過去數年,我寫過幾則關於‘平權’的評論 – 每次都不乏批評的聲音,而我卻對此樂見,因為 if you’re saying something that everyone agrees, there’s no point saying it. 不少人對女權運動產生厭惡,是因為有一些人,特意或潛意識地,以男女平權之名爭取女性特權 – 我對此批評十分理解及認同,正正如此,我們更應該共同協力去改變現狀。
我很幸運,有一位很能幹的媽媽 – 從她大學畢業之後到退休,除了產假以外一直沒有停止上班,上班期間還修讀了兩個碩士。從小,她告訴我“作為女生,你一定要自己能幹,讀好書,考上好的大學,就算婚後也要保持自己的事業。”透過她的身教,媽媽培養了我對獨立和成就的追求。
因此,我很希望渴望女性能有與男性等同的空間闖出自己人生的旅程。香港已經是一個非常平等的社會,但一些無形標籤與期望,仍然困擾不少女生。例如一句無心的“女人唔識渣車架”- 此stereotype無形地鼓勵一些女性把駕車交給男性,社會告訴她她的駕車能力比男生弱,所以不去嘗試、練習,最終不敢駕車。以女性作為懦弱的代名詞,不實質影響女性的權益,但女孩子們在成長過程中受到這些潛移默化,或許在遇到某些困難時潛意識地就覺得自己沒有足夠能力處理、要依靠男性,因而影響她們自我能力的建立與發揮。
可是,女性在追求與男性同等的尊重與待遇是,也必須願意承擔同樣的責任:不以‘男人要有風度’來要求男生吃飯付錢、送回家等(男生自己想送女生回家另計);要成家立室時不把買樓的責任全推給男方而自己也盡能力一起負擔、不要求男方賺錢能力要比自己高(而需要照顧小孩時丈夫也不斷定妻子應放棄事業,而是共同商量如何雙方都能兼顧事業及家庭責任)。所以當我們要求男生別要sexist時,女生(包括我)也必時刻提醒自己:don’t be sexist against yourself too.
同時也有132部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過37萬的網紅Nova Music Videos,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Untuk muat turun caller ringtone “RAMPAS” ikut langkah-langkah dibawah! Maxis Dial *131*606282# Digi Dial *233*1346847# Umobile SMS CRW (space) 804...
stereotype 在 Facebook 八卦
點解我睇 #大叔的愛 睇得咁投入?
過去咁多年,大家都見識過TVB點樣喺電視劇入面present LGBT群組架啦。Gay一定係乸型嘅,trans一定係變態殺手,同性關係一定係「有問題」無好下場,角色一定係古明華演蘇基之類嘅騎呢image,等等,所有最負面最古舊嘅stereotype無限放大。各下網上search “TVB同志角色” 會搵到好詳盡嘅資料。
終於,2021年,ViuTV上映呢套 #大叔的愛,唔單止有LGBT representation,仲有田一雄呢一種sexually fluid嘅 representation。有兩男kiss scene,有兩男求婚,有兩男同居,而一切都present得自然舒服,感覺就是跟異性戀愛無異。阿牧阿田可以係兩個乾淨健康嘅鄰家男孩,KK可以係一個事業有成嘅成熟大隻靚佬,Gay唔一定係標奇立異,係肉酸,係不務正業,we can be decent just like everyone else,呢一種方式嘅presentation,係我呢一輩嘅人等咗好耐先等到嘅奇蹟。
最欣慰嘅係,你上ViuTV個fb睇,係完全無嗰啲「嘔心」「該煨」「道德淪亡」「希望佢哋鍾意返女人」等old school homophobic comments, 反而大家係叫阿牧追番阿田,阿田氹番阿牧,KK好有型好可愛等等。好似坊間忽然間好開放好接受同性戀咁添!係咪真架?當然,睇戲還睇戲,現實世界可能係另一回事。但我諗呢套如果係TVB劇,唔好講多,早5年播,我唔相信接受程度會係咁。
所以,我好感動,某程度 #大叔的愛 係幫助緊normalize LGBT community。你睇劇入面,田牧KK嘅同事朋友,除左頭一陣嘅驚訝,之後大家都完全無嘢,唔會大驚小怪。某程度,你身邊嘅人都可以因為睇左 #大叔的愛 而變得咁chill。當一班睇開TVB嘅媽媽,都會同仔女一齊追一齊笑,都會覺得田牧好登對好靚仔,會覺得KK好man好有型,你諗係幾大進步。上一輩嘅可能睇咗呢套劇,而令一個想同屋企come out嘅年青人將會have a much better time coming out,因為佢哋對LGBT社群有咗一個新嘅reference point,唔再係TVB古明華同變態人妖殺手,而係賞心悅目嘅Edan、Anson Lo同黃德斌,Mirror咁紅、德斌又咁有資歷,都肯演同志,其實同志,又真係無咩嘢啫!
對LGBT culture陌生嘅直人,睇完呢套劇亦會洞悉到gay relationship真係more than兩個基佬「玩菊花食香腸」,而係可以好純粹好有愛,會互相照顧互相陪伴just like any other relationship because that's really just the way it is。
stereotype 在 Oak Panthongtae Shinawatra Facebook 八卦
Thaksin Shinawatra in Private Discussion
World Policy Institute Global Leader Briefing Series Thinking Points
World Policy Institute, 9th March 2016, New York
Excellencies, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,
I must thank you World Policy Institute for providing me an opportunity to share my thought on the challenges that revolve around the economic, regional and global implications of how Thailand will make its way through a period of transition and change.
We all know that no society in the twenty-first century can sustain any form of “progress” in the well-being of its people without at least two basic foundations:
The first one is political stability. The second one is the ability to create economic activities that allow growth and readiness to shift its creativities to sustain wealth.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Let me tell you the tale of the two cities, which is not written by Charles Dickens. It is the tale of parallel progress of Washington D.C. and Beijing. Each has its own history, pain and loathing. As the years go by, the two cities have been seen as rivals which offers competing models for growth and prosperity.
One is Free Market-Capitalism with the so-called “Open Democracy” as the foundation of its economic model. The other one is State-Led Capitalism with the central control system by one party.
Both of the models have proven to be successful in a very dramatic way from the past to the present. Admitting that the Chinese model was fitting to the change of attitude among the leadership of the country at that time, in parallel with the change of economic model in the West, in which the definition of “free trade” benefits China’s shifting position from a close market to a semi-open market.
But we must admit also that both models are now having to adjust itself to the new reality; the reality of dramatic change in speed and character of technology for industrial production; the change from “a country-based product” to “network of global design, global sourcing,and global production for just one product”. This extraordinary change upends the “normal” internal economic adjustment of the country and made it very difficult to find a simple economic adjustment.
We must recognize that advancement in the wealth management technique and technology also upend the normal linkage between capital and changes in production. However, we probably agree, that one common threat for survival in this present so-called “New Normal” is either you have the ability and willingness to change or you don’t. Thailand, like the other countries, cannot get away from this New Normal in the international context.
Ladies and Gentleman,
There is a tale of a poor English teacher in China who soared to the list of the world’s wealthiest people. He neither built a big factory nor invested in any production facility. But, people paid for his service simply to reach the network of supply and demand on a grand scale. I believe, he must feel thank you to the internet.
Ladies and Gentleman,
Amid the global economic slowdown, the pattern of trade has significantly changed. Due to the development of information technology infrastructure and increasing number of population who is able to access to the internet, e-commerce has become a new engine that sustains growth for both developed and developing economies. According to UNCTAD’s report last year, the value of global business-to-business (B2B) e-commerce in 2013 exceeded $15 trillion USD. While global business-to-consumer (B2C) e-commerce still accounted for an estimated $1.2 trillion USD, this segment has grown at a rapid pace; especially in the Asia and Oceania region where B2C segment is expected to surge from 20 to 37 percent between 2013 to 2018. Due to the incremental growth of cross-border e-commerce trade, international postal deliveries of small packets and parcels have risen by 48 percent between 2011 to 2014 globally.
For both Asia and the West, I believe these numbers provide us with clues for the new growth opportunities where “access to networks” is the key: meaning, the networks of consumers and factors of production across geographical boundaries. Unlike the economy of twentieth century when “access to centers” is the rules of the game, today, businessmen who do not have big factories and are not the owners of multinational corporations, can manage to reach and satisfy the needs of their customers worldwide through networks of production and distribution with an assist of the new communication technology. Today’s economy is increasingly decentralized. Consumption and production are more and more dispersed. We could imagine that an American producers can sell their products online directly to consumers in the western part of China without having to spend business hours in Beijing or Shanghai. Vice versa, a Chinese producer can bypass New York to offer their products to customers in New England and Mid-Atlantic states. The network economy has provided the people, both in small and large businesses, with the ability to produce and access to consumers at lower costs. We, as a global community, must put special emphasis on how each country can invest and share risk with the people to create growth collectively.
Ladies and Gentleman,
Another tale is about the rebirth of a road that nobody cares since the Portuguese discovered a possible sea route from Europe to Asia. The Portuguese did offer an alternative trade route with substantial margins for the goods carried. Although you might lose half of the cargoes on the way, you still did not lose your shirt. Since the demand for spices were overwhelming, the merchant marines heavily charge everybody.
Ladies and Gentleman,
The heavy-load transport through the sea has been with us till now, and the land routes from Asia to Europe have been neglected. If the world’s economy is thriving like the good old days, probably, not so many people would be interested in finding an alternative in life. But, since the situation goes awry, I believe, any country should consider all possibilities.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Today, there are two major initiatives that, I think, have great potential to accelerate growth and leverage “quality of growth” that brought into being by the emergence of network economy. One is the China-led “One Belt, One Road” (OBOR) plan to develop transport and logistics connectivity encompassed some 60 countries, which include about 50 percent of the world’s GDP. And, the other is the US-led Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP) between 12 Pacific Rim countries, which account for more than 40 percent of the world’s GDP. I have not seen these two initiatives as antagonistic, but rather a kind of two parallel processes that, at a certain point, will create mutual economic benefits for Asia and the West.
We must overcome the stereotype that perceive China and the US as merely the two opposing political superpowers. In reality, the economic development during the past decade has shown us how far these two major economies are interdependent. China is the largest foreign holder of US government securities with $1.24 trillion USD worth. With the total trade volume of $521 billion USD in 2014, the US is China’s biggest trade partner. Total US foreign direct investment (FDI) in China stood at $65.77 billion USD at the end of 2014, while the Chinese FDI in the US is estimated to have reach $11.9 billion USD.
Given this interdependence in mind, I believe Southeast Asia- the region that sits in between the two great initiatives of the two major economies- must put special emphasis on how to enhance the mutual economic benefits with its counterparts. For Southeast Asia in the twenty-first century, the geopolitics should be about how to reinforce the networks of wealth creation for the people that stretch across national and regional borders.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Let me tell you the last tale about a Thai restaurant. No matter how many times the master chef tries to teach his protege, the young man keeps making mistakes in mixing the ingredients. Customers are kept waiting, hungry and mad. Once the customers are served, half of them get diarrhea afterward. The moral of this tale is one must make the written recipe right.
Ladies and gentlemen,
While some people may underline the unique characteristics of Thailand in terms of its history and developmental path, the country itself cannot avoid to come to terms with the global challenges of the twenty-first century. For half a century, the Thai economy has incrementally integrated into global economy. Values of Thailand’s exports per GDP and FDI in the country have shown us clearly how far the growth of Thai economy has been interwoven with the fate of global economy.
Against this context, we shall consider Thailand’s draft constitution with a very simple question: will the latest draft constitution “enable” the country to grow and become stronger in the present world? Or, will the latest draft constitution provide Thailand with a sufficient institutional infrastructure for investment, production, cooperation, and businesses?
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Due to the framework set out by the latest draft constitution, it is difficult to foresee a government that is responsive to the people and the challenges of the twenty-first century. According to the new draft, the 200-seat upper house, or Senate, will be appointed by the so-called “experts”. The Senate will also have greater powers to block legislation. Regarding the Constitutional Court, its scope of jurisdiction will be expanded. The Court will have the power to examine cases based on petitions filed directly by individuals, without the requirement that an actual dispute being brought by political organs or other courts.
If we consider the doctrine of separation of powers as the foundation for growth and stability, the critical issue that we shall examine is whether the judicial power will trespass the provinces of legislature/ and executive or not? For a government to be able to manage the economy against the global slowdown, I do hope that there will be no over-enforcement of the judicial power. Experiences of several countries show us that, if unchecked, judicial review can be inappropriately used as “delaying tactic”; thus, in turn, become an impediment to economic policy implementation.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I believe that the foundation for the country to create growth and prosperity is to build trust in the global community. The constitution shall protect the rule of law and provide at least a minimum level of freedom of speech that facilitates economic cooperation between the people and the global community. Trade and investment cannot flourish if there is no certain degree of confidence provided by the rule of law. Against the transition and change, Thailand must reevaluate its strength and weakness. The country shall find a sensible way to regain its political stability and economic dynamism. I have only proposed the way of how should we think of the phenomena that is the world today.
stereotype 在 Nova Music Videos Youtube 的評價
Untuk muat turun caller ringtone “RAMPAS” ikut langkah-langkah dibawah!
Dial *131*606282#
Dial *233*1346847#
SMS CRW (space) 8044269 to 28383
Dial *323*310284# and press CALL
LAGU : Hang Nadim , Laq
LIRIK : Bunga Cantik
Air mata separuh mati yang ditahan,
Diberhentikan lekuk kelopak,
Dingin tubuh terkulai diam tak bernadi,
Tangan bersaksi kita bergenggam,
Rampas semua,
Badan ku belahlah dua,
Ambil semua ku ada,
Ikutkan sahaja hati,
Atau apa yang kau rasa,
Langkah pun lemah dalam susur pancaroba,
Lekat dipersimpangan dilema,
Cuba keluar di jalan yang tak berarah,
Tunggu serpihan bongkah cahaya,
Putus segala,
Hijab kau dan aku,
Sampai nanti,
Kita bertemu,
Rampas semua,
Badan ku belahlah dua,
Ambil semua ku ada,
Ikutkan sahaja hati,
Atau apa yang kau rasa,
For artist show bookings/enquiries, please contact Prakesh (NOVA) at : 012-2323707
stereotype 在 Wah!Banana Youtube 的評價
Ang Mo: A racial epithet describing Caucasian, mainly in Malaysia, Riau Islands and Singapore, and sometimes in Taiwan. It literally means "red-haired". (by Wikipedia)
We're on Facebook! http://www.facebook.com/wahbananasg
And Twitter @wahbananasg
Produced and Scripted by:
Lingyi Xiong & Jason Hau
Matthew "Fish" Stewart - https://www.facebook.com/TheBiggerFish
Terence Then - http://www.youtube.com/user/theterencethen
Audrey "Sparrow" - https://www.facebook.com/DjSparrowonweed
A big Thank You to our location sponsors and to Steven Hanson the pilot:
Third & Sixth - https://www.facebook.com/3rdand6th
南京街肉骨茶 Maxwell food center stall 01-89
stereotype 在 Wah!Banana Youtube 的評價
Not every Computer Science guy can fix your computer.
Just in case you wanna know more about Tech related majors/opportunities, join Fish at #techfestSG next Saturday at Scape.
More event details can be found @ Techfest.sg
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Twitter/Instagram @wahbananasg
Produced and Scripted by:
Lingyi Xiong & Jason Hau
Matthew Stewart (@Maxzzie) - https://www.facebook.com/TheBiggerFish
Terence Then (@TerenceThen) - http://www.youtube.com/user/theterencethen
Audrey Goh (@sparrowonweed) - https://www.facebook.com/DjSparrowonweed
Eden Ang - (@Eden_Ang) - https://www.facebook.com/edenangedenang
stereotype 在 每日一詞:Stereotype | 定型觀念- 紐約時報中文網 的相關結果
Stereotype 這個詞原本的意思是舊式印刷術中所使用的鉛板,後來引申出了今天更常用的「定型觀念」、「刻板印象」和「成見」等意思。 ... <看更多>
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刻板印象(亦稱印刻作用,英語:stereotype),是一個社會學術語,專指人類對於某些特定類型人、事或物的一種概括的看法,看法可能是來自於同一類型的人事物之中的某 ... ... <看更多>
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stereotype 的例句. stereotype. The contradictions and overdeterminations of their construction as stereotypes in the newspapers, cartoons, fictions, and polemics ... ... <看更多>