【It’s 2021. Still combating racism in Taiwan.】
邊做早餐邊聽 podcast 是個抒壓的 morning ritual。今天聽的是在 3D 英文筆記術裡有推薦的 WorkLife with Adam Grant。昨天在 D-card 上看到有人在討論我的直播。有個人說看完直播很心動(想必學到不少),但還是想問問是不是只是很會做行銷而已。
我想學賈永婕說 Hello??????
覺得學到很多後還要再三確認?一則可能是你受過買線上課受過傷(這我不怪你 😂),一則是我又在台灣碰到了 “racial discrimination.” (但我皮膚相當白、可能真的要假裝不會說中文?)
台灣的英文老師們,也請一起加加油,要記得不斷進修、講義要更新、教學法更是。不要只是一個頂大外文、英語系畢業就停滯不前了(那只是你英文不錯,跟會教是兩件事)。讓學生們知道他們跟我們學比跟native speakers of English 可以進步得更快,這才是終結這一切的根本。
racial discrimination中文 在 換日線 Crossing Facebook 八卦
【Yes, racism does happen in Taiwan】#種族歧視在台灣
I have always been optimistic about Taiwanese society and its kind people, which I always appreciate; I also realized it is essential for Taiwanese to know the racial discrimination that some people of color face in Taiwan.
I have been suggested working in restaurants or doing some construction or farming jobs when I sought to teach. In another instance, I was told—“How come your English is so good? In your country, not everyone gets the opportunity to study higher education; you must be rich.“
▍春季刊《世界人才在台灣》>> bit.ly/3pQtPE7
▍2021 全年份季刊一次訂 >> bit.ly/3bfZJEW
racial discrimination中文 在 馮智政 Facebook 八卦
請支持 #融樂會,關注香港少數族裔教育
10月17日是 #國際消除貧困日。根據《少數族裔貧窮狀況報告》(2016年),香港五分之一的少數民族生活在貧困線以下。 他們中有64.7%生活在勞動家庭中,比總貧困人口高出約15%。 由於較低的受教育程度和的技能水平而導致的低收入是造成工作貧困的主要原因。 較低的中文水平亦阻礙了他們的就業能力和社區融合。為了解決世代相傳的貧困問題,香港融樂會致力於增加少數民族兒童獲得優質和公平教育的機會。
各有心人可以透過以下連結,捐贈 Hong Kong Unison 香港融樂會
17th October is the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty.
According to the Poverty Situation Report of Ethnic Minorities (2016), one in five ethnic minorities in Hong Kong lived below the poverty line. 64.7% of them lived in working households, about 15% higher than the overall poor population. Lower employment earnings due to lower educational attainment and skill levels of employed persons were the major causes of working poverty. Having lower Chinese proficiency hindered their employability and community integration.
To tackle inter-generational poverty, Hong Kong Unison has worked tirelessly to increase ethnic minority children’s access to quality and equitable education, including calling on the Education Bureau to
monitor racial discrimination at kindergarten admissions,
abolish racially segregated “designated” primary and secondary schools for non-Chinese speaking students, and
provide additional support in Chinese learning for ethnic minority children in mainstream schools.
Hong Kong Unison firmly believes education can help lift this vulnerable group out of poverty towards upward mobility.
Support Unison – act together now to empower ethnic minority children, their families and communities to end poverty!
All funding received will go towards Unison’s advocacy project “Equitable Education for All”.
racial discrimination中文 在 How to pronounce "Racial discrimination" in Chinese - YouTube 的八卦
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