為爭取保護自己城市機會,他們犧牲了自己的工作,據「Hong Kong watch」公佈,從去年6月9號至今,已經有8,934位抗爭者被捕,年齡介乎11到84歲。繼他們後,誰還去抗爭?要犧牲多少個我們年輕人的未來才能換到基本的自由?
Secretary Pompeo,
On behalf of our FREEDOM loving people in HK, I thank you for STANDING WITH HONG KONG.
The coming June 4th is the 31st anniversary of the Tiananmen Massacre. A pivotal moment in China’s hope for democracy.
Your decision to stand with freedom in Hong Kong shows your true dedication to human rights in today’s watershed moment, with the heroes of Hong Kong.
The millions of everyday Hong Kongers marching for the future of their home.
The nameless lawyers, volunteers, medical staff, journalists, artists doing their part to keep our voices alive.
The youth of Hong Kong daring to stand up for what they know in their heart to be right.
But the fight for freedom has come at great cost.
These warriors are our children and every day Hong Kong kids.
And in the last 12 months, Too many have been arrested, tortured, raped, murdered and many allegedly shipped across the border to secret concentration camps, never to be heard of again.
Giving up their lives for a chance at the preservation of their city.
8934 protestors aged between 11 and 84 years have been arrested since June 9th 2019.
After them, who will be left to fight?
How many of our young will have to sacrifice their futures for basic rights?
They are erasing our language.
Our identity as Hong Kong people.
Our right to speak.
Our rule of law.
Our children.
We need the US to stand up to the CCP, NOW.
Waiting for the National Security Law to be passed in late June is waiting for another Holocaust to begin.
The world has allowed China to commit mass atrocities against human lives under the pretense that one day they will stop.
They will never stop until they control the world, including America.
If it doesn’t stop here now, it will be too late.
We must learn from history that appeasement will NEVER work.
The one country two systems promised Hong Kong in the joint Sino-British Declaration has been obliterated.
Now is the moment for our world leaders to not only stand up, but to fight. If done, history will remember America as a nation that dared, truly, to be a voice for freedom.
Here is what I ask:
Since the PRC has reneged on all its obligations in the Joint Sino British Declaration, HK Sovereignty should revert back to the UK. Please convince your ally UK to do the right thing this time, by transferring the Sovereignty back to the people of HK, on the condition of a genuine referendum in 6 months, supervised by international and independent judges, to choose their own future.
Hong Kong belong to HK people.
Before the referendum, we need your troops to keep HK safe as West Berlin, from the Communist’s never ending interferences, infiltrations, cheating and persecution of our youths. Your 85,000 US citizens in HK also need your protection.
Lastly, while you are working to make South China Sea safe again, please include us in your battle plan.
We are also in the South China Sea.
Mr. Secretary, as an ally in the free world, please
make HK safe again.
Thank you.
God Bless USA
God Save HK.
「revert back to you中文」的推薦目錄:
revert back to you中文 在 翻譯這檔事 Facebook 八卦
等我「回」家再「revert to you」
// 一句英文列舉兩個台灣人常犯的錯誤:
Let me revert to you when I back to home.
Let me reply to you when I go back home. (或 when I'm back home)
他把 回覆 當 回復,而 revert 也可以是 回復(原狀)。 //
(來源: https://www.facebook.com/ben.jai/posts/10154099066509113?pnref=story)
「回覆」說成「revert to you」一定是錯誤?這看法太過狹隘,顯示不知英語世界之大還好為人師。Revert 這字當 reply 解,是印度英語,是不少印度人的第一語言,而且這用法逐漸擴散到印度以外,如新加坡、馬來西亞、香港等地。牛津高級學習詞典(OALD)已經收錄,標記為 Indian English。不要窩在自己的世界批評外商公司經理還是大學教授說錯。在他們的世界,這極可能是正確無誤的,你頂多可以指出這並非通行全球的用法罷了。
至於「正確用法」那句英文裡,"when I go back home" 還比 revert to 更「有事」,"when I go back home" (等我回家)並不是很自然的英語,有點台式或中式英語的味道,是從中文「回」的意思「翻譯」來的。自然的英語說法是 after/when I get home,那個 back 字用在這裡意思很怪,除非你有個特殊的情境支持那個說法,請不要散布不自然的怪英語。大家可以想想,when I go back home 適合用在什麼情境。