【Sundance Film Forward Taiwan Tour 日舞前進計畫 台灣巡迴影展 影片介紹8之3─《她和她的世界》/ Trailer of The World Before Her】
導演妮莎.帕胡賈擅長透過紀錄片表達對社會與政治議題的關懷,《她和她的世界》不僅勇奪2012 紐約翠貝卡影展最佳紀錄長片、2012 加拿大Hot Docs國際紀錄片電影節最佳加拿大紀錄長片等大獎,2012年在CNEX「青春有為」紀錄片主題影展放映時也獲得不少好評。導演妮莎.帕胡賈本次影展將來台與觀眾見面,並深入台東部落、學校巡迴,機會相當難得,有興趣的朋友別錯過與導演交流的機會!
The World Before Her | Director Nisha Pahuja| 90 minutes
Moving between two extremes—the intimate verité drama of the Miss India pageant’s rigorous beauty “bootcamp” and the intense regime of a militant Hindu fundamentalist camp for young girls—The World Before Her delivers a provocative portrait of India and its current cultural conflicts during a key transitional era in the country's modern history.
Nisha Pahuja is a seasoned documentary filmmaker who understands the social and political power of stories. Pahuja’s works Bollywood Bound (2001) and Diamond Road (2007) were screened at numerous film festivals and widely telecast around the world. The World Before Her is her third film. It was awarded the coveted position of opening the Documentary portion of the 2012 Tribeca Film Festival and has since been selected by over 125 festivals worldwide. It has won a number of awards, including Best Documentary Feature at Tribeca and Best Canadian Documentary feature at Hot Docs.
【放映場次/ Screenings】(*導演出席映後座談/ * Sessions at which the filmmaker will appear.)
新北市/ New Taipei 5/3(六)10:30│府中15紀錄片放映院*/ FuZhong 15 Documentary Theater*
Taichung 5/3(六)16:00│國立公共資訊圖書館3F 視聽室*/ 3F Audiovisual Room of the National Library of Public Information*
Taitung 5/4(日)15:00│鐵花村*/ Tiehua Music Village
5/5(一)14:00│臺東縣家庭教育中心*/ Taitung Family Healthy Center
5/5(一)17:30│都蘭糖廠*/ Dulan Sugar Factory Warehouse
5/6(二)09:30│臺東大學英美語文學系*/ English Department of National Taitung University
【入場方式/ Admission】
開演前 20 分鐘開放排隊入場,座位有限,額滿為止!
House opens 20 minutes before the screening, receiving audience on a first-come first-served basis.
完整【日舞前進計畫 台灣巡迴影展】訊息請見:
For more information, please see: http://www.cnex.org.tw/index.php