[時事英文] It’s not an air purifier.
今天的時事新聞比較輕鬆一點 🙂
《Taiwan News》
On Nov. 21, a Taiwanese Facebook user who lists himself as Jin Wu, wrote that he had purchased a PS5 from a reseller the previous day. He said that after agreeing to pick up the device in person, he called the reseller's number, and a woman answered the phone.
1. list (v.) 列於表上
2. purchase…from… 從…購賣...
3. reseller 轉售者
4. device 裝置,器械
5. in person 親自做某事
Wu said that when he spoke to the woman about the console, she sounded like someone who does not frequently play video games. He also marveled at the remarkably low price tag for the new device, cheaper than any others he had seen.
6. game console 遊戲機
7. marvel at 驚嘆於
8. the remarkably low price tag 超低價格*
*price tag (n.):(掛在商品上的)價格標籤;價格
Despite the price, the woman seemed quite eager to sell it. When he met the owner of the console in person, he was surprised to see a middle-aged man, whom he judged to be an avid gamer.
9. eager to v. 渴望做某事
10. judge (v.) 判斷
11. an avid gamer 狂熱玩家
When he began chatting with the man, Wu asked him where he had originally purchased it. The man responded that he had bought it on the e-commerce website PChome.
12. an e-commerce website 電商網站
Wu then complimented the man on his ability to find good bargains online and asked, "Did you buy two? Otherwise, why are you selling it?" The man was silent a moment before saying, "My wife wants to sell it."
13. compliment (v.) 讚賞、恭維*
14. find good bargains online 網購到物美價廉的好東西**
15. compliment someone on something: https://bit.ly/3o9YEC9
16. remain silent 保持沉默
17. bargain (n.): 便宜貨,廉價品 ; 協議,交易*
bargain (n./v.): https://bit.ly/3lu8hK9
He wore a bitter expression on his face, and Wu was at a loss for words. It turns out that his wife can tell the difference between a PS5 and an air filter.
18. wear a bitter expression 面露苦澀
19. at a loss for words 無言以對
20. turn out 結果是(尤指出乎意料的結果)
21. tell the difference between… 可以分辨…之間的差異
22. PS5 PlayStation 5(官方縮寫:PS5)是索尼互動娛樂於2020年11月12日上市的家用電子遊樂器。
23. an air purifier 空氣清淨機*
*Air purifiers and air cleaners? Both these terms are commonly used to refer to the same type of appliance (家電). An “air filter” (空氣過濾器) can be either a screen inside an air cleaner/purifier, or a standalone device.
https://bityl.co/4euM (英文報導)
https://fbook.cc/3J4x (中文原文)
時事英文音檔: https://bit.ly/3emRtTt
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