Cheers! Our movie ‘Babi’ has been shortlisted by the Around International Film Festival and Thai Film Festival! Kop kun krap!🙏🙏🙏
To be frank, I have completed 2 films last year, one was ‘Nasi Lemak 1.0’ which was filmed above board and another film was ‘BABI’ which was filmed secretly. We never talked openly about this project because it is a banned film (Well, it’s pretty obvious even from the film title…) and we don’t want to get into unnecessary attention…
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the release date of ‘Nasi Lemak 1.0’ has been delayed indefinitely and it has caused quite a big deal to us… While we were amidst of the dark clouds, we found our silver linings! ‘BABI’ was selected in 2 internationally famed film festivals, the ARFF Berlin (Around International Film Festival Berlin) and the International Thai Film Festival! We were really really happy about it!
‘BABI’ is a film based on a real-life event, the movie sheds light on a massive school racial riot which took place in year 2000 in a small town somewhere Southern in Malaysia. During that time Malaysia was still under the authoritarian rule of one-dominant party, abuse of power and corruption were frequent, media and news were being stringently controlled and filtered. Thus, the incident was being ‘compromised’ by relevant authority, most of Malaysians doesn’t know about this incident.
The script was actually written 7 years ago, the main reason that the film was not in production that time was because nobody would ever consider to invest on a zero-profit, must-be banned film. The second reason was I had no idea whom should I ask for help, I believed after hearing the film title, everyone would be scared off... Yet in the end, I’m still managed to finish this film with a very very very tight budget. I want to thank all the people who have contributed greatly to the movie, especially the producer Joko Toh
We decided to put the 7-year-old script in production is to tell the truth behind the story but most importantly sending a message to all Malaysians that we must be more unified disregard of our ethnicity and race. In short, we shall always lend a helping hand to each others and communicate with our hearts and souls, therefore we won’t be exploited by politicians who incite racial sentiment to reach their end goal. Otherwise, more tragic like this will happens…
The idea of be able to screen this film in Malaysia has never crossed my mind before, that’s why we never tried to register the film after the production. Rightly next, I hope that this film can be seen elsewhere other than at Thailand’s or Germany’s film festival, I wish there are better methods in exposing the film and to reach out to everyone. Currently, we are still on our lofty quest but please do cheer for us! Happy Merdeka Day in advance! Malaysia Boleh!
*Versi BM*
Tahniah! Filem kami [BABI] telah dipilih dalam Around International Film Festival dan Thai Film Festival ! Kop Kun Krap! 🙏🙏🙏
Sebenarnya pada tahun lepas kami telahpun menghasilkan dua buah filem. Yang pertama adalah filem [Nasi Lemak 1.0] yang penggambarannya dijalankan dengan berani dan terang, satu lagi adalah filem [BABI] dimana proses penggambaran dijalankan dalam keadaan yang sulit dan rahsia. Kami tidak pernah membuat apa-apa pengumuman mengenai perkara ini, kerana khuathir filem ini akan menimbulkan kontroversi (lihat sajalah nama filemnya...) Kami tidak mahu memburukkan keadaan.
Disebabkan isu pandemik Covid-19, filem [Nasi Lemak 1.0] tidak dapat ditayangkan di pawagam dan telah membawa kerugian yang teruk pada kami. Walaubagaimanapun kami menerima berita baik berkenaan pemilihan filem [BABI] dalam dua festival filem antarabangsa yang berprestij iaitu ARFF Berlin (Around International Film Festival Berlin) serta International Thai Film Festival! Kami berasa amat gembira!
Filem [BABI] adalah lakonan semula sebuah rusuhan perkauman yang berlaku di sebuah sekolah menengah yang terletak di bahagian selatan Malaysia pada tahun 2000. Pada ketika itu Malaysia masih berada di bawah kepemimpinan parti yang dominan. Pemimpin-pemimpin menyalahgunakan kuasa dan pihak media dikawal sepenuhnya oleh kerajaan. Oleh yang demikian, tragedi ini akhirnya telah 'diselesaikan' oleh pihak tertentu dan rakyat Malaysia telah 'disekat' dari peristiwa tersebut.
Skrip asal untuk filem [BABI] telah saya tulis sejak 7 tahun yang lalu. Namun antara sebab utama saya tidak dapat menghasilkan filem ini adalah kerana isu modal, kerana tiada yang sudi mengeluarkan modal untuk sebuah filem yang mungkin akan diharamkan dan tidak akan ditayangkan di pawagam. Sebab kedua adalah kerana saya tidak tahu siapa yang akan sudi menghasilkan filem ini bersama saya kerana saya pasti, hanya dengan mendengar namanya saja sudah tentu tiada yang akan ingin mengambil bahagian. Namun dengan segala daya usaha dari semua pihak yang sudi membantu dan menerusi modal yang teramat-amat rendah, kami akhirnya berjaya menghabiskan filem ini. Saya dengan ikhlas ingin berterima kasih pada semua krew, petugas, pelakon dan kakitangan belakang tabir yang terlibat dalam menjayakan filem ini, terutamanya penerbit Joko Toh
Tujuan utama kami merealisasikan skrip yang ditulis sejak 7 tahun yang lalu adalah untuk membongkar perkara sebenar seluruh peristiwa ini. Juga menerusi filem ini, kami ingin menyampaikan mesej betapa pentingnya perpaduan dan keharmonian diantara kaum supaya dielak dari dipergunakan oleh ahli politik demi untuk mencapai matlamat dan motif masing-masing. Jika tidak, kami percaya pasti pasti lebih banyak tragedi ngeri bakal berlalu...
Tak pernah terlintas dalam fikiran kami untuk menayangkan filem ini di Malaysia. Oleh yang demikian, kami tak pernah mohon dari mana-mana pihak berkenaan permohonan penayangan. Kami berharap selepas ini, filem ini bukan saja akan ditayangkan di festival filem Berlin dan Thailand, kami mahu supaya filem [BABI] dapat ditonton oleh lebih ramai penonton di seluruh dunia. Kami akan tetap berusaha, silalah berdoa dan sokong usaha kami! Selamat Hari Kemerdekaan untuk Malaysia! Malaysia Boleh!
恭喜恭喜! 我們的電影【BABI/你是豬】入選了【ARFF環球國際電影節(柏林)】還有【泰國國際電影節】! Kop kun krap! 🙏🙏🙏
【辣死你媽-續集】因為疫情的緣故沒辦法上映,造成了嚴重的虧損... 當我們在愁雲慘霧之際,卻收到了天大的好消息! 就是【BABI/你是豬】入圍了國際上著名的兩大影展 【ARFF環球國際電影節(柏林)】和【泰國國際電影節】! 真的很開心!
其實這是我七年前寫的劇本,我沒拍出來的第一個原因,當然是因為沒有人會願意把錢丟進一部即將被禁,賺不回本的電影裡。第二個原因則是我當時不知道要找誰幫我拍,相信聽到這個戲名,大家應該都怕了吧... 但最後我還是以很低很低成本的方式,拜託了很多人幫忙,才完成了這部電影。真的要謝謝參與電影拍攝的每一個台前幕後的人,尤其監製 Joko Toh。
我從來都沒有想過這部電影能夠在馬來西亞上映,所以我們拍完了之後從來都沒有拿去申請過。接下來,希望這部電影不止在泰國和德國的影展能看到,期待以後能夠以更光明正大的方式讓所有人都能看到。我們還在努力中,請為我們加油吧!預祝馬來西亞獨立日快樂! Malaysia Boleh!
FINAS Malaysia Kementerian Dalam Negeri (KDN) Polis Diraja Malaysia ( Royal Malaysia Police ) #LPF Lembaga Penapisan Filem
同時也有15部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過104萬的網紅CodyHongTV,也在其Youtube影片中提到,~訂閱CODY 每週看新片✮ 點我訂閱 → 如何在YouTube 賺錢 : (下面還有東西看哦!) 【影片介紹】 馬來西亞是一個多元文化的國家,所以我們最害怕的事情也非常多元文化。如果你對馬來西亞有興趣的話,歡迎...
scared of中文 在 遵理學校 Kenneth Lau Facebook 八卦
香港學生學英文的通病是得過且過,文法如是、詞彙也如是。例如不少學生學了廿年英文,也只懂說 I am happy.、She is angry.、I am scared.、He is arrogant.、Oh my god!、I agree with you.。不是文字的深淺問題,而是文字的深度。
大家拍拖時,語言也會增添少少情調。不要只說 I love you!、I miss you! 等文字,這些太「行」,試試其他版本,表示誠意:
I bet Cupid struck right at our hearts.[愛神射中我倆嘅心]
I’m so mad about you that I’m going out of my mind.[我愛你愛到神魂癲倒]
I’m really nuts about you.[我愛你愛到好瘋狂]
I miss you to death.[我掛住你掛到要死]
Honey bun, I miss your toes.[掛住你嘅腳趾]
You owe me 10 kisses.[你欠我十個吻]
不是每段愛情都是穩定,如果糾纏於一段 roller-coaster relationship[時好時壞的關係]而解決不到,break up with someone[分開]或 call it quits[攤牌分手]便是可行方法。當然,戀愛大過天(Love conquers all!),祝願大家有一個童話結局(a fairytale ending)。
scared of中文 在 Facebook 八卦
《小說故事創作 (Part1)by 八歲小貝拉》
《Story writing (Part 2) by Bella Chang, 8yrs old》
I ate my dinner then did my work.
"It's going to be late. " Mom said.
I hate night, because there are many scary things coming out in the late night, like mummies, monsters, ghosts, snowmen...etc.
I went back to the room and saw my big sister Emma brushing her hair. Her hair is so soft and smooth, not like my hair is dirty and messy. I sit down and want to change my look. So I look at the mirror and keep saying: "I am beautiful, I am beautiful, I am beautiful, I am beautiful! " All that words made me dizzy.
The next Sunday morning, my mother is always busy. I hopped around happily in the kitchen. I want to meet Katie as soon as possible, and I want to eat some cookies, the crunchy cookies. My sister is still beautiful, she is swing her dress in front of me, it's like a sky blue color with a white bow.
"Katie must be waiting for me! "I yelled.
My mom gave me a piece of bread. She reminded me:" Stay safe and come back before…."
"I know before 12:00. "I left home and ran across the trees.
"RUSH!" I heard those big trees roaring in my ears, loud and clear.
The weather is so cold, feeling like eating 49 balls of ice cream on the coldest winter day!
"Hey! "I waved to Katie.
"Are you ok? "Katie asked me worried: "I mean you look like to have eaten 48 balls of ice cream."
"It's 49 balls of ice cream. "I corrected her.
Katie was confused and looked at me with a face that "with one of my not the right time to say that."
Later, we walked down to the creek. We had two bottles, and played a game called "Splashed bottle!". We made a hole in the bottle, filled the bottle with water, and then splashed water over our heads, like it's raining, and also like we were playing with a mean boy!
"Bump! " Suddenly, Katie and I heard strange noises.
We froze like two snowmen who ate 100 balls of ice cream.
Katie was brave, but now...
"I thought you were brave why don't I see it now" I said super duper cooper quietly.
She looked at me and scared so was I.
"We shouldn't be joking at this right moment. "Katie Said.
Katie tip toe then went across the creek. "Splash splash……"
"Shhh… you are making the alien go away! "
She nodded, moved forward slowly, stared at the thing, and then grasped it!
"Oh, it is a poor little bunny. " Katie looked at the rabbit, even... already loved it.
"The bunny went to sleep?" Katie hugged the bunny so tightly like a baby. Sometimes Katie's hug is not a good thing, because she always kinda too excited.
"Let's grab a hull bunch of leaves to make it soft and feed. "
"We should give it to Della." Katie suggested: "Della is nice nurse for animals. She is only 9 years old, but almost 10. 』
As we walked and walked, we finally arrived at Della's hideout. There were many small animals staying outside waiting for her help, so she might be very busy.
We went inside the the little hut, which like a small house made of leaves and sticks. We looked around, there were a lot of food, medicine, water and other things.
Della is holding a cute and petite mouse named Alice.
"This poor little bunny was hurt and unloved. You need to help him or her!" Katie walked quickly to Della and said very very fast.
Della looked at the bunny very close. "I will see what is wrong with the bunny and tell you it's a girl or boy. "
Katie hugged Della tight as she could.
"Don't be that happy, we still don’t know if it's OK? Della said.
(To be continued....)
另外,照片裡的小貝拉是在寫數學功課,不是在寫故事。她為了不被打擾,她都是躲在廁所寫故事的 😏。
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Daniel Wellington 15% 折扣碼 "CodyHongTV"

scared of中文 在 13N Youtube 的評價
車子越騎越慢,也對孤輪沒這麼著迷.....直到現在換騎滑胎車。不認真練一下也太可惜。但就怕摔車。就算是安全的環境,特技還是風險很大。當天練習至少五個人摔車..三台摔到漏機油。要練大家千萬小心。I thought I had stopped obesseeing with trying to wheelie...then this supermoto came along. Wheelie's the least I could do, right? I am scared of crashing. Even in the so-called safe environment, shit can always happen when you try stunting. At least 5 bikes crashed on the day, and 3 of them had oil leak from cracked engine case. Please be careful when practicing!
Bike: Yamaha WR250X supermoto 滑胎車
Vlog 30 摩托日記第三十一篇
Outro Music: Anikdote - Which Direction?
NCS Release #13N 追蹤 13N Instagram:

scared of中文 在 CH Music Channel Youtube 的評價
twoface / 難以追求的真實容貌
作詞 / Lyricist:内澤崇仁
作曲 / Composer:内澤崇仁
編曲 / Arranger:玉井健二・飛内将大
歌 / Singer:Aimer
翻譯:澄野(CH Music Channel)
意譯:CH(CH Music Channel)
English Translation:Toria
背景 / Background - 小さな私 - ヒラカナ:
Copyright Info:
Be aware this channel is for promotion purposes only without any illegal profit. All music's ownership belongs to the original creators.
Please support the original creator.
If you like my videos, please click like and subscribe! Thx :)
Check my Facebook page for more information!
中文翻譯 / Chinese Translation :
英文翻譯 / English Translation :
日文歌詞 / Japanese Lyrics :
These words became this song あなたまで届かない
心は冷えきって 形はないのに揺れた
わたしはいつも通り 予定通り逃げ出して
こぼれ落ちた涙は 何も語らない
I don't want you anymore 傷つくのは得意
鼻歌 喜色満面 にじむ星屑を見るの
それでも隠してきた でももう隠せないホントを
ホントのホント ホントの感情
Just wanna be with you 離さないで
悲しい夜を乗り越えて あなたに出会えた
息が止まる前に紡いで 終わりが来ても終わらせないで
知らないふりで笑ってたんだ 本当は大声で泣きたかった
ホントのホント ホントの感情
Just wanna be with you 恐れないで
涙も夢も引き裂かないで さよならしないで
まぶたも耳も塞いでたんだ 何度も何度も叫んでたんだ
気づかないふりで笑ってたんだ 傷つけていたのはわたしだった
命が消えて終わりじゃない ゼロに戻しても始まりじゃない
ねえ 世界に色を付けてみてよ
Just wanna be with you 離さないで
本物 偽物 ホントもウソも とらえた心が見せてたんだ
中文歌詞 / Chinese Lyrics :
英文歌詞 / English Lyrics :
These words became this song; it won’t reach you
My heart grew chilly and shook, despite having no form
Just like always, just like planned, I ran away
These overflowing tears tell no story
I don’t want you anymore, I’m so good at getting hurt
I’ll hum, beam with joy, and watch the streaks of stardust
I can’t control sopping-wet nights
Even so, I hid them… But I can’t hide them anymore, my true
True, true, true feelings
I just wanna be with you, don’t leave me!
I overcame a sorrowful night
And met you
Just speak, before my breath stops
Even if the end comes, don’t let it end
Laughing, pretending not to notice
What I really wanted to do was cry loudly
My heart shook, thinking it was nothing
The salt spray whirled into the air, erasing the stardust
The plankton glow, dancing between darkness and light
I don’t need feelings that sit in a picture frame, true
True, true, true feelings
I just wanna be with you, don’t be scared
Don’t rip up our tears and dreams
Don’t make this goodbye
You were covering your eyes and ears
Crying out over and over
Pretending not to notice and laughing
The one causing pain… was me
Even if your life burns out, that’s not the end
Even if you return to zero, that’s not the beginning
Hey, just try adding some color to the world
I just wanna be with you, don’t leave me!
Let’s overcome this sorrowful night
What’s real, what’s fake, truth, lies
My ensnared heart showed them all
Just what am I to you?
To me, you’re…?

scared of中文 在 Jeremy Zucker:Scared[中文歌詞]-不要害怕我就在這裏 - YouTube 的八卦
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