★ 想要進步英文寫作的關鍵: 跟動詞做好朋友 ★
要如何增進英文的寫作能力,是對於無論是要準備TOEFL, GRE, GMAT等留學考試、要寫申請學校的 Statement of Purpose / Personal Statement、寫英語論文的研究生、還是在公司需要使用英文寫作email的人,都常有的大哉問。
(1) He wants to have a cup of Starbucks coffee very much.
(2) He craves for a cup of Starbucks coffee.
對英文有一點sense的人,都應該知道同樣沒有文法錯誤,(2) 的人比較會寫作。把 want sth very much 用 crave 取道,他用了比較少的字 (succinctness) 就表達了更強烈的情感。而「短」跟「意思表達清晰到位」,即是寫作裡面最重要的兩個要素 (elements)。
(3) Coldplay is really amazing!
(4) Coldplay rules!
大家可以看到,(4) 再度的用一個動詞勝出。下面再給一個很簡單的句子給大家比較看看
(5) It rained heavily last night.
(6) It poured last night.
同樣的,(6) 直接秒殺解決了 (5)。
不過很多學生會問,自己要怎麼去培養出這樣的能力?我會建議大家第一件要做的事情,就是去書局買一個自己喜歡的筆記本 (信義誠品文具館有很多可以挑)。這本筆記本,有兩個功用,一半用來紀錄生活趣聞,一半用來在書中看到的漂亮動詞。在記錄生活趣聞時,不用太管文法、句型(不是說不重要,是因為今天的目的不是這個),將生活的事件詳細的敘述出來(你聽到什麼?看到什麼?感覺到什麼?聞到什麼?),寫完後可以用「同義字字典」或google 大神輔助,看自己使用「動詞+副詞」的部分,是否有可能「用一個動詞解決」。
(1) His hobbies are eclectic, ranging from piano repair to portrait painting.
(2)His hobbies run the gamut from piano repair to portrait painting.
以上的兩個句子,雖從(1) 的 eclectic (= diverse) 的使用能知道這個人的英文程度一定不錯,但 (2) 用 run the gamut from 這個代表 “cover a wide range” 的片語,還是直接秒殺 (1).
range動詞 在 EN English Facebook 八卦
Child health problems linked to father’s age 孩子的健康問題與父親的年紀息息相關
A wide range of disorders and problems in school-age children have been linked to delayed fatherhood in a major study involving millions of people.
Increased rates of autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, suicide attempts and substance abuse problems were all reported.
The study, in JAMA Psychiatry, suggests mutated sperm were to blame. However, experts say the benefits older dads bring may outweigh any problems.
Comparing children of a 45-year-old dad to those of a 24-year-old father it indicated:
●autism was more than three times as likely
●a 13-fold increased risk of ADHD
●double the risk of a psychotic disorder
●25 times more likely to have bipolar disorder
disorder:名詞,疾病。例句:The family have a history of mental disorder.(這家人有精神疾病病史。)
mutate:動詞,突變。例句:These bacteria have mutated into forms that are resistant to certain drugs.(這些細菌突變成對某些藥物有抗藥性的形式。)
outweigh:動詞,比…重要。例句:The benefits of this treatment far outweigh any risks.(這種療法的好處遠大於風險。)
Source:Liberty times
range動詞 在 浩爾譯世界 Facebook 八卦
🔥 Beijing Scraps GDP Target, a Bad Sign for World Reliant on China Growth
-scrap 取消、作廢,同discard
-reliant 有賴於、仰賴…的,搭配介系詞為 on
🧐 China broke with more than a quarter-century of tradition by not issuing an economic growth target for 2020, a stark acknowledgment of the challenges facing the world’s second-largest economy as it grapples with uncertainties around.
-stark 荒涼的、嚴峻的、完全的、極端的、徹底的
✍常見用法: to be in stark contrast to sth 與某事形成鮮明對比
-acknowledgement 承認
-grapple with sth 努力應對、設法解決,意近struggle with
🚨The unusual move—it’s the first time a formal target has been omitted since the practice began in 1994—suggests Beijing’s leaders aren’t eager to unleash a large-scale stimulus after China’s sharpest contraction in four decades. It foreshadows more economic pain for a world that has become increasingly reliant on China as an engine of growth.
-omit 省略、刪除
-unleash 發動、展開
-stimulus 刺激(措施、因素),同 incentive
-foreshadow 預示
🔨China reported a 6.1% gain in gross domestic product last year—its slowest pace in nearly three decades, though within the targeted range of between 6.0% and 6.5%. The implicit acknowledgment of sharply slower growth for 2020 marks a climbdown for leader Xi Jinping during a year when he was set to proclaim the end of absolute poverty in the country and double the economy’s size from a decade earlier—political goals meant to burnish his standing ahead of next year’s centennial of the Chinese Communist Party’s founding.
gross domestic product (GDP) 國內生產總值
implicit 含蓄的、暗示的
climbdown 退讓、屈服、妥協
burnish 作動詞時有「將…擦亮」之意,同polish、brighten;作名詞時為「光亮、光澤」
centennial 一百週年
Economists say the ____ urban jobless rate _____ many rural migrant workers who had flooded into the country’s biggest cities seeking employment but who have since returned to their home villages and thus aren’t counted in the official tally.
A. official / excludes
B. private / including
C. non-profit / included
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range動詞 在 range中文(繁體)翻譯:劍橋詞典 的相關結果
range 翻譯:一套, (一)批;(一)類;(一)系列, (某公司生産或某商店出售的)某一類 ... range 在英語-中文(繁體)詞典中的翻譯 ... 片語動詞. ... <看更多>
range動詞 在 range ]英文詞性- 動詞 的相關結果
range [動詞] 排列; [名詞] 範圍;等級;多爐爐灶 ; ranged · ranged | 動詞現在分詞: ranging | 動詞第三人稱單數: ranges | ; scope · reach, orbit, compass, ambit ; mountain ... ... <看更多>
range動詞 在 range - Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果 的相關結果
Range. 範圍,行列,射程排列,歸類於,使並列,放牧平行,延伸,排,行,山脈 ; ranging. range的動詞現在分詞、動名詞 ; ranged. range的動詞過去式、過去分詞 ; ranges. range的名詞 ... ... <看更多>