no-dine-ins-jogging-work-letter-needed-to-cross-kl-selangor-putrajaya/)
What is the justification for such a strict lockdown on the entire capital city and Selangor? Are we going to see police roadblocks throughout KL and Selangor like during MCO 1? The government must reverse this decision. It is a wholly disproportionate public health response.
With just 34 local Covid cases reported in KL within past 14 days as of yesterday, the govt shuts down the entire capital city? Putrajaya only has 13 cases. Selangor has 224 cases, but only two are red zones (Petaling - 53 cases, Klang - 82 cases).
A Klang Valley CMCO is completely irrational.
And news flash, economic sector can't continue if you prevent people from going out. And obviously we'll see Covid cases reported every day because we can never eradicate the virus until we get a vaccine. After lockdown is lifted, then Covid cases will go up again. Then what?
The MCO was supposed to buy us time to prepare the health care system for future outbreaks, NOT to eradicate the virus. What did we do for the past six months since MCO in March? Are you saying we didn't prepare enough?
WHO has warned against using lockdowns as a primary means of controlling the virus, stating it could have a dramatic impact on poverty. What exactly do you hope to achieve with a Klang Valley lockdown? Slow the virus transmission to prepare some more? Aren't we already prepared?
The government has repeatedly said, as recently as less than a week ago, that our health care system is prepared for Covid outbreaks. So what on earth is the justification for a Klang Valley CMCO that generally prohibits people from leaving home except for work/ buy necessities?
PM said May 1 that it’s impossible for any country to hit zero Covid cases. Ismail Sabri repeated this point on Oct 3. What I want to know is — what exactly is a tolerable number of daily Covid cases in a district for the govt? 20? 50? 100? Or nationwide — 200? 500? 1,000?
MOH claims that they advised a Klang Valley CMCO to prevent yellow zones from turning red, as various districts are recording new cases every day. Well, of course we'll see Covid infections daily; that's the nature of the disease. The old govt narrative (which it has since discarded) during the early days of the RMCO of less than 50 daily cases, or even ZERO cases a day, made absolutely no sense.
With increased testing, we’ll naturally pick up more cases. The more you test, the more you get. Important thing is to expand testing so that we detect and isolate infectious people quickly. So it doesn’t matter even if we record hundreds of cases, as long as we isolate quickly.
Now police are saying they'll mount roadblocks in the same way like the first MCO in March. So is this CMCO or MCO 1? Expect huge traffic jams in Klang Valley if the cops are gonna check each car for an employment letter to get to work. And if authorities are going to treat Klang Valley CMCO like MCO 1, expect to see the repeated hurdles to seeking medical treatment that cancer patients previously suffered, not to mention postponed appointments for regular medications from clinics for those with chronic conditions like diabetes and high blood pressure. (https://www.malaymail.com/news/malaysia/2020/10/12/cmco-police-to-mount-roadblocks-again-in-kl-selangor-putrajaya/1912050)
I'm sorry to say, but Malaysia's Covid public health policies since the Sabah election were an absolute shambles. No restriction of peninsula-Sabah travel during the election, either for politicians/ campaigners/ voters (the EC could have allowed outstation voters to vote in peninsular stations; they didn't). No enforcement of SOPs on any campaign rally during the election. No mandatory 14-day quarantine upon return from Sabah. No significant expansion of testing -- either RT-PCR or rapid antigen tests.
And before the election, no prosecution of lawmakers who clearly (and even admitted themselves) broke SOPs, including mandatory quarantine. I don't think enforcers even checked government premises to see if they follow the SOPs that they enforce on private citizens and businesses, like MySejahtera check-ins, provision of hand sanitizers, or wearing face masks. Visit government offices in Putrajaya and see how many actually comply with SOPs. Parliament doesn't mandate MySejahtera and hardly provides any hand sanitizer throughout the entire building.
The government also ignored repeated warnings from medical professionals and civil society about prison and detention centre outbreaks. Worse, enforcers even dragged people to police stations and made them wait in crowded and congested areas just to receive their saman. The Sabah surge came from cases first reported on Sept 1 in the Lahad Datu police lock-up and Tawau prison.
And now suddenly, wham, a two-week lockdown on the entire Klang Valley, even though the country's main Covid hospital, Sungai Buloh Hospital, is located in Selangor, not to mention the many other tertiary hospitals in the Klang Valley. Of all places, Klang Valley has the best public health care system. How can Klang Valley not be prepared for a Covid outbreak?
People may be allowed to go to work during the CMCO, but what about small businesses and roadside stalls? Only privileged white collar workers can afford to work from home. And only lawmakers and civil servants can go through any lockdown without worrying about next month's salary.
Boo Su-Lyn (no idea who that is)
sungai buloh city 在 Shawn Lee Youtube 的評價
8 JUNE 2017
"bRinggit" - Shawn Lee
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sungai buloh city 在 賢賢的奇異世界 Youtube 的評價
#越南胡志明市自由行 #越南自由行 #Ho Chi Minh City
【越南自由行】 越南自由行Day 1,為了參加Youtube Creator Day,差點錯過了飛機,帶你們去隱藏式的越南餐館,還有教大家如何吃越南餐, Ho Chi Minh City Trip
各位大家好,好久沒有更新了~因為在9月27號是我的生日,所以就安排了一個旅程給我自己,自己慰勞一下自己,加上剛好胡志明市有Salsa嘉年華,所以就順便也去了Saigon Latin Fiesta。
同時剛好我生日當天,也是Youtube Creator Day,活動時間是從中午2pm-7pm,但是我的班機是8pm,而且活動地點是在Sungai Buloh,過去機場是有點遠啦~所以就預算好大概5pm我就要走了。
當天Youtube Creator Day 也看到很多熟悉的面孔,好像是Codyhong,Dumpling Soda的彤彤,阿源,Joshua等等。但是由於活動一開始就是Youtube的creator負責人講解Youtube頻道的設定,和如果用分析的圖表幫到你的影片分析,還有版權和盈利的一些相關資料,由於這個活動的分享資料是不能拍攝和Record,因此沒有放在影片裡面。
到達機場後大概是6.40pm,還好Counter沒有人,Drop off luggage後就出境和直接趕去Gate,然後直接可以上飛機了~~真的好險!!
今天我就到了越南的胡志明市,以前的胡志明市叫做Saigon西貢,我們住的酒店名字叫Royal Hotel Saigon,房間不錯,地點也非常方便哦~~而且全部的旅遊景點例如是Notre Dame,Opera house,City Hall都非常靠近,而且找好吃的餐廳也非常多,十分推薦!一晚的房間大概是RM250,美金大概USD61吧!
那間餐廳的名字叫Nam Giao,它的地址如下:
Address: 136/15 Lê Thánh Tôn, Phường Bến Thành, Quận 1, Ho Chi Minh City Hồ Chí Minh, Vietnam
我們就點了春捲(這個是一定要點的!太好吃了!) 一些雞肉串和越南米紙,還有越南米粉和豬肉片,當然不能少了越南咖啡!(好喝到翻白眼!!!)
過後我們就到了Ben Thanh Market,主要其實去喝它的Avocado Smoothie,就是牛油果奶昔,其他的東西我比較不感興趣,因為不大喜歡在Ben Thanh Market裡面買東西的人
過後又下雨了~回到酒店休息然後在出來City hall這裡逛逛,由於越南以前是受法國統治過,因此這裡還保留很多法式的建築物,而且還保養到很好,例如是City hall,建於1900年,至今已經是118年,還有Opera House,和Notre Dame教堂等等,
下一集為你們介紹更多法式建築物,還有當然更多的美食,例如是全越南最好吃的Pizza,還有他們當地的法國麵包,叫做Banh mi,還有更多更多美食哦!!
我們下個影片見,Bye Bye!