Lost in Translation,是一個翻譯家無法訴說的遺憾。原文含蓄百轉千迴,話中有話,意外別有洞天,他十分清楚,但翻譯的搜索枯腸,確實找不到心心相印的字眼。此中有真意,欲說已無言,翻譯家常常有這樣的痛苦,不是不精通外文,而是翻譯時多方尋覓還是無法搭得上電線。
例如:中文一句:「捨不得啊」,怎樣英譯呢? Cannot afford?太冰硬了。 Miss it very much?也不是這個意思。中文的「依依不捨」,一硬譯成英文,原文的那股纏綿繾綣的意思就失落了,這就叫 Lost in translation。
還是英文和法文之間比較易溝通。大量的法語詞彙,直接入侵英文,像 Deja-vu,乾脆用法文原文入英,市場不干預 Laissez-faire,法文最先發明,今天已無國界。連開演唱會,最後一句 Encore,也必定由千萬歌迷狂呼高喊才有地動山搖的震撼,用英語叫 Again,或者 Once more,不行,這就叫 Lost in Translation。
人世間的溝通,常有百詞莫辯的時候。一個詞彙的精緻,一碟小菜的美味,還有一個女人的溫柔,該怎樣來傳遞而表達呢?花能解語,但語不可詮花,一切的美感都凝聚在舌尖, Lost in Translation,是一種酥在骨子裡的痛苦。惟有經歷過這樣的折磨,才明白這世界,不止翻譯是徒勞,有時溝通也是白費,真情幻意的妙諦,盡在意會之中。
clip #39 的主題為翻譯文學,以下摘錄自海明威作品《老人與海》的原文選段,並引張愛玲、藍婷和楊照的譯本,希望收集讀者對各譯本的評語,由編輯部整理後刊於專題。
Original text by Ernest Hemingway:
“You better be fearless and confident yourself, old man,” he said. “You’re holding him again but you cannot get line. But soon he has to circle.”
The old man held him with his left hand and his shoulders now and stooped down and scooped up water in his right hand to get the crushed dolphin flesh off of his face. He was afraid that it might nauseate him and he would vomit and lose his strength. When his face was cleaned he washed his right hand in the water over the side and then let it stay in the salt water while he watched the first light come before the sunrise. He’s headed almost east, he thought. That means he is tired and going with the current. Soon he will have to circle. Then our true work begins.
After he judged that his right hand had been in the water long enough he took it out and looked at it.
“It is not bad,” he said. “And pain does not matter to a man.”
He took hold of the line carefully so that it did not fit into any of the fresh line cuts and shifted his weight so that he could put his left hand into the sea on the other side of the skiff.
“You did not do so badly for something worthless,” he said to his left hand. “But there was a moment when I could not find you.”
同時也有27部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過40萬的網紅C's English Corner 英文角落,也在其Youtube影片中提到,JR又來了!這次是當面試官! 老實說,我第一次面試時(非老師工作)就是帶著「零經驗」的履歷去的, 那時真的就是憑著我的「一片真心」打動面試官!(哈哈!😜) 我記得我大致上就是如影片中這樣說的! 稍微解釋一下這堂課你需要做到的步驟: Step 1: 這一步中沒有給中文字幕,希望藉此能打開耳朵仔細聽,...
right fit中文 在 黃之鋒 Joshua Wong Facebook 八卦
早前睇一份德國國會內嘅辦論,有位Die Linke嘅議員話要支持中共,因為大家都是左翼共產主義支持者,不用分得那麼細。我見內容有所偏頗就寫左篇文。中文翻譯見下文。
Recently, a MP from Die Linke made some remarks about HK, and say they should support CCP as they are friend of Coummunism. I find the claims rather inaccurate hence I wrote this article to provide some rebuttals. Please scroll down for the English translation.
Article in German: https://www.google.com/…/Hongkong-Krise-Pekings-Regierung-b…
近日德國國會內, 一位Die Linke的國會議員Stefan Liebich對香港的事作出評價,這些評價實在令人難以茍同。
Liebich指「Die Linke理應支持我們在北京的共產朋友」。但中國共產黨除了名字內有「共產」兩個字外,其實際行動與共產理念差天共地,實在不是Liebich想像中共產主義的好朋友。
中國共產黨是一個極權,除了擴張政治與經濟勢力外,中國共產黨什麼都不會理會。不論是無產階級的死活,或者是工人階級,對於中國共產黨來說只是擴張實力的工具,隨時可以為了經濟或政治利益犧牲或捨棄。 中國共產黨實質上是由一群搜刮民脂民膏致富而滿肚腸肥的黨員領導。中國共產黨甚至對自己的人民進行全天候的監控,打壓、拘捕異見人士。
由此可見,中國共產黨本質上是一個極右政黨,而非Liebich以為的左翼。 北京政府不是以共產理念管治中華人民共和國,反而是以物質主義操縱國民。中國背後並沒有一套穩固的價值觀支撐,唯有金錢才是中國人和中國政府信仰的理念。中國的任何行動,從來都不是由價值推動,而總是由金錢和利益推動。
Recently, in the German Bundestag, Stefan Liebich made a few remarks regarding Hong Kong. Mr. Liebeich says his party Der Linke should support their communist friends in Beijing. “Logisch, dass Der Linke Liebich seinen Kommunistenfreunden in Peking wieder den Rücken stärkt.(It is logical that Die Linke Liebich should again support his communist friends in Beijing.)” In my point of view, the Chinese Communist Party is just a party named itself as the “Communist”, what it does in China or in the world is in no way communistic.
PRC is a dictatorship that only takes the expansion of its economic and political power into regard, workers or its people are at its disposal whenever it sees fit. The “Communist” party cares neither about the people, nor the grassroots, it only cares about the economic benefit it gains from its business activities inside and outside PRC. The party leaders are all sitting in their offices with their pockets full of what they gain from exploiting the Chinese workers.
They carry mass surveillance 24/7 throughout China, arrests and detain descendants. Frankly speaking, the CCP is rather right than left.
The Peking Government is not running Communism, but materialism. The only thing the Chinese and the Chinese government worship is the dollar sign, nothing else. They do not take any values or ideology into account. The people are not motivated by values or beliefs, but by the economic benefits they see.
The CCP is not a communist party as Mr. Leibich conceived it is. The CCP is very good at creating the illusion that it represents the Marxist ideas. We should be very careful in examining the differences between those who claim to be communists and those who are communists.
Mr. Leibich also made reference to the history of the Eight-Nation Alliance in the late Qing Dynasty, saying that“ Auch Hongkong ist durch die britische Armee militärisch China abgepresst worden.(Hong Kong has been militarily squeezed out of China by the British army.)” and “Bei aller notwendigen Kritik an der chinesischen KP sagen ich: Es ist gut, dass dieses koloniale Unrecht zu Ende ist. (Despite all the necessary criticism of the Chinese Communist Party, I say: It is good that this colonial injustice has come to an end.)”
It is worth clarifying that during that time of History, China was ruled by the Manchus, who were considered as foreigners at the time. China at the time was not the Republic of China we know today. Therefore, Hong Kong was not military squeezed out of PRC but was being colonized by the British in substitution of the Manchus at that time.
Historically speaking, the successor of the Qing Dynasty is the Republic of China, which later was relocated to Taiwan due to the Civil War between 1927 and 1949. And Mr. Leibich’s claim that it is good that colonial injustice has come to an end is inaccurate, too. In this case, Hong Kong, ought to be returned to Taiwan (the Republic of China) but not China (People’s Republic of China), to end the colonial injustice.
What is more, Hong Kongers were supposed to be able to exercise our right to self-determination and really being able to be free from colonialism. Yet Hong Kong was actually removed from the U.N. list of Non-Self-Governing Territories upon PRC’s request.
And clearly, under PRC’s rule, injustice is more than just apparent in Hong Kong currently. Mr. Leibich’s remarks of “despite all the necessary criticism of the Chinese Communist Party”, I truly hope that he is not suggesting that one would neglect the millions of ethnic minorities being detained in re-education camps, those who died in the JuneForth Masaccare, the two young Hong Kong boys who were shot by live rounds, the Chinese who were placed under surveillance 24/7 and all my fellow Hong Konger who are fighting for fundamental rights with their lives, but support the CCP’s action because it claims to be a communist party.
I see of no reason, why anyone should support a dictatorship that would brutally murder its own people. CCP is totally going against what most political ideologies in the world stand for, and I do believe we can all agree on the fundamental rights of all members of the human family that ought to be respected as that is the foundations of human civilization.
right fit中文 在 Terrence Teo IFBB Pro Facebook 八卦
我非常开心第一批的学生🈶️很好的成绩!在这里先恭喜他们🙌🏼🙌🏼。错过的朋友别灰心!这一个月又🈶️特别的优惠哦!!!!赶快注册已获得优惠的价格💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼前20位注册的朋友你们🈶️口福啦😱😱你们将会获🉐️我自创的Team TNT T-Shirt 👕 一件!!!还等什麼呢!快快去註冊我12周的Training Program 吧!讓我們一起過一個FIT FIT的年💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼🧧🏮🈵㊗️💥💥💥
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right fit中文 在 C's English Corner 英文角落 Youtube 的評價
Step 1: 這一步中沒有給中文字幕,希望藉此能打開耳朵仔細聽,試著理解內容。
Step 2: 第二步的repetition(反覆練習)和imitation(模仿)非常重要,每個人花的時間都會不同,不要覺得花上好多天練習就表示練習沒效率,反而,這會是你發覺自己進步很多、單字記的很熟、句型馬上蹦出來的關鍵!
Step 3: 在這一步驟中,我把我的部分換成靜音,讓你好好展現練習的成果,和JR模擬一場真實的面試喔!
JR: How are you doing this morning?
Cat: I’m doing great. Thank you.
JR: So, tell me something about yourself
Cat: Sure. I started off my career as an English teacher five years ago. I mainly taught Elementary school kids. One of my major duties was to communicate with anxious parents, and to talk to them about their kid’s behavior at school. I believe it took a lot of patience and communication skills to be able to pull it off.
JR: Catherine, you do know this is a marketing company right? Marketing and education are totally different fields. Why do you think you’re qualified to fit in this position as a marcom specialist?
Cat: Well, I’m the person who welcomes challenges. I understand I’m trying to get into a totally different field, however, I’ve always had a passion for digital marketing. In my spare time, I would read books or study articles about content marketing, influencer marketing, SEO and all that. I even worked part time to manage C’s English Corner’s fan page.
JR: Oh, C’s English Corner, that’s very very famous in Taiwan. So, why should we hire you again?
Cat: I don’t have much hands-on experience. But working as an English teacher in the past five years, I’m pretty confident to say that I’m an observant person with flexibility and good communication skills.
I know I am new to this field, but I am willing to take on an entry-level position and work my way up.
☛ Facebook: C's English Corner https://www.facebook.com/csenglishcorner/
☛ Instagram: csenglishcorner
☛ 每週四晚上9:00準時發影片喔!
【生活休閒英文】#5 六個直白的中翻英錯誤 // 如何選擇練口說管道?
如何用英文在國外點餐 https://goo.gl/v4pLGm
如何順利過海關? https://goo.gl/S1ppYZ
聽懂機場廣播 https://goo.gl/DJZ8Kw
我在台灣的自學方法 https://goo.gl/wyUjVc
旅行英文#9 【住飯店】各種需求英文//如何無形中增加單字量?

right fit中文 在 粒方不插電 Youtube 的評價
Warhammer Underworlds is a tactical arena combat game. This is a system designed for balanced, small-scale tactical games that can be played quickly and easily by anyone, but which even experienced players will find challenging to master. The game rules are designed with competitive play in mind; matches can be played in under 45 minutes, on a smaller surface than our larger-scale games, and will be ideal for club or tournament play. And not only that, we’ll be fully supporting an organized play system for this game, right from day one.
The forces you can use in this game will be drawn from races across the Mortal Realms, including some for factions that have not received any new miniatures since we first ventured into the Age of Sigmar. Each of these sets will be composed of a small band of easy-to-assemble, push-fit miniatures in the style of our single-pose heroes to represent a specific band of warriors from that faction. These are provided in coloured plastic, and clip together, so you can quite literally be playing with them within minutes of opening the box with no glue or paint needed! (Though they do look great painted, and your dice will roll better – probably.)
The game is played using unique dice and card decks, and these will, to an extent, be unique to each faction. Both decks of cards used in the game are fully customisable – meaning you can choose to create all manner of combinations of overlapping abilities to use and objectives to achieve. This can be a really rewarding part of the game – and means that even the same faction can be played in wildly different ways. We’re expecting to see all sorts of combinations tried out at game stores, clubs and in tournaments.

right fit中文 在 大饅大力MLCRAZYBUY Youtube 的評價
化妝包 無印良品
ZA 油光BYE²清透粧前乳 SPF25/PA+++
DIOR 超完美特務粉底液#10
晃佑堂粉底刷 fu-pa03
PONY EFFECT 持久無瑕氣墊粉餅 Nude Begie (影片中打錯色號)
MAYBELLINE媚比琳 FIT ME遮遮稱奇遮瑕膏 10
MAYBELLINE媚比琳3D立體雙效眉彩盤 GR-1
EXCEL 多功能三合一眉筆 PD01
Urban Decay Naked Heat Palette 眼影盤
MAC 眼彩刷217S
SIGMA 眼彩刷 E30
Ms. COSMED眼尾斜角刷202
戀愛魔鏡 超激長魔法睫毛膏
essence 艾森絲 超霧光定妝粉餅
晃佑堂粉底刷 fu-pa14
NARS 豔陽之吻修容盤
/ This Video Is Not Sponsored /
Camera - GF7
Music - Calling (feat. Your Girl Pho) - Ukiyo
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