❤️#bwstyleoftheday #girly #girl #lookoftheday | #Didyouknow: #Eyes are miraculous contraptions! When light goes through the lens at the front of your eye, it travels back to a projection screen called your retina which is packed tightly with a fat layer of cells made up of rods and cones.
Rods allow you to see in #blackandwhite in dim light. It’s cones, on the other hand, which provide the color in bright light. Cones come in different pigments and it’s these pigments which enable you to discern different colors! Being color-blind doesn’t mean you see everything in black and white. It just means that you may be missing particular color cones, such as red and green cones. If you are, red and green will look gray, but other colors will be just fine. While most commonly color-blindness affects seeing red and green, some people are unable to see blue and/or yellow. -From faqkids.com | #ootd #bnw
retina layer 在 眼科陳慶隆醫師-視網膜的大小事 Facebook 八卦
茲卡病毒(Zika virus)並不是只有造成新生兒小頭症而已,也會引起視網路病變而導致視力嚴重受損
在最新一期眼科期刊JAMA Ophthalmology中有發表茲卡病毒相關的重要發現,最近讓全世界都非常矚目與害怕的茲卡病毒並不是只有造成新生兒小頭症(Microcephaly)而已,也會引起眼睛的異常病變而導致視力受損。
巴西的研究團隊(Roberto Santos General Hospital in Salvador, Brazil.)發現在29位確定感染茲卡病毒而患有小頭症的新生兒當中有10位有視網膜及眼神精的病變。關於是否可能是其他感染造成眼病變,研究人員已經進行所有相關的檢查,已經排除其他可能的感染像是 rubella 或 toxoplasmosis。
在10位罹患眼科視網病變中,有7位患者兩眼皆受影響,常見的視網膜病變有局部斑狀色素性病變以及大範圍視網膜組織的損壞(The most common problems were black speckled lesions in the back of the eye, large areas of tissue damage in the retina itself, or damage in the layer of blood vessels and tissue below the retina.)
本篇論文的資深作者(Dr. Rubens Belfort Jr., the paper’s senior author and a professor of ophthalmology at the Federal University of São Paulo in Brazil.)表示,以他個人的經驗,這樣的孩子在未來失明的機會非常高,所以作者強烈建議所以患有小頭症的新生兒都要接受詳細的眼科檢查,並且要嚴格追蹤其後續的發展。
所以,研究團隊建議,母親用妊娠期間曾經暴露於茲卡病毒感染流行區域,特別是在第一產程(first trimester),都應該接受茲卡病毒感染的相關檢查。如果母親的病毒檢查為陽性或者是不能排除陽性,在新生兒出生後ㄧ個月要接受詳細的眼科視網膜檢查,來確認有無眼科病變,設法預防疾病惡化,以避免未來視力嚴重受損。
Ocular Findings in Infants With Microcephaly Associated With Presumed Zika Virus Congenital Infection in Salvador, Brazil FREE ONLINE FIRST
Bruno de Paula Freitas, MD1; João Rafael de Oliveira Dias, MD2; Juliana Prazeres, MD2; Gielson Almeida Sacramento, BS3; Albert Icksang Ko, MD3,4; Maurício Maia, MD, PhD2; Rubens Belfort Jr, MD, PhD2
[+] Author Affiliations
JAMA Ophthalmol. Published online February 09, 2016.;():. doi:10.1001/jamaophthalmol.2016.0267.
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