(個人意見僅供參考 如有雷同純屬不巧)
Q1. 進入新聞業需要本科系嗎?
A1. 不需要。新聞內容包羅萬象,很歡迎各種領域的人加入。我本身是念外文的,先前在成大也有法律系的同學對新聞有興趣,我覺得法律專業訓練跟邏輯思維其實對新聞工作很有幫助! 另外CNN的一位correspondent Sanjay Gupta是醫生。
Q2. 要如何成為主播?
A2. 有人說他小學開始就立志想當主播,令我聽了覺得很敬佩。(我小學的志向是開漫畫出租店,有漫畫看還可以賺錢...)前幾年選秀風潮正夯,也有主播選拔(我個人就參加過台視辦的)。說實在話,主播職務好像不太會公開招募,一般都是業內跳槽或自行培訓,我是剛好碰上壹電視成立才有這機會。不知道一般人一輩子能有多少機率碰上新的電視台要成立。
Q3. 所以主播還是要從記者做起?
A3. Yes and No。業界還是有「空降主播」,但姑且不論有沒有人脈關係背景,有採訪實務經驗當然還是比較理想。我個人入行時是編譯,但在壹電視也有接觸到採訪,兩個經驗對我都很有助益。
Q4. 主播需要受什麼訓練嗎?
A4. 一開始有上正音跟咬字,採訪經驗跟連線本身也是一種訓練。另外就是試播,看著鏡頭能夠不緊張,或許一半靠練習,一半需要些本身的人格特質。
Q5. 當主播有身高體重等外表限制嗎?
A5. 我很想說沒有......。身高倒還好,外貌整體至少要有觀眾緣,給人值得信賴的感覺。至於「觀眾緣」是什麼,說實在話我也覺得有點「玄」,個人覺得是不用非常出眾,就是順眼,有種親切感,讓人想聽你講話,這比較重要。
sanjay gupta 在 Kristie Lu Stout Facebook 八卦
Peter Tsai, a Taiwanese American scientist who invented the synthetic fabric used to make #N95 respirators (which is considered the most effective barriers to prevent the spread of coronavirus), resumed work on sterilizing the #masks in March as the #coronavirus took hold in the US.
Tsai dug in at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville's Research Foundation, working up to 20 hours a day to test new ways to #sterilize the masks.
He tried a variety of methods: He left the masks out in the sun, put them in the oven, washed them with soap and steamed them. The best method, he found, was keeping the masks in 160-degree dry heat for 30 minutes, which can be feasibly done by hanging them in an oven.
But that's not his preferred method, he told CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta: *He recommends buying seven N95 masks and rotating them, using a new one each day. After using one mask, he hangs it in an isolated spot and doesn't use it again for seven days, so any bacteria it catches become inactive.*
sanjay gupta 在 Kristie Lu Stout Facebook 八卦
Yep. After Dr. Sanjay Gupta reminded me how sitting is the new smoking, it's a standing day for me in the newsroom.
#cnn #livelonger #cnnvision
sanjay gupta 在 CNN Profiles - Dr. Sanjay Gupta - Chief Medical Correspondent 的相關結果
Dr. Sanjay Gupta is the multiple Emmy®-award winning chief medical correspondent for CNN and host of the CNN podcast Chasing Life. Gupta, a practicing ... ... <看更多>
sanjay gupta 在 Dr. Sanjay Gupta (@drsanjaygupta) | Twitter 的相關結果
The latest Tweets from Dr. Sanjay Gupta (@drsanjaygupta). Associate Professor of Neurosurgery, Emory University Hospital; CNN Chief Medical Correspondent. ... <看更多>
sanjay gupta 在 Sanjay Gupta - Wikipedia 的相關結果
Sanjay Gupta (born October 23, 1969) is an American neurosurgeon, medical reporter, and writer. He serves as associate chief of the neurosurgery service at ... ... <看更多>