1. 自稱年年考第一、強調自己讀社會學的林鄭月娥,在記招為歷史教育爭議護航時,引述「南非總統曼德拉名言」:「教育的崩潰就是一個國家的崩潰 (The collapse of education is the collapse of the nation)」。
2. 但翻查曼德拉語錄,他雖然有大量關於教育的論述,卻從沒有說過這一句話。這句話的中文版,明顯是互聯網「名人金句系列」隨便按上一個名人、配一句句子的那類fake news。
3. 而首個出現這句「曼德拉名言」的媒體,是《文匯報》,反映林鄭月娥與國情接軌、在全球面前偽造真相的攬炒決心,異常堅定。
4. 這句說話的出處,根據可查證資訊,據稱來自南非一名學者,據稱後來出現在南非大學入口,但似乎又是fake news,目前可查證其正門名言,並未見見這句。感謝不同網友鍥而不捨查證,以下為相對可靠的信息來源:
無論出自誰,前文後理很清楚,同樣與林鄭月娥的意思背道而馳,例如孟加拉報紙於此引述:"Collapsing any nation does not require the use of atomic bombs or the use of long-range missiles. It only requires lowering the quality of education and allowing cheating in the examinations by the students”. 也就是說,像新香港這樣,把教育質素降低、容許考試作弊,樂崩禮壞,就足以毀滅一個國家。
5. 究竟「真曼德拉」點睇教育?最出名係以下呢句,來自1997年,曼德拉為 Education Africa Presidential and Premier Education Awards 的發言:
//The power of education extends beyond the development of skills we need for economic success. It can contribute to nation-building and reconciliation. Our previous system emphasized the physical and other differences of South Africans with devastating effects. We are steadily but surely introducing education that enables our children to exploit their similarities and common goals, while appreciating the strength in their diversity.//
6. 至於曼德拉的個人理念,明顯也是林鄭月娥代表的價值觀的對立面。1964年,他被種族隔離政權審判時,有以下名言《我準備獻身》:“I have cherished the ideal of a democratic and free society in which all persons live together in harmony and with equal opportunities. It is an ideal which I hope to live for and to achieve. But if needs be, it is an ideal for which I am prepared to die.” 奧巴馬在曼德拉逝世後的悼詞,也有引述這句話。泉下有知,得知自己一生的精神,居然被林鄭月娥抽水,不知有何感想?
7. 林鄭月娥的教育「哲學」,和杜撰出來的「曼德拉教育語錄」,都屬於由上而下的國家主義式觀念,更接近曼德拉批判的南非種族主義政權式教育,和曼德拉本人的教育理念、人生信仰,根本完全相反。
8. 根據林鄭月娥「邏輯」,曲解曼德拉精神,在南非應該「沒有討論空間」。而在沒有民主、也沒有自由的新香港,林鄭月娥剛表示要「認真研究如何監察網上假消息」,但散播假消息的,原來是她自己。
physical education中文 在 Facebook 八卦
考到高分耶 🥳🥳🥳 開心開心 哈哈哈
誰要一起讀書 讓疫情間的時間過得充實好多
Today marks the third month of my MBA and i just got my result for the first assignment i did for my May classes.
I scored pretty well yayyyy 🙌🏻🥰🥰🥰 Imma happy gurl
Who wants to study with me
Come join us 🤣 It’s fun n stressful at the sametime but it’s sure hell fulfilling by filling up time during the pandemic huuuhuuu
MBA課程訊問: +6018-959 9161
MSI電腦折扣: https://my.msi.com/Promotion/2021WFHSTAYSAFE/nb
ONSMO 燈光 背景 拍攝 攝影 器材
ONSMO Studio lighting equipments
Tel 聯絡:+60164041257
MCO待在家無所事事要找些東西來做,進步人生,增加知識,來來來 誰要和姐姐一起讀英國MBA碩士文憑❤️不需要考試,只需要做好你們的assignments 和 thesis 功課就可以有機會考到成為一名碩士畢業生🎓 還可以選擇去英國丟四方帽耶!
姐姐是個SPM畢業生罷了 所以現在疫情那麼嚴重 又無所事事就去拿了個課程來讀。要一起嗎?他們比去外國讀考便宜很多很多。還有折扣(姐姐沒有拿錢的,純粹很得空找東西來學 拿個Master碩士文憑好過沒有 哈哈哈)就讀的還是英國前30名排名的大學哦
以前年輕時候沒好好讀書的人/後悔沒有考大學的人/上班族/讀到一半想換科目或工作領域的人/做生意的人/想做生意的人/想當一名碩士而不再是普通高中文憑畢業生的人/想增加多一張文憑的人 都可以報名就讀這個MBA英國碩士MBA課程。
Audentes 是OTHM, London Graduate School和 University 的馬來西亞appoited centre。他們的UK MBA 能以可負擔價格在一年裡面完成,有工作經驗者皆可加入。國際認可的學位能提升你在海外與國內的就業機會 與此同時可以在自己的生意上學以致用。除此之外 有別於普通的MBA學院 Audentes Education還附送 稅務管理訓練, personal legal conveyancing, wine appreciation 讓大家可以在職場與個人管理上發揮個人才能
訊問碩士博士課程的可以聯絡 : +6018-959 9161
MCO had been prolonged again and if u have no idea of what to do for this one year ahead of you, why not take up a MBA Master of Business Administration UK Course. There r discounts for early bird and they provide MONTHLY intakes so u can start anytime u want and study for a year before u pass n graduate.
(I DONT GET PAID NOR GETTING ANY % IN THIS. I Solely took it because i have nothing better to do in this pandemic so might as well i self improve, better than sitting at home wasting my life lol)
It only takes u ONE year to be a Master graduate and it only takes 2 days monthly for u to study for 5-10 hours.
No exams needed, only assignments and thesis needed to be handed over for passing.
The professor will be from the UK and since its still on the lockdown, students can opt for their online classes with the professor instead of physical classes.
Ppl who r already working / Ppl who doesnt like what they r studying now n would love to change course / Ppl who r in the business line / Ppl who wants to run their own business / Ppl who wish to get another certe / Ppl who wish to add a Master into ur namecard / Ppl who wish to be a Master/PHD graduate instead of a normal F5 grads , come join me in studying and get urself a Master/PHD certe ? Let’s go !
Contact : +6018-959 9161
電腦 Laptop / Computer
MCO上網課/讀書/工作需要到電腦的粉絲們現在MSI 有優惠 也有禮物送喔
從RM2199 開始的電腦 還有保加 還有禮物 點這個link 進去買買買
MCO again n u cant go anywhere but u need a laptop for ur online classes/online work/work from home ? MSI is currently having promotions for their laptops from RM2199 that comes with free warranty and free gifts. Click the link below to purchase
ONSMO 燈光 背景 拍攝 攝影 器材
ONSMO Studio lighting equipments
Tel 聯絡:+60164041257
physical education中文 在 Facebook 八卦
MBA課程訊問: +6018-959 9161
MSI電腦折扣: https://my.msi.com/Promotion/2021WFHSTAYSAFE/nb
Pioneer 耳機 +6013-850 1025
MCO待在家無所事事要找些東西來做,進步人生,增加知識,來來來 誰要和姐姐一起讀英國MBA碩士文憑❤️不需要考試,只需要做好你們的assignments 和 thesis 功課就可以有機會考到成為一名碩士畢業生🎓 還可以選擇去英國丟四方帽耶!
姐姐是個SPM畢業生罷了 所以現在疫情那麼嚴重 又無所事事就去拿了個課程來讀。要一起嗎?他們比去外國讀考便宜很多很多。還有折扣(姐姐沒有拿錢的,純粹很得空找東西來學 拿個Master碩士文憑好過沒有 哈哈哈)就讀的還是英國前30名排名的大學哦
以前年輕時候沒好好讀書的人/後悔沒有考大學的人/上班族/讀到一半想換科目或工作領域的人/做生意的人/想做生意的人/想當一名碩士而不再是普通高中文憑畢業生的人/想增加多一張文憑的人 都可以報名就讀這個MBA英國碩士MBA課程。
Audentes 是OTHM, London Graduate School和 University 的馬來西亞appoited centre。他們的UK MBA 能以可負擔價格在一年裡面完成,有工作經驗者皆可加入。國際認可的學位能提升你在海外與國內的就業機會 與此同時可以在自己的生意上學以致用。除此之外 有別於普通的MBA學院 Audentes Education還附送 稅務管理訓練, personal legal conveyancing, wine appreciation 讓大家可以在職場與個人管理上發揮個人才能
訊問碩士博士課程的可以聯絡 : +6018-959 9161
MCO had been prolonged again and if u have no idea of what to do for this one year ahead of you, why not take up a MBA Master of Business Administration UK Course. There r discounts for early bird and they provide MONTHLY intakes so u can start anytime u want and study for a year before u pass n graduate.
(I DONT GET PAID NOR GETTING ANY % IN THIS. I Solely took it because i have nothing better to do in this pandemic so might as well i self improve, better than sitting at home wasting my life lol)
It only takes u ONE year to be a Master graduate and it only takes 2 days monthly for u to study for 5-10 hours.
No exams needed, only assignments and thesis needed to be handed over for passing.
The professor will be from the UK and since its still on the lockdown, students can opt for their online classes with the professor instead of physical classes.
Ppl who r already working / Ppl who doesnt like what they r studying now n would love to change course / Ppl who r in the business line / Ppl who wants to run their own business / Ppl who wish to get another certe / Ppl who wish to add a Master into ur namecard / Ppl who wish to be a Master/PHD graduate instead of a normal F5 grads , come join me in studying and get urself a Master/PHD certe ? Let’s go !
Contact : +6018-959 9161
電腦 Laptop / Computer
MCO上網課/讀書/工作需要到電腦的粉絲們現在MSI 有優惠 也有禮物送喔
從RM2199 開始的電腦 還有保加 還有禮物 點這個link 進去買買買
MCO again n u cant go anywhere but u need a laptop for ur online classes/online work/work from home ? MSI is currently having promotions for their laptops from RM2199 that comes with free warranty and free gifts. Click the link below to purchase
耳機 Headphone
Pioneer 耳機
Contact : +6013-850 1025
physical education中文 在 Benefits of Quality Physical Education (QPE) - YouTube 的八卦
Putting the Quality in Physical EducationQuality Physical Education (QPE) represents active, inclusive, peer ... ... <看更多>