【Noway CEOn9 獨家試唱】
#片尾有彩蛋 #K房重開有冇得唱
#識唱嘅一齊唱 #話佢戇鳩驚佢嬲
#NoWonderCEisOn9 #拍定手先啦
原曲:《If You're Happy And You Know It😜》
翻唱:懵盛盛 Lhs1020
改詞:Jackz / Duff Sego
If you're #冇腦 and you know it, clap your hands
(Clap, clap)
If you're #低B and you know it, clap your hands
(Clap, clap)
If you're #on9 and you know it, then your face will surely show it
If you're on9 and you know it, clap your hands
(Clap, clap)
誰人智障個腦發臭就拍手 👏🏻👏🏻
誰人偏幫黑警徇私就拍手 👏🏻👏🏻
只懂加薪不理訴求無用怕 👏🏻👏🏻
同時也有19部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過51萬的網紅Hi A Day,也在其Youtube影片中提到,#韓國 #台灣 #翻唱 雖然知道早期很多流行樂都是翻唱韓文歌 但沒想到這些也是!! 綠光~愛情36計等等也有被翻唱成韓文歌喔!! **廣為人知的翻唱歌** **廣為人知的翻唱歌** Jin Young P – Honey → 張學友 - 頭髮亂了 https://www.youtube.co...
show you中文歌 在 Gregory 河國榮 Facebook 八卦
因為喜歡唱歌,所以在大學的同學活動,開始演唱中文歌,也曾參加香港學生會舉辦的歌唱比賽,參賽歌曲是「愛的根源」,結果獲得亞軍。我很清楚記得,國際宿舍為了文化交流,每年舉辦一次國際晚宴,希望不同種族的學生可以表演和分享文化。Leslie在一九八五年 唱Monica獲得獎項,那是一首我很喜歡的歌曲,所以在文化交流晚會我便選擇唱Monica。當時同學覺得很驚奇,我怎可能唱Monica。我是跟着錄影帶,學習他的舞步和唱歌技巧。我不停地在公眾地方練習,其他同學看到我很用心練習,也過來幫助我。在台上表演時有幾位同學為我伴舞,當晚演出非常成功。
一九八六年Alan到來澳洲,我又當了他的司機。在他入住的酒店,介紹人在偶像面前,誤把我的名字說成河詠麟,當時在偶像面前我也不懂怎樣矯正。大約有兩年很多人以為我是河詠麟。他的四位女和音,知道我懂得唱他的歌,所以告訴了他,在排練那天他叫我上台一起唱。認識Leslie 和Alan兩位巨星,對我的影響很大,聽到他們的歌,和看到觀眾的反應,我開始對香港的歌唱發展很重視。
後來我在北角僑冠大厦租了一間劏房居住,有一次從北角行到中環,看到一間職業介紹公司的招聘啟示,我便前往應徵。當時職員說我可以教英文,但我不是教師,他認為沒有問題,便介紹我到一間補習社工作。在補習社工作了幾個月,有一位同事看到一張電視台的海報,需要招聘 一個西方人,但要懂得說中文。我致電應徵,他是一位獨立經紀,我說沒有經驗和廣東話也不是很好,他說沒有問題。我便去見一位電視台女監製,她給我一段英文劇本,要我讀出來。因為很緊張,五分鐘都不能出聲,我跟自己說,不嘗試會後侮一生。那一段對白是警官責備下級,責備人一定是很大聲的,所以我便很大聲說出來。當時她正在做自己的事,沒有再理會我,但我的叫聲使她大吃一驚。因為沒有其他外國人給她選擇,她無奈地聘請了我,這套劇集需要兩個西方人,另外一位是當主角,從那時開始,便在電視台工作了二十年。
二零一四年九月我在N o w T V的一個音樂節目做嘉賓,在一間音樂室裡我和三位節目主持人,唱歌和談論音樂。到最近才知道,他們三位是100毛的老闆。到聖誕100毛找我拍攝雜誌封面,我不知為何找我拍攝封面,原來三位老闆是認識我的,只是我自己不知道。
二零一五年八月他們聯絡我,他們有一首歌,問我會否願意演唱,那首歌曲我很熟悉,歌詞十分口語化,應該可以學到的。但當時是星期五,表演是在星期日,只得兩天時間作準備,所以我很用心練習。舞台是有電視屏幕可以看到歌詞,但我盡量避免看電視屏幕,只是有需要時才看一看,便可以放心地唱。能夠上台非常開心,我可以扮了演一個角色,唱一首悅耳和有趣的歌,觀眾很熱鬧和興奮,真是十分難得。我知道這是一生一次,這不是自己可以做到,是他們給我機會。那首歌很受歡迎,而且登上了流行榜。聖誕節前他們聯絡我,表示將會舉辦總選,問我會否參加,我便欣然答應了。當天每位表演者,會有兩首歌曲,在十二月廿六日接到新歌,我從沒有聽過那首歌,是一首說唱歌曲,而且歌詞很陌生,對我來說十分困難,所以我不停地練習了四百多次。當晚表演由Now T V直播,有七十萬人觀看,想不到自己能夠獲得香港區最受歡迎男歌星獎,當宣佈我的名字時,極度開心,無人能想到,唱出真香港的歌曲,是由一個西方人唱出,可以感動到別人。這是天時地利人和,超乎現實,簡直是一個奇蹟。因為那首歌不是我揀選,是別人給我的,練習這首歌時眼睛常常都會充了滿淚水和很感動。
最近有很多關於少數族裔的事情出現在我身上 ,現在我為一個港台節目做旁白,是關於少數族裔在香港。他們在本地娛樂圈發展是十分困難,因為在一個有九成是同一種族的地方,看電視或電影,也是會看自己的種族,未必會看少數族裔。如果他們幾個人合作,做一個節目,然後在網上發放,是有機會成功。香港有很多少數族裔居住,有些人的中文比我好,他們也愛香港。
I am Gregory. I hail from Queensland, Australia. During my high school years, my grades were excellent. They were good enough for me to enroll in any subject that I wanted to in university. At that time, I wanted to become a doctor because I could help others. I studied Medicine at the University of New South Wales. In my first year, I lived in my friend’s home located in North Sydney. During my second year, I lived in International House at the university. It was a rule for the school campus to have at least 50 percent overseas students. They cannot be Australians. I met a lot of Hong Kong, Singaporean and Malaysian friends in my first two years. I was able to get along with them very well. But what is most important was that after living in International House, I came across Hong Kong pop music. One day I was walking along the corridors and overheard beautifully melodic music. I asked my classmate what music he was listening to and if he could lend me the music to listen to. He leant it to me.
I have forgotten whether it was the music of Leslie or Alan. But I am sure it was one of them because I really liked that kind of music. I went to Chinatown to buy it. Eventually, I listened to the music as I read the lyrics. In turn, I slowly picked up a lot of Chinese characters.
I attended many different functions to perform Cantonese songs in university because I really liked to sing. I also attended a singing competition organized by the Hong Kong student association. The competition song was ‘Root of Love’. In the end I won second runner-up. I clearly remember International House wanted to organize cultural exchanges so they held international banquets each year. Their hope was for students from different ethnic backgrounds to perform and share their culture.
In 1985, Leslie won an award for singing ‘Monica’. It was a song that I really loved. During the international cultural exchange banquet, I chose to sing ‘Monica’. At that time my classmates were very surprised. How can I sing ‘Monica’? I followed the videos to learn the dance steps and singing techniques. I kept on practicing in public. Other students witnessed how hard I was practicing and came over to help me out. A few classmates became my accompanying dancers as I danced on stage. The performance that night was extremely successful.
Leslie and a group of Hong Kong superstars visited Australia to hold concerts in 1985. The concert organizer needed a voluntary driver. My friends asked me whether I wanted to be the voluntary driver. I accepted the offer. In the end I found out that I would become Leslie’s driver. There was one day when he was on break and did not need to rehearse. We drove to Canberra. It was cloudy and there was light rain on that day. We could not see clearly. After having a coffee, we left. Leslie was next to drive. His English was very good. During the journey back we chatted happily. The trip was very important to me.
In 1986, Alan came to Australia. I was also his driver. Our mutual friend misread my name as “Ho Wing Lun” in front of my idol during his stay at the hotel. I was not able to correct him at the time because Alan (“Wing Lun”) was my idol. Many people thought I was called “Ho Wing Lun” for around two years. His four back-up singers knew I was able to sing Alan’s songs. That was why they told him about it. During rehearsal day, he told me to sing with him on stage. Knowing superstars like Leslie and Alan had a great impact on me. To be able to listen to their songs and to witness the reactions from the audience led me to become interested in a singing career in Hong Kong.
I did not put in a lot of effort in my studies because I always thought of Chinatown and singing. Consequently, I failed my medical examinations in my third year. I had to re-take my subjects. In 1986, I re-took my studies for three months but then I decided to quit school.
In the end I juggled three dish washing jobs and also many months of brick laying work. I saved up a whole year of my salary and bought a one-way ticket to Hong Kong. I also carried $1000 Australian dollars on me. I then went to Hong Kong to develop my career. I only asked my friend whether I could stay at his place as preparation to living in my new homeland. His father reluctantly agreed but had to receive rent. I did not have anything equipped or prepared. I only purposely bought a one-way ticket because I did not want to easily give up when I encountered minor difficulties and return to Australia.
When I first arrived in Hong Kong, I did not know anything. I did not have any plans. I also did not have any friends. Initially, I lived in Broadcast Drive but my friend did not live there because he was still studying. I did not have anything to do at first. That was why I hung around Hong Kong for several days. One day, by coincidence, I came across Hung Hom Coliseum. At the entrance, there were four men smoking. They noticed me and surprisingly called out “Ho Wing Lun”. They were, in fact, members of Alan’s band. We have first met in 1986. Surprisingly, they remembered me after a whole year. That is called fate. At that time, Alan was preparing for his concert. The four men brought me inside the Coliseum. I saw Alan. There were 31 shows in his 1987 concert. I watched 30 of them. I intended to watch all 31 shows but there was a slight problem. There were rules at my guest house. After ten thirty each night, the door to the home will be locked. Nobody was allowed to enter or leave the house. But concerts do not end so early. So, after watching each concert in the evening, I would walk to Tsim Sha Tsui and then walk back to Broadcast Drive. I would sleep on the concreate seats outside the park. When the park opens at five in the morning, I will go in and sleep. Eventually, I was unable to handle it. One night I cannot watch a show. Once Alan asked me “Can you sing on stage tonight?” I told him “Of course I can.” I became his special guest. Alan was extremely happy when I first performed. By the second show, he announced that: “There is a westerner who can sing my songs very well.” He called out my name “Ho Wing Lun!” But because I was not at the scene, I did not show up. Eventually, he asked me why I did not show up. I explained my reason to him. He then arranged a hotel for me to stay at until the end of the concert. That was why he was able to call me out the third time! That was my second time as special guest singing “Friends” with him. It was exhilarating. In August, he introduced me as a special guest at his birthday party. Actually, everything happens for a reason and everything is interconnected.
Soon after, I rented a tiny flat at a building in North Point to live in. I walked from North Point to Central once. I came across a recruitment agency looking to hire. I went in to give it a shot. At that time, the staff said I could teach English but I was not a teacher. The staff said it was not a problem and introduced me to work at a learning center. After working there for a few months, a colleague saw a TV station’s poster. They were looking to recruit a westerner but that person needs to be able to speak Cantonese. I called to give it a try. The person who answered was an independent agent. I told that agent I had no experience and my Cantonese was not very good. The agent told me it was not a problem. I went to see the TV station’s female producer. She gave me an English script and wanted me to read it out. I was so nervous that I did not utter a word in five minutes. I told myself, if I do not try, I will regret it for life. The dialogue depicted a police telling off a subordinate. When you tell someone off, you must be very loud so, I read my lines out very loudly. At that time, the female producer was doing her own work and did not care about me but because I was so loud, I frightened her! As there were no other westerners for her to choose from, she had no choice but to hire me. The TV show required two westerners. The other westerner played the main character. From then onwards, I worked at the TV station for twenty years.
In September 2014, I appeared as a guest on a NowTV music program. I was in a band room with the three show hosts. We sang and discussed music. Only recently, I found out that they were the Founders of 100 Most. When it was Christmas, 100 Most invited me to appear on the cover of their magazine. I did not know why they wanted me to do it – only to find out that the Founders of the magazine already knew who I was! It was just me who did not know that.
In August 2015, 100 Most contacted me and asked me whether I wanted to sing this particular song. I was very familiar with the song lyrics. The lyrics were very colloquial. I should be able to learn it. It was Friday. The performance was on Sunday. I only had two days to prepare for it. That was why I practiced very hard. The stage showcased the lyrics. But I tried my best not to look at them. I would only glance at them when I needed to. I felt more confident and assured as I sang.
I was extremely elated to be able to perform on stage. I can play a role singing a wonderful and amusing song. The audience was super warm and excited. It was a moment to be treasured. I know this can only happen once in my life. It cannot be done by myself. It is because I was given a chance by 100 Most. The song was very popular and hit the charts. Before Christmas, 100 Most contacted me and expressed that there would be a final election of the songs. They asked me whether I would like to participate. I was more than happy to give it a try. On the day of the show, each contestant would have two songs.
On the 26th of December, I received the new song. I have never heard of the song before. It was a rap song. I was very unfamiliar with the lyrics. I found them very difficult. That was why I kept practicing it for more than four hundred times. The show was broadcasted live by NowTV. Around seven hundred thousand people watched the broadcast. I cannot imagine winning the Best Hong Kong Male Singer. When my name was announced, I was extremely delighted. Nobody can imagine that a westerner was able to sing a song about ‘real Hong Kong’. It can touch people. It was something that happened at the right place and at the right time. It was also surreal and a complete miracle. It is because the song was not selected by me. It was given to me by others. My eyes were often wet from practicing this song. I was very touched.
It is very difficult for westerners to develop their artistry in the entertainment industry. Chances are slim. They can only play roles that are irrelevant and unimportant. But I never thought of giving up. Five years ago I planned to record my own album. But because of stomach acid reflux, my vocal chords got damaged. My voice became hoarse and coarse. It brought me a lot of frustrations because I have worked hard for many years. Then this happened. I then amended my singing techniques and the issue improved significantly. I was able to sing again. I am now working on re-recording my new album.
A lot of ethnic minority issues materialized around me as of late. I am currently the voice over for a RTHK program about ethnic minorities in Hong Kong. It is very hard for them to develop their career in the local entertainment industry. It is because when 90 percent of the people share the same skin color comes together in a particular place, those watching TV or film will tend to watch people of their own skin color. They may not watch ethnic minorities. If a group of ethnic minorities work together to create a program for the web, it may work out. There are a lot of ethnic minorities residing in Hong Kong. Some of their Chinese is better than mine. They also love Hong Kong very much.
‘Hong Kongers’, to me, are people who need to do things ‘Hong Kongers’ do. Eat Hong Kong food. Care about Hong Kong. And do not look at skin color. I hope they can also speak Cantonese. Most importantly, they should regard Hong Kong as their home. Then, they are ‘real Hong Kongers’.
show you中文歌 在 王宇婕 Margaret Wang Facebook 八卦
我哥之前因為陪朋友去考街頭藝人證照看到一些評審對街頭藝人的態度發聲 而上了新聞。我覺得他很勇敢的去做了一件對的事。
我不認為自己是一個勇敢的人,我也自知自己並非街頭藝人的代表或者發言人。但我是一個藝術創作者,一個表演藝術家,一個教育者,而最重要的,我身為一個 "人"。我的家人、朋友及師長們,總是教導我應該為正確的事情挺身而出。
藝術並非一種特權的這件事情如今已完全被遺忘。台北市文化局本應提倡所有具有文化及藝術可能性的事情,但它並未做到這ㄧ點。很顯然的,一個「對表演者的基本尊重」並不存在 — 許多表演者都如此感覺,有些人則深感受傷。
而這樣的回應是否也指出了另一個值得我們去思考的問題: 為什麼我們會將它視為一種「考試」,而不是ㄧ個表演者的「試鏡」呢?
首先,這些表演者們並不是學生。事實上,許多人更可能是一個專業的音樂家、舞者、或者正從事著表演藝術的人。當然,我不否認也可能會有些正在學習中的族群。但,最重要的是,當他們「在屬於他們應得的演出時間與機會裡 (而且還是付費才有的),他們就是ㄧ個真正的表演者。」
我所思考的是當一個街頭藝人遵守規定,付費且努力準備去應試時,他ㄧ定會準備了符合完整時間長度的、同時也是自己最擅長、最喜歡或者是最期待能被看見的那些內容;表演一首歌曲或者ㄧ種風格並不代表他就只會唱那ㄧ首歌;而且就算是當做他只會唱ㄧ種語言、ㄧ首歌,如果他能把這首歌反覆演繹的淋漓盡致時, 又有什麼不好呢?
台北市文化局星期ㄧ曾經聯絡過我,親切向我表示將與我進一步聯絡並討論這件事情;他們要求我先將評審的照片拿掉—我答應取下照片,但前提是他們必須確實誠意的允諾一個面對面的溝通。這幾天我也暫時迴避了一些報導媒體的詢問(還請大家見諒)只因我衷心希望能先與台北市文化局及該評審當面談一談。我ㄧ直等待,但我也持續的看到了相關機構或人員回應給媒體的諸多理由與藉口; 自從將照片從網路上取下之後,直到今日都沒有人再跟我連繫過。慢慢的我突然明白星期一的那通電話,或許純粹只是ㄧ個希望我能將照片取下的操作手法,而並非真的試圖去了解整個經過以及解決問題。我對這個本應提倡藝術與文化的機構感到無比失望。
Dear All,
I would like to thank you for all the encouraging messages and supportive comments. I would also like to thank all the journalists and reporters who are passionate about this issue and are so willing to expose the problem that was faced by these street performers. I am sorry that I have been quiet but with a reason: I don’t want it to get much bigger than it already was until I talked to the Taipei Cultural Affair. I apologize that it took me a while, but I needed some time to gather my thoughts and help to translate my writing into Chinese.
Before I go on any further, I never expected my story would go viral on the media and the social media. I am humbled and touched to hear from many of you. All the messages I’ve received have been overwhelming. I am not able to reply to all of them, but I’d like you to know that I am honored, thankful, and touched by every single one of them.
I do not consider myself as a brave person, nor do I consider myself a representative for the street performers. BUT I am an artist, a performer, educator, and most of all I am a human being.I have always been taught to stand for what’s right by my family, friends and mentors.
I understand things are not as black and white as we all wish sometimes. However, what happened on Sunday 21st of May was a disgrace to the art community. Regardless of all the excuses that were given or cultural differences, it was very obvious these performers were treated like lower-class citizens; if not, students. It was also very clear that the intention might be well, but the execution of the busker’s exam was done horribly.
Somehow the idea that ART is NOT a privilege had been forgotten. Taipei Cultural Affair is supposed to be advocating for all things cultural and artistic but it was not conveyed that day. It was very clear the respect was not there. Many felt it and some got their feelings hurt. Even with all the excuses there are in the world, many experienced the disrespect. That was the truth. Again I have to emphasize that I believe Taipei Department of Cultural Affair and its adjudicators are good people, but the execution of the exam was poor.
It brings to the question…. why is it called an exam? Shouldn’t it be an audition?
These performers were not students when they took the exam. Some of them were actually professional musicians, dancers, or performers. Just because one is a student, it doesn’t make him or her less of an artist. Artists are not defined by their social status or occupation.
The term exam suggests an educational institution, but we know Taipei Department of Cultural Affair is not an educational institution. They do not decide what these artists need to know. These performers were not given any materials to study, thus the term exam is very misleading.
The exam took place in a public space. Many tourists and residents were there to enjoy the event. Many do not understand arts. So they may look up to these adjudicators as role models who are experienced in the arts. When they saw how this exam was being done, do you think they would have any respect for these performers afterwards? They saw these adjudicators interrupting the performers and left without saying a “thank you.” We all knew it was an exam, we all knew these people were adjudicators. They did not need to pretend to be street spectators who just walk away. They all carried their score boards in their hands.
Just because a performer performs on the street, it doesn’t make that performer any less of a performer than someone who is performing on big stages. I myself have performed over hundreds of stages around the world and I do not dare to think myself better than these performers.
I have judged a handful of international competitions. I have also held professional auditions. I have never heard an excuse that respect can’t be shown when time is limited. You do not need to smile to simply say “thank you.” Since when, a smile means “I favor you.” What a performer need is respect. Over the 15 year span of my professional career as an educator and artist, and 39 years of being a human being, I know what respect looks like. It doesn’t take more than a second to show it. If it takes longer than 5 minutes to show what respect is, I think you may need to rethink what respect means to you.
Another excuse that was presented was that they don’t want a street artist performs only one kind of songs or genre throughout the year. Don’t they know broadway musicals? Lion King has been performed over 20 years. They’ve been doing the same musical numbers for years to sold out audiences. Adele has been singing the same genre of music and always in English. Does it matter that she doesn’t sing in other genre or sing in Chinese?
One dance production in the Netherlands can be performed up to 50 performances within the Netherlands itself. In Taiwan, a dance work only performed 5 times the most. They are forced to constantly create new works and leave the old works behind. That is a waste of arts funding and it doesn’t educate the public on the value of the arts. These performers is old enough to decide what they want to show these judges with their limited time.
In the end it wasn’t just disrespectful to the performers, but also to the arts.
I was contacted by the Taipei Cultural Affair on Monday, the representative spoke nicely promising that they would discuss further with me. He asked me to take the adjudicator’s picture down, I agreed with the condition of meeting in person to further discuss what could be done better. I have refused to talk to reporters for the last few days. I have been waiting but I then heard the excuses given to the media. Since I’ve taken down the picture of the head adjudicator, they haven’t made any attempt to contact me. I came into a realization that when they made the call, it wasn’t to address the problem but simply to manipulate me to take down his picture. I’m disappointed at this institution that was supposed to promote the arts and culture.
I realized I am not a public figure, nor am I responsible for the well being of all artists who want to get a busker license. After my Facebook post went viral, I’ve been thinking so much about this issue. I kept going back and forth questioning whether I should keep fighting for this. It doesn’t feel like my fight, but at the same time I feel responsible as an art educator.
I truly believe this can be fixed. I need to emphasize, I am not attacking anyone. And I don’t want to shame anyone. I want to start a discussion how to make it better. Taipei has some of the best performers I’ve seen, yet the lack of respect for the arts and artists has suppressed their ability to excel. And ironically, it’s often done unintentionally.
If the exam is done based on respect for the arts itself, things might have come out differently. And just maybe if we all let go the “face” culture, we could possibly see further to realize that we are all wanting the same thing.
I saw mistreatments towards performers that day. It was very obvious I wasn’t the only one witnessing it. It was not that I don’t respect these adjudicators/teachers, but because I respect the arts and the meaning of a teacher that is why I had to speak up. Somehow my voice had been amplified this week. But my voice wasn’t and isn’t singular. I am simply a voice amongst many.
William Lü
Taipei National University of the Arts 國立台北藝術大學
寶藏巖國際藝術村 Treasure Hill Artist Village
Taipei National University of the Arts
臺北表演藝術中心 Taipei Performing Arts Center
National Theater and Concert Hall, Taipei
中正紀念堂 Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall
National Taiwan University of Arts
Department of Cultural Affairs, Taipei City Government
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#韓國 #台灣 #翻唱
Jin Young P – Honey → 張學友 - 頭髮亂了
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DJ DOC - Run To You → 杜德偉 - 脫掉
Papaya - Listen to me → 王心凌 - 愛你
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1tym - Nasty → 羅志祥 - show time
S.papa - My girl → 羅志祥 - 嗆司嗆司
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F.I.R - LYDIA → May - Lydia
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王力宏 - forever love → Byul - forever love
孫燕姿 - 綠光 → 李素妍 - 很久很久
庾澄慶 - 情非得已 → 金延宇 – 花樣男子OST
陶喆 - 飛機場的10:30 → Cho Kyu Chan – Baby Baby
梁靜茹 - 勇氣 → 安七炫 - 一步
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文化│台韓婚禮大不同 結婚當天竟然沒有新秘??? (上)
文化│台韓婚禮大不同 古禮?拜婆式?流程好複雜啊 (下)
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文化|吃泡麵就是要放雞蛋!! 韓國人最喜歡的泡麵居然是這一款??
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show you中文歌 在 CH Music Channel Youtube 的評價
《Midnight Sun》
小さな星のメロディー / Chiisana Hoshi no Melody / 小小星球的旋律 / Melody of a Tiny Star
作詞 / Lyricist:aimerrhythm
作曲 / Composer:井尻希樹
編曲 / Arranger:玉井健二、南田健吾
歌 / Singer:Aimer
English Translation: OkamiJOE
背景 / Background - 七日の流星 - アシマ :
Copyright Info:
Be aware this channel is for promotion purpose only without any illegal profit. All music's ownership belongs to the original creators.
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中文翻譯 / Chinese Translation :
英文翻譯 / English Translation :
日文歌詞 / Japanese Lyrics :
ひとり星に 舞い降りて 砂漠の中見つけ出した
僕の手にふれた その花 小さくふるえてた
僕の声が聞こえるかな? 少し遠くにいるのかな?
空に飾った花を見て 二人笑いあえるかな?
愛よ 届け まだまだ先へ
もっと遠くへ 響き渡って
小さな星の大きな愛が あなたへ届け
小さな頃 読んでいた 絵本の中見つけ出した
ポケットに入れた秘密を いつかは見せたくて
好きな花は育てるから 好きな歌も覚えたから
草の冠作ったら きっと 笑いあえるかな?
愛よ 届け あなたの星へ
もっと遠くで 音を鳴らして
小さな恋が奏でた歌が 夜空に響け
同じ空を見ているかな? 少し遠くにいるのかな?
同じ気持ちでいられたら ずっと笑いあえるよね
愛よ 届け まだまだ先へ
もっと遠くへ 響き渡って
小さな星の大きな愛が あなたへ届け
愛よ 届け あなたの星へ
もっと遠くで 音を鳴らして
小さな恋が奏でた歌が 夜空に響け
中文歌詞 / Chinese Lyrics :
英文歌詞 / English Lyrics :
I was flying down into a lone star
In the desert, I discovered
A flower I touched with my hands
slightly trembled
This love + YOU + I = What?
Can you hear my voice?
Is it seemed a little bit far away?
I see a flower decorated the sky
Will we be able to laugh together?
Love, please reach out far there
Resounding my love even farther
I’ll send out this vast love of a tiny star
to you
Inside a picture book
I read when I was little
I found a secret
I hid on my pocket
And one day,
I wanna show it to you
This love + YOU + I = Love too?
I raise your favorite flowers
I’ve remembered your favorite songs
If I made a crown flower,
Surely, will we be able to laugh together?
Love, please reach to my dear’s star
Ringing the sound even farther
Melody played by this tiny love
will resounding to the night sky
Love + YOU + I = What?
Are we gazing at the same sky?
Is it seemed a little bit far away?
If we had the same feelings
We will laugh together, forever
Love, please reach out far there
Resounding my love even farther
I’ll send out this vast love of a tiny star
to you
Love, please reach to my dear’s star
Ringing the sound even farther
The melody played by this tiny love
will resounding to the night sky
