KMAX & KBOX Karaoke 召集各路英雄来踢馆!如你有影片中这位仁兄的狮吼功力,Jeff 陈浩然就请你免费唱K !!!
1. 一名顾客只有一次机会参与此游戏。
2. 你必须对着我们的DB Meter唱10秒歌达到100db。
3. 如果参与者唱不到100db,可以分别叫你另外2个朋友来“帮托”。
4. 如果你在没录影的情况下达到了100db,你就可以 免费唱K!(但是只能一个人而已)
5. 如果在你给我们的工作人员录影,然后达到了100db,将免费整间房的所有人头费! 只需购买一杯饮料所有人就可以免费唱K噢噢噢噢!(需同意影片作为KMAX和 KBOX Karaoke 商业用途)
6. 此游戏至“年三十晚" 为止。
Terms and conditions
1. A customer is entitled for ONE chance only to participate the promotion game.
2. Participant has to reach our DB meter to 100db by singing a song in 10 seconds.
3. If you fail to reach 100db, you can ask for help from you the other 2 friends.
4. Participant who reaches 100db without video taken can get ONE HEAD free.
5. Participant who reaches 100db and authorises the video taken by the staff can get ONE ROOM free with minimum one order per pax.
6 .Promotion game until 15/02/2018